The Undefeated Nerd✔

By Ali_sea16

117K 2.9K 413

Ria is a nerd in high school she's bullied and gets treated as an outcast, she has an older brother who also... More

Chapter 1 paired up
Chapter 2 let's fight.....oh no
Chapter 3 secret room
Chapter 4 please forgive me/it's not fair
Chapter 5 I guess we're going out
Chapter 6 club/unexpected guest
Chapter 7 dirty cafe date part 1
Chapter 8 don't touch me
Chapter 9 missing/she can fight?
Chapter 10 confronted/friends
Chapter 11 family/ryan
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 but I'm comfy
Chapter 14 Arguments...mission
Chapter 15 operation/the talk
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 merda santa...did I just meet melody's dad?
Chapter 18 What is he doing to me?
Chapter 19 swimsuits.....he's angry/melody
Chapter 20 he left/telling them
Chapter 21 I'm her favorite/made up
Chapter 22 bringing the heat back
Chapter 23 Breakfast in bed
Chapter 24 Khalil Abdul/date night
Chapter 25 thinking/outfits
Chapter 26 The meeting/Taking territories
Text messages
Chapter 27 Secrets/Grey's POV
Chapter 28 The truth/Arguments
Chapter 29 Khalil called
Authors note YAYYYYYY
Chapter 30 Arsenal country
Chapter 31 I need air
Chapter 32 The U.S. Mafia/ breaking Ria
Chapter 34 Club/Drunk Call
Chapter 35 The clippers symbol
Chapter 36 Can't Remember
Chapter 37 I don't like guys
Chapter 38 confused/drifting
Chapter 39 ideas/ I don't trust him
Chapter 40 Moody girlfriend/ Trip discussion
Chapter 41 Training
Chapter 42 Are you okay?
Chapter 43 big mistake
Chapter 44 Furious
Authors note!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🥳
Chapter 45 Punishment
Chapter 46 Weakness isn't Attractive
Chapter 47 Frustration
Chapter 48 Suspicions
Authors note *hehe*
Chapter 49 Cole's house
Chapter 50 Getting info
Chapter 51 Self Control
Chapter 52 Advice
Chapter 53 1st night of hell
Chapter 54 2nd night of hell
Chapter 55 All about Ace
Chapter 56 All A Game
Chapter 57 Start Talking
Authors note
Chapter 58 finding him
Chapter 59 He's mine
Chapter 60 Jealous/Doctor
Chapter 61 Revealed part 1
Chapter 62 Revealed part 2
Important news

Chapter 33 His number

913 24 4
By Ali_sea16

Ria's POV

I was busy in my office talking with Ryan and the three mafia leaders. Josh, Maddox, and Khalil. we are thinking of ways we could reach the mafia leader of the U.S.

''What if we kill some of his men to get his attention?'' Josh suggests.

''If you want to have war with him do that by yourself'' Maddox says patting his shoulder.

''E dicono che sono stupido'' Ryan snorts at Josh's silly suggestion (And they say I'm stupid)

they both are I thought to myself

''Well, then what are we gonna do? because I have no ideas that won't give him the wrong idea and attack us'' Josh says sighing.

''Well if he doesn't converse or communicate with other Mafia leaders and people barely know about his mafia or especially his identity'' Khalil started

''He could be hiding in plain sight'' I finished

''Wait what do you mean plain sight?'' Grey asks

''Meaning he lives in a normal neighborhood and is keeping his face clean and out of the mafia world but in order to earn and become their Don he had to show his face to some of his members'' I said resting my pen down

''Yeah, now we just got to find out who, meaning we have to go to the United States but first it would be good to have someone smart who can hack for us when we get there'' Khalil says standing up.

''Alright, I'll find someone'' I said signing another paper.

''Okay, when you find someone for us let me know and we'll be back in two days'' Khalil said walking to me and I stand up, giving me a side hug they left.

When they left Alex strolled in with Melody holding his hand.

''Hey'' I said to him then I gesture for melody to come to me and I pick her up. I kiss her cheek, I know she already misses her daddy so do I.

''What's up baby sis?'' he says slouching on my couch.

''I'm good I just gotta find some crazy intelligent hacker to help the leaders and me with an important task we need to hack into some dangerous stuff but I have no idea where I can find someone to do it who won't be scared or won't tell anyone because they might get killed for talking'' I sighed.

