Where Winter Meets Summer (Ru...

By OnyxxCrow

1.1M 31.7K 96.2K

THE DISCOVERY A fundamentally lonesome person, Russia believed he could survive the Academy all on his own bu... More

Prologue: Lifeless Land of Winter
Welcome Back to the Academy(Russia POV)
The Maiden and Her Bear (Canada POV)
As Normal As It Gets (Russia POV) *intense swearing?*
The CAS (Germany POV)
Rise Little Underdog! Pt 1 (Germany POV)
Rise Little Underdog! Pt 2 (Germany and Russia POV)
Weekend (Canada POV)
The Returning Star (Russia POV)
First Impressions? (Pt 1) (Nobody POV)
First Impressions Pt 2
The Experiment (America POV)
Frozen in Time (A glimpse into Russia's past)
Invitation of Doubt (Russia POV)
Prepare! Before the Fourth (Russia POV)
The Time is Now
Let's Start Over... (America Pov)
Things Won't Go Wrong. Right? (Canada POV)
Trapped in Burning Ice (Russia POV)
Prelude of Winter: The Story Before the Tempest
The Compromise (America POV)
The Compromise (continued)
On One Condition... (NobodyPOV)
The Very First Failure (Nobody POV)
The Last Gate To Earth (NATO POV)
Good Luck My Dear Brother
Earthbound(America POV)
Forced or Not, Here They Come
The Special Trial For a Special Case
There Are Things Better Left Unsaid
Fight or Flight
Breaking Through
Reaching the End of a Star
Falling Apart But Holding Together
Back to Where We Came From
A Burden
The Art of Healing or Hurting?
Cold Relapse
Another Step Forward
A Thing of the Past
Rubbing Salt in a Wound
Frozen in Time: Roses in the Snow
Washing Salt From a Wound
Uncertain Fates
Tales Untold
Lessons to be Relearned
Breaking the Silent Night
Waiting for Explainations
Disarray on the Final Day
To Love and To be Loved
In the One We Trust
No Turning Back
The Challengers Rise
A New Perspective
Forgotten Wishes Hidden in the Deep
Against the Clock: SIX
Shadow Dance/Strife In the Dead of Night: FIVE
Herald from the Grave: FOUR
Diamond Eyes: THREE
The Final Call: TWO
Forsakened: ONE
Prelude of Winter: His Pipedream
On Thin Ice
How the Robin Stole Fire
Truths from a Liar
Appeals for the Unmended
In the Face of Adversity
Untethered Shadow
By Your Side
Tears For Better Tomorrows
When Omens Stir
The Final Hour
Momentary Peace
Evening Interlude
The Sun Sets
The Underground Blues
The Underground Blues Pt. 2
Divided, We Fall
The Observer's Promise
Silent Silver Linings

Redirected Hope

11.9K 356 1.3K
By OnyxxCrow

"If I were to be honest, I would say it's most likely you, Mr. Sky-blue Fingers!"

(America POV)

The room immediately went silent when I finished my declaration. My heart hammered in my ears as I waited for their reactions but UN stayed as still as a statue. Instead, ASEAN was the first to break the silence.

"I don't think that would be possible. He was stuck here all throughout the incident. He's always being watched by us."

NATO nodded his head in agreement but I still wasn't completely convinced.

"At this point, anything is possible and I know what I saw. The hand he revealed was yours. So-"

"Tell me America," UN interrupted in a hauntingly calm tone, "was it his left hand that you saw?"

This only confused me more, "I dunno? Why the hell would I remember that? What are you getting at?"

UN decided to ignore me and looked to NATO and Canada.

"I think it was," NATO confirmed, "He only removed the glove on his left hand at first."

EU and ASEAN looked to UN with grim expressions. This was the first time they had seen the greatest Power like this. He looked so fragile like he was about to snap but they knew that he had reason to react this way.

