Chapter 3

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Mia gazes at herself in the mirror as she ties her hair up in a bun, not worrying about the few strands of brown hair that hang loosely. Brushing a piece behind her ear, she glances to her stump, sighing as she now realizes how much it's going to stand out. Since Ash had so graciously given her a t-shirt, there was no way for her to cover up her injury.

Ripping her eyes from where her hand used to be and staring at the sink basin, she grabs the knob for the water and turns. Setting her hand under the faucet, she gathers a handful of freezing cold liquid and splashes it on her face, gasping at the shock that runs through her from the action. Blinking, she leans her other elbow against the sink, droplets of water dripping from her nose and plummeting to the water gathering in the basin below her. Using her only hand, she turns off the seat and lifts her head, looking deep into her own brown, empty eyes. Suddenly, a flicker of gold flashes in her irises.

Filthy bitch.

The voice, deep and menacing, jerks Mia out of her trace, causing her to spin around completely until her back hits against the sink. Her heartbeat accelerates, blood pumping in her ears as her chest rises and falls at a fast rate. Who was that? It sounded familiar. Just like...the demon that had possessed her. And the yellow she'd seen in her eyes...

"No," she tells herself out loud, turning around and reaching for the towel. Wiping the water and sweat from her face, she adds, "It's just your paranoia. That thing's gone, David exorcised it."

Breathing deeply to calm her nerves, Mia hangs the towel back up, hurriedly exiting the the bathroom and slamming the door behind her. Noticing that the room is bare, Ash nowhere to be seen, she worriedly calls out, "Ash?!"

Ash walks into the hallway to see Mia in her panicked state. "Miss me that much? I was grabbing my keys, waitin' for you to get ready."

As soon as her eyes set on him, Mia's panic seemingly washes away from her, though her heart is still racing. She moves from the bathroom door, glad to be away from that cramped little place.

"Let's go," she breathes, still in the process of slowing her heart rate. "I need better clothes than just a shirt and pants."

Before she can reach the front door, a thought hits her, and she glances over her shoulder at the man. "By the way, do you have a sweatshirt, or at least something with sleeves that I can put on over my t-shirt? Because, I mean..." Mia gestures to her stump, shrugging. "Y'know."

"Oh, so that's what your goin be self conscious about." He rolls his eyes, but walks over the old leather sofa and picks up an old, ratty hoodie, handing it to her. "Here. This'll work."

Mia arches a brow and snatches the hoodie from him, lifting it over herself and slipping her arms and head through it. "Thanks."

Pulling the hood over her head, she stuffs her hand and wrist in the front pocket, staring at the wooden floorboards as she makes her way to the door. Opening it with her elbow, she steps out on the porch, slowly making her way down the creaky steps, stoping a few feet in front of his car. His...rather old car, it seems. She cracks a smirk, shaking her head.

"Geez," Mia raises her voice so Ash can hear, approaching the vehicle and lightly brushing her fingers across the fading paint of its hood. "You really are old school, aren't you?"

"Well she is the 'Oldsmobile,'" he says with a smirk.

The brunette covers her mouth to prevent him from hearing her laugh, leaning her forehead against the window. Strange, that she's able to laugh now. Laugh after she's lost the only person left her family. Laugh after she basically killed all of her friends. Laugh that a tree, a fucking tree, assaulted her. Laugh that a demon possessed her, left her, created a bod of its own in her image, then caused her to lose her hand.

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