Indulgence ( PATIENCE #2)

By nd_1102

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The Second Book to the Patience Series..... A sequel or continuation to be exact..... More

Welcome Note And Disclaimer
1. Boston
4. Voices
5. Danger Magnet
6. It's Tessa
7. Same, Similar.
8. Hate
9. Caged
10. Prison
12. Lying
13. Shame
14. Castle
15. Fear
16. Bored
17. E-01
18. One Chance
19. Try
20. The Face
21. Barbie
22. Scares
23. Dumb
24. Alive
25. Merry And Happy
26. Monster or not
27. Regrets
29. Drools (Part 1)
30. Drools ( Part 2)
31. Advantage
32. Fit
33. In Senses
34. Gentle
35. Settle
36. What He Needs
37. What He Gives
38. Spoilt
39. Wardrobe
40. A Day Out
41. Crowd
42. Stretch
43. Whores Part 1

11. Indulge

1.8K 90 58
By nd_1102

Triger warning and Disclaimer:Don't blame me, I warned you.


For three years, I thought I hated her. For running away. For finding Zed as her boyfriend . For killing the baby. Our baby.

I kept reminding myself all these, so that I don't go and get her back. Every every other moment I fought with myself. Anger for her and need for her. Clashing. Making life miserable for me.

But from the moment I saw her again, I realised, I can never hate her. Yes she makes me angry for several reasons, every other moment . But I love her. And terribly so. She is the only bright ness in my dark universe, even if the light scorches me some times.

And because of everything that has happened in the past few days I wanted to make sure I wasn't repeating any past mistakes. I had plans of showing Theresa every part of the past and present in my life, in hopes for starting afresh. I wanted to come clean. I tried. But she never let me talk to her.

Yes, taking her to London without her complete consent isn't ok. But leaving her here unsafe wasn't an option either. I thought of Ben's word and came to the conclusion that she will be the safest with me. And may be if I tell her everything this time she would give me a chance. Us a chance.

And even if not, atleast she will know, I never actually planned on leaving her back then. Whatever I did was for her.

But Miss Young right here is on separate level test my patience.

I scoff at the ironical situation as I watch her through the black glass of my armored car. My eyes burning. My jaws clenching and aching. It's dismantling as I watch her boss or now that I realise, her boyfriend swoops her in his arm.

Of course Zed didn't last.

I swallow the bile of disgust with a few swigs of the amber liquid directly from the bottle. Letting haze engulf me. Letting rage increase. Letting the intoxication blare through me part by part.

My blood already had a decent amount of alcohol running, post killing François, so the news from Ben that Theresa Young has fled struck me at the speed of a bullet train.

Betrayal washed over me again. I didn't think she would do this, atleast this time. I saved her, not that I am bragging, because I would save her under any given circumstances. But I thought she would at atleast have a little space to consider. I tried to make her comfortable, I tried to keep her protected. I tried to even talk to her several time. Even tolerated every tantrum she threw, the past few days.

But I didn't know this could be another reason. Her useless fucking Boss is the reason. She lied to me when she said it's her boss only.

Even so, I didn't know she was so blinded by her hatred towards me that she didn't even think about her own safety. She even put Ruby, the simple housekeeping staff at risk.

But what's new? She has this habit. Always. Three years back her, at Vance's club she put herself at risk because she was angry on me.

Her anger on me, made her eat less..

Her hatred for me made her made her kill, a harmless baby.

Again, I thought I hated her for running away this time too.

But as I sit in my car across the street watching her from afar. I realise that I love her. More than before. I always have.

Because it becomes difficult for me to breathe as I watch that useless wanker inhale in the crook of her neck.
Like he has been denied of the oxygen for the past few days. I know that urgency with which he tightens his arms around her waist. getting the feel of her. I have the same urgent need for her. More than those two clinging on each other like leeches could ever imagine...

When he kisses her temple I have had enough. Jealousy. It burns me to cinder and I deny to allow this feeling take over me again.

That wanker doesn't deserve her. It is simple at that.

That idiot doesn't even know his business associate are cruel drug lords. Were. Who doesn't even notice his supposed girlfriend is being uncomfortable in presence of François.

