Chapter 6

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Ash speeds down the highway with smirk on his face. He's excited to go on a hunt. He's excited to shoot that sorry son of a fire ass. He's excited to see Mia covered in the blood with half her clothing ripped off-...wait what? Why would that image pop into his brain? He shakes his head.

Come on now, keep this PG, he thinks, looking over to his short partner.

Mia stares down at her hand, fumbling with the black material of her dress's skirt. Tracing her finger over the design on the rim, she turns her head to Ash to meet his gaze, smiling crookedly. When neither of them can find the words to say, Mia glances down to the car's radio, beaming as "Fat Bottomed Girls" by Queen turns on. It's the first time that she's really paid attention to the music that's playing, and that's the first song she hears.

"Queen fan, huh?" she asks, arching a brow at him.

"Fuck yeah. Who isn't?" he says with a shrug. Ash then glares at her, narrowing his eyebrows. "If you say you aren't, I will kick you out of my car."

"Oh, of course," she tells him with a shrug, as if the answer is obvious. "People have had to at least heard one song from them." Mia gestures to herself with her metal hand. "First one I listened to was 'Bohemian Rhapsody'."

Ash nods in approval, smirking. "I love that song more then my...."

He thinks for a second. What does he love?

"...more then my car."

Guys and their cars, Mia thinks with a sigh, shaking her head.

She glances at his assortment of cassette tapes in the storage area beside her, reaching over and pulling a few out. It isn't long before she realizes most of the bands and singers are from the 80s, which causes her to break into a fit of giggles.

"You're an 80s guy, huh?" she asks, flipping one cassette over and reading the list of songs. "I don't even know half of these people."

"Well, I'm old, and all this new age shit is hard to get used to," he grumbles, not even fazed.

"And yet..." Mia turns her head to him dramtically, both eyebrows arched. "You listen to Fallout Boy?"

"I don't need your negativity in my life," is all Ash says, scowling.

"Says the person being negative towards today's music," Mia comments, leaning an elbow against the window, staring blankly at the scenery passing by.

"I'm just a negative person," he explains, casually. "You, on the other hand, shouldn't be."

Mia sighs, pulling her legs to her chest, watching the sun set on the horizon. "I'm allowed to be negative sometimes." Her head lifts to him, momentarily breaking her gaze from the scenery. "You're not negative all the time."

"As far as you know...." Ash mutters under his breath, pulling into the parking lot of a rundown little motel in the middle of nowhere. "We're here."

She glances up to the building in front of her, her mouth hanging open at the sight. " the place? Really?" Her arms fall from around her legs, kicking out beneath her, stretching the limbs out. "Well...guess it could be worse..."

"Well, yeah." He points at a door, then to a car with two men inside. "Go ahead and get the key for any room, right from the front desk." Ash frowns deeply, opening the door. "I gotta talk to these assholes."

Mia unbuckles herself and opens the door. Grabbing the bag full of weapons beneath her, she steps outside. Gazing towards the car in the distance, with an appearance similar to Ash's own, she spot two men sitting in the front seats. As they step out of the vehicle, their heads instantly snap towards Ash. Glancing in the same direction, she asks the deadite slayer, "You gonna talk to them alone, or...?"

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