Final Fantasy VII: Lifestream...

By JairusTLS

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Sector 7 is gone, destroyed in Shinra's terrible act of retaliation. Cloud and the others, having barely esca... More



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By JairusTLS

The day after Cloud and the others had left to go after Sephiroth, I was busy watering the plants and flowers here at Aerith's house as best I could. It was early in the afternoon, and I had the house to myself for a while. Elmyra was outside working on the garden with Marlene, who loved taking care of all the flowers—planting, pruning, all of it. I didn't blame her, though. It was kinda relaxing, and I'd done my share to help out the last time I'd lived in this place.

Now that I was feeling a bit stronger, I thought that it was the least I could do after all that Elmyra had done for me. So, as I carefully held onto the wall or the table or the sofa, I looked after the flowers and did a little cleaning, as much as I could manage. Wedge and Lena were out patrolling with the Sector 5 watch along with Biggs, but they'd be back in a little while for lunch. In the meantime, I hummed softly to myself as I worked, even sang a little. One of the songs from LOVELESS. And I wondered if I'd ever find my way back.

"Now there's something I haven't heard in a long time..." a strong, familiar voice said. One I knew so well.

I froze, my heart slamming in my chest. "Kunsel?"

Slowly, I turned around, and there he was, standing just inside the front door. He must've opened it quietly, and I'd been so lost in what I'd been doing that I hadn't heard him at first. But it was him. It really was. I just gazed at him, my eyes widening, and for a moment, all I could do was stand there, one hand holding onto the table. I tried to think of the kind of joking reply I was so good at making, but just like when Cloud had told me the truth about the bombings, I didn't have any words. All I knew was that I was so happy I wanted to burst.

Kunsel didn't look very different than I remembered, aside from a little stubble on his jaw—he'd always been so clean-shaven all the time, something I often used to tease him about because it made him look so much younger than he really was. But he still had his short brown hair, neatly parted to one side, and those bright blue eyes that weren't really all that different from Cloud's. He was wearing his SOLDIER uniform, purple with a black leather harness, boots, and gloves, and on his back was his standard issue broadsword.

Putting the watering can I was holding down on the table, I limped over to him, still so choked up inside that I couldn't talk, and he rushed toward me at the same time, the emotion on his face clear as day. I was in his arms just seconds later, clinging to him with every bit of strength I had. He was really there, holding me close just like he'd done so many times back on the plate. I blinked back tears, then decided I didn't care and just let them fall. I was laughing and crying at the same time, and I realized that he was doing the same thing.

Then I kissed him, pressing my lips against his for just a moment. I knew we couldn't go back to what we'd been before—I'd moved on, and I wanted him to do the same—but I'd also been waiting so long for this moment, to see him again after we'd been forced apart that night by my father and his men. And I knew Kunsel felt the same way. He returned my kiss tenderly, needing the closure as much as I did. And though the feel of his mouth on mine was good, it wasn't the same as it used to be. More like a memory. My heart was Cloud's.

Kunsel grinned as we pulled away. "Damn, Jessie... you still know how to take the breath out of a guy..."

"Guess ya missed me, then, didn't ya?" I giggled.

"I did," he said, serious now. "A lot. When I heard about the pillar, I knew I had to come down here. I wanted to save you, but... Aerith, she really needed my help. So I went with her."

I smiled. "I know. She and the others told me. But you did the right thing, Kunsel. Don't regret the choice you made."

He gazed at me. "You sure?"

"Positive," I assured him. "You saved Marlene, my friends, and a lot of other people. They wouldn't be alive now if it wasn't for you. Even if I'd died out there, you still made a difference."

"Thanks, Jessie," Kunsel said, hugging me again.

For a while, we just stood there in each other's arms, glad to finally be together again. It was wonderful, but also different than before. And as I held onto him, I remembered something Aerith had told me once, not long after I'd first come down here to the slums.

"Thinking about Kunsel?" she asked softly.

I nodded. "Yeah. Do you think I'll ever see him again?"

Aerith sighed as she stood with me outside on the upstairs balcony of her house, her hands resting on the railing. "I don't know. But even if you do, it might not be the same. Time changes a lot of things."

