ATOMIC BLONDE! ── george weas...

By hairington

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Josette was a ticking bomb threatening to explode, and it didn't help that George Weasley never shuts up. pl... More

atomic blonde!
00. killer queen
act one, 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
01. shirley temples
02. puking pastilles

03. oh, rats!

535 39 11
By hairington



     MOMENTS SUCH AS THESE reminded Josette as to why she hated school, Professor McGonagall seemed to talk for a century and she was terrified of the rat placed in front of her. Nonetheless, she tried her best to pay attention to the lesson. ( with the help of Athena assuring her the rat wouldn't touch her )

     Transfiguration wasn't Josie's favorite subject, but it was bearable compared to the other subjects that they were required to take. For instance, Divination was something Josie wasn't exactly great at— she didn't believe that a cup could determine and tell her future. And, as she's mentioned a million times within the first week back at Hogwarts, she can not stand Defense Against the Dark Arts with Dolores Umbridge.

     But, at this moment Josie wished she were in any other class than Transfiguration. Ever since her first year, she had developed a fear of any type of mice and rat. The Weasley twins planted over a hundred rats in the Slytherin common room that year, and when Josette sat to study she wasn't exactly fond of having ten tiny little creatures crawl out of the pillows. So, no matter how tough she believed she was, Josette still flinched at the sight of the animal.

     Which Professor McGonagall just had to pick for their lesson.

     It wasn't long before the Professor asked for a volunteer to demonstrate the spell on the rat. At least ten hands flew up willing to show the class how to cast the spell, but McGonagall's eyes seemed to skim over them as they weren't visible. Josette began playing with her red polished nails in hope that she wouldn't be called on. Now, of course, she could cast the spell, she was the brightest witch in the room after all. But, her hands weren't going anywhere near the creature.

     "George Weasley," McGonagall called out causing Josie to let out a sigh of relief. "Why don't you pick someone to demonstrate."

     After hearing the Professor finish her sentence, Josie immediately began to panic knowing George Weasley, who happened to know about her fear of rats, now had the opportunity to choose anyone in the classroom. She didn't even have to face him to know he wore a smirk directed towards her.

     "I believe the Head Girl would love to demonstrate the spell for the class," George stated in a bright tone. "Wouldn't you, Vaughn?"

     Josette's heart began to speed up as all the heads in the classroom turned towards her. It was official, George Weasley had gone back to first place in people she wanted to murder.

     "Very well then, go ahead and show us, Ms.Vaughn," McGonagall instructed making her way towards the back of the class where Josette and Athena were seated.

     Although there was a lump in her throat and chills all over her body, Josie took a deep breath and slowly reached for the rat that was placed in its cage. She began reminding herself it was a new year and she wasn't going to let her fears control her. Just as she picked up her wand to cast the spell, a bright idea popped into her mind.

     Since she was going against everything her mother taught her, she might as well start now. One of the lessons her mother always mentioned was to never purposely mess up a spell.

    "Engorgio!" Josette casts before she could second guess herself.

     The once tiny rat suddenly grew to the size of a horse causing the table to break beneath it.

     A chorus of gasps was echoed throughout the classroom. The Professor froze in shock at the sight of the enormous rat that stood before her. It wasn't until the rat began moving that McGonagall was taken out of her daze and shrunk it back to its original size.

     "Ms.Vaughn! That was the incorrect spell!" The Professor exclaimed.



     Josette was two seconds away from ripping her hair out. Why? You may ask. Well, the answer, which happened to be the root of all her problems, was her mother.

     It had been less than a month at Hogwarts and Reyna Vaughn had already begun sending in letters about her academic achievements, or yet what she hadn't achieved. She also felt the need to remind her about her low Divination grade, as if she hadn't already known.

     So, although she had planned to take a break from everything, Josette found herself gathering her books from the middle of the common room ( where she had just gotten cozy ) and heading off to the library.

     "Where you headed off too?" Leo questioned while taking another bite from the chocolate he stole from his sister's not-so-secret stash. "Don't tell me you're going to study already! We don't have exams till forever."

     "I'm aware that exams are very far, but I rather start my studying early so I don't get backtracked," Josie replied, deciding to leave the fact that her mother was in a foul mood.

     Unfortunately for her, Leo Wells had learned a long time ago that Reyna Vaughn was always the reason for Josette's stress. "Your mother is bitching, isn't she?"

     Josette rolled her eyes in defeat. "Yes, but I'm not studying to please her expectations, I'm studying to be successful and never have to talk to her again." Josie finished.

     Leo let out a scoff. "If you say so, Josie, don't stay up too late though! Adrian has blessed us with yet another six am practice. Hopefully someone 'accidentally' knocks him off his broom so we'll have time to go back to sleep."

     "Considering Astra hates mornings, she'll gladly do so." Said Josie just as she made her way out the common room doors.

     Luckily for the Slytherin, not many students had begun studying for their exams, so the halls were close to empty as she made her way towards her location. The only people she had seen roaming the halls were a pair of Hufflepuff students trying to sneak their way into the kitchens and Harry, Hermione, and Ron. ( who knew what trouble they were up to )

     As soon as she opened the doors, Josette was greeted by the librarian, Irma Pierce, who didn't seem all too happy to see yet another student walk into the library just as she began organizing the shelves.