''I'll do it'' he says standing up

I cocked an eyebrow ''You'll do it? do you even know anything about hacking?'' I asked amused

''I do actually, people change Ria, you should definitely know that'' he says walking to my desk. I nodded in agreement

''When since you became a hacker and smart?'' I snort

''Shutup let's just say after you left I became a nerd and if Cole hadn't found you first I would've'' he says cockily

''Alright, show me what you can do'' I say gesturing to one of my laptops.

he picks it up and sat at a table I have in my office and began typing.

 I rest Melody down then walked over to him and he gestures for me to look at the screen, I looked at it then back at him ''What am I looking at?'' I asked.

he snorts ''Well you're looking at homeland security database I just hack into their shit is that enough''

''Shit dude that's more than enough I'll inform Khalil, they will be back here in two days'' I said walking back over to my desk I see he does one or two things before he closes the laptop then slouch on my couch.

''So Cole left already?'' he asks and I grumble a yes

''Ha that's probably why you're in a bad mood'' he grins and I stick up my middle finger.

he's right though Cole left early this morning after giving me the best sex ever not gonna lie I'm kinda frustrated right now but at least he left me a note.

''Anyways Melody and I are gonna get ice cream'' I said picking her up and walking out the door with him following me.

''Alright but Lexy and Emily wanted to talk to you'' I turned and raised a brow

''Why do they?'' I ask, he shrugs ''beats me they said something about its girl's business''

''Alright tell melody I will come to her soon and say it to her in English I think she should understand that so far'' I said and he nods and walks away with melody holding her hand. Melody has been learning a lot of English ever since she moved here with us because everyone mostly speaks English, Also Cole and I would teach her in our room when we're not busy.


Grey's POV

I knocked on Ria's office door and walked in but she wasn't there I turned to leave but her office phone rang I quickly ran to her desk nearly falling I picked it up catching my breath.


It's Khalil Abdul......

''Hello?'' he says again....Shit

''This is Grey, Ria's not in her office right now'' I said quickly.

''Do you know who this is?'' he asks. 

Of course, I do!

''Erm yeah, Khalil Abdul'' I mumbled.

The line went silent until I heard his laughter, God that that sounds so heavenly.

No Grey quit thinking like that he's mean and dangerous!

''W-what's so f-funny?'' I ask confused

''Why do you call my full name like that it's just Khalil you are a friend of Ria who is my ally making you my ally as well, so just call me Khalil'' he says

''Alright''  I muttered 

''Um I-I w-wanted t-to a-ask if you h-had a-any i-ideas on h-how to r-reach-'' he cuts my stuttering off.

''Quit stuttering it's annoying you're acting as if I'm gonna kill you through the phone'' he says and I hear shuffling in his background.

I nodded but then stop because I forgot he couldn't see me

''Sorry'' I apologized, I hear him sigh

''One second I'm going to turn off my shower I was gonna tell Ria something then go in the shower.....change of plans I guess'' he says 

I wonder how he looks in a-  ''Hey, stop thinking about me!''

My cheeks beet red  ''W-what?!'' I splutter, I hear him laughing.

''Haha very funny'' I muttered. he continues to laugh I rolled my eyes ''Done yet?'' I ask.

''Ooh is this another side of Grey I'm getting?'' he asks amusingly.

''like I was asking earlier did you come up with an idea to reach the U.S  mafia yet?'' I asked

''More like stuttering but I have some ideas I was gonna run them over with the leaders when we get back together in two days but I'll tell you the-'' he was cut off I hear someone talking to him. sounds like one of his men.

''Do you have your phone on you?'' he asks me quickly

''Yeah, it's right her-''

 ''Good take my number down 094******** message me and I'll let you know when I get the chance I'm busy right now'' he cuts me off

''Oka-'' he hangs up

Wait what the hell just happened!!??


ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDD CUT please vote for another chapter and leave your favorite character's heart color.

Blue heart for Ria💙. Green heart for Grey💚. Red heart for Cole❤️. Purple for Lexy💜. Yellow for Alex💛. Orange for blake🧡. Pink for Emily💗. White for Khalil🤍. Black for Ryan 🖤.

Don't forget to vote and leave your heart!

My favorites💚❤️

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