Chapter 10

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The Oldsmobile outside Ash's house turns on with a loud rumbling, the headlights switching on, lighting its surroundings from the darkness. The driver, Mia, grips the steering wheel tightly and eases her foot onto the gas pedal, moving the old car out of the driveway. Glancing behind her at the old house, she stops at the curb, grabbing her large bag in the passenger's seat and setting it in her lap. Rushing, she throws the contents of the sack around, double-checking to make sure she has clothes, small snacks and a notebook with a pencil. Closing it, she throws it to the other seat roughly, speeding down the road, a glare boring through the glass window to the road ahead of her.

"God damn it," she says aloud, banging her palm on the wheel. Rage like she's never felt before, along with other strong emotions, crashes over her in a wave, causing her to jerk up in down in her seat, screaming at the top of her lungs. "GOD DAMN IT! WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?! WHY THE FUCK CAN'T MY LIFE BE NORMAL?!"

She nearly cries out for Ash, when she remembers he's still asleep in his house, far from where she is now. Unable to control herself, she breaks down, sobs wracking her causing her to stop the car in the middle of the road. Memories of Ash flood her, not improving her mood, making her metal hand crush the wheel. Unbuckling herself and snatching up the bag, she opens the door and jumps outside, not caring that she'll be walking alone, in the dark, at 3:00 in the morning.

"FUCK YOU!" she screams to no one, letting out all of her feelings, a sudden pang of loneliness in her heart. "FUCK YOU ALL!"


Hours had passed since Ash felt the warmth next to him leave. He'd still been out of it then, and just shrugged it off as nothing. There was a perfectly normal reason why Mia would get out of bed. She probably just had to use the bathroom. Ten minutes later after concluding this, he'd rolled over, finding the space where Mia usually slept to still be empty. Once again, he'd brushed it off, telling himself that she was probably sick, or got up early and couldn't go back to sleep. After all, she had been through a lot the day before.

Approximately twenty minutes passed then, and Ash had felt a nagging in the back of his head that told him something was wrong. Getting up and out of bed, Ash had walked over to the bathroom to see where she went. Before he even made it to the door, he'd noticed something different about his driveway that could be seen through the window. Stepping back, he'd come to to the startling realization: his car was gone.

After swearing under his breath, Ash had sprinted out of the house without his shoes or socks, running down the street until stopping and finding his car parked on the side of the road, the front seat door open. Mia had taken his car.

And now here he is, driving down the road, his eyes searching through the windows to find the brown-haired girl in a dress. His stomach quenches in fear and nervousness, the thought that Mia could be lost forever now entering his mind. She could be anywhere. She could be hurt.

She could be dead.

Shaking himself from that thought, Ash glances around, searching frantically for any sign of Mia. Driving around the bad side of town, he spots an old, burned storage house with broken windows out of the corner of his eye. Groups of teenage kids in hoodies are huddled together outside the building, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out what they're doing. Ash's breath catches in his throat as he remembers back to one of the first days he'd had her over his house.

"I'll go get you some of the good stuff."

"What do you mean by that...? Sorry. I's a long story."

Ash nearly smacks himself upside the head for not figuring it out sooner, groaning at his idiocy. Pulling over by the decrepit place, he parks by the curb and jumps out of his car, standing and staring at the building for a second. He then slams the door shut and races inside, pushing aside the junkies standing the doorway.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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