Shoreline (Robby Keene/Book 2)

By Perle_Daisy

83K 1.8K 720

"That was awesome!" "Thanks." "I don't know. You didn't rotate all the way on that 540 Ally Oop." Disclaimer... More

Chores, Chores Galore
Unfriendly Interactions
Grumpy and Sleepy
You Look Awful
Your Not My Boyfriend!
3:48 A.M. Insomnia
Keep Walking!
Valley Fest
The Phone Call
I Don't Want Sympathy
Covered in Fudge = New Student
You Two Flirt Too Much
You Were Being An Asshole
Mall Fight-Off
Heartbreaking Sights
Lead Up
Familiar Blue Eyes
Meet and Greets
The Trashed Dojo
Thick Tension
Dinner Date
Hot and Cold
The Perfect Distraction
The Planning
80's Night
Not Such a Great Party
Broken Parts
Father like Daughter

Second First Day

2.3K 52 33
By Perle_Daisy

I woke up to a collage of blurry colors and slight beeping. I pushed myself up onto my forearms and sat up, bringing my arm up to rub my forehead. I then rubbed my eyes and looked around. I was laying in a white bed, the walls were white and the windows revealed a worried looking Nick standing there with my mom, wait my mom? 

Obviously something was really wrong if she had left work to come here. Nick turned and saw me sitting up and watching them and quickly dashed to the door and into the room. "Lydia." He exclaimed. 

"Hi." I respond, my voice barely more than a whisper as he wrapped his arms around me. 

"You're okay." He asked, I'm pretty sure it was directed towards him more than me. 

"I'm just peachy." I smiled, wincing a bit. 

"Thank god." He came back in and buried his head into my neck, causing an explosion on pain, I pushed it down. I slowly wrapped my arm around him and my other found his hair, playing with the baby hairs at the back. 

I glance up to see my mom standing from the doorway. "What happened?" I asked as Nick pulled away and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. 

"Well, we aren't sure, the doctors say you were in the middle of a panic attack when you crashed. We don't know everything, but you have a concussion, and one smallish fracture in your ribs. The doctor just said to ice when you can but otherwise you're free to do anything that isn't to taxing. They also said you might experience pain when breathing and dizziness, but I'm sure you already know that." Nick referred to last time. .  

I nodded and looked over towards my mom, Nick seemed to understand and quickly excused himself and went to the 'washroom'.  When the hospital room closed, my eyes met with my mom's. Then the most unexpected thing happened. 

She ran over to me and draped herself over me, sobs racking her body and making me shake alongside with me. "Y-you co-could've died. L-like him." She looked up at me, her eyes red and puffy. "You can't leave me, not like h-him, you can't" She sobbed, gripping me extremely tight.

"I'm not going anywhere." I tell her as a tear rolls down my own cheek. 

"I can't loose you too." She says, looking up again and wiping away my tear. 

"Y-you won't." I assured her, wrapping my arms around her and hugging her back. 


"There, see we made it to the school without crashing." Nick held up his hands after he parked the car as some type of surrender.

I took a deep breath, causing pain to spread throughout my chest and I clutched my rib, as if I could put them back together. "You okay?" Nick said, concern evident in his face. 

"I'm fine, let's just go." I tell him, grabbing my backpack off my lap and slinging it over my shoulder. I was wearing a blue jean skirt with a black tee shirt and black converse, lazy but still okay for school. My hair was in it's natural waves on my shoulders. 

As we walked to the entrance of the school with many other people, I leaned over to Nick. "You didn't tell anyone about what happened yesterday, did you?" I asked. 

"Just you're friend Sam." He replied. She hadn't even texted to see if I was okay, and I don't necessarily want the attention, but if she truly was my best friend, she should've checked in. 

"Thanks Nicky." I say, using his nickname from when we were little. 

"You're welcome Liddy." He replied, a smile on his face. 

I wondered the hallways with Nick in tow. showing him around the school, a speed tour. Eventually we made it to our lockers which happened to be right beside one another's and also also happened to be diagonally across the hallway from Sam's locker, where her and Robby were talking. 

I didn't even glance towards them as I opened my locker door and placed my books inside. "So, what do you have first?" Nick asked. 

"I have a spare actually, you?" I asked him.

"Biology." I nodded and sighed, causing more pain and a sharp intake of breath, I gripped my ribs again. "Remember what you're mom said, if it hurts, you can go home." Nick said placing his own books in his lockers.  

"I'm not going home, I'm going to the library." I told him. "You can make your way to your class right?"

"Mhm." He answered and I turned around walking towards the library, still clutching my abdomen, well aware of the pair of eyes that lingered on me as I turned a corner at the same time the bell rung. 


The announcements had started towards the end of the period as I was leaving the library, the secretary saying something about how she hoped our summer was good and some more mumbo jumbo. I had almost reached the library when the announcements went fuzzy and someone said, 'Hey, you can't be in here' and I stopped in my tracks. 