Even though my emotions right now are under liquid influence, I am feel sure about what I am going to do.

The only lips that should plant on her, will be mine. I might not deserve her too but she is mine anyway. I have stayed away from her enough. I tried doing right by her enough. This time I am not letting her slip. I cannot let everything I love slip. Everytime.

Emptying the bottle into my system, I throw it at the foot of seats of the car. I bite down on my lip painfully to curb down the bubbling rage and venom.

I fish out my phone and call her.

I watch her tense as she looks at the screen of her phone. Her face panicked, at the private number.

I doubt she would pick. But I hope she does. I don't want to create a scene in one of the busiest streets of LA.

She does pick up . And before she has the chance to say hello I speak, by voice coming out calmer than I expected, "You failed to inform me that your boss was your boyfriend Theresa.." I feel sick, as I charge her.

She is far but I can clearly see her horror stricken face.

Yes baby, I found you. I always find you, specifically in the company of men. Other men whom I despise.

" If you wanted to have a coffee date with him... You could have just asked me.... You didn't have to put Ruby's life on line for that now. Innit?" I taunt her with my voice sweet. Even though inside I feel like ripping Nathan to shreds.

And she steps back from the wanker in haste. She looks around, being caught. Her face pales but beautiful.

A chuckles slips past my lips. I know what I about to do is terribly wrong and I might regret this after the alcohol has left my system. But this woman leaves me with no other choice. She makes me insane every time. Yet I need her. Crave her.

" Ha_"

"Shhhh... Princesss..." I silence her calmly unlike the anger constricting my system. "You have said enough.... See that fucker off and come get in the black Mercedes behind you..."

She gulps. It's clear even with the hustle around her.

" What's wrong tessa..." I hear his voice through the line... I watch him bend forward, tilting his face down, flashing fake concern.

And I want to get out of the car, reach him and smash his head on the floor. Until the visuals of his blood calm me down.

Instead I swallow the rage opening another bottle I grabbed from the hotel.

" It's your choice Teresa. Loose him or I'll go shooting
him. Not to mention Ruby is still waiting for my verdict.... " I threaten when she doesn't answer. My irritation and rage growing with each passing second I see them together.

" Ok... Please... Ok... Don't do that.... " She mumbles frantically, finally. Her head bobbing vigorously up and down.

" What is happening, just tell me... " That motherfuckers speaks again. Only because of the liquid patience I am not charging out the car.

" Good five minutes " I say and disconnect. If I hear him speak one more time I will launch bullet through his skull and Theresa wouldn't be able to calm my drunk arse.

I wait there. Each passing second increasing my anger. And I can't help it. I watch her explain Nathan something. And he listens intently. Then she points out towards the coffee shop. And he runs inside charmed by Theresa. My Theresa.

She immidiately turns back and spots the car. It's isn't that difficult to spot a monstrous black armored car. And she runs towards it. She open the back door and slides in, in haste.

" Please don't do anything_"

" Shhh. Not now.. " I stop her from further infuriating me. "Jason.. Tarmac..." I order. I look out the window and try to not focus on her. I need both of her to get on that fucking Jet to London before I can talk to her.


I fail. I fail to not focus on her. I fail to wipe of the image of Nathan sticking to her. I fail to forget her fleeing from under my watch. I even fail to stop Zed from emerging infront of my face.. The baby... Everything comes crashing down on me as I watch her sit with her arms crossed stubbornly in her seat with the seat belt on.

I should kept her like this. Always.

The moment our pilot clears for us to leave the seat. I get up, dropping the half empty bottle and open her up as well. She stares at me but doesn't oppose to avoid creating a scene infront of the others. I grab her hands and drag her to the small cabin bedroom..The moment I push her in I slam the door shut.

"I said you don't try and out smart me... Didn't I?" I scream at her face... And she takes a few steps back towards the bed...."You knew very well, What what I can do... Yet you chose to play me...." I move forward towards her.

" I don't want to go with you... Why don't you get that?" She screams back at me.

" And I cannot keep you here unsafe. Why didn't you get that?" I counter.

" Because you are lieing. You don't care Hardin.... You left me, you said you didn't care... Now you are taking me away just because you want to save me? I don't trust you. " She spits, at me. Disgust and nothing more in her voice.

