The World's Greatest Fortune...

By JasonNava7

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After being being framed and betrayed by his classmates, Izuku gets sent to Tartarus Prison. After being allo... More

Chapter 1: Betrayed and Rediscovered Vigor
Chapter 2: Egyptian Excavation
Chapter 3: Great Losses; Greater Enemies
Chapter 5: Olympian Gladiator Matches; Mineta's New Power
Author's Note: My Research So Far
Chapter 6: Plan a New Strategy
Chapter 7: A Frightening Discovery
Chapter 8: High Stakes Gamble
Chapter 9: Midnight Rush Hour
Chapter 10: Off the Walrider
Chapter 11: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 12: Jungle Boogie
Chapter 13: All Just a Game!? (Short Chapter)
Chapter 14: Feeling Broken
Chapter 15: A New Dark Renaissance; Yet One Last Hope
Chapter 16: Back To The Way It Was

Chapter 4: Lightning of Olympus

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By JasonNava7

The group walked around and saw statues of many Greek Gods and Goddesses as well as the many fabled heroes of the time.

Izuku: The Greeks sure made their goddesses have large busts.

Izuku was staring at a bust of Athena who had a ginormous bust.

Izuku: I can't believe I made a sex joke. Holy crap, Mineta is rubbing off on me.

Mineta: Did you have to blame me, specifically?

Aoyama: Just being in Greece makes me desire some Greek salad.

Yo: Are you going to add some French dressing to it so you can confirm it's authenticity?

Aoyama then all of the tips of his fingers together.

Aoyama: Perhaps.

Nejire and Setsuna looked at each other and wondered how the hell they can criticize one another and yet forgive each other rather quickly and become friends.

Nejire: Hey, Hey!! What's next, Deku?

Izuku: Please don't call me that. I am no hero. Not anymore.

Setsuna: What is your new nickname gonna be then, smart guy?

Izuku: My name is going to be Izuku 'Sly Adler' Midoriya!!

He said as he moved his hand across the sky in a rainbow formation.

Yo: Why does that sound so terrible yet badass?

Izuku: Please, you can tell Kirishima got his hero name from Crimson Riot, who I bet got his name from the Crimson-Chin. Tetsutetsu is basically the Nega-Chin and Kirishima is Crimson-Chin's successor. You cannot convince me otherwise.

Setsuna: You do make a valid point.

Mineta: How come I never realized this?

Yo: I think the better question is how come no one has a comparison between them?

Suddenly a yellow bolt of lightning ensnared them in a trap and the couldn't escape.

Izuku: Boy, I can pretty much tell who this is. It's none other than our second resident pervert, Denki Kaminari aka Rejectro. A combination of Reject and Electro.

Aoyama: That is truly a creative name.

Setsuna: I honestly thought it sounded cool.

Kaminari then appeared from behind a pillar and they all winced at his condition. Swollen eye and cheek, blood pouring from cuts and bruises and his nose was also bleeding and blood was on his hair.

Izuku:. . . . . . . . . I take back what I said.

Kaminari: You said it yourself, Midoriya. You made a sex joke, too.

Izuku: So what brings you to Greece? I'm guessing you need advice on how to go "Wham, Bam, Thank you, Ma'am" from Zeus?

Kaminari: You have become such a smart ass while in jail, huh?

Izuku: Yep, I really have. Even in jail, I pull more girls than you, you pimp wannabe.

Mineta: You know, I have a picture of you in the purple tuxedo with the those Spanish snakeskin loafers with the cool designs on them, shades and gold chain around your neck, right? You looked like an actual pimp. Did Yaoyoroppai buy you those? Wait, I remember overhearing Iida and Todoroki talking about how Yaoyoroppai stood on your shoulder while you were under her dress. They sounded pret-ty pissed about it. Is that part true?

Izuku: Yeah, what about it?

Aoyama: You would make a great French man.

Izuku: I wish I can French kiss Momo right now.

The boys began to laugh while Nejire Setsuna and Kaminari looked at them with irritated faces.


The boys all quieted down as Yo looked away and blushed and spoke to himself in a whisper.

Yo: I am going to be honest with myself, that was sexy. Wait, NO! You have a girlfriend, you dumbass! You have to stay faithful to her.

Kaminari: . . . . . . . . . I really want to kill you right now.

Izuku: Wait, why do want to though?


