(Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Ch...

By Senpai025

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Please make sure to read (Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Choice... Before reading this please!! ~~ Osamu Dazai, a... More

Author's Note!!
Unexpected Allies...
A Tiger's Story..
Her Anger..
Beautiful Summer Day...
The Stories of a True Friend..
My Little Sunshine..
The Truth in His Words...
Us Losers..
The Secret to Love...
Humming Bird...
Take Apart...
The Right Way...
With A Stranger....
Our Stories...

What I Wish For..

2K 61 214
By Senpai025

Hitorri Elementary School...

A place filled with smiling children from all around Yokohama. One first grade class in particular however, was having a "special guest" with them today. No one could stop whispering about them in the halls as they passed by.

I mean, who wouldn't?

Even as class began the person would receive many glances. The children all shocked to see someone like her in their class...

"Next, can anyone tell me what the answer to this problem is?"  The teacher pointed at the problem on the board. She didn't even bother checking who it was that raised their hand. For she already knew who it was.

"Yes, Dazai-san?" 

Kaori Dazai, currently only four years old, and daughter of her loving and caring father, Osamu Dazai.

The students have wondered, 'Why is a preschooler in our class?!'

But they instantly knew why, as class went on..she was smarter then any of them! If anything it was as if even this work was just too easy for her.

After her preschool teacher had realized her potential she had asked for her to be transferred to Kindergarten, which she of course excelled at as well. She just started being in this First Grade class today, and she already could answer questions the class couldn't understand.

Whether it be Math, English, History, or Science, she knew more then any average four year old would.


"Correct!" The teacher smiled, as she wrote the answer on the board. Kaori smiled as she placed her hand back on her desk. 

If you were to have met her father, you could already tell they were related. She had his dark brown hair, his slim figure, and his dark brown eyes that were just a tad bit lighter.

But from her mother...she had her bright and beautiful smile.

As the teacher was about to explain another problem the bell had rung. She sighed and clapped her hands, "Alright everyone! Make sure to do your homework! I expect you to at least to finish the first page, but if you can do more then it's fine." She glanced at Kaori as she said that. 

"Have a good weekend all of you!" The children wasted no time as they all stood out of their seats, grabbed their bags, and walked out of the door. They either walked out alone or with a few of their friends.

Kaori however stayed behind, "Um..Rei-Sensei?" She asked, as she slowly made her way towards her.

"Yes Dazai-san?"

"Do you happen to have the work for next week ready?"

Rei was shocked by the request, but had almost expected her to ask that. Smiling she grabbed a few papers from her drawer and placed them on her desk. "Right here."

"Do you mind if I take them home?"

"Of course! But don't overdo yourself-," but she didn't even get to finish. Kaori smiled from ear to ear as she placed the papers in her bag. For the first time in her life, Rei has finally seen a child so happy to receive work.

"Um..Dazai-san? Do you mind me asking you a few things?"

"Mhm, sure!"

"Do you have a private teacher at home?"

Kaori tilted her head, "No, my father taught me most of what I know. But also Ranpo-kun, Kunikida-kun, and Yosano-chan too!" She replied.

"I see...what a big family you have."


"Did your mother teach you stuff too?"

But as Rei noticed Kaori's expression change, she instantly regretted asking the question. "O-Oh! I'm sorry-,"

 "It's okay!" Kaori' s expression returning to normal, "She did teach me something though...the one thing that I do remember about her. "

"O-Oh really?"

Kaori nodded, smiling at her teacher. "That I should always keep a smile on my face."


As Kaori walked outside of the school, she looked around. She then spotted the person she was looking for and called out their name.


The boy, Atsushi Nakajima, turned towards her with a smile. He had gray hair, with a white suit and long black belt, with green eyes that had a hint of purple in it. Kaori ran towards him and hugged him tightly. 

"Hey Kaori-chan! How was school?"

"Good! I wanna go to a second grade class soon!" 

Atsushi sighed, "How about you stay here for awhile first.." 

"Ehh? But Ranpo-kun said, 'If it's boring then go beyond!', I'm bored with the first grade work already." She pouted. 

"You started today though!"

"I know! Which is why I wanna leave it soon!" 