And she'd been right. Although I was so happy to see Kunsel again, our reunion wasn't quite the way I'd once imagined it. We couldn't pick up where we'd left off, and I realized, as much as I cared for him, that I didn't want to. I loved Cloud too much. So I slowly let go of Kunsel and backed up a little to give us some space.

He didn't mind. "How are you feeling? Marissa told me about what happened up in the pillar that night. It's a miracle you're still alive after everything you've gone through lately."

"A few aches here and there, but nothing I can't handle," I said. I sat down in one of the chairs and had him do the same. "And actually, now that I think about it, you did help save me. If you hadn't gone to the bar with Aerith to rescue Marlene, she might not have gotten out in time. I would've died if she hadn't been there to help me."

"Never really thought of it that way," Kunsel chuckled. "But I guess you're right, Jessie. Makes me feel a lot better."

"Good!" I laughed.

He nodded. "Looks like you're recovering pretty well."

I flexed my right arm, which wasn't quite as hard for me to do as it had been before. "Sure am, Kunsel. Been exercising every day, pushing myself as much as I can. I'm getting stronger all the time, sometimes so fast it surprises me—I've only been awake for about a week and already I feel a lot better than I thought I would. I figured it'd take me longer to get to where I'm at now than it actually has."

"Might be the mako," Kunsel thought. "It does a lot more than just make your eyes glow bright. SOLDIERs get strength from it, of course, but also resilience. I don't really understand it myself, but it does let us recover from injuries faster than other people. That's part of why it's so hard to bring a skilled SOLDIER down."

"And now I've got it..." I murmured. "At least a little."

He smirked. "Love your eyes, by the way. That glow suits you. And your hair. Never seen you with it long before."

I giggled, tossing it a bit. "Thanks! And speaking of different looks, when'd you get all scruffy? You never used to grow it out like that. Does make you look pretty manly, though."

"I, uh..." he said, blushing as he rubbed his stubbled chin. "I didn't really mean for it to get that way, but... Marissa liked it, so I decided to go with it. And... there hasn't been anyone, Jessie. Not since you. I just couldn't do it. Not for a long time..."

I smiled. "I know, I was the same way. It took me over a year and a half to finally find some peace about... what happened to us that night. I've only been involved with Cloud for about two weeks now. Is that... are you okay? That I... moved on?"

"Yeah," Kunsel nodded, gently holding my hand. "I couldn't expect you to wait forever. We had no way of knowing when or if we'd ever see each other again. Wasn't easy, but... I understand. And I'm alright. Just tell me one thing. Is he good to you?"

"Oh, yeah. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for him. Cloud's saved me so many times, been there for me whenever I needed him just like you always were. He cares about me a lot, even if he still doesn't know how to say it. So yes, he's really, really good to me."

Kunsel relaxed. "Then I'm happy for you guys. Glad he's okay, too. I didn't know him as well as Zack, but he's still a friend. Dunno how he made it into SOLDIER, though. He was still just a regular trooper back then. Quiet but eager to prove himself."

"I knew it..." I said. "I knew it was him! Had to be."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

I explained. "I met him once, back when I was still at Shinra. Same day that he and Zack left for Nibelheim. He wore his helmet the whole time, so I never saw his face, but I really liked his voice. He still doesn't remember, though. Something's wrong with him, Kunsel, and I'm sure it's got to do with that mission he went on."

"You'll figure it out, Jessie," Kunsel encouraged me. "You always do. You're the smartest girl I've ever known."

I grinned. "And don't you forget it! But anyway, enough about him. Marissa told me how you guys kept on giving my father the runaround even though it was dangerous. And how you always looked out for her. I appreciate that, Kunsel. Thanks so much."

His cheeks went a little pink again. "Um, sure. She's my friend, too. Been there for me more than once."

"So I've heard," I smirked. "You think she's pretty?"

"This a trick question?" he quipped.

I laughed. "Nah, it's really straightforward, I think. So, do ya? Now don't be shy, Kunsel. You can tell me."

"Well, yeah..." he admitted. "Is that okay?"

It was what I'd been hoping to hear. "Of course! Not like it's hard to see. I just want you to be happy, too."