The group were silent as they didn't know how to process that information as the Electrification user was crying.

Mineta: What? I thought you worked for the Hidden Society!

Kaminari looked up and shook his head no

Kaminari: No. We were held captive.

Yo: Can you get us out of these lightning chains first!? I'm feeling hot right now.

Nejire: Yes you are.

Yo/Nejire: What?

Kaminari did just that as he felt better not being constricted.

Mineta: Where is Kyoka? I thought you two were dating?

Kaminari: We are still dating and she is standing right behind me.

Izuku and the gang were skeptical as they scanned the area, but there were no traces of her.

Aoyama: I do not wish for you to take offense to this, but I think you may have lost your final brain cell, my electrical friend.

Just then Izuku and Mineta felt sharp objects enter the temple of his head as a loud noise rang into his head. Jirou then popped out from behind one of the pillars.


Izuku/Mineta: IT'S TOO LATE TO APOLOGIIIIIIIIIIZE!!!! IT'S TOO LAAAAAAAAATE!!! But in all seriousness, we do apologize for being annoying pricks.

Jirou: Hmph. Good. Anyway what are all of you doing?

Nejire: Looking for Camelot.

Kaminari: Isn't that a fake city?

Izuku: No it is pretty much real.

Jirou: How's it going so far?

Izuku: I literally had to kill two people who were my upperclassmen, you tell me. So tell me, how did you guys find us?

Kaminari: We worked for the Hidden Society.

Izuku then pulled out the pistol he used to kill his former schoolmates.

Izuku: Then that makes you an Avengers level threat! Why the hell should I keep you here with us!? Are you two going to betray us!? HUH!?

Jirou: Midoriya, calm down! Please you're scaring us all!

Izuku then looked around and saw how everyone was looking at him with fear.

Izuku closed his eyes and took a deep breath and put the gun away.

Izuku: Sorry. Keep going.

Kaminari: We were prisoners because Kyo and I thought that they were becoming very suspicious. We went to investigate and the next thing we are sealed up in this room, cuffed with quirk sealing handcuffs and they waterboarded Kyo while I was hung upside down by my feet and they beat me to a paste.

Aoyama: Seems as though you had it rough.

Izuku: Did you see Momo and Eri anywhere?

Jirou: Yaomomo wasn't anywhere and neither was Eri. I'm sorry.

Izuku: That's okay. Because I'm gonna murder them all.

Everyone: That's too extreme!!

Izuku then cocked his pistol as he looked at it with a sinister grin.

Izuku: Not from my viewpoint. If they do eventually come to hunt me down, then let there be carnage. Maximum carnage.

He then emitted a ominous aura as they all stepped back from Izuku.

Izuku: I'll kill them when we find them. But Kaminari. . .

Kaminari: Yeah?

He then felt a bullet graze his cheek as the blood came out of the bullet wound and the bullet hit an out of place pillar.

Izuku: If you betray us, I will not hesitate to kill you and Jirou. You may be my classmates, but with the situation Momo and Eri are in, I will not be so lenient. Do you two understand?

Both Kaminari and Jirou were frightened. This was his bad side and they were trying so hard not to be scared.

Both: Understood!

Izuku: Good. Now we have to find a statue of Aphrodite. And who knows how big her jugs are.

Mineta: I bet they are very big.

Setsuna: Well, obviously. She is the goddess of love, after all. So that means that she has an hourglass figure like Jessica Rabbit and you know what they say about rabbits.

Izuku: Yes we do.

Aoyama: I believe I have found her.

Yo: What makes you so sure, Glitter Boy?

Aoyama: There is a life size statue that bears her name and there is a weird marking on her breasts.

Mineta: Ah, I see our resident French boy is not gay, after.

Aoyama: I am not gay! We Europeans have been placed in inaccurate and rather racist stereotypes!

Izuku: The world does tend to be racist and love over exaggerating a lot of shit. But let's not get into that topic of discussion.

Izuku/Mineta: The readers might be offended by the topics. Hence why the author put all of his stories Rated M for Mature Content.

Everyone was wondering right now about who this author. But they decided to ignore their previous comments.

Izuku then grabbed his notebook as he learned that the mark of Aphrodite is connected to another statue. The statue of Calypso.

Izuku: Alright, so from what is says is that this mark is on another statue, which is the statue of Calypso.