Atsushi shook his head and patted her on the head, "Stay for a few more weeks...then maybe Dazai-san will request your teachers for you to move up."

Kaori nodded, "Okay!" She then took Atsushi's hand as they started walking. Everyday after school, Kaori would go to her father's workplace, The Detective Agency. It was full of skill users who use their powers to deal with issues that the government can't handle.

She loved everyone there. They always treated her with respect, and have all taught her something unique.

Ranpo had taught her how to use her deduction skills, and understand situations with only little info on it. He also taught her about the Government and almost everything political and military related. 

Kenji had taught her all about farm fields, and how to grow plants. He also taught her how to fix things like pipes, gardens, and how to deal with animals.

Yosano had taught her about medical things. Such as what you should do for certain patients. How to do certain procedures. What to do if someone near her gets injured. Things like that.

Tanizaki and Naomi had taught her basic school things that they remembered. Tanizaki also taught her about spying skills, and how to be stealthy. Then Naomi showed her how to use computers.

Kunikida showed her and taught her every single thing he knew. From acadmics to how to fight. He also taught her how to keep towards a schedule.

Kyouka taught her a few assassin skills. Although she made sure not to teach her the deadly ones, only those that could help her out when it came to defending herself.

Atsushi on the other hand didn't have much to teach her. He taught her how to write a few things and how tompay for things. But he was also one of the only people who Kaori learned how to cook from. Which was something Kaori loved doing.

Then finally her father, Dazai. Basically anything that the others didn't teach her he taught. He even taught her how to plan ahead and use her head while in a battle or situation.

Combining everything that she learned from everyone, Kaori was able to expand her mind to the limits. Making her the person she became today...and everyone couldn't have been more proud of her for it.

Especially her father..

"Oh yeah!" Atsushi stopped. He knelt down and looked at Kaori straight in the eyes. "Happy Birthday Kaori!" He cheered.

Kaori was confused for a few seconds before realizing what he was talking about.

"Oh yea-thank you!"

"Eh? You forgot it was today?!"

"Well..." Kaori's voice trailed off, "I don't really get happy when it's my birthday. If anything I'm happy to just be alive and with you and everyone at the agency!" She smiled.

Atsushi smiled, a hint of sadness in his voice as he spoke, "I see." 

The two of them continued to walk, Kaori talking about how her day was while Atsushi listened. But when they stopped in front of a store, Kaori stared at something in the window in awe.

"What're you looking at Kaori?" Atsushi asked, making Kaori jump. Before she looked away Atsushi was able to see what she was looking at. It was a bear wearing a coat...

Atsushi thought for a moment...it kinda looked like someone...

"I-I-I just thought it looked like...my dad.." she blushed.

Atsushi looked at the bear again and realized she was right. It did kind of look like Dazai-san..

"Hold on for a moment Kaori." Atsushi released his grip on Kaori and ran quickly into the store. It only took him about three minutes before he came out with a bag.

"What did you buy?" But Kaori realized what it was as Atsushi pulled it out. It was the bear she was looking at.

"Here, a small gift from me." He said.

Kaori shook her head, her expression shocked. "N-No I can't accept it!" She cried.

"Huh? Why not?"

Kaori straightened herself out, "Dazai Rule Number One; Don't force people to buy you things, for sooner or later you'll have to pay them back somehow!" Atsushi sighed as she said that. Of course that was something Dazai would teach her. But it's not like it was something bad, it was the truth in some cases.

"Well, I want to give this to you out of my own free will. That doesn't count as you forcing to buy me it, right?"

Kaori pouted, "N-No..."

"Well then," Atsushi then placed the doll in her hands, "Please keep it. A small gift that I myself wish to give you." 

Kaori stared at it for a moment then smiling again she hugged it tightly in her arms. "Thank you...Atsushi-kun." She said.

"Mhm!" He then grabbed Kaori's hand again as they continued their walk. It took them only about fifteen minutes to finally reach their destination. Kaori was basically skipping up the stairs as they walked inside.

"Here we are." Atsushi opened the door that said, 'Armed Detective Agency' and walked inside with Kaori. She spotted a certain yellow haired man near the printers and smiled.

"Good Afternoon Kunikida-san!" Kaori cheered, running towards him and hugging him.