     "Another student! Can't you all just study in your common rooms for Merlin's sake!" Irma whined as Josie closed the door behind her. "I'm currently trying to fix all this mess," She stated while pointing to the towers of books near her desk. "Only the back section is allowed to be used at the moment." Irma finished before turning away and ignoring Josie's existence.

     "Well someone is in a mood," Josie whispered to herself before making her way to the back. She didn't mind considering she had planned to study there anyways.

     As she neared closer she noticed only one other student was seated with a textbook placed in front of her, and by looking at the color of her robes and hair she presumed it was the youngest Weasley. She had never talked to her directly before, but everyone knew of Ginny because of the incident that happened back in her fourth year. And she had to admit she was a pretty good Quidditch player.

   Not noticing Josie's presence, Ginny slammed her textbook shut and silently screamed into her hands.

   A small amount of pity formed inside of Josette as she watched Ginny intertwine her fingers into her hair and lightly tug, something Josette did as well when she was under an immense amount of stress. She had figured that what she was about to offer, she'd regret in the future. But, although she was known as a cold-hearted bitch to most, she still had a bit of sympathy within her.

   "You seem like you're about to rip that textbook into a thousand pieces." Josie joked taking a seat next to the Gryffindor.

   Ginny quickly sat up with a confused face plastered on. "Are you talking to me?" She questioned.

   "No, I'm talking to the wall," Josette replied with a monotone voice.

   Ginny rolled her eyes in response. "I'm already struggling enough, Vaughn, I don't need your sarcastic remarks as well."

   "I can see you're struggling with Potions, which just so happens to be one of my favorite subjects," Josette said removing the textbook from the table. "I came to study for Divination, but I'm pretty sure I can help you a bit. Snape never really changes his lessons, so I'm more than positive I've done this before." Josette finished flipping through the pages that were marked.

   Ginny stared at her in shock. "You're offering to help me? You do know who I am right? I'm a Gryffindor and I've seen you try to kill my older brother at least ten times."

   "Don't be so overdramatic, it was only around five times. Plus, just because you're brother is an annoying git that doesn't automatically make you one." She replied. "Look I don't have all the time in the world, do you want help or not?"

   Ginny eyed her cautiously. "What's in it for you? There's no way you just go around doing charity work."

   Josette let out a scoff. "I've got to say, at least you got a brain, unlike your brothers. How bout' this. Your brother loves playing pranks directed towards me. If you ever hear him planning something with Fred, you tell me. Sounds like a deal?"

   "So, I just ruin my brother's fun and you help me pass potions?" Ginny questioned.


   "There's nothing more that I love than to ruin my brother's plans, so it sounds like a deal," Ginny replied with a smile.

   Josie couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, it seemed that maybe she didn't hate all of the Weasley family. "Where do we start?"

   "We can start by you telling me how to get on Snape's good side. I don't even think I'm that bad at potions, it's just that Snape hates me!" Ginny exclaimed.

   "Well you see, Ginny, Snape doesn't have a good side. Pretty sure his soul is as black as his robes." Josette replied. Snape had always given Josie a hard time at Hogwarts ( she was pretty sure he was sexist ) so she didn't mind making a disrespectful comment here and there.

   Ginny let out a groan. "Great! Now I actually have to try."


   "Getting back pretty late, Ginny," Fred said causing everyone to turn and notice her walk into the common room. "You sure you weren't with someone, a boy perhaps? You're going to break Harry's heart y'know!" Fred joked, teasing her about the small crush she had developed on her brother's best friend.

   Ginny rolled her eyes in response to her brother's joke, which she didn't happen to find funny at all. "No, Fred, I was studying for potions because none of you offered to help when I asked," Ginny replied with an annoyed tone. "Luckily Josette helped me, turns out she's pretty brilliant when it comes to the subject."

   His sister's statement caused George to sit up quickly at the mention of the Slytherin. "What were you doing with, Vaughn?" George questioned curiously.

   "She saw me about to pull my hair out and offered to help me a bit with potions," Ginny said shrugging her shoulders. She hadn't seemed to notice everyone's face coated with shock as she took a seat next to Angeline Johnson by the fireplace.

   "Are you sure we're thinking about the same Josette Vaughn? I'm pretty sure her heart is colder than snow, I find it odd that she willingly helped you." Angelina said joining in on the conversation.

   "She's not that bad," Ginny replied.

   George replied with a scoff as she finished her sentence. "She almost killed me in a Quidditch game! Are you going to betray me and interact with that snake?"

   "Well, George, are you going to help me with potions?"

   George tried racking his brain for a snarky remark, but he knew better considering he didn't plan on doing any more potions than required. "Look, Ginny, we've known Vaughn since our first year, watch out with her. There's a reason she's in Slytherin."

   "She doesn't care for anyone but herself," Angelina said.

   "And Quidditch," Fred stated.

   "Well my potions homework is done, so that's all I care about. I wouldn't classify us as friends, but she's smart and can help me pass, that's all that matters." Ginny said tired of arguing.

   "Just watch out, there's a reason she's known as a snake around Hogwarts," George replied.

   "Y'know, George, I can't tell if you hate her or are obsessed with her," Ginny said remembering all the times her name fell out of his mouth.

   Fred burst out in laughter at his sister's statement while George rolled his eyes at his brother's reaction.

   "The day I'm obsessed with Vaughn, is the day the world ends."

first update in like
four ish months ...
i'm sorry if this sucks lol
trying to get back into
writing a bit at a time :)

also who's your
favorite villain ?

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