You and me

By Teenage_child

32.7K 971 224

Will two boys completely change these two girls lives? More

High School
The First Day of Our Lives (part 2)
Had Me at Hello
New Friends
New Friends (part 2)
My Moment
The Surprise
The Surprise (part 2)
Thank you!
Is This The End?
New Student
After The Crash
The Start of Something Beautiful
Authors Note
Guys pls

The First Day of Our Lives

1.7K 56 2
By Teenage_child

~Rowan's P.O.V~
This is it. The first day of high school. Jesus Christ I'm scared.
"Hey. You alright? We've been standing in front of the door for about five minutes. Are you going to Y'know.. Go inside?" Sabrina says to me nudging me on the arm and giving me the 'what the f*ck' look.
"Oh. Um.. Yeah let's go." I respond. To be completely honest, looking through the school window and seeing all of those people inside, really freaked me out. I mean.. It's always been just me and Sab. What if we get separated? What if we have no classes together and we never talk ever again?
We walk into the building and make our way over to the front desk to get our schedules.

"Hey look! We have Algebra, English, Spanish and lunch together!" Sab says excitedly. This is great! Looks like I won't be losing my other half after all.

"Sab this is great! We can be with each other for almost half of the day!" I squeal. "Oh shoot. We have to get to our first class like.. NOW!" I yell after I realized we had five minutes to get our stuff and get to class. We run to our new lockers which aren't right next to each other but definitely close enough. After putting our bags in and getting our stuff for English, we ran as fast as we could so we aren't late on the first day of school.
After bolting into the classroom just before the bell rings, we notice the teacher isn't even in the room yet. So basically we ran for nothing. After getting 193762917391 dirty looks from our classmates, we take our seats in the back of the room.
Five minutes later, the teacher came in and introduced herself then took attendance. After about 50 minutes the bell rang. We walked out and got our things for our next class which we didn't have together. Epic bummer man.
After saying our goodbyes and good lucks, we went our separate ways. It's times like this that I do kind of wish Sab and I would make other friends. But I'm okay. She's my best friend and she's all I need, right?

Okay so people are actually reading this. YAY. Alright so I don't wanna tell you guys what's going to happen next butttttttt, it's gonna be good and tbh I'm excited to write it. ^.^
And don't worry, the up coming chapters will be a lot longer. .-.

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