"Huh-Oh, hello Kaori." He replied, kneeling down to hug her. He had on a tan suit, red glasses,  with his mustard yellow hair tied in a small ponytail, his gray eyes looking at Kaori.

"How was school?"

"Good! I already wanna go to a second grade class!" 

"Eh-but didn't you-,"

"It's fine Kunikida-kun! Proves she's just too smart for them!" Kaori smiled at the man standing behind Kunikida. His black glasses shining in the sunlight. 


"Hehe, hello there little Ri-chan!" Ranpo smiled, as he patted Kaori on the head. Ranpo had his brown hat placed nicely on his black spiky hair, he had on a brown coat on top of a suit, and shiny dark green eyes.

"Hey Kaori wanna help me with a case?"

Kaori's eyes brightened, "Yes please!" 

Ranpo then grabbed two papers on his desk. One was an image of a man, the other a document on his bank account.

"He's gone missing today. I've been asked to find him before his big event at the city police station today." Kaori examined the picture and then the document, taking in every little thing she saw.

"The last thing he did was rent a room in a hotel down the road, then was announced missing...think you can do it?"

"Mhm, I figured it out already." Kaori said, handing him back the papers. Kunikida and Atsushi watched as Ranpo grinned.

"Oh? Then please explain." Kaori nodded, grabbing a pen and pencil from the desk near her.

"The man isn't missing, he's on the run."

Ranpo nodded, "Correct! But why?"

Kaori lifted the pencil in her right hand, "He got into some bad stuff while he was getting here. No hotel room around here is that cheap, if anything you'd think it might be for a normal room, which had fooled many people. But really it's not. The man had transferred out the money on his own free will. To help him with his escape." She then placed the pencil down and lifted the pen up.

"Bad people must've figured out what he was doing, people that the man owed but never payed. So making people believe he was at a hotel he then fled. If anything he's probably hiding out in the slums at this very moment." Twisting the pen in her hand as she finished.

"Correct! Man, I'm gonna have to get you harder cases soon!" Ranpo grinned. 

"If I were to guess, this man is probably in a place with a lot of homeless people. To disguse and hide."

Ranpo then started to clap, "Correct yet again!"

Atsushi and Kunikida stood there in shock. Kaori had always solved cases like these almost every day. But seeing it in person is too shocking to believe...a mere four year old was able to figure out what the police couldn't.

"Going at it again are you?" They all glanced as a few people walked up to them. Yosano, Kenji, Kyouka, Tanizaki, and Naomi all stood out of their desk after hearing their voices.

"Hello!" Kaori said, waving at them all.

"Hello Kaori-chan!" 



"Solving another case are ya?"

"Mhm!" Kaori placed the pen back and hugged her bear tightly in her arms. She then looked around the place.

"Is my dad here?"

Yosano was the one to answer, "No. He's busy with something at the moment. But he'll be back in no time at all-,"

But she stopped as the door opened. The man who came in sighed as he scratched his head. "Damn...some people I swear." 

The man, Dazai Osamu, yawned as he glanced at everyone. He then noticed his daughter bright eyed as he came in.

"Daddy!" She smiled, running towards him.

"Ah! Darling~" he said, opening his arms as Kaori jumped into them. He then lifted her up and twirled her around, making her laugh happily as he did so. 

Everyone couldn't help but smile at them. Kaori had always found ways to make people smile. Ever since Dazai and Kaori started being in the Agency it felt as if the building was filled with happy laughs and smiles.

But it was always adorable to see Kaori's happy expression whenever she came to see her father. After a whole lot of spinning and twirling Dazai then stopped and placed her down on the ground.

"Sorry Dad couldn't pick you up today." Dazai said, as Kaori rubbed her head on his chest affectionately.

"It's okay! I understand that you can be busy!" She replied, moving back and smiling at him.

Dazai nodded, patting her gently on the head. That's when he noticed the doll in her hands.

"What's that Kaori?" He asked, as Kaori looked down at it.


"It's alright you can tell me."

".....Atsushi bought it for me. As a birthday present."

Dazai smiled and placed his hand on her cheek, " See? I'm not mad baby. As long as you told him thank you." Kaori nodded.

"I did!"

"Good, and Happy Birthday to you darling. We can do anything you want when I'm done with work, okay?"