UN had uttered no other words. He lifted his left hand and slowly pulled the white, silk glove off, revealing something I was not ready to witness. Let's just say, now I knew why he only ever used his right hand.

From the wrist down, the skin of his hand was ghostly and glowing like one of his ethereal hands. A small row of stitches ran around his wrist, connecting the translucent replacement to the stump. He shivered and immediately pulled the glove back on, obviously not keen to reopen the wound of the past.

"So do you understand why I asked now?"

It had taken a tremendous amount of willpower not to look away and I was at a loss for words. One of UN's ethereal hands retrieved a third chair and he sat down. This was not a happy day for any of us.

"It happened when I first became a Power," he explained, "It was a rough confrontation about the transfer of authority. The previous leader was not willing to step down peacefully and the argument took a violent turn. In the end, I won and he disappeared but he was able to cut off my hand before escaping. I could've sworn he had died shortly after but... here we are."

His empty gaze connected with mine and a chill raced up my spine. A nervous smirk crawled onto my face.

"So what you are saying is the League of Nations is back for revenge," I chuckled bitterly, "That lunatic doesn't know when to give up."

Canada looked at me, "I mean, it does make sense but isn't LON supposed to be dead or something? He was disbanded a long while back."

"Well... organizations are a tad bit different from countries in the manner that we don't have to disappear when we fall apart," UN explained.

"We start as a human that has been offered a helping hand by a country, directly or indirectly." EU continued, "We are born from your seeking and maintained by your support. If we are no longer required, we can simply return to being a normal human person."

"Of course, most organizations choose death in the end," I finished grimly, "Their pride won't allow them to continue living once all their powers are stripped from them. League of Nations is an exception to this behavior because of his sense of unfulfillment or some shit."

"An unhinged ex-organization with a reason for revenge," NATO sighed, "Well it's a possibility but we'll need to find him first. We'll also need to find out how he got all the other Awakenings if it really is him. In the meantime, we should put recovery and fortifications as our first priority and then we can go on the offensive."

UN brushed himself off and stood tall, "As the two of you recover, I want NATO and NASA to work with the Recon Teams to find whatever you can. EU and ASEAN, contact the other Branches and continue to coordinate with them. I'm sure you will be very busy with preparations since the Tournament is also on the horizon."

"What about me?" I interrupted as I wiggled against the bed, "Can you let me out? I'm perfectly fine now."

UN motioned to a few agents standing by and they freed me from the restraints.

"Run a few final diagnostics on him. If all goes well, you'll be free to go."


I sat on the bench in the hall of HQ, waiting for final instructions. After what seemed like an eternity of silence, the sound of footsteps began to come closer until Germany came into view. He noticed me and sat down on the bench.

"What a day, huh," I commented nonchalantly and he nodded in agreement.

A few moments later, NATO walked up to us with EU right on his heels.

"I'm sure this goes without saying but you are not to speak of this to anyone else. This information stays here. Understood?"

He waited for us to promise before he continued, "Thank you for your cooperation, Germany. I take it that you'll be returning to class now? What about you, America? Since you have no physical injuries, you can return, with supervision of course. But you also have the option to take the next week off if you feel the need to calm down a bit."

"I think I'll take the week," I decided and EU gave me a slightly suspicious glance before noting it down. In reality, I was fine with going back to the Academy but who in their right mind would pass up the chance for a free week?

Unfortunately, EU had other plans for me and gave me a long roll of paper.

"Very well but first go to the Academy to pick up your worksheets and textbooks. I have written down all the homework you are required to complete during the next week."

I stared at the Power, unsure if he was joking or not. Oh who am I kidding, this is EU we were talking about so I trudged away with Germany and the stupid list.


The HQ was as silent as ever but behind the walls, it was busier than a beehive. Agents raced around, collecting calls and receiving orders while the commanders organized them. UN stood on the decks of the Crossing Control Chamber where the new and improved Gate was hard at work, transporting soldiers to and from Earth. There was one person in particular that he was looking for and soon enough, he appeared.

