Demons (Evil Dead Fic)

By rose24601

6.8K 170 64

After surviving her dangerous and traumatizing experience in the cabin, Mia is rescued by a man named Ash, wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

703 19 12
By rose24601

Ash wakes up with a mop of disgusting smelling brown hair in his face, his eyes widening.

Damn, I know I'm not one to talk, but this chick needs a damn shower! I feel like I'm sleeping with a stray dog!

He pushes her shoulder gently so he doesn't get punched in the face, speaking in soft voice that in no way sounds like his normal one. "Hey. Rise and shine kid, it's time to get up."

Mia's eyes flutter open at his words, a groaning sound emitting from deep in her throat. Stretching her arms out over the covers, she forces herself up to a sitting position, cracking her still aching neck.

"Morning," she replies, quietly, her voice slurred. The world around her is still coming in and out of focus, her eyes needing time to adjust to their surroundings. Wiping away the crust from the corners of her eyes, Mia asks, slurring, "What time's it?"

"I dunno," Ash shrugs, sleepily. He looks over at the digital clock, reading it aloud: "It's 12:35." He wipes the sleep from his eyes and yawns. "Now get up and get a shower. You smell."

"No shit, I was literally in the middle of a blood rain not that long ago," she scoffs, rolling her eyes and swinging her legs over the side of the bed. After observing the room for a moment, she asks, "Where's the bathroom?"

"All the way down the hall and make a left." He smiles. "Let me know if you need any help in there."

Understanding fully what he means, Mia's head nearly does a complete 180, snapping around to face Ash. She scowls deeply.

"No thanks. I think I'm perfectly capable," she growls. Painfully, she pushes herself to her feet, standing. Unfortunately, dizziness crashes over her the second she attempts to stand, and falls back onto the bed. Shaking her head to clear her vision, she sighs. It's now that she feels a slight throbbing in her skull, pain pulsing throughout her brain. Mia cringes, squeezing her eyes shut. "Fuckin' headache..."

Ash sits up instantly, looking to her and noticing her pained expression. "Hold on a sec, I'll go get you some of the good stuff."

He slips out of bed, standing and stretching his arms over his head. Mia gasps, her eyes widening as large as saucers. She's heard that phrase far too much in her life. It's almost a trigger for her now, and that moment, she completely forgets that he's referencing medicine for her headache, not-...

"What do you mean by that...?"

Ash's eye widen, realizing what she thought he'd meant by his statement. "Look kid, I know I'm a dick, but I'm not going to put some date rape drug in there. Its morphine. It'll make you feel kinda loopy, but it works."

Realizing her mistake, Mia shakes her head and nods, exhaling through her nose. Glancing over to Ash, she apologizes, "Sorry. I's a long story."

"Ooookay," he says and walks out, returning with a small blue pill and large glass of water.

"Thanks," she mutters, taking the pill and popping it in her mouth. Reaching for the glass, she lifts the drink to her lips and drinks, swallowing the medicine in the process. Setting the water on the desk beside her, she slowly brings herself to stand, this time able to balance her equilibrium. "I think I'm good now."

"M'kay." As she starts to walk out he calls to her, "Don't die!"

She raises an eyebrow as she reaches the doorway, leaning her one arm against it. "I won't. I promise."


About a half and hour later, Ash, who had been napping, could hear the bathroom door reopen and her footsteps coming towards the room. He cracks open an eye and smirks at her as she stands in the doorway, the only thing covering her being a towel. "Lookin' good, princess."

She gives him a look, arching both brows at him this time. Her lips gradually break into a grin, biting her lip in embarrassment. Here she is, standing in front of a guy she just met...wearing only a towel. Mia's cheeks flush as she looks away from him, pushing a stand of wet hair behind her ear. Looking down at the stump where her hand used to be, she changes the subject. "I can't go on forever with this thing. I'll need a prosthetic hand eventually. Not like yours, which looks like it came directly out of medieval times."

"Well, I would hope it looks like where it came from," he says not minding the new view of her.

She has a pretty nice ass.

Mia catches his gaze, noticing exactly what he's looking at. She knows she should be angry at him, but at the same time she knows she's doing the same exact thing to him if he came in only wearing a towel. For the first time since she arrived, she really noticed how handsome Ash is. Sure, he can be annoying at times, but he's one of the few people who she feels understands her. He's the only person she'll ever be able to talk out her traumatic experience with. Someone who shares the same scars.

Wait. Why is she thinking this?

He's just someone she's staying with for now, since she has no home. She's putting up with him. Not falling for him. Not falling for his "charm," nor does she think his flirting is cute. Not at all.

Mia giggles awkwardly, clutching the towel closer to her body. She clears her throat, forcing herself to hide her blush. "Look, I can't stay naked forever, so do you have any clothes I could slip on?"

"I'll you use mine for right now," he says, getting up and walking to the dresser. Ash pulls out a pair of faded gray sweatpants and an old black tshit, turning to Mia and hands it to her. "But we could go to S-Mart or something to get you some stuff."

"S-Mart?" Mia giggles at the cheesy name, shaking her head and taking the clothes from Ash. "Sounds like a bad rip-off of K-Mart or something."

"YOU SHUT YOUR FLITHY MOUTH, GIRLY!" he snaps at her, suddenly. She throws her head back, laughing out loud as she spins around on her heel. The woman strides into the bathroom, her shoulders shaking as her laughter subsides.

"Didn't think he'd take it so seriously," she says to herself, smiling, closing and locking the door behind her.

Ash grumbles angrily as she leaves, striding from his spot in the room to the nearby drawer where his keys lie, his mind still on Mia covered only by a towel.

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