Ranpo glanced at the time, "Ahhh shoots! I gotta go and tell the detectives about the case." He grumbled, as he grabbed a chip and ate it.


"Mhm, the one you just solved Ri-chan."

"Oh!" Kaori said. Ranpo glanced at Dazai who nodded slightly, that was his cue...

"Did you wanna come with me Ri-chan? It's just to the station and back." Ranpo asked. Kaori glanced at Dazai who shrugged. 

"If you wanna go darling then go. It's okay with me!" Kaori smiled and turned towards Ranpo.

"Okay! Let's go!" 

"Alrighty!" Ranpo grabbed the files from the table. 

"Daddy, can you watch Teddy-chan for me?" She asked, holding out the bear Atsushi bought her.

"Mhm, of course I can!" He replied, taking the bear from her. 

"See you guys then!" Ranpo said, as Kaori waved goodbye to them. As soon as the doors closed, Kaori took Ranpo's hand as they walked towards the elevator together.

"Hey Kaori?"


"I know this might be kind of..out of the blue. But do you like it here? At the Agency?" Kaori was indeed surprised by the question, but then again Ranpo wasn't a normal person. 

"Mhm! I love it here! The building, the people, the neighbors. They're all super nice and fun to hang around..." she thought of all the memories she made here with everyone.

Cooking her first meal with Atsushi...

Solving a case on her own with Ranpo...

Laughing and making jokes with everyone...

Being with her father..

"Kaori. Daddy may love it here..but if you ever wish to leave this place I won't hesitate to...okay?"

Two years ago...when her father told her that, she thought that maybe she would want to leave..

But now...

"I wanna stay here forever!" Ranpo nodded as he pushed the buttons for the elevator.

"That's good to hear." 


Dazai looked out the window, watching Kaori and Ranpo walk down the street until they were out of sight.

"I'm surprised you were even able to find half of this stuff.." Atsushi said, as he held up the party decorations Dazai bought.

It was all going to plan. Dazai had asked everyone a few days ago, to hell him plan a big birthday party for Kaori. Of course everyone was on board with the plan.

So while Kaori was at school he bought all the decorations and ordered all of Kaori' s favorite foods. Then, while Atsushi was going to pick her up he put everything in a small room in the Agency. But he left soon after to order her cake.

But the issue was how to decorate when she came back. That's where Ranpo came in!

"Now then, we have about an hour and a half!" He said, rolling up his sleeves. 

"Well, the seven of us can do it. But who's gonna get the food?" Yosano asked.

Dazai laughed to himself as he pulled out his phone with a smirk. He of course had that covered. "I have some people who can handle that~" he then dialed a number and held his phone by his ear.

"Huh? The hell ya want?"

"Yo Chuuya-kun~"

Although the Mafia and Agency were enemies before, certain events that had happened made them have what you would call...a truce. Basically, they no longer attack one another but help and avoid fighting each other.

It was as if they were frenemies basically.

But Dazai had known Chuuya for a long time. Chuuya also knew Kaori as well, considering that when Dazai was with the Mafia he would help take care of her.

Chuuya has always visited Kaori at least once a week, making sure she's okay and that she's happy. As much as he claims he hates Dazai, he cannot help but care for his little 4 year old daughter. He's also not alone.

Akutagawa also visited when he can too. Cooking and taking Kaori places that she wishes to visit on that day. Kaori had always thought of them, as her kind and caring uncles.

"Ugh, what do ya want?" Chuuya growled with annoyance. 

"I need you and Akutagawa to pick up a few things for Kaori's surprise birthday party~"

"Oh-alright what do ya need?" Chuuya's attitude changed as he now knew he was doing something for Kaori and not Dazai.

"I need you to get her cake and food at...four. You two can bring it and stay for the party."

"Alright. We'll go as soon as we're done with things down here."

"Okay! Bye bye Shorty~"


But Dazai quickly hung up the phone before Chuuya could finish. Looking back at everyone now as he clapped his hands together.

"Now then, let's get to work!" He smiled, as everyone started decorating.

Kunikida and Kenji were making table decorations. Yosano and Kyouka were making the banner. Tanizaki and Naomi were getting the tables and area situated.

