AbhiGya Omnibus of One Shots...

Av Iv_Roo

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This book is a collection of 35 one shots that I have written on AbhiGya over the years. These have all been... Mer

Author's Note : Welcome
Table of Content & Request
Week 1 Poll Results
1. Of Love, Jealousy and More
2. Ma'am loves Papa
3. Just You and Me
4. What the Hell! She is my Wife!
5. First Girl-Friend
Week 2 Poll Results
6. Abhi's Realization
7. The Schizophrenic Fan Girl
8. Baby Daddy
9. Nemesis
10. Rockstar's Query
Week 3 Poll Results
11. Gone Girl 'Chashmish'
12. Parent Teacher Meeting
13. Mirror, Mirror On The Wall
14. Close to the Heart but yet so Far
15. Fathered
Week 4 Poll Results
16. The Close
17. When the Tables Turn
18. A Letter to 'Bhai'
19. Mistletoe
20. Ensnared
Week 5 Poll Results
21. Dilemma - Letting her Go
23. The Gunshot
24. Knowing & Not Knowing
25. I am SHE
Week 6 Poll Results
26. Transfer of Rights
27. Friendship Day
28. Classroom Sparks!
29. Mid-life Crises
30. Dating Chashmish
Week 7 (Last Set of OS's)
31. One More Day with You
32. A Glimpse of Her
33. The Lucky Draw
34. Paternal Reaction
35. Is this Love?
~ And the Curtains' Down!

22. Not Unless my Rear is on Fire

281 36 1
Av Iv_Roo

A/N : Inline comments are love, so are your final comments on how you feel about the whole story after you read it. Looking forward to lots of both as you read each chapter!

Happy Reading!


"Where? Blue Frog? What is that? - huh? Restaurant, but why? Haan? But what? Hmm..acha okay I will be there in half an hour. Bye" finished Pragya and disconnected the call. Then she looked at an eager Bulbul sitting next to her.

"Bulbul, we will discuss all this a bit later, Abhi has urgently called me to this weird named restaurant in half an hour. Seems like he needs my help with another of his clients. I got to go. But I promise, I will try and talk to him about my feelings before your engagement this evening!"

"Arre di, you're such an innocent fool sometimes! See, jiju has called you to a restaurant right? There will be no distractions like Tanu there! So leave right now and reach there before the clients arrive and without any disturbance, tell him about how you feel for him! Di, this opportunity is great! Grab it okay?"

"Bulbul..I...ummm" but Pragya herself realized Bulbul was right, this was indeed a good opportunity to own up to Abhi about her feelings. "Okay, I will do that Bulbul. Bye now"


"Why do you like such less lit creepy places Abhi? I mean, cold you not have called me to one place where I could be mildly more comfortable?"

"Uff fuggy! Here I am in trouble and you are worried about comfort! I need to discuss something very important, and I also need your help - a little bit" finished Abhi looking sheepishly at her.

"What happened Abhi. Is everything alright?"

"No fuggy, everything isn't alright. You know in the Lohri day? The couple who came to our house? The ...the...cli...clients?"

"Yes?...they are troubling you again? I will handle them! In fact----" but before Pragya could finish, her phone was ringing - it said Bulbul on the caller ID. Pragya had momentarily forgotten all about her and Bulbul's plan in her concern for Abhi, but seeing the call it came back to her. She picked up the phone.

"Haan Bulbul, I was just about to...you know what" completed Pragya darting a quick look at Abhi, who was getting more agitated by the minute and seemed least bothered about her coded conversation with her sister.

"Great di! Make sure nothing stops you! You will HAVE to tell jiju that you love him today! No excuses! And also make sure -------"

"Fuggy are you done talking to Bulbul now? This is important and I need to talk to you right now!" piped in an irritated Abhi.

"Yes, yes, one second. Bulbul, I will talk to you later, once I am done okay? Now I need to rush. Bye!"

"Yeah, so fuggy I was saying that.."