"Man, it feels like forever since I've been here!"

"Welcome back, Agent 10." UN called as Five climbed up the steps to join the Power, "How have you been?"

"Good to see you too. I'm doing fine," Five chuckled casually, "I know you detest small talk so I'll spare you and get straight to the point. What did you call me back for?"

"There has been a development in the recent inquiries and we now have reason to believe that the League of Nations may be the one behind it all but I'm still not sure we have the entire picture here. The army will be putting together an investigation but-"

"You want me to go on a separate investigation don't you?"

UN nodded, "You are extremely skilled in the field of reconnaissance and espionage. I can't think of anyone better for the job."

Five stared out into the lively room and smiled to himself, "So are you saying that you don't trust your own army?"

"Unfortunately, yes. It is likely that LON , if it turns out to be him, still has connections in this place and we can't afford to make any more mistakes. You've been one of my best agents and I trust your judgment. Having you out there will ease my mind."

"I'm honored," Five grinned as he stretched, letting out a big yawn in the process, "Looks like it'll be a tough and solitary month ahead."

"If you do find something intriguing, report it immediately. Is that understood?"

"Yeah yeah. I got it," Five waved him off coolly, "But seriously, what gave LON away? I thought he was a goner."

UN folded his arms and leaned on the railings as he stared into space, "It was his careless rage he displayed during the last confrontation. I'm ashamed that I didn't see it sooner."

"Heh. Shame on all of us, I guess," Five replied, "But let's not dally on that right now."

"You're right. Let's move on to other matters. Oh and before I forget-"

He retrieved an envelope sealed with his official stamp from his pocket and presented it to Five.

"Please see that this letter makes it to the Matchmaker."

Five let out a soft groan of annoyance and carelessly crammed the letter into a hidden pocket. He wasn't exactly jumping with joy to see that nuisance of a woman but a mission was a mission.

"So the situation is really serious," he muttered to himself.

"Her abilities are extremely valuable. Even you can't deny it," UN smirked as he tilted Five's face towards his own. With one swift stroke, he ran his gloved finger across the blindfold, smudging away the charcoal that hid the symbol of an eye. Five didn't even flinch but a guilty smile curled over his lips.

"And for future reference, don't just send a soul clone when I call for your presence." UN chided gently as he walked away.

"Well done, sir," Five laughed as he clenched the letter between his teeth. In a blinding flash, his body returned to stone and crumbled to the floor. A glowing emblem of the Agent's Second Eye drifted into the air with the letter. It hovered around the room for a bit longer before zipping back through the Gate to return to the original.


The car that America sat in was nowhere near as fancy as the one he was used to but after a week of sleeping in a worn down cabin, he was not going to complain. Germany sat next to him but the usually silent country seemed to have something on his mind.

"Is there something you want to talk about?" Ame offered.

He could understand that there was a lot he was trying to process. It wasn't everyday that you are pulled into a room to talk about a villain on the loose so he decided to help. Germany glanced up and nodded so America opened up to listen.

"What is your outlook on Russia?"

"Ah yes. That is something that can bother the best of us. A villainous organization is nothing to sneeze at-

-say what now?"

America suddenly felt his face flush as he was caught off-guard by the question and scrambled to hide his reddening face. He wasn't sure why he was acting this way or what to think of Russia anymore, especially after nearly killing him. Germany repeated it for him but America remained in the frozen state that he was stuck in. Honestly, Russia was the last thing that he wanted to think about right now.

Germany was confused and slightly startled by the Superpower's reaction to such a simple question but he decided not to question it.

"Like... I had always viewed him very negatively but recently, I'm starting to question why that is. In truth, I kind of want to know him better but my unjust hatred is making that really hard to do." Germany explained and looked up to the other country who had sort of calmed down now.