" And you didn't lie? You didn't say Nathan is your boy friend? " That violent vexation coming back at her accusation.

" What bullshit... Hardin " she rolls her eyes at me.

" Don't lie Theresa. He was sticking to your body. Don't fool me." I accuse back.

" He was worried..."

" He was worried? I wasn't?"

" No you weren't. You weren't, even back then when you left me in pieces. You weren't when I cried for you day and night. When I begged you. You never came back. I waited for you.... You never came back..... And now you want me to believe you? I don't... " She screams. Her voice at the top. But breaking and hoarse towards the end of her speech. Her eyes welling with painful memories.

I am suddenly one second away from going down on my knees and begging for her forgiveness. I am suddenly not angry, but guilty of causing her pain. I sudden want to try and tell her everything. But then she gives me whiplash by bring that arsehole back into our conversation.

"I am just here because Ruby didn't deserve your wrath. Nathan didn't deserve your cruelty...He is a nice person, who was trying to save me..... He is friend who care...." she screams, louder if possible.

Nathan, Nathan, Nathan!! She should be glad we are on a plane otherwise right now I really feel like killing that motherfucker.

"So just because I came with you without throwing a tantrum you should know that it's because of Nathan. Other than that you can go fuck yourself." She says. She walks past me. Her long braided hair slapping my shoulder. She slams open the door and leaves letting me stand there shocked and fuming.

She screamed at me. she blamed me. And it's fine. I get it.

But she never even tried to understand me. Then it was Zed and now it is Nathan.

But, hell, if she thinks I will allow her get away with this. If I am here to take the blames. She has to too.

I turn and follow her. Just for a fleeting second my eyes fall on Arthur. I glower at him, indicating no disturbance. He nods politely.

I hear the water from the sink of the bathroom running when I am about to pass, indicating she is inside. I knock, mostly pound on it.

" Open the door Theresa.." I bark with my mouth closest to the door.

" Go away.. " the sound comes muffled, angry and cracked almost like crying.

" Stop running from and open the door before I break his flimsy little thing..." I pound more. The sound giving me bloody headache.

Two seconds later she opens the door making me stop the pounding attack mid air.

Her eyes are red. Her face wet. She was probably splashing water on her face out of frustration.

But I am suddenly distracted. Because the red of her eyes are layered with water, either from pooling tears or water splashed. Either way making her pupil sparkle . Her lashes clumped. Her face framing locks sticking to her face. A few drops of water, drip down the side of her sopping face. Then trickle down her throat and disappears in the cleavage of plunging sweater dress which is almost wet in the front.

I am suddenly disarmed. My chest aching with memories. The blood in my brain horrifically migrating south to my other brain.

She is so bloody sexy....

" What Hardin...!" She yells I guess. But my eyes are too focused on her heaving chest. Making my skin tingle. My spine restless.

So long. It's been so fucking long.

" Hardin.." Softer than the first she knocks.

I swallow and my eyes travel up to her throat. Every dips and curve glistening with water droplet. Shining under the dim lighting. The flush spreading with either rage or under my stare. I don't know. Either way it's tempting. Awfully tempting. Sinfully tempting.

" are staring..." She mumbles, causing movement in her throat.. Making me finally stare into her darkened blue eyes. It locks there and my mind cartwheels into oblivion....

Did they see her like this? Nathan?


She couldn't have allowed. Did she?

Did Nathan's eyes travel on her like this?

They shouldn't have.

She is mine.

The sting of my own thought hurts so bad. And my sudden urge claim her turns carnal. She is fucking mine.

At the back of my mind I almost know that what I am about to do is completely wrong. But I'm going to do it anyway. She can keep juggling between men, but I cannot.

I walk forward shutting everything out..

Right, wrong.

Virtue, sin.

I close in on her inside the small plane bathroom... She takes a few hurried steps back with wide eyes, all the time keeping her gaze fixed on me.

Without giving her a chance to react I lock the door. I pick her up, grabbing her hip and place her on the tiny counter. She fits perfectly given how tiny she is.

" Hardin...." She
I lean close to her and she leans back. I feel the heat of her body. I feel her like this up close for the first time I found her after years.