"NO. STOP." Blurted out Pragya, raising her palm up before his face like a traffic constable! Had he not been so tensed, he might as well have laughed at the gesture, but now was not a good time to indulge her.

"Now what fuggy?"

"Abhi, I have to tell you something, and I want to have a first go at it."

"You are unbelievable fuggy! Here my rear is on fire and you're asking me to hold on so you can roast your peanuts?" flared Abhi.

"Rear? Fire? Peanuts? Uff, I don't know what you're saying! Look who is wasting time now! Just let me get done with it and then I will listen to whatever you have to say for however long! And yes, I will help you with your clients too! Promise!" said Pragya with an innocent face. Abhi was quiet for a second, lost in her childish expression. Pragya took it to be his consent and began.

"Abhi...main...aap...what I am trying to say is that, you, I mean me...as in..I..wanted to say that I wanted to say it for sometime now that you..I mean I..as in ----"

"What the hell yaar fuggy, if you have to fumble like a goat, you ll have to wait! Now it's not the time. I am saying ---"

"Sorry sorry, actually I ----"

"Fuggy, Tanu and I are marrying in June!" finished Abhi, without bothering to wait for her to finish this time. He was louder than he thought he should have been and this was definitely not the best opening line to the discussion he had in store for them. But it was out now, and he could see Pragya hadn't registered it in one go, she had nodded and was about to continue with what she had to say, but then she stopped - the weight if his words seem to register into her - finally. Abhi sat there holding his breath. He was observing her every movement in details. She looked like she was replaying Abhi's word in her mind and trying to understand what it meant. But whether she did or not, Abhi couldn't see, as a waiter suddenly popped out of nowhere with a few balloons in his hand and addressed Pragya.

"Ma'am, here are the balloons you had requested for"

Pragya stared at the waiter at a loss. She had forgotten about the balloons, in fact she had forgotten why she wanted them even. She took them mechanically from the waiter and Abhi ushered him to leave. Pragya took the balloons and looked at them for a few seconds silently. Then her lips twitched to a slight degree, making it look like she was about to smile. But then she stopped, as if some other thought was again clogging her happy thought.

"Fuggy?" called Abhi uncertainly.

She looked up and then held out the balloons for Abhi to take. Her face expressionless. Abhi didn't understand her actions, but he couldn't think straight right now. Tanu's parents were going to come in a day or two to his house with his and Tanu's wedding proposal. He needed fuggy on board right now to hatch a plan. So, instead of thinking or questioning, he plainly took the balloons from her and motioned for a waiter to come and take them away. Once they were taken, Abhi looked back at Pragya. She was still looking at him expressionlessly. Abhi realized she was too surprised to respond.

"Fuggy, I know this was not the best way to begin the conversation, but well whatever I tell you, the conclusion is that Tanu and I are getting married in June, as decided by you"


"Fuggy, remember the Lohri day? The clients you met and helped me with? They weren't clients."

"Who were they?"

"They were...fuggy they were...Tanu's...parents. And the deal' they were referring to was our - Tanu and my - wedding"

Abhi could see a slight layer of water slowly quoting her eyes, but she was in control. A part of his insides curled a little uncomfortably seeing those neatly hidden tears. She wasn't even going to share her sorrow with him? He knew he had hurt her, and she was not expecting this - but where was he expecting this? Now things had paced up so fast that he couldn't keep her in delusion any longer, and waking up seemed very painful for his fuggy. He advanced his hand over the table and clutched her hands resting on the table. They were oddly soft and strangely warm. For a moment he just wanted to press it a little more to feel the softness, but he refrained himself and looked at her.

"Look here fuggy, I know you are hurt, and I didn't want this to come to you this way, but I really have no choice. I need your help"

"You are the cutest ignorant fool I know fuggy" repeated Pragya. As the memory of the Lohri night and her and Abhi's conversation came back to her mind. He had told her that, and she was oblivious towards his hint. She was just happy to help him - help him set up his wedding with Tanu in June next.