Kunsel let out a relieved sigh. "I... I guess I do like her, Jessie. I just didn't know how you'd take it, and I didn't wanna hurt you. We spent a lot of time together pulling off our little decoy mission and got to know each other pretty well. Enough that now I'm, uh... I'm falling for her. Is that... does that bother you at all?"

"No, Kunsel," I assured him. "Not a bit."

He smiled. "Thanks. Now I just gotta figure out how to tell her. If I remember right, you made the first move with us. But she's not as... up front... as you are. So, you got any ideas?"

I chuckled. "I do make my feelings pretty clear, huh? Well, let's see. Just be that charming, funny guy I know you are. I've got a feeling she'll like it just fine. Where is she, by the way?"

"Outside, visiting with Elmyra and Marlene," Kunsel answered. "It was her idea for me to come in here first."

"Probably knew she couldn't hold ya back," I teased.

He smiled. "I missed you, Jessie."

I drew him into another hug. "I missed you, too. And... thanks for riding to my rescue in Sector 7. Even though it didn't turn out the way you expected. I'm just happy you came for me."

"Of course," he said. "I still care about you, always will."

"Same here," I told him. Then I gently let go. "Did Marissa tell you about my plan? That project I mentioned?"

Kunsel nodded. "She did."

I felt my heart beat faster with excitement. "And? Were you able to find out anything? Is there a prototype?"

"See for yourself," he said, pulling out a tablet.

After tapping on it, Kunsel pulled up a detailed schematic of what I was looking for and handed it to me so I could get a better look. I held the tablet in both hands and gazed intently at the display. Scarlet had a prototype, alright. Everything I'd need.

I looked at Kunsel. "Do you know where's it kept?"

"Locked in a vault on the 60th floor," he answered. "In the weapons storage facility. You know the one?"

I did. "All the experimental gear being developed by the division is stored there. Scarlet has the key, but I think I know a way to get it from her. I just have to sneak in, steal the prototype, and get out again. With all that's happened in there between Cloud and the others escaping and Sephiroth returning, I think I can slip in and out of the Shinra Building without attracting too much attention."

Kunsel sighed. "Are you sure about that, Jessie?"

"I hope so," I said. "Anyway, do you think you can stick around for a while? I could use some help learning how to use the weapons that go with this thing, and I don't have a lot of time."

"I'll be here," he promised.

"Thanks," I smiled. "Now, with that settled, I'm gonna head over to Wall Market tomorrow to get things started. I'm not quite ready to pull off this little caper, but I know someone there who can help me get the rest of my strength back and finish recovering."

Kunsel smirked. "You've been to that place before?"

"Once or twice," I chuckled. "Made a few friends there. She's one of them. Good with massages, too, so she knows all about getting muscles to work right again, that sort of thing."

"Just tell me you're not gonna do this alone," he insisted. "It's gonna be dangerous enough as it is. From what Marissa told me the other day, Cloud and the others barely got out."

I shook my head. "I won't, Kunsel. I promise."

He went on. "Good. You should probably see Reeve while you're in there if you can. It would mean a lot to him."

"I intend to," I said.

"Want me to go with you?" Kunsel asked.

I slowly stood up. "I appreciate the offer, but after what went down in the pillar, Shinra's been on the lookout for you. So I don't wanna put you in danger. But there's something else you can do, if you don't mind. Another little item I'd like to get if I can."

"I'm in," he agreed, joining me. "What is it?"

"You know the virtual battle simulator up in the Shinra Building?" I said. "I've heard there are portable ones, too. You wear them right on your face like glasses. There's a guy named Marcus in Wall Market who deals in a lot of salvage and repair work—I've done some business with him before—and he might be able to get one for us."

Kunsel nodded. "That'd definitely help when I start teaching you to use those new weapons of yours. Aside from sparring with me, you can learn to fight monsters in safety without worrying about getting killed in the process. I see what you're getting at."

"Exactly!" I grinned. "So do you think you can take care of this for me while I work on getting back into shape and steal my new gear? I'll need a portable battle simulator if I'm gonna get up to speed on all this stuff before I leave Midgar to catch up to Cloud."

