There's Always A Reason (Nial...

By vinylhoran

38.1K 646 112

Lana James loses everything she has ever known as her best friend loses his battle against cancer and leaves... More

One: Diagnosed
Two: Tattoo Me
Three: Unwanted Goodbye
Four: Surprise
Five: Concert
Six: After Party
Eight: Management
Nine: Truth or Dare?
Ten: First Date
Eleven: Airport
Twelve: Take Me Home
Thirteen: Will You?
Fourteen: Nothing's Fine I'm Torn
Fifteen: Saved Each Other
Sixteen: New Years Eve
Seventeen: Give Me Love
Eighteen: Same Mistakes
Nineteen: Fear Is What It Really Is
Twenty: Small Bump
Twenty One: Wake Me Up
Twenty Two: Harry's New Girl/ Valentines Day
Twenty Three: Back For You
Not a chapter. Update to come this weekend.
Twenty Four: 5 Seconds of What?
Authors Note
Twenty Five: Alone
Twenty Six: Just Us
Twenty Seven: Epilouge
helloooo <3
hi guys!

Seven: I Can't Stop Missing You

1.4K 27 5
By vinylhoran

Lana's P.O.V.

Last night I had a wonderful dream. I dreamt that I was at a One Direction concert and Niall picked me out of the crowd because I was crying, and because he thought I was to beautiful to be crying. Then he brought me up on stage with him and after the concert we went back to his hotel room with the boys and watched the Lion King. And then Niall kissed me.

The sun shone through the shades on the windows waking me up. I blink my eyes open and feel a body beneath me, then I process that this shirt is a familiar shade of white. I take a deep breath and smile. I turn my head up to look at the face of the person I am currently laying on.

"Holy shit...." I breath out. Trying not to wake anyone else.

It's Niall Horan. I am actually in Niall's apartment. It wasn't a dream! I turn slightly to see the rest of the boys sprawled out across each other and then I watch quietly as Harry gracefully falls off the couch and lands on Zayn's foot. Causing Zayn to jump up off the couch, which wakes up Louis , who was asleep on Zayn, who then kicks Liam in the ribs.

I giggle as the boys curse at Harry, who caused the whole chain reaction in the first place.

I watch them all stand up and start to fix their hair a little. Pulling at their concert clothes.

I laugh when I realize that Harry is still asleep on the floor.

The boys all turn to me.

"I thought you were only a dream!!!!!" Zayn yells loudly, causing Harry to jump up off the floor with an alarmed look in his eyes.

"Zayn shut up!!!" Harry yells as he tackles Zayn and causing a lot of commotion.

I feel Niall twitch awake beneath me, then without warning he wraps both of his arms around me in a gigantic protective hug.

"HOLY HELL! YOU'RE REAL!" He yells as he lifts me up off of his lap and out of the chair we slept in.

Then he carries me into the kitchen, the rest of the boys follow us. Niall sets me down on the countertop and we just sit there in an awkward silence. Niall is standing shoulder to shoulder with the boys, who form a small semi-circle around me.

"Damn, you're gorgeous." Harry says from my left.

I blush. "Harry, I just woke up. My hair is a mess, and I'm not wearing any make up. I do not look gorgeous." I state.

"No really love. You do look rather ravishing in the morning." Zayn puts in.

"Your hair looks really sexy when it's messy. You should go with that look more often." Louis says.

"Your eyes catch the morning light perfectly. They look like the could be a photograph." Liam whispers.

"You guys.. Thanks." I whisper, catching Niall's eyes. He's smiling, but he's just staring at me.

"Can I help you Mr. Horan?" I ask.

"What? Oh no. I'm just busy taking in my new view. It's the most beautiful one yet." he says.

I have to say it felt good to have the other boys complimenting me, because well they are One Direction , but when Niall called me beautiful I couldn't help but smile as big as possible and try not to have a fan girl attack.

I watch the boys all nod in agreement with Niall and smile again.

Then my stomach growls and Harry smiles at me.

"Chocolate chip pancakes anyone?" he asks.

Oh, this is going to be fun.


Liam's P.O.V.

Harry got straight to work on our pancakes so we are all standing around the kitchen counter.

A questions comes to mind.

"Lana, may I ask you a question....?" I ask while pulling out a stool to sit on.

"Yeah sure Liam. Go ahead." she responds.

I glace and Niall, he looks at me with his own question lingering on his face. Then I look back to Lana.

"I'm sure you told Niall last night at the concert.. And I'm sorry if I'm intruding on anything personal.. But why were you crying last night?" I ask.

I see her take in a sharp breath, and watch her hand move automatically to the locket that is clasped around her neck.

"I... Um...." she stammers.. Looking down a bit.

"Lana it's okay. You don't have to answer him.. I mean the boys just get curious sometimes." Niall tells her.

"No.. No they deserve to know. After all it was the biggest show of your lives and I spent most of it crying." She replies, giving him a sad smile.