Dazai and Atsushi were helping the workers with cleaning up. But when they were alone Atsushi glanced at Dazai. 


"Hm? What's wrong Atsushi-kun?"

Atsushi tried to think on how to word his question. "Well...does Kaori know...what happened to her mother?"

Dazai placed down the decoration in his hand with a rather loud snap. But he then stood back in a regular position, "Yes...but not really."

Kaori's mother, as Atsushi had known..was dead. She apparently died four years ago when a fight with the Mafia and a certain group was going on..

Dazai had never talked about her a lot..but when he did, you could sense the longing in his voice..

The desire of wanting to see her again. Kaori however had never asked Dazai too much about her mother. For she knew that talking about her would make her father sad. That was something she didn't want. 

But all she knew was what Dazai had told her when she could finally speak and understand things...

"Your mother isn't here right now.."

That was the only thing that Dazai told Kaori about her mother. As time went on..she had then realized what her father meant by those words..

But she never showed how sad she felt, or how hurt she was when she saw little girls with their mothers. Because for her father's sake she would keep walking...smiling no matter where she went..

Dazai knew that. Knew how Kaori truly felt, which was why he worked his hardest for her..

To make sure she keeps on smiling.

"I see...from the stories you tell about her..she sounds like an amazing person." Atsushi said, as he placed a decoration near Dazai's one.

Dazai smiled, "She was...she was the greatest."


Kaori hummed a tune as her and Ranpo were making their way back to the Agency. 

The detectives were rather shocked to see her there with Ranpo, but when he made her explain the case to them it only made them more shocked. But it took them awhile to actually figure out where things were..

Since Ranpo always had someone waiting outside for him when he had things like that, he never had to worry about going inside. But sadly today, no one was there to help him or Kaori. So they had to figure out where to go on their own.

"What song are you humming Ri-chan?" Ranpo asked.

"My dad sings it for me to help me fall asleep." 

"Eh? Dazai-san singing?"

"Mhm! He's really good at it! Makes me fall asleep instantly!"

"Oh really?"

"Mhm! I'll ask him to sing for everyone one day!" She smiled. 

"Sure! How about cooking? What about his uh...cooking?" But that's when Kaori's face went blank. She slowly shook her head.

Though her father did have good cooking before...ever since he started working he hasn't cooked for a long time..and let's just say..

You're better off doing take-out instead of him cooking.

"He just...lost his touch." Was what Kaori explained.

"Ah..." Ranpo held his stomach, recalling the last time Dazai made "curry" for everyone. 

When they finally reached the Agency, and made their way up with the elevator Kaori noticed how dark the room looked inside.

Well it was late in the evening now...but still shouldn't the lights be on for the workers? Ranpo tried opening the door but it wouldn't open. He tried pulling it and twisting but it wouldn't budge,

"Damn it! Why won't it open?" He grumbled.

"Do you think they locked it on accident?" Kaori asked.

"Don't know...why don't you try opening it? Maybe I'm just weak." Kaori was shocked by that but chose to ignore it. Then as she walked to the door and twisted the handle with ease..

The door opening wide..

Then like that the lights turned on. Loud popping sounds echoed around the room as everyone held poppers in their hands, confetti flying in the air.


Kaori took a moment, trying to process the things that were happening around her.

"W-Wait...what? Huh?"

"It's your birthday surprise!" She glanced to see her father smiling at her.


"Mhm! Just for you darling!" 

Kaori's expression of confusion soon changed to a excited one. She ran to Dazai and hugged him as tight as she could.

"Really..? This is for me?!"

"Mhm, for you."

Kaori stopped hugging her dad and smiled at everyone around her. Ranpo then walked inside as Kaori looked at the decorations, foods, and presents...all for her.

"Now then! Let's get this party started!" Dazai said, as everyone cheered. People would walk over to hug Kaori and wish her happy birthday, or hand her a small gift for her to open later. She of course thanked them all , even if they didn't give her a present.

The fact they were here was a good enough reason for her to be thankful.

As she made it to the back of the room she noticed two people that caught her eye...

"Uncle Chuuya! Uncle Akutagawa!" She cried, running towards them.

"Yo Kaori! Happy birthday!" Chuuya said, as he hugged her. 

"Happy birthday Kaori." Akutagawa said, as she went to hug him next.