All of the sudden a very familiar voice came over the intercom. "Samantha LaRusso, you know what you did and now you're gonna pay for it." My heart dropped into my stomach, thinking she must've seen Miguel and Sam kiss, poor Tory. "I'm coming for you Bitch." She exclaimed. 

The bell rung and I started speed walk down the hallway that was now flooded with students. I came out of the hallway to where you could've turned left or right or continued straight. To my right, I saw Sam coming down the hallway and to my left, I saw Tory coming down the hallway. 

Just my luck. 

There was a circle of people around them, including me. The two of them stopped right in front of ne another, giving death glares to one another. I realized a fight was about to break out and if it came down to it, I decided that I would fight with Sam. Even though she may be a shitty friend, I knew Tory would beat her one on one, and I wasn't going to let this turn into a blood bath. 

Best case scenario, try to diffuse the fight by talking, worst case scenario, well I wasn't thinking about worst case. I grabbed my rib as pain erupted and my face probably showed the pain, but I quickly wiped my face clean of any emotion. 

They slowly started to circle one another, not breaking their stare. The crowd broke behind where Tory stopped and Robby appeared. "I saw what you did at the party." Tory said and a part of me was glad that Tory was about to back up my story, that was Robby would know I wasn't lying. "You kissed Miguel." She finished and everyone around her ohhed. Robby's face flashed with hurt and betrayal and he looked to me, I gave him a sympathetic look and a shrug as if to say, I told you so.

Sam started to stutter and Tory wasted no time throwing a punch to Sam face, which she dodged. Sam tried to turn away to leave but Tory grabbed her backpack and hauled her back. Tory then kicked Sam in the arms that were crossed across her chest and Hawk and his friends caught her and threw her back. "Get back in there." 

"Hawk!" I yelled, surprised at what he had just done, but the amount of effort it took to yell caused more pain. I ignored it. 

Tory had now thrown Sam against the lockers and I decided it was enough. I dropped my backpack and rushed over to Sam. I grabbed the back of Tory's jacket and pulled her off of Sam, only to be put in a head lock and being punched in the gut, once twice. I was hearing bells in my head and my vision was blurry. Thankfully, she hadn't punched the side when my fracture was, but it still caused immense pain. "Hey!" I heard a voice call and someone threw Tory off of me and I collapsed to the ground, clutching my ribs. "Lydia, are you okay?" Robby asked, looking down at me and helping me up. 

I nodded slightly, swallowing and trying to clear my vision. I heard a slam in the lockers and Robby say 'stop'  to Tory. "Settle down, I'm sure we can figure this out." Robby tried but was tackled from the side by Miguel. 

"Robby!" I cried. 

Soon enough, people from Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai started fighting as I pushed myself off the floor. "Oh it is on!" Hawk yelled, looking like everyone who looked at him was someone who he wanted to kill. 

"Hawk, stop!" I say to him, moving towards him to stop him.

"Stay out of this Lydia." He told me, trying to move past me. 

I side stepped and stood in front of him again. "You're better than this." I plead. 

"No, I'm not." He said, shoving me lightly aside and going to fight some kids. I looked around from my place beside the lockers at everyone fighting, pushing, punching, kicking and basically beating the shit out of one another. My eyes scour the halls for Sam and Robby to find them both in fights of their own. 

I take a deed breath and place my hand on my ribs, praying this doesn't make it worse. Moon comes over to stand beside me. "Oh come on guys! Can't we just all get along?" She yells loud enough for people to hear but not loud enough to break through to the people fighting. 

Just then a body slams into the locker beside where Moon and I were standing and she lets out a very high pitched scream causing me to get an extreme wave of dizziness. I place both hands on my head to cover my ears from the noise but it doesn't help. Moon grabs my hand and drags me away. 

I quickly shrug Moon off me and sprint (well as fast as I can with a fractured rib) towards Sam and Tory who have made their way out to the foyer with the second level just a staircase away. "Can't you just stop it already!" Sam asked Tory, standing right beside the staircase.

"What's the matter, can't keep up?" She asked. Tory then advances towards Sam and chases her up the stairs. I quickly run over to them and grab tory from the jacket again pulling her down onto the first level with me. She turns around again, throwing a punch but I was ready for it this time. I duck the punch and then a kick, refusing to attack and only playing defense. 

Eventually, I could see Tory getting slightly tired and she went for another punch while I went down and swept her legs out form under her. She falls on the ground with a thud, her head hitting the ground slightly. She goes to get up but I take my foot and push her back down. "Stay down Tory." I warn her. 

"Go to hell." She tells me as she rolls over, pulling me down. When I land on my stomach I feel the pain but turn over quickly, but when I do, she brings her foot to my side, the side where my rib was fractured and kicks. When her foot made contact, I could feel the snap, and even worse I could hear it and so could she. I cry out and bring my hands to my side, biting my lips to keep from making anymore sounds. "That's for picking the wrong side." She taunts.