Niall nods and stands to Lana's left.

"Well I haven't really talked to anyone about it. I mean it's just recently happened, about 6 weeks since I lost him and 6 months since he was diagnosed..." She whispers.

"Diagnosed...?" Zayn asks quietly.

Lana sighs and takes a deep breath.

"6 months ago, I was alseep in my bed when my best friend Aaron came into my room and woke me up. 2 months before hand while we were at school he had puked up blood and was rushed to the emergency room. They doctors thought nothing of it and sent him home. Now this morning, when he showed up in my room he was begging, pleading for my help. I switched on the light and saw that again, he was covered in the blood that he somehow managed to puke up...." she takes another breath.

"I got out of bed, with my pjs on and brought Aaron to the hospital where the doctors seperated us for 2 hours before calling me back to room 116...." She says using very few details at one minute, and the tiniest little ones at the next. Remembering things that she did that morning perfectly.

"I walked into room 116, and that morning at 5am, I sat with Aaron as the doctors told him he had stage 3 stomach cancer and had at least 5 months to live." She said with tears starting to gather in her eyes. She shook her head to try and get rid of them but they stayed.

She sighed again and continued her story. "Four months. He had four more months in him.... I stayed with him at the hospital the whole time. I never went home, I left for college. I mean how could I go to school knowing that any second my best friend could die? My mom came to visit occassionally and for those 4 months I found solace in your music. On the night he passed.. The day we got matching tattoos.. " She says running her left index finger over the tattoo on her right pinky finger. "The night he listened to me sing one of your songs in the shower......" She gives a light laugh and blushes. "He ordered the ticket for your show. He told me that everything happens for a reason. And I told him that I didn't want to undergo whatever life changing event could occur if he couldn't be there with me. But he insisted, and that night he told me he loved me. Not like love just friendly love. We we're incredibly close..." she says shaking and crying now.

"And then when I woke up the next morning he was gone. And I cried. And cried. And cried. For 4 hours after he died I just stayed next to him and I cried. Then after the doctors told me I had to leave, I gathered my things and walked out. And I turned on my phone to listen to you guys... and M-Moments came on...... A-A-And..." she couldn't finish.

"Hands are silent. Voice is numb. Try to scream out my lungs. It makes this harder. And the tears stream down my face...." Louis says, not singing it, but saying his solo.

Lana nods. Tearing actually streaming down her face. "That song was everything to me at the moment. It was everything I was. Everything I still am. And when you guys performed it last night.. I-I hadn't listened to it since he passed and it just brought that whole day. The whole 3 weeks afterwards. How I was constantly crying." she whispered.

Niall pulled her into a hug and she let him. So easily she let him in. Niall is that guy, The one you can trust with your life even if you've just met him. It's so easy.

I went over the lyrics to Moments in my head. I could easily see what Lana meant. How at that very moment, after just losing 'Aaron' she felt everything that song said.

Without even thinking I just start singing. And Lana cries harder into Niall chest.

I stand up from my seat, as do Lou, and Zayn and Harry comes from further in the kitchen, after turning off the burners, and we all stand around Lana.

"Shut the door. Turn the light off. I wanna be with you. I wanna feel your love. I wanna lay beside you. I cannot hide this, even though I try. Heart beats harder, time escapes me. Trembling hands touch skin, it makes this harder. And the tears stream down my face...." I sing. Lana grabs my hand as I do. Crying more.

I look to Harry. He nods and starts.

"If we could only have this life for one more day. If we could only turn back time...." He sings in a whisper, to Lana.

We all take a deep breath.

"You know I'll be, your life, your voice, your reason to be. My love, my heart is breathing for this. Moment. In time. I'll find the words to say... Before you leave me today." We all sing. Lana cries into Niall chest more, and he kisses her head before starting his solo again.

"Close the door. Throw the key. Don't wanna be reminded. Don't wanna be seen. Don't wanna be without you, my judgment's clouded like tonight's sky..." He sings flawlessly. Kissing Lana's head again as he finishs singing, and she takes his hand in her other one, while looking to Louis, who sings to her perfectly.

"Hands are silent. Voice is numb. Try to scream out my lungs. It makes this harder. And the tears stream down my face...." he says, kissing her forehead as he blinks back a few tears. I look to the rest of the boys, who are getting emotionally too, and it's only then I realize I'm that way too.

Harry starts his solo again. "If we could only have this life, for one more day. If we could only turn back time..." He then kisses her forehead as we start the chorus again.

"You know I'll be your life, your voice, your reason to be. My love, my heart is breathing for this. Moment, in time. I'll find the words to say, before you leave me today." I lean in and kiss Lana's forehead as Zayn starts his solo with tears in his eyes.

"Flashing lights in my mind. Going back to the time. Playing games in the street kicking balls with my feet. There's a numb in my toes standing close to the edge, there's a pile of my clothes at the end of your bed. As I feel myself fall, make a joke of it all. " Then Zayn kisses her on the forehead before we all start with the last chorus.