"Thank you!"

"Here from me and Akutagawa. We made sure to pick the best one!" Chuuya handed her a bright pink box with a yellow ribbon.

"Oooo." Kaori examined the box with curiosity.

"Open it when you open your other ones." 

"Okay! Thank you Uncle Chuuya and Akutagawa!" The two of them smiled at her. They haven't been able to see Kaori as much, considering what has been going on as of late. But being able to see her this happy brought smiles to their faces.

The rest of the party went by in a flash. Kaori playing little games that everyone made up, eating all the food and snacks, and the constant sound of laughter and cheering.

"Alright everyone! It's time to sing!" Atsushi said, as he walked out with a cake in his hands. The cake was a white colored one, with whipped cream on it as well as strawberries, and on the top in chocolate frosting writing were three words.

'Happy Birthday Kaori!'

Atsushi placed the cake on the table in front of where Kaori was sitting. Placing four pink candles on it and one yellow one for good luck. Kunikida then lit them as Kenji turned off the lights.

"Ready everyone?" Atsushi asked, as everyone all said, "Yes!"

Kaori turned to see her father standing there next to her, smiling at her.

"One..two...one two three!"

Everyone then started to sing. Smiles on their faces as they clapped their hands in rhythm with their singing. Kaori looked around at them all, making sure to keep the memory of this in a place she won't ever forget.

As they stopped singing Dazai rubbed his hand on her shoulder, "Make a wish darling." He said.

Kaori closed her eyes...

Wish...wish...what to wish...


"Hello Kaori!"

"Kaori, make sure you add this to your schedule."

"Kaori, can you help me?"

"Kaori-chan wanna help make dinner for everyone?"

"Kaori be careful, you silly girl!"

"Kaori make sure to hide your presence, it'll help with certain missions."

"Kaori-chan have fun at school!"

Kaori smiled as she said her wish, "I wanna stay at the Agency and have fun with everyone forever! And..."

"Darling....daddy promises to be with you forever and ever!" 

"To stay with my dad, and make him as happy as he can be!" She then blew out the candles with one single breath.

Making the room pitch black..


The party had started to slowly come to an end. Everyone going home as soon as they were done cleaning up. Chuuya and Akutagawa were the first to leave, then Tanizaki and Naomi, Ranpo, Yosano and Kenji, then finally Kunikida as well as any extra office workers.

Dazai and Atsushi stayed behind to clean up the messes that people missed. Kaori on the other hand sleeping with all her new gifts surrounding her on the ground. 

Kunikida bought her a light blue dress and a few notebooks.

Yosano bought her a coat and new shoes.

Ranpo gave her a bunch of snacks and a gift card to her favorite sweets store.

Tanizaki and Naomi gave her new shirts and skirts, as well as a new bag.

The President bought her some cat shirts and pins.

Chuuya and Akutagawa, to everyone and Kaori's surprise, bought her a Nintendo Switch gaming system with a game she wanted to buy. 

Atsushi gave her a plushie tiger and bunny, and a few shirts with her favorite T.V show characters on it.

Kaori loved them all, and ended up using most of them as soon as she got them. But the excitement of the evening got to her, and made her fall asleep near the end of the party.

"Kaori enjoyed herself huh?" Atsushi said, as he and Dazai cleaned the last of the mess.

"Yep..she did." 

Atsushi glanced at Dazai, as he realized something that he was wondering about.

"Say Dazai-san....how is...uh.." Atsushi tried to thinking a way to word his question. But Dazai, being who he is, already seemed to know what Atsushi wanted to ask.

"She can control it better. I've taught her for awhile yesterday and she did well." He replied.

Just like Dazai, Kaori was born with a skill. But only realized she had it when she was around two and used it on Atsushi on accident. It was a rather interesting skill that many thought was rather useful..

Kaori's ability allows her to make a person loose the ability to fight by simply touching them. Draining their energy bit by bit as she holds them.

However...if she holds them for too long..

They'll lose all their energy and die. Useful but with a big consequence if not used correctly.

Dazai of course was afraid for his daughter. If people were to hear of such an ability on a child none the less, they'll surely try to come and find her. So they could use her for their own intentions.