"You'll have it," Kunsel promised. "Just do what you've gotta do. I'll take care of the rest, Jessie. Understand?"

I smiled. "Yeah. Thanks, Kunsel. And in the meantime, go get your ass out there and tell Marissa how you feel about her. Elmyra oughta be bringing Marlene inside for lunch any minute now, so you'll have some time alone to really lay on the charm."

He swallowed. "You sure, Jessie? What if...?"

"Oh, would you get going, already?" I laughed. "Believe me, you've got nothing to worry about. Go on, shoo!"

"Here goes..." Kunsel said, taking a deep breath.

Then he opened the door and headed outside. Just like I'd thought, Elmyra and Marlene were already on their way to the house for lunch, and they greeted Kunsel as they passed by him. Marissa was there, too, just a little ways behind them, and I waved at her. She did the same for me and was starting toward the house herself when Kunsel reached her and gently led her aside into the garden.

While Elmyra and Marlene bustled about inside, I closed the door behind them and limped over to one of the front windows, pushing the curtain aside to watch my friends. They stood together on a hill amidst the flowers near one of the bridges, and while I couldn't hear what they were saying, I didn't need to. The way they looked at each other said all I needed to hear and then some. I just hoped, now that they both knew where I stood, that they'd take the next step.

I didn't have to wait long. They talked for a while, joking nervously with each other if their shared laughter was anything to go by. When it was over, they got quiet, their eyes lingering on each other. Looked like Kunsel had taken my advice. And as I watched, he moved a step closer to her, reached out, and slowly took her hand.

Marissa didn't fight it. She looked down at it, then back up at him, her eyes full of hope and longing. When she started to say something a moment later, Kunsel gently shushed her, then pulled her to him. As I'd hoped, he was taking the initiative, wrapping his arms around her and holding her as she slid hers around him. Their faces drifted closer and closer together, inch by inch, their gazes locked firmly on one another as I watched in breathless anticipation.

And then, a moment later, their lips finally met. Kunsel kissed her passionately as she did the same to him, her mouth moving against his. Marissa pulled away for a breath, then dove right back in. He took her face in his hands and pressed his lips firmly to hers for a long moment, then held her gently by the waist again, lifted her right off her feet, and spun her around. And he and Marissa laughed, hugged each other, and shared tender kisses, I smiled and let the curtain fall.

They came inside a little while later, making eyes at each other and holding hands as I finished watering the plants. Marlene giggled at the sight as she sat at the table having lunch with Elmyra, and although I'd been about ready to join them and grab something eat myself, I limped eagerly over to see Kunsel and Marissa first.

"Hey, guys," I smirked. "Good to see ya! Hungry? We made enough for everybody, so have a seat and dig in."

Kunsel nodded. "Thanks, Jessie. Sounds good."

I gazed knowingly at them. "So... anything interesting happen out there? You two seem awfully happy..."

"Well..." Marissa blushed. "We've, um... gotten together."

"Really!?" I squealed in delight, only half-acting.

Kunsel pulled out a chair for Marissa. "Yeah. Had a little help. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

I chuckled. "Maybe..."

"Thanks, Jessie," Marissa beamed, hugging me tight.

"Told ya I'd set him straight," I teased, returning the favor. "So glad you two lovebirds finally worked it out."

She laughed as she sat down. "We sure did..."

A few minutes later, there was a light knock on the door, and when Elmyra opened it, I saw the rest of my friends, back from patrol. When Wedge and Lena came inside and noticed that Kunsel was sitting at the table with the rest of us, their eyes lit right up and they hurried over to see him, Biggs following only a few steps behind.

"Kunsel!" Lena threw her arms around him. "I knew you'd make it outta that furnace. It's so good to see you!"

He smiled and returned her embrace. "You too, Lena."

Wedge slapped him in the back. "I didn't know you were gonna be here today! Glad you could make it, buddy!"

"Wouldn't miss it," Kunsel grinned, shaking his hand.

"So, you're the guy that saved my sister and best friend, eh?" Biggs said, offering his own hand. "Thanks, man. I mean it. Glad to have you aboard. Name's Biggs, by the way."

Kunsel took it. "Kunsel. And I was happy to help."

We all sat and ate then, talking and making plans for tomorrow. It had been so nice here over the past week, a break we'd all needed, but it was time to get things moving. I soon found out that the tablet Kunsel had brought was a gift for me—I could use it for a lot of things, such as getting into Shinra's network, hacking their system, or whatever else I'd need to do. And Marissa had made me a new fake ID since my old one was no good after all that had happened.

"This'll definitely come in handy," I said, looking at it. "Thanks for putting it together for me. I'd been wondering how I was gonna get one with all the other stuff I've gotta do."

"One less thing for you to worry about," Marissa smiled.

I slipped it into my pocket. "I'll keep it safe. And since we're on the subject, do you think you could make some new ID's for Biggs and the others, too? I'd see to it myself, of course, but I'm gonna be pretty busy getting ready to sneak into the Shinra Building."

Biggs just about choked on his drink. "You're what!?"

"Oh, that's right, I haven't told you yet, have I?" I chuckled. "Knew you'd flip out when you heard, Biggs."

"Why do you wanna go in there?" Wedge asked.

I leaned forward in my chair. "There's something in there I need to swipe before I leave Midgar. Some hi-tech gear to replace what I lost in Sector 7. I'll let ya know how it turns out."

Biggs frowned. "Like hell you're going in there alone!"

"Well, if you wanna go that bad..." I smirked.

"I'm coming, too!" Lena insisted.

Wedge shot me a thumbs up. "What she said!"

"Guess you guys win, then," I said, winking at Kunsel.

I'd known that as soon as I brought up my plan to infiltrate Shinra, Biggs and the others would insist on going with me. No need for me to even ask. I didn't wanna put them in danger any more than Kunsel, but I knew I couldn't pull this off alone. Of course, we had some preparing to do first before we set out on our mission.

Marissa nodded. "I'll take care of their new ID's, Jessie. You'll have them by the time you head plateside."

"Thanks," I said. "Knew I could count on ya."

"So how are we gonna do this?" Wedge wondered.

I looked at him and the others. "We're gonna walk right in through the front door, of course. Simple as that."

"You can't be serious," Biggs blinked. "We'll be caught!"

"Not if we're disguised as Shinra employees," I answered. "I've been thinking about this a lot over the past few days, planning it in my head while I've been recovering. It'll work, trust me!"

He rubbed his chin. "I see what you're getting at, Jessie, but how do we get those disguises? Any ideas?"

"Lydia and Gant," I explained. "Aerith and Tifa told me about them before they left. They run a clothing shop over in Wall Market and can make us what we need. They helped Cloud with his outfit, and I'm sure they'll give us a hand, too. Especially since it turns out I have some pull in that town that I never knew I had."

"You mean the Firebrand thing?" Wedge asked.

I giggled. "Yep. Being famous does have its perks, believe me. That little adventure I had there a few years ago left more of a mark than I'd thought. Might as well take advantage of it."

"So we're off to Wall Market, then," Biggs said. "Better keep a close eye on your pockets. When do we go?"

"Early tomorrow morning," I answered.

Kunsel glanced at me. "You okay to walk that far?"

I smiled. "Yep, I sure am! Besides, I'll have you and the others there to keep me on my feet. We'll take the long way just to be safe. No need to chance the collapsed expressway."

"Couldn't we ride the bikes?" Lena wondered.

"No, there's too many of us," I said. "Six altogether. The Hardy and the Gust only hold five between them. Besides, I could use the exercise. It'll do me good to really stretch my legs."

Biggs took over. "We'll leave 'em here for now—if that's alright with you, Elmyra—and pick 'em up when we're ready to leave Midgar. Won't need 'em over in Wall Market anyway."

Elmyra nodded. "That's fine, Biggs. Just be careful out there."

"Yes, ma'am," he promised.

As we continued planning for tomorrow's trip, I felt my excitement grow. I'd been sitting around for too long, and I was looking forward to the chance to be more active and strong again. I still had a little farther to go, but I felt like I was almost there. What I didn't know yet was that my return to Wall Market was gonna be more dangerous and involved than I expected. And it would add to Firebrand's legend and legacy far more than I could've possibly imagined.

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