"You know I'll be your life, your voice, your reason to be. My love, my heart, is breathing for this. Moment, in time. I'll find the words to say. Before you leave me today. You know I'll be your life, your voice, your reason to be. My love, my heart is breathing for this. Moment, in time. I'll find the words to say. Before you leave me today........" We hold the last note and Lana cries again.

Niall wraps his arms tightly around her again. She hides her head in his chest and cries more and more. I can only imagine what she went through. Cancer. I hate cancer.

We all stand in silence for a minute... Just long enough to hear Lana whisper through her sobs.

"Oh Aaron.... I can't stop m-missing you."

And then she passes out, almost falling off the counter as Niall tries to shake her awake, but he catches her.

"Oh Lana...." he whispers.

Niall picks her up off the counter and lays her down on the couch where Zayn, Harry, Louis and I were just sleeping what seems like moments ago. Then Niall slides onto the couch behind her and pulls a duvet down and wraps it around her, as well as wrapping her up in a hug.

And he just lays ther with her.


Zayn's P.O.V.

Cancer. I hate the word. Cancer.

"Zayn... Zayn what are you doing?" Lou says from in front of me.

I look down to my hands. Where I'm holding a pack of cigarettes. I look back up a Lou, then I look at Harry, then Liam, and lastly to Niall and Lana, on the couch. Cancer caused her so much pain.

"Lou... If losing someone to cancer hurt so bad to one single person.... What would happen if I got cancer? The fans.... " I say. "They would be devastated if it took me. Look at what it's done to Lana, and her friend's been gone for 6 weeks..."

I walk over the trashbin. With 4 pairs of eyes on me.

"I quit. I'm done smoking." I say.

And I throw my cigarettes away.


Niall's P.O.V.

I feel Lana stir next to me. She flips over and her eyes widen once again as she realizes that she wasn't dreaming.

"N-Niall?" She asks.

"Yeah love, it's me. You're okay now. The boys and I didn't mean to upset you like that. We just wanted to help you move on a little..." I whisper.

"It's okay....." She breaths.

"Last call for pancakes!" Harry yells from the kitchen.

"Come on love, your stomach's been growling in your sleep." I say pulling her off the couch with me.

"No, it's okay. I'm not that hungry." She whispers. Wobbling on her feet, she sits down again.

Liam and Zayn notice and walk over to my side as I kneel next to Lana.

"Lana, when was the last time you ate?" I ask.

"Oh.. Um. well.. "She looks up at me through her eyelashes. Then she looks down again.

"Maybe like a week ago......" she says in a small voice.

"Lana!!!!" Liam yells. "No Lana, that's not okay. You need to eat. Look at you. Look at how skinny you are!"

"Lana, I just quit smoking because of what you told us. I really did. For you, for the fans. Now you have to eat for me. Please Lana." Zayn whispers, kneeling next to me.

"Lana, babe, look at me." I say. She does. "Why? Why are you doing this to yourself? You are absolutely beautiful, no matter what."

She blushes.. "I know.. But it just... It hurts so much without him. I miss him so much... He's the only friend I ever had, and I tried going to college but... The girls there they just told me to go home. That I was fat, and that was why no one would be around me. Not because I was always sulking around campus, but because I was fat." She whispers.

"No Lana. No. Those girls are wrong. Because you've got all of One Direction as your friends. Don't worry babe, this wasn't just a one night thing. You've got friends for life here. Come on. Please eat. For me. For Liam, and Zayn and Lou, and Harry. Please." I say.

She looks up at me, then she looks around the room to where Liam is pacing, and where Lou is just sitting waiting to eat, and to where Harry is still flipping pancakes in the kitchen, then down to Zayn.

"Did you really quit? Just because of me?" She asks.

He nods. Lana turns to me.

I look into her eyes and just get lost for a moment, before coming back to reality and smiling,

"Lana, I plan to keep you around for a while. Please. Pleaseeee eat." I say.

"Alright Nialler, you win. Let's go, I wanna see if Harry's that good of a cook." she says.

"Hey! I heard that!" Harry yells from the kitchen.

We all laugh. And as I watch Zayn give Lana a serious hug, then they both continue to laugh and I realize how perfectly happy I am. With my 4 best mates and a girl that could be the girl of my dreams.

Then my phone vibrates in my pocket.

I pull it out.

Only one phone call could ruin my moment of perfect happiness.



DAH. DAH. DAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. hahah yes. this was so much fun to write. of course i had to add moments in there somewhere and I listened to it the whole time i was writing too! HAHAH it helped. it really did. Ugh. I love these 5 boys so much. I WATCHED THE VIDEO DIARIES THE OTHER NIGHT AND I CRIED. UGH I MISS THOSE TIMES BUT I LOVE THE NEW ONES TOO.

next chapter should be fun too!


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