So he trained her as best as he could to control it. Which he was very happy to learn that she could. It was a big responsibility for a girl her age...

But he knew she could do it.

"That's good. Kunikida-san said he notices how well she uses it when they train together."

"Hehe, well she did learn from the best~" Dazai smirked.

Atsushi sighed as he placed his trashbag on the ground, "Still though...that wish she made when she blew out her candles.." Atsushi smiled, "I have no doubt that it'll come true." He said. Dazai nodded as he placed his trashbag next to Atsushi's one.

"True, no doubt in that." 

It took them only a few more minutes until they had successfully cleaned the entire room. Atsushi even helped Dazai place all of Kaori's gifts in a bag so he could take it back to his apartment.

"Well then I'll be off!" Dazai said, as he wrapped the bag around him and carried Kaori in his arms.

"Alright, see you tomorrow Dazai-san! Get home safely!"

"Mhm! See ya!" Dazai smiled, as he slowly walked out the door and closed it behind him with his foot. 

He glanced down at Kaori, she was clutching all the plushies that Atsushi bought her earlier today. She looked so peaceful...his beautiful little girl..

"If only she were here..." Dazai whispered, "If only your mother was here to see how much you've grown..." 


As Dazai entered his apartment, he didn't even bother turning on the lights to see where he was going. He knew his house like the back of his own hand. He placed the bag down gently and carried Kaori to her room. 

Inside was a futon with a star patterned blanket, a small desk filled with her work and assignments, a closet with her clothes, and a small plush dog that she got for her third birthday. He slowly placed her down on the futon but sadly she still woke up.

"Hm?" She rubbed her eyes.

"Hi darling...sorry Daddy just brought you home." He whispered, as he gave her the plushies she was holding earlier.

"Oh...it's okay." She yawned, sitting up now. Dazai was about to say something until he realized something as well.

"Oh yeah! I'm sorry Kaori, I forgot to give you the presents I bought for you!" He grinned. Kaori's eyes opened wide. Gifts from her dad!?

"You bought me stuff? You didn't have to dad!"

"Aye. You never yelled at anyone else for buying you stuff." He pouted, as he stood up and walked out of the room. He was only gone for a minute, returning with three different boxes in his hands. He turned on the lamp in her room so that she could see better.

A big box, a medium one, and a small one. He placed them in front of Kaori and sat criss-crossed in front of her. "Go ahead baby, open it." Kaori hesitated for a moment before grabbing the big box first.

Ripping the wrapping paper as gently as she could. But as soon as she realized what it was, she brought her hands to her mouth.

"No way!" She then teared it faster, until there was no wrapper left. Inside, was a keyboard piano. One that Kaori had been wanting for awhile ever since she learned how to play the piano from Ranpo.

"Cool! Thank you Daddy!"

"Mhm. There's still more darling~" 

Kaori placed the piano aside and grabbed the medium box. Not even bothering to be gentle with it this time. As all the wrapping paper fell off of it she grinned from ear to ear at what it was.

"A Remtaro Figurine!" She cheered, as she examined the box. She placed it next to her piano and then moved on to the final box, the small one. She ripped the wrapping off in no time. But as she glanced at what was inside, her eyes widened so much it almost fell out.


It was a music box, and carved on it were two words that she remembered by heart.

'Mister Bluebird'

It was the name of the song her mother used to sing to her all the time....from what she could remember...

Hearing her beautiful voice as she sung it to make her fall fast asleep..

"Thank you...thank you Daddy!" She smiled, hugging Dazai tightly.

"You're most welcome darling. Did you have fun today?"

"Yes! I had the greatest time ever!" She cheered, as she fell back on her futon.

"Well I'm glad to hear that." Dazai then turned on a night light near Kaori's head. He then placed her new toy's on the side so she had room to sleep.

"Alright, go to sleep. You must be tired from all the fun you had today." Kaori nodded as she grabbed her plushies and hugged them tightly.

"Good night Daddy!" She whispered.

Dazai turned back and waved at her, "Goodnight Darling!" He whispered back, as he turned off the lights and closed her door. But as he was about to walk away he heard Kaori moving around inside. Stopping he slowly turned around and opened the door where he could see her just enough...

Kaori was on her futon, in a praying position...her hands clasped together tightly..