Kaminari: Isn't she a goddess who banged a human?

Jirou: I believe that's Circe.

Nejire: They were both attracted to Odysseus, I think and the same thing can apply to Zeus.

Setsuna: Zeus is a cheater.

Mineta: That's why I don't respect Zeus, except Disney Zeus, of course.

Kaminari: I think that we should focus on the task at hand. Midoriya's sugar momma and his daughter are in danger of being potentially raped even more and I do NOT want the memories of those terrible existing hentai in my mind.

Izuku then grabbed Kaminari by the throat as he to move him back and forth as he strangled the Electrification user.


Kaminari: Ack! . . . .I . . . . . .am. . . . . Sorry. . . . . . . .okay!? I. . . . . . . didn't. . . . . .mean. . .. . . . . . anything .. . . . . .by. .. . . . It!!

Izuku then let go as Kaminari fell on his knees and began to take deep breaths.

Kaminari: You are a yandere!? Have to admit, even I didn't see it coming.

Izuku: I will kill them ALL!!!

An unexpected development occured. Izuku unlocked Full Cowling as a bit of lightning struck the mark of Aphrodite and it began to glow.

Then, the rumbling of the earth around them grabbed their attention. A circle from the ground began to light up and suddenly, a statue erected from the ground.

It was the statue they were looking for. The Calypso statue.

She bore the marking that Aphrodite also bore. But it was on her shoulder instead.

Setsuna: Min-Min, aren't you gonna make an innuendo? Midoriya has said far more innuendos than you so far.

Mineta: I don't know what to say. But wait! What about Athena? Didn't you say there would be something involving her?

Aoyama: Oui! What is her purpose in this particular portion of the Greek quest?

In order to figure out her part in this, we have to figure out what Calypso's involvement is.

Setsuna/Nejire/Jirou: Calypso had a lover who bound her in a human form and in order to release her from the that bond they had to say an incantation in the way of a lover.

The guys all looked at the girls in surprise as they didn't even expect all three of them to know how Calypso was involved.

Setsuna: Me, personally. I would choose to be Hestia.

Nejire: We girls love Greek Mythology. Especially when a goddess is in the story. I always wanted to be Aphrodite.

Jirou: With the size of your boobs, I can see why. I didn't want to be any goddess but I always wanted to be Mystique from Marvel Comics.

Nejire then covered her chest as she looked away in embarrassment. Nejire then heard what she said she wanted to be as she remarked back.

Nejire: Isn't Mystique a villain though? Why would you want to be a villain?

Jirou: There it is! People always think Mystique is a villain. I mean, yes she has done bad things, but she has also done some good from time to time.

Kaminari: I mean, your boobs are as big as Uraraka's now, Kyoka. So I can definitely see you wearing a small version of Mystique's outfit that are too tight around certain areas.

Jirou: Pervert!

Kaminari: You're such a tsundere for me.

Jirou: I am not!

Kaminari: Yes, you are.

Jirou: . . . . . . . . . . . . I hate you.

Kaminari: I love you too, sweet thing.

Izuku: Any of you gals remember the phrase?

They shook their as they couldn't remember the phrase.

Aoyama: I believe she was the mother of Nightcrawler who is a pious man, am I correct?

Jirou: Yeah. She was also the adoptive of mother of Rogue.

Yo: Oh, Yeah! The sweet Southern Belle of Mississippi!

Mineta: You know she actually dated Spider-Man for a bit, right? Too bad comics books always retcon their shit and it becomes terrible. Like the Ultimate Universe. There were only a few good things that came out if it. The most prominent being Miles Morales.

Aoyama: I have read some of the Ultimate Universe comics and the most atrocious thing they had done was the Quicksilver/Scarlett Witch affair.

Nejire: But aren't they related?

Aoyama: Yes, but in the comics books they got into an incestuous relationship with their father watching.

Setsuna: Isn't their father, Magneto. What a creep.

Aoyama: No, in the Ultimate Universe, their father is Wolverine.

Yo: And they retconned Gwen Stacy's death. The reason why she died was because apparently she knew of Norman Osborn's secret and he also was going to blackmail her. So they had a sexual affair behind Peter's back and she got pregnant with his kids.

Jirou: Don't forget about Spider-Man comic "One More Day".

Nejire: That one was so sad. He had sacrifice his marriage in order for him to save his aunt and in order for the world to forget who he was.