"I- er," America struggled for words, "Yes."

"Yes?" Germany raised an eyebrow, not quite understanding what he was talking about. In fact, neither did America. He was not sure what he was saying either.

"Well... I do admire him and his complete disregard for social hierarchy," America muttered as he pulled his knees up to his chin, "and he's rather fun to mess with. He's a bit rough around the edges but once you get through that, Russia's really not that bad. Besides, he's a good challenger and it keeps things interesting."

Germany nodded and stared out the window, "It's really good to hear that. I was a bit worried since people have been putting up bets about your partnership falling apart."

"Now that's a bit much," Ame frowned as a wave of irritation washed over him, "Speaking of which, how're you doin' with the CAS and all that?"

Germany lowered his gaze as his tone darkened, "Things have been... intense."

"Ahahaha. Training can feel like hell sometimes, I get it."

"Training was pretty rough but the 2v2 was worse," he grumbled. It almost sounded like pouting, "China was just insane."

"Wait WHAT?!" Ame jerked out of his seat and the driver swerved a bit. Germany clung onto his seat in surprise and urged the other to sit back down.

"Yeah, I forgot to mention that the Eastern Branch came to visit."

America went dead silent as he processed the news and slowly, a bittersweet smirk crawled onto his lips. The Eastern Branch was where the most problematic countries were and it was probably the best opportunity to scout out the enemy. The German watched silently, already guessing what the Superpower was thinking about and right on cue, they arrived at the gates of the magnificent Academy. 

With a bold smile and blazing eyes, America stepped out of the vehicle and strode towards the building.

"Alright, change of plans," he declared as he slammed open the door with gusto, "HELLO ACADEMY! I HAVE RETURNED!"

(a few minutes ago)

All the preparations for departure were now complete and all they had to do was wait. China shrugged on a light jacket and sighed as he descended down the glistening staircase to the main entrance. The rest of the Eastern Branch was gathered together in a group as they rechecked to see if they had taken all of their belongings and Belarus stood by to assist in any problem.

It had been an interesting week but China was slightly disappointed. As he had thought, he was still able to surpass them all in both CAS and academics but he at least appreciated the change in scenery.

Any moment now, ASEAN would come to take them back to their side of the city

"It's a shame that you all couldn't have stayed longer," Belarus smiled sadly, "Just remember that you are always welcome to come back!"

China nodded and politely thanked her on behalf of the Branch, "It was our pleasure. It was a very good experience for all of us and we look forward to seeing you all again. Except next time, we'll be on opposite ends of the real arena-"

Before he could finish, the front door slammed wide open with a crash that startled all of the students. A singular figure stood in the frame, with his arms wide open and the room went silent.

America and China immediately locked gazes and the mood in the room became electric. The Superpower held his usual shining grin as he strode over to the crimson country.

"Good to see you again! Ah, but it seems like I was a bit too late to catch you guys. Perhaps it's for the best though. We wouldn't want you to embarrass yourself, now would we," America drawled as he got up right in the other's face. China shoved right back, unwilling to back down.

"Well look what the cat dragged in," he crooned as a venomous glint shone in his eyes, "If it isn't the miracle boy himself."

"Aw. Don't look at me like that," America jeered, " What? Are you still mad that I beat your ass into the dirt last time?"


America shoved past him without another glance, laughing loudly as he left the Chinese in his shadow. Belarus immediately snapped out of her staring and started to apologize, doing her best to diffuse the situation but China held up a hand to stop her.

"I change my mind," he whispered as he stared at the receding figure of his rival, "I can spare another day, if you'll allow it."

Belarus unconsciously took a small step back and shuddered as she saw his expression.

The rest of the Branch looked at one another in confusion but China didn't wait for a response. Instead, he turned and walked back up the stairs without another word.

"Now things are going to get interesting."



Now that summer break is here and I have much more time on my hands, I might crank out a few more chapters occasionally. 


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