"Dear God please hear my prayer...I know what I wished when I blew the candles was what I wanted...but...there's one more thing that I wish for." She took a deep breath, as if she was preparing for this moment her whole life...

"Please...please let my father be happy again."

Dazai felt his eyes widen...what did she...

"I know he always says he's happy...and that he doesn't mind buying me fancy things...but I know he's suffering. I know that he needs money to help support me...and I can't do anything to help him." She glanced at the dog plushie before continuing.

"I also know...how much he misses my mother."

Dazai clenched his fist. 

"I know how much he loved her...and how it pained him to have lost her. I barely can remember her..." Kaori then started to cry, as if she was holding in those tears.

"I-I can't do anything for my Daddy...I can't do anything to help him at all. I feel so useless...no matter how smart I am..or how much praise I recieve..none of that can help my father." She cried.

"So please god...I ask this of you for my third birthday wish...I ask that you give my dad true happiness....and not him forcing himself to be happy for my sake. Please...let my father be happy...let him truly smile...and then I'll be forever satisfied." She then kissed her hands before pulling them apart to wipe her tears. She then slowly went back under the covers and instantly fell asleep..

Dazai slowly and softly closed the door. Everything his daughter said now stuck in his head...

"She's gonna be the greatest...I just know it Osamu!"

Dazai clutched his hair tightly as he brought his head to his knees. She was right...

Their daughter...their beautiful daughter..

Kaori was the greatest daughter Dazai could've ever asked for. He sighed as he wiped the tears falling down his cheeks.

"Hm? Oh, it's a song my mother used to sing it to me all the time. I'm glad Kaori likes it too..just like I did.."

Dazai had started to quietly sing. As the memories of when (Y/N) used to sing to Kaori played in his mind..

"Oh mister bluebird...hear my call...find me the one I love...the one..I call...my own. Fly through the highest mountains...fly across the sea...and I hope you'll find, my one and only love...the one...I call...my own...Oh mister Bluebird fly for me...around the world and more...and I hope you'll find...the one that I've been searching for.... "

"The one...I call...my own."

Dazai sighed, the memories of her smile haunting him to this very day...something so beautiful that he knew he could never have again..

"God..." he whispered as he leaned on the wall near Kaori's door. The moon shining bright on his balcony window.

"I don't matter...I truly love my daughter...and want her to be happy. I'm willing to do anything to keep her in the light she's in right now..."

"I love you...Osamu.."

"Please watch over my daughter....give her dreams of happiness...not pain. Make her feel love not sadness...and then...I'll be truly satisfied." He smiled, as he dug something out of his pocket..

A picture with the frozen smiles of two happy people. A man and woman, as they stood under a beautiful cherry blossom tree...

"If only you two were here..." he brushed his thumb on the picture. 

"Odasaku...." he felt his eyes watering again now.

"(Y/N)....(Y/N)..." he whimpered, as if hoping that if he said their names...they would appear..

But sadly..no one had appeared before him..

He glanced back at the girl in the photo, "(Y/N)....please watch over our daughter....help her when she's sad and I can't reach her...help her smile when I can't..." he bit his lip hard, blood trickling down his chin now.


Dazai clenched the picture in his hand, "I miss you...I miss you so damn much..." he cried. 

"I love you.."

That night Dazai had cried himself to sleep. It was the first time out of the four years he's raised and started living on his own with Kaori...that he cried...that he truly lost himself in the deep pit of sadness in his heart...

For nothing could truly replace the missing peice of his puzzle..

His one and only light...that was consumed by the darkness..

His one and only love...


(Dang I wrote a lot 0-0 this is the most I ever wrote on a Wattpad story 😂🤚 but it was worth it! I loved this chapter! Oh yes and to clarify, the song that is mentioned in this book is not a real song-its something I made up on the spot lol so I own the song. But I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!!)

(I'm trying to write at least 2000 words a chapter so that you guys can have more to read and enjoy. This one has 6000 tho🗿but oh well🤷‍♂️)

(Oh yes, and when this book reaches a certain amount of votes, imma do a special chap 😄💖 so pls don't forget to vote~)

(Thank you again for reading and waiting for this chap!! Have a good rest of your guy's day/evening!! Bye bye!!💖💖)

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