"Look here fuggy, I wasn't mocking you then...I was just...Urghh..I don't know why I had even said that. Point is ---"

"Point is you took my help even without my consent. Then why do you ask for consent this time? Could I not be kept ignorant any longer?" She knew she sounded sarcastic, but she meant it genuinely, if only she was kept in the dark, in her delusion, she could have just a few more extra days with him. But now with this knowledge, how will she ever trust him to tell him her feelings? And what was the point of telling him anyway? Thought Pragya.

"Fuggy, I didn't deliberately keep you in the dark that night, I mean, I had called for Purab, but you came..and you were right in front of them and I didn't know how to explain..""

"And all the days that followed after Lohri? You couldn't tell me then? You doubted whether I would help you or not. Hain na Abhi?"

Abhi wanted to negate but he couldn't. She was right, he did think Pragya would go and tell on him to daadi and that was what had kept him from owning up to her. Majorly that, and also he thought he would be able to handle it without bothering Pragya and involving her in this mess. But now when things were out of control and he had no choice but bring the cat out of the bag, he had to trust her. But now sitting before her, he realized thinking that Pragya was going to tell on him was his own delusion, it wasn't ever possible. Pragya wasn't that kind.

"Fuggy, I was scared of losing..."

"Losing whom?" her voice was soft and full of tenderness. For a moment Abhi was carried away enough to say "you" but then he looked away from her mesmerising eyes and looked down at the table.

"Of losing daadi and her trust fuggy" he whispered. He could feel her hand stiffen under his hand.

"Of course Abhi. I understand. I wish you had shown more trust in me. If you want Tanu in your life - in fact why wont you, you always loved her so dearly - I must say Abhi, Tanu is very lucky to have you in her life - I wish you both all the happiness - don't worry, you wont lose daadi, I will talk to her - in fact -----" Abhi could see she was not being able to hold on to her sobs with much success any longer, and those tears were rebelling to come out - her trust in Abhi was broken. Abhi got up from his seat and went close to her, he gave her a slight side hug. "I am so sorry fuggy, I should have told you before, I was only trying to-----"but Pragya sshed him. Wiping her eyes unnecessarily to stop the impending tears from falling, she looked into his eyes - "I will help you Abhi. Let me know what to do."

Then she got up and was about to leave, her eyes fell on a bunch of yellow roses lying on the seat next to Abhi. She gave a teary smile to Abhi.

"You forgot to give me my bribe" Abhi followed her gaze and it landed on the roses he had bought for her and had forgotten about. He pulled it out of the seat and held it out for her. She took it - no she clutched it like it was most prized procession and then walked out of the restaurant followed by Abhi.

"Fuggy do you have a good dress ready for Bulbul's engagement in the evening today? Else we could go shopping now, later there won't be any time left." Abhi tried to bring the mood back to normal before reaching home.

"No thanks Abhi. The roses are bribe enough" she sighed.


Pragya was sitting in the guest room. She needed some time off. She couldn't be in her bedroom because Abhi kept lurking there - he was hyper alert about every action of hers today she noticed - just the day she didn't need attention she thought. Hence she came to the guest room and locked the door behind her. She needed the quiet - to gain control over her disoriented brain - and slowly the whole afternoon's incident was sinking in.

Abhi didn't love her - she knew that. Abhi still loves Tanu - she knew that too she reasoned. Abhi wants to marry Tanu - wasn't that obvious? She had known this all along right? Then how did she allow her feelings to come in between and tangle her life. When things were this simple, why was she feeling so used up, lost and consumed in confusion? What was tugging at her heart when she realized Abhi was going to leave her soon? She knew she loved him, but what she wanted to know was, inspite of knowing everything why did she allow herself to love him? Did she not know her luck? This was bound to happen and this could be much less of an emotional blow for her, if she hadn't so hopelessly fallen in love with him. But sitting her alone, she couldn't tug onto rhyme or reason for long, the long due tears since afternoon opened fire and soon she was sitting on the floor by the bed and sobbing her heart out because of the heart break. She felt she could never be whole again - some part of her was lost to Abhi now - her heart. She could never resurface from this loss - she would have to take each day by itself, and find a cause to live on without Abhi; She was broken beyond measure. And she knew one thing for sure, she would never have another such heart break in her life - because she will no more have that innocent vulnerability in her to lose again.