"Go to hell." I mock her, trying to get up when she kicks me again in the face, knocking me down. I heard her footsteps leave and I try to sit up but only to prop myself up on my forearms. I feel a wet sticky substance in my mouth and I spit it out, turn out it was blood, should have know. I get up on my feet as I see everyone run up the stairs. I stand straight for a second before I start to wobble, I think I'm going to fall before someone catches me. 

I look over to see Nick looking pissed. "Hey." I say, bring my hand up to wipe away the blood. 

"Hey yourself, what the hell were you thinking, fighting with a busted rib." He scolds. 

"I'm not done." I tell him, trying to get free from his grasp. 

"Yes you are." He reply's.

"Sorry Nick." 

"For what?" He asked, looking confused at me.

"For this." I answer, swinging his arm and getting out from under him so his back was facing me, while pushing him away from me. He stumble and looked at me but I was already making my way up the stairs. "Lydia!" He calls and I turn to see him with a proud smile on his face. "Give em hell." 

I rushed up the stairs to see Sam kick Tory across the face. "Is that the only way you know how to fight, dirty?" Sam asked, a cut on her forehead and lip, and to be honest, I probably looked like crap to. 

I reach Sam and I bring my arm up to clutch my ribs and she looks at me with complete awe and shock. "Why?" She muttered quietly.  

"Couldn't let you have all the fun and besides, I changed my mind, I don't ever want to be the video recorder." I say, mentioning a conversation we had weeks ago about starting and recording a fight. I see the corners of her lips curve into a small smile and just like that, I knew we were good. 

"This isn't a tournament Sam, there are no rules." Tory said while sliding off her bracelet that had spikes on it and wrapped it around her fist. 

Tory started to come at us, swinging her arm in hope to catch one of us with her spikes. Eventually Tory grabbed Sam's arm and brought the spikes down on it, creating the big gashes in her arm. Sam shrieked in pain and I grabbed Tory's shoulder, turning her around to face me. 

"Go to him Sam." I tell her and she runs up the stairs to Robby while I block Tory's path. This time, I go on offense. I punch, and kick her. Some of them connecting, while some she blocked. I was moving so fast and didn't let up that all she could do was protect herself. I go to punch her abdomen and leave my face unguarded. She punches me, thankfully with the hand without the spikes.

I stumble back a bit and spit out more blood. "Bitch." I say bringing my knee up and doing a flying front kick to her already beaten up face. My foot makes contact with her head and she falls on the ground. I quickly leap on top of her, keeping her legs pinned down beneath me. But she flips us and grabs my hair, yanking it upwards and making my vision go blurry again. She brings her spiked fist right against my face.

"No mercy." She says, bringing her hand back to punch me. Her hand comes down fast, but I was faster. 

I grabbed her wrist and threw her off me, and she stumbled and caught herself on the railing. I bring my foot up and kick her in the face quickly and with force, sending her over the raining onto the stairs only a few feet down, not too hard of a fall. I look over the railing to see her holding her head. "No mercy." I mock before turning and running up the stairs. 

I reach the top landing to see Sam holding her arm, not even looking at the two boys fighting by the railing. Miguel had Robby in an arm lock, ready to break his elbow if need be. Robby was seething on the ground while Miguel looked sad and as if he was thinking between two options. He released Robby's arm and said something two quiet for me to hear before Robby yelled and attacked Miguel. 

The next thing I know was Robby turned to kick Miguel but didn't realize how close they were to the railing. The blow took Miguel over the railing and all the way down to the main floor. 

"Miguel! Tory and several other cry but I was way to stunned to do anything. So I just stood there, looking at Robby who's face read instant regret. I heard a crack and Robby and I both ran to the railing to look for Miguel. We saw him at the bottom of the stairs, laying down, not moving. 

There was a cop who called for an ambulance and then, "Robby what did you do?" Sam asked accusingly. Robby's face switched to regret and betrayal before looking at Miguel and taking off. 

Without hesitating, I ran after him. "Robby!" I yelled as he was about to exit through one of the schools back doors. He looked at me frantically.

"I have to go Lydia, they're gonna put me in Juvie." He said while I got closer. 

"I know, you're planning on running right?" He nodded, "My mom is going on a business trip in three days and will be gone for two weeks, you can stay at my house." I explained quickly. 

"I can't!" He exclaimed. 

"You can and you will." I replied sternly. He looked at me for a moment before hearing the sirens. 

"Thank you." He said before taking off in the opposite direction. 

AHHHH! The second book is done!! EEEeeee! I'm so happy and thankful for all of you who have stuck though this and made those kind comments! I will be planning on writing the third books soon, so don't worry! Please tell me your thoughts and ideas in the comments! I love you guys soo much! Comment and Vote!


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