Impatience flooding through me, I grab her trembling face. Her breath coming out in spurts. Her lips quiver. And finally when the distance of three inches becomes too much for me I crash my lips on her.

She stills with her eyes wide and she gasps.

The plethora of emotion that washes over me is indescribable. It takes me back to her tiny flat where I got the taste of her cool plump lips for the first time. I have been an addict since then. Incurable.

It the same. Just more intoxicating. Like aged wine. And I feel like a drug addict getting his fix after being deprived. It's consuming, downing.

Coming out of the first few seconds of trance I realise that I am sucking and nipping on her lower lip but she sits there still, she doesn't reciprocate.

It irritates me much more than a few minutes ago..

Why? Did they kiss her better than me?

That single thought feels like rdx on my already jealous brain.

I harshly bite down on her plump lips.

"Kiss me Theresa." I mumble.

She doesn't. She just clamps in my shirt and tries to push me back in feeble attempt.

Anger flares more through me. It swallows every part of my conscious self and I can feel it.

My hands move away from her face and one of them reaches her hair tangling them through the braid and the other hand reached her waist pulling her close.

"Kiss me back Theresa.."

She whimpers in my grip. Her chest touching mine. Her stomach clenching in and out.

" Please... " I beg... " I need you to kiss me Theresa..."

I feel her as she stops resisting me and from grabbing my shirt to push me away, she move her hands to my neck... Her knees parting more as I automatically move forward..

The kiss which I started out of my mind suddenly changes track and we both start eating each others face like we never parted on bitter note. It's more like we were just away from each other and now taking our fill....

I part from her face after what seems like forever. Both heaving out of breathe just from the kiss. She is almost red from the flush. Both silent, because we both know what's about happen is inevitable but sinful. It's wrong but we cannot stop. I don't want to. I won't allow it to stop.

My grip on her hair tighten a little bit more as I pull her head back. " Tell me you want me right now..."

Like in haze of the being crippled by the kiss alone, she nods in consent.

I do not even bother to reconfirming because I know if I give her more chance to think about it, she might retreat. My sanity would not be able to take her rejection then.

My hands completely out of control grabs the collar of her dress and I drag it down halfway through her upper arms . Baring half her chest to my greedy eyes. I am reminded, how handful they were. They still are because they don't come out. Her nipples which I once devoured every chance I got. They stay inside in a stubborn way . Grabbing them over the cover I squeeze, earning garbled moan from her. She white knuckles her fist on the counter edge.

Mine... She has to be mine..

A few more squeezes and she is panting. I step back and raise her dress up revealing her panty clad apex. I don't bother being gentle with her panties. Ripping feels better. And she doesn't complain.

I close in on her again, forcing her to kiss me, grabbing her by her hair.

And staring right into her blue eyes I plunge two finger inside her dripping wet cunt....

A pained moan elicit from her lips. Her hand flying to grip my shirts. Her lips remain parted and watch her pupil blow into dark.

"I knew you would be wet Theresa ." I chuckle unable to mask the amusement.

She goes running to Nathan yet it doesn't take me seconds to make her wet like this.

"You know noone can satisfy this tight little cunt of yours. Other than me. Innit?" I pull out and plunge in.

"Your pussy craves me...."
I pull out and plunge in.

"Your pulse beats on my accord. I can see it..." Pull out and plunge in.

"You blood sings on my name...." I pull out and plunge in.

"Only me..." I remain there as I massage her incredibly tight pussy. My own cock feel constricted in my pants with each strokes I take in her.

She squirms, trembles and writes for release. Close in just seconds.

" Tell me it will be me only, Theresa...." I urge as I slower the stroke into a torturous pace.

"Only you hardin...." She whimpers.

I bite down on my lips as I feel Triumph take over my soul.

"Only you. It has been only you Hardin..."

I still at her comment...

Only me?

The hell.

She is lying again...

I would have believed her pleading eyes in a fucking heartbeat if I didn't see Zed. If she didn't try to run to Nathan.

"Liar..." I mumble and I retreat my hands..

" What?" She asks blinking her eyes, as if she is trying to focus on, if she listening right.

