Sincerely, Mysterious

By slimmwrites

83.6K 6.6K 14.5K

Adrian Gonzalez knows the painful truth about liking someone you have no chance with-they never like you back... More

Sincerely, Mysterious
1 | Teenage Dream
2 | That Guy
3 | Rewarded Milestones
4 | Promised Kisses
5 | Adorkable Reveals
6 | Fictional Love Playlists
7 | Shakespeare's Tragic Love
8 | Unkissed Palpations
9 | Sus Testosterone Mood Swings
10 | Tongue-tied Revelations
11 | Euphoria in Chaos
12 | Oh so Mysterious
Forever, Parker
13: Things You Shouldn't Do on Your First Date
14: Can't Wait to Tell My Grandchildren This
15: Cast Your Dreams Aside, Kids
16: Breakfast at Tiffany's, But Make It a Terrible Family Dinner
17: Houston, the Problems Just Don't End
18: At Least There's Kissing
19: Get in Loser
20: I Might Have Picked the Wrong Team
21: What Exactly Does That Mouth Do?
22: This is the Sad Part
23: That's Very Straight of You
24: This is an Emotional Validation Checkpoint

Must Be Meme

2.9K 206 290
By slimmwrites

The Open Novella Contest, the reason Sincerely, Mysterious ever came into existence, just ended. And when I tell y'all it's been a relief AND a struggle to deal with the days leading up to it! But the results finally came through and even though we weren't in the top 5, we made it to the Honourable Mentions!

You can find the winning books, as well as others, which made it to the honourable mentions list on the OpenNovellaContest profile!

Addressing the chapter title, I proceed to leave y'all with a dump of memes I made in replacement for the bonus chapter I wasn't able to complete👀 We also hit #1 in #freetheLGBT so WOOP-WOOP. Enjoy!

Petition to start #LeaveMickyAlone so the boy can spell in peace lol

In other exciting news, the wrapping up of the contest means I can finally proceed to edit and expand Sincerely, Mysterious into a novel! A lot of change won't happen to the storyline, but more scenes will be added in Adrián's pov, and it'll generally be more polished. As for the expansion/Parker's pov, which will feature life after the first part, we'll be diving into his experiences as they all prep for college (and life thereafter)

With that in mind, my own journey through college has resumed and I've had a hectic week which will only go downhill (I can tell from the fatigue I already have) so an update schedule is nonexistent for now.

I hope you stick on this journey with me, and I appreciate all your support! Thanks so much!!!❤

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