Someone was knocking onto her door. She quickly wiped her eyes and darted towards the door.

"Di? Di are you in there?" came Bulbul's voice. Pragya was taken by aghast.

"Di, reply nah, jiju told me to check on you. You've been inside for too long! I think he is missing you!" giggled Bulbul.

"Haan haan Bulbul. I am inside. I will come out in a bit. You carry on"

"Uff di! Firstly you never told me you and jiju are back! Now you are hiding from me? Again you failed to tell him nah di? Offo! Okay, now you will go and tell him. I will pull you to your bedroom. He is inside, and lock the door from outside and stand guard! Okay?" Pragya was breathing heavily. In all this she had forgotten Bulbul's deal - she had said she would get engaged if Pragya didn't tell Abhi how she felt. But under such circumstances, how could she ever? She knew she couldn't share this with Bulbul - there were too many potential complications. But shat would she do now? Panicked Pragya.

"No, no Bulbul, actually I have spoken to him!"

"WHAAAT?!?!?! Di seriously? Open the door NOW"

Pragya wiped her tears and looked at the mirror and plastered a fake smile on her face and opened the door.

"WOW!! Di, di, di, di...! You told jiju? I am so proud of you! I never thought you will be able to manage it honestly! In fact I was even telling Purab that we should start thinking of a plausible reason for cancelling our engagement today! But you did it! Yeyyy!" then she stopped abruptly and looked tensed again! In her joy she forgot to ask what Abhi had said in response!

"Di, how did jiju react? What did he say? Of course he wouldn't say no...he didn't say no nah di?" asked Bulbul in an urgent whisper.

"No. No of course not - he didn't" choked Pragya.

"Oh My God! Did he say yes then? Oh di! I am soo happy for you! Wait let me go tell Purab! We will both come together to congratulate you then!"

"NO. NO Bulbul NO."

"No? Why di?" asked Bulbul innocently.

"Aree Bulbul, it's your engagement! It's your special day! First let us finish with this, then we will celebrate our news! Until then no running around, teasing or congratulating okay?"

"But di! Acha bunk, tell me what jiju said?"

Pragya turned around, her back now facing Bulbul. She could no longer hold her tears, at least she should hide it from Bulbul she thought - she didn't want to be the cause for hampering her little sister's engagement. She told her an engrossing story about how Abhi was initially taken by surprise and then he had come to accept the fact that he liked her too. How he had given her a bunch of roses and had promised to sort things with Tanu first and then come to her. Bulbul was ecstatic hearing it. She wanted to rush and gloat before Tanu. But Pragya stopped her saying, Abhi hadn't spoken to Tanu about it yet, so the news should be kept under the warp until he talks to her - she said Abhi had promised to speak to Tanu once Bulbul and Purab's engagement was done with. Bulbul was a little disheartened with the outcome, but she was happy that all was sorted in her di's life for once!


It was late aternoon when Pragya finally came back to her bedroom. She was ever thankful to see that Abhi was taking a nap out of the day's exhaustion. She walked to his bed quietly and sat beside him. She looked into his face intently for some time, and those treacherous tears escaped her eyes once again. What she couldn't have given to be with him for life, but he had other plans. Tanu was a super model, she couldn't ever compete her - but was she right for Abhi? Pragya had been with Abhi for long enough to realize that he had a heart of gold - Tanu didn't deserve him - but Abhi loved her and that was all that mattered. Nothing else did, no one else did - not even her.

As she stared at his innocent face, blissfully sleeping in a childlike posