Survive (Promised Neverland...

By NatashaD2967

953 12 0

Season 1 is over! Season 2 in another book! Remi, a young girl who never really had a presence, discovers the... More

Another Enemy
William Minerva


270 3 0
By NatashaD2967

Remi POV

I walked towards the gate and slightly grabbed the rails.

"What is this?", Emma questioned.

"A gate. It connects to the outside world", Ray replied.

"The outside huh? we've never been there!", Emma exclaimed and I nodded.

"That's because we've been here since we were born", Norman pointed.

"oh yeah mama told us before right...'don't go near the gate or the fence, they're dangerous'!", Emma exclaimed.

"It's obviously a lie", Ray grumbled.

"You think?", I questioned next to him. I've always wondered, why exactly is there a gate to protect us. If its dangerous, why not just move to a different location? why still stay here?

But I knew never to ask. This small decision just happened save my life in the future.

"Hey Ray. what would you do if you go outside?", Emma asked.

"Don't know. What about you", Ray asked.

"I wanna ride a giraffe!", Emma exclaimed. I giggled at her enthusiasm.

"Good luck with that", Ray just turned away, his back leaning on the gate.

"I wonder... what exactly is this gate protecting us from?", Norman questioned himself. This little thought kept running in my head since then. Is this gate really meant to protect?


Still Remi POV

I woke up to the sound of the bell ringing. Ahh, its time to wake up. I sat up straight to see Emma doing the same. We then nodded at each other as a sign.

"Everyone! wake up!! you'll be late for breakfast!!", We both exclaimed loudly, waking everyone up. Another day of acting begins. I let a small sigh slip out at the thought.

Everyone already became energetic, running around chasing each other and making their bed. I went over to help the kids freshen up.

"Emma, Remi, I need help!", Some kids exclaimed.

"Yeah I'm coming!", I exclaimed as I helped anyone near me.

"Hold up, Don't cry!", Emma continued. Emma and I have been best friends since we were younger. She's like a sister to me. That's why I'll do anything needed to protect her.

I picked up Phil as I walked out. I had a bright smile on my face like always. Emma was also walking next to me with another kid.

"Good morning Don, Conny, Little Bernie too!", We exclaimed in pshync. Living together for 12 years does that to you.

"Good morning Emma, Remi!", They greeted back. I then walked into the halls. Emma was holding Phil now.

"Alright, we made it!", Emma exclaimed as I giggled behind her. Suddenly, Emma was pushed forward. She almost fell over. I quickly caught her to help keep her balance. We both then turned around to see who it was. Emma had a death stare in her eyes. The two brats just stood there smiling. Suddenly, Emma started slowly laughing. She turned to face them.

"You guys... ARE TOAST!", She exclaimed as started chasing them. I just stood next to Gilda, laughing. I then followed behind her to the dinning room.

"Morning Norman, Ray!", Emma exclaimed.

"Good Morning!", I greeted along with her. They both greeted us back. I have to admit that after spending twelve years together, I developed a small crush on the raven haired emo boy. Of course, i'd never admit it.

"Your already so hyped, you haven't even had breakfast yet!", Norman smiled.

"How old are you supposed to be? 5?", Ray teased.

"I'm 11 just like the two of you! We're the eldest ones here!", Emma pouted. I just patted her head to comfort her while giggling. That's when I heard the familiar laughter. Thanks to this particular person, I can now earn the best actress award.

"Your laughing too Mama?!", Emma exclaimed sadly.

"Emma, could you help me out here?", Mama requested. Emma ran up and hugged her.

"C'mon Mama~ I'm starting again and redoing my entrance!", She whined.

"But why? this something I like about you, Emma", Mama exclaimed.

"Because i act like a 5 year old?", Emma asked.

"That you care very deeply for you family!", Mama exclaimed. My expression wavered for a second. She's right. Emma has the one quality I didn't have. To be able to care for her entire family. This one thought always made me feel guilty. I managed to keep my expression smiling as Mama rang the bell for everyone to get seated for breakfast.

"Good morning, my dear children. Let us be thankful that all 39 of our family members can continue to live here together, happily today too", Mama prayed. We all followed, clasping our hands together. I was sitting next to Ray, opposite to Emma who was sitting next to Norman. I secretly ship those 2. Everyone in the orphanage had numbers. Mine was 22174. This black Tattoo was something that gave me nightmares, reminding me to never give in to this place. Starting today, I'll change the future!


"Age 11 type 1, answer each question within 10 seconds. You may begin.", The robotic voice instructed through my head phones. The screen then displayed questions. Luckily, they were pretty easy.

The alarm sounded, signalling the end of the test. Everyone sighed in relief that it was finally over. They started discussing the paper among themselves.

"Then I'll reveal the answers okay?", Mama exclaimed as she looked through the paper, "Norman, Ray, Emma, Remi, Congratulations on getting the perfect score!".

Emma shouted in excitement. I just smiled as the others started complimenting us. That was until Don challenged Norman to a game of Tag. I sighed. Just another day of happiness in this hell hole.

I watched as everyone ran into the forest, as I sat beside Ray under a tree. This is our usual pass time. We read a book together whenever the others play tag. Ray looked at his watch and nodded at Norman, signaling that he could start. After that, Norman ran off. I sat next to Ray in peaceful silence as we read the book in his hand. I could help but be lulled to sleep by the gentle breeze. I wasn't able to sleep last night because of 'training' and guilt. I felt myself lean on something as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


As I sat with Remi under the tree, I could feel a weight on my shoulder. I turned slightly to see Remi fast asleep on my shoulder. Maybe she didn't sleep well last night? I couldn't help but blush at our closeness. Yes, I do have a crush on Remi, though I'd never said anything. We spend a lot of time together, which already makes me happy. If only this place wasn't forsaken, maybe we could live happily.

As i was lost in thought, the first ones to be caught walked over. I signalled for them to be quiet as i pointed to the sleeping Remi. They all immediately calmed down but were still joking around. Soon, there were almost all the kids back here. I expected this much, after all, its Norman. The game ended by Emma getting caught just a bit before time.

Remi ended up awake by all the noise. She immediately pulled away from my shoulder and apologised a lot for doing so. She's cute when she's flustered.

"I didn't know you would make your move so soon", I teased, smirking.

" What?!!! No!!!! That's not what I meant!!!", she blushed and denied. Then suddenly, she smirked too.

"Oh my, Ray, did you like it? I didn't mean to do so, but since you enjoy it so much, I don't mind... ", she trailed. I went redder than a tomato.

" Idiot! ", I hit her upside the head slightly with a book. She giggled and held her head.

" Aww Ray's blushing!! ", she smirked again childishly. I'm always surprised whenever she behaves like this, not that I don't like it.

" Shut up. ", I looked away.

Emma then came over and laid her head on Remi's lap like usual while grumbling about being caught again. Remi just giggled and patted her head, telling her that she did her best. Remi was always like that, kind, gentle, smart, and graceful. She was also, quite the beauty. Sometimes, I see her having a sad look on her face which made me doubt if she knew. Since a couple of months ago, when her best friend was shipped, I couldn't see through her eyes from time to time. It's like she was calculating something, silently behind the mask which she was wearing.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Emma's whining grew louder.

"Question. What's the one thing Norman has that you don't?", I asked.

"A calculating nature? composure? overwhelming smarts?", Emma guessed.

"Strategy", I pointed out. I didn't notice Remi's eyes flicker.

"If it's about pure physical ability, then you have the upper hand. But Norman is the strongest when using his mind. Only Remi can compete. Tag is a game built around Strategy and gameplans", I explained.

"But its just Tag", Emma shot back. This girl...

"It's like chess, but using your full body", I explained again, "right Norman?".

"Yeah, but Remi and you are way better strategists than me", Norman replied.

"You both overestimate me", Remi sighed.

"Reading the enemy's moves eh?", Emma repeated.

"But, we're still nothing compared to Mama.", Norman pointed out.

"True, mama was only ever beaten once by Remi. But Remi lost the next day.", Emma agreed. I turned to Remi and my eyes widened. For a second, i saw her eyes turn cold and her smile turn into a small frown. I blinked and she was back to normal. Did i just imagine that?

Remi POV

I remember that day. It was the day before Anne left for her 'adoption'. I beat mama in a game of chess which shocked everyone. We decided to have a rematch the next day, but I finally found out what this orphanage actually is. Obviously, i needed to stay dumb if i wanted to survive. So I purposely lost and played it off as a lucky stroke. I have continued to play dumb since then. Being friendly, sweet Remi in the morning, and surviving Remi at night. Today, is one of my most dreaded days. I should've finished my plan sooner. But its still incomplete. I can't save a single soul!

I quickly fixed my expression when Don challenged Norman again. Except, everyone but him would be it. This time, Ray and I joined. We were walking side by side when we saw Emma and Norman by the fence. We heard them talking about Mama saying that it was dangerous beyond the fence.

"Its obvious she's lying", Ray spoke, revealing the both of us.

"What do you mean?", Emma asked. Ray sighed.

" I mean look at how low this fence is. Even if it was dangerous, we would have long been in harm.", Ray continued.

"But if Mama said so...", Emma trailed.

"You really do love Mama don't you?", Ray sighed. Yes, this is the exact reason why i never told anyone here. They love her too much.

Emma was about to shoot back when we were cut off by Don and the others. We decided to call it a day and go back.

"hey, we're all gonna leave here someday right?", Don suddenly asked.

"Yeah, this is an orphanage after all", Nat replied.

"Btw, isn't it strange that we haven't received any letters?", Gilda pointed out. I slightly froze. Ah, they're catching on.

"letters?", Emma repeated.

"yeah! no one has ever written to us so far!", Gilda explained.

"Maybe they don't want to trouble their family", Norman brushed it off.

"I know, but we grew up together! we're closer than most siblings!", Don shot back.

"I bet they're having so much fun, they forgot all about us", Gilda crossed her arms.

"Then its fine right? I'm happy for them!", Emma exclaimed. I just smiled at her kindness. This caused me to not watch where i was going and trip. I almost fell, but I was caught by Ray. he held my hand and I tried my best not to blush.

"Don't be so clumsy, idiot", He mumbled.

"I'm not an idiot!", I shot back, "But thanks for catching me".

He smiled and walked forward, still holding by hand. I blushed a bit, but continued walking with him, hand in hand.

When we joined the others, Gilda was talking about how she'll wear lots of different clothes if she goes to the outside world.

"I want to eat delicious food", Nat exclaimed.

"I want to date cute girls!", Don followed.

"That's pretty rude y'know", Gilda shot back. I giggled slightly as Don tried to correct himself.

"I want to see a train!", Phil exclaimed. Everyone smiled and joined his conversation.

"What about you Norman?", Emma asked.

"I want to travel the world and see different places", He said.

"Sounds great! what about you Remi, Ray?", Emma followed

"Hmm, i want to live comfortably in a cozy house and live a normal life with my family!", I exclaimed. Yeah. This has been my dream. Once i escape this hell hole, i want to live peacefully with a loving family.

"What about you Ray?", I asked.

"I... want to survive", He answered. For a second i froze. Does he know? How? Since when?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the others chatting away about how his reply was pretty vague.

"What about you Emma?", Don asked.

"Me?", emma repeated.

"Do you still want to ride a giraffe?", Ray asked. I laughed at the memory.

"Well, i don't really want to leave", Emma answered. I knew she'd say that. This is exactly why i didn't reveal anything till now.

"Cause I'm really happy here with everyone!", she exclaimed. I just sent a her a smile. Oh how scared she'll be once she finds out. We then made our way back to the house.


It was time. I had asked her before itself for a hair tie to remember her. I'm so sorry i can't save you, Conny. I'm sorry I'm so weak. I hope you go to heaven and get reborn in the normal world and live a normal life.

"I'm kind of slow, and I am not as smart as the others, But once I leave the house, I promise to always do my best. I have Little Bernie with me so I'll be okay!", Conny smiled. Everyone still wasn't convinced.

"Conny...", Don called out. He was the closest to her out of all of us. He's the one I'm most guilty towards today. Conny started to tear up after that.

"I... really don't want to leave anymore! I want to stay with everyone!", She cried as Mama hugged her from behind. Emma and Don started crying with her.I went over to Conny and gave her one final hug. Maybe I can at least provide her with some warmth before she meets her doom. I hugged her tightly as she cried in my arms for a bit before Mama took her away. I waved to her sadly as I gave her a smile.

I'm so sorry...


After Conny left, I silently snuck out. I walked towards mine and Anne's secret spot. Over there, you could see 4 stones lined up in order with letters carved on them. I went over and dug another hole next to them. I placed Connie's headband inside and closed it. I then took 2 rocks out of a tree and Carved the letter C into one of them. I then placed it on top of the place where I buried Conny's hair tie and Moved away.

Yes, if you haven't guessed, This is a small grave of mine that I made a long time ago. Once I found out what happened to Anne, I made this tiny place and prayed every day for their happiness. I always sat here and apologized almost a thousand times whenever someone got shipped. I'm sorry for being so weak that I couldn't save you. I'm sorry for being a coward and not immediately taking action. I'm sorry for abandoning you...

After I sat there for a bit, I slowly got up and approached a huge rock. I moved it to the side, revealing a pit with a slingshot, a bow and arrow, and a small aim. I set everything up and began my practice.

Every day, I'd come here to train myself, strategize and calm down. This is my safe haven, my home. I almost didn't hesitate to try and cut down some trees to build my own little house here.

I was practicing my aim as usual when I heard a loud heart-wrenching scream. It was closer to me and farther from the house so I doubt anyone heard it. I immediately knew who it was.


Did she find out?


I quickly replaced everything and ran towards the house. I silently snuck back in and got in bed, pretending to sleep. After a while, I heard the door open, and Emma and Norman stepped in. They seemed horrified, the same look I had that night.

So they must've found out.

I heard them talk about escaping with just the 4 of us, but Emma refused and said she's taking all of them. I small smile appeared on my lips.

Ahh, she's still thinking about others. I still don't know if she's kind or naive...

As I was thinking, it occurred to me.

Where is little Bernie...?

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