Mineta: It was such a shit story. Don't forget about DC's New 52. But why is it that our boy Peter Parker seems to get cucked so much?

Izuku: We don't want to be reminded of those whack ass stories from Marvel or DC. Especially that crappy pairing of Superman and Wonder Woman. It was such garbage! Also I found the incantation in my notebook.

Nejire: Why didn't you do anything earlier then?

Izuku: Because I wanted to hear your guys' conversation since it seemed so interesting and exciting to talk about.

Izuku walked to the statue of Calypso as he whispered into it's ear in a loving way.

Izuku: Calypso, I free you from your human bonds.

Suddenly, they felt an earthquake as they all fell on the grass and slowly but surely something arose from the ground on the top a mountain.

Everyone then saw the bust of Athena glow as a light was released from it and it traveled in the direction of the unknown object and the moment it struck so too did lightning and another building arose from it.

Everyone was in awe as the couldn't even believe what they had witnessed.

Everyone: Whoa!!!

Aoyama: I see it, but I don't believe it.

Yo: Believe it, bro. We just saw Mount Olympus raise something from the dirt.

Mineta: It's the Olympus Coliseum!

Izuku: Not only that but look what's behind the coliseum.

Izuku then pointed to what he was talking about as they all say another building holding the largest statue of all.

Nejire: We found Zeus' statue.

Setsuna: What is he compensating for? His ego?

Jirou: He and Bakugou are hotheaded idiots who want to show they hold power. So yes, it is to compensate for his ego.

Izuku: Come on, we gotta get to the top and find out for ourselves!

Izuku and the others soon ran up to the mountain and were about to see what was going to happen.

-With Yosetsu-

Yosetsu was currently keeping his army of horn-dog pigs from raping Momo and Eri again as he then saw many interesting things happening.

Yosetsu: Wow, Midoriya you impress me. I see that you really are willing to risk you live to save your precious Momo and Eri. Kaminari and Jirou, you traitors. I will send some old friends after you soon enough. All of you! Get the fuck away from the cell. Fucking pigs, all you want to break their minds so all they can think about is dick! Why did I choose you band of bumbling brain-dead baboons?

Momo: Izuku! Come save us! Hurry!

Eri: Papa!! We need you!!

Yosetsu: Don't worry about it. This time I placed an electric barricade around you and only I can access it. These fugly mugs won't be able to touch let alone rape you. And if one of them happens to touch, I'll do this.

He quickly pulled a revolver from out of nowhere as he then shot a member of the Society in the head.

Yosetsu: You will not touch these ladies anymore! We need them alive AND HEALTHY! If anything should happen to them, I will also end your lives! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!? NOW GET BACK TO WORK, ALL OF YOU!!

Bakugou: Hahahaha! Man, you really are something else, huh. Also do you want me to take them to the medical bay to see if there is anything wrong with them? You and I both know Deku won't give up so easily if he finds something happened to them.

Yosetsu: You're being rather generous today Bakugou, I hope you don't plan on betraying me like two of your posse members did. But fine, you may take them to the medical bay. And get them some new clothes and food as well. In fact, you are their guard when they are out of their cage. Now go! The old stench of sperm is starting to get to me. Yuck!

Bakugou: Got you covered, "friend".

He then took out both Momo and Eri out of the cage they were in as he did as he was told. The doctor said he ran many tests and took blood samples from both and he stated that they were both healthy despite the fact they were raped by many men mercilessly.

As he was waiting at the bathroom door for Momo and Eri to finish, he began to talk to himself.

Bakugou: Sorry, but the reign of Yosetsu Awase will end. The reign of Katsuki Bakugou will begin. Me and several other have already agreed to betray you. Let's see you claw your way out of this one. Hahahahahahaha!

Soon, Momo and Eri were finished and they were taken and placed back in their cage as Momo lightly spooned Eri so she can protect her. Momo and Eri only had one thought cross their mind.

Momo's/Eri's mindscape: Please hurry, Baby/Papa! We need your love/hugs! We don't want this to go on anymore. We don't want these villains/bad guys to rule the world. Please, come get us soon.

-End of Chapter-

Sorry for these SUPER late updates, but here is the latest one. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and as always I'll see you guys in the next chapter and don't forget to give my other stories some love too. Peace!

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