Her innocent curious eyes, acting as if she knows nothing fuels my angers. A sudden urge to punish her takes over me. And I feel a monstrous rage filling me up.

"You are lying to me..." I scream making her flinch back with wide eyes.

I open my belt and snap the button of my jeans. Pushing them down together with my boxer I let my furious hard cock spring free....

Pushing her legs apart wider on the counter I grab her thigh to keep her pinned. I position myself at her entrance and she grabs my wrist of the hand which is holding my cock.
"Hardin slo-Ahhhhhh" Her trying to saying something gets cut off turning into an unrestrained pained cry, when I slam myself in. Her hand flying to my chest shoulder, digging her finger on them. Her eyes scrunching shut.

The immidiate heat of her warm, tight core, burns me. Scalds me. My soul becoming, molten mantle. For her. I realize only for her.

Fucking other has been useless tryst. I imagined her the few times I did actually trying fucking others. Other time I ended with just blow. Even that, Imaginning her.

Her always.

And here she keeps on lying to me.

" You are Lying to me...." I pull out not giving her a chance to cope and pushing back with a similar pound.

"Ahhhh. I am not...." She groans, her eyes still shut....

From her leg I grab her throat, bringing her face closer to mine. Her lips almost touch mine.
"You took exact ten hour to get Zed, become your boyfreind and you want me to believe it has only been me??" I pull and slam back with more pressure, as the name of Zed feels vile in my tongue, leaving a bitter after taste.

For her, the reaction is completely different. She stills. Her hands fall off my shoulders. Her eyes wide like it will split. And the gasp she emits is like she has been given the most shocking news of her entire lifetime..

"Shocked princess??" I ask as I laugh at her.

She doesn't answer, but she just stares. Deep. Like she is replaying the past.

I keep pounding her, I keep punishing her with my unrestrained thrusts. I keep giving her the truth which she never gave me the chance to reveal in these four days before running to Nathan.

"You took exactly ten hour to kill our baby, Just on the basis of one phone call Theresa and you want me to believe you have sworn celibacy?" I spit and watch her face loose color, inch by inch, drop by drop.

" I agree you are tight.... So fucking tight..... I bet no one could fuck your cunt like I did.... Yeah?? "

Her eyes pool this time... But silent as she keeps taking my plunges without a single pained whimper she rendered me at first.

" I was out there combing the streets looking to murder every single person who hurt you... And you didn't have the patience to stick by for one week ?" I yell. My moves never faltering. My hand tightening just a tad to provoke some reaction.

"Even when I am trying to keep your unharmed, you run to that fucking Nathan ?" My own memories burn me. Nathan clinging to Theresa, pain me... The need to release spreads like wildfire. And my pounding turns primal.

Leaving her legs with isn't grabbing her throat I grab her hair... "You know I was so close to murdering him. Tearing him piece by piece by piece. I leave for one hour to kill François and you run off."

I leave her throat and bring my finger to her clit and press down on it. A single drop of tear finally drizzle down her face.

I chase mine and her release..... I circle her knob while I piston faster pushing her back with every hit.

" I leave to keep you safe. I leave, because I was trying to keep you out of this mess. I leave you at my Penthouse because that's the safest place, I knew it would be for you. And I come back leaving everything, just for you and find you already whoring around????? "
Tremors, violent tremor take over, as her orgasm thrashes her.

I pull back, realising my release is going to trample me. I move away and jerk in the sink beside her as let the high pass through me.

Once I catch my breathe I pull my pants up back.

I stand back infront of her.
Her face bowed down. Her bare shoulders covered. Her dress down till knees.

" Theresa , I never intended to leave you. Never. I love you. I still do. And you are mine.... But I hope now I never came back that day to see you going through an abortion, as Zeds girlfriend..... So don't ever try out smarting me... Because I know everything.... "

The next moment when she raises her face to stare at me. Her eyes are bloodshot.

She jumps down the counter, and before I can even comprehend what is going on, she lands a blaring slap right across my face..

My hands fly to my cheeks.

" You don't know anything Hardin Scott..." She yells at me.

Granting me another slap on my other cheek, harder.

And she fly past me, dissapearing through the tiny door before I can register the meaning of what she said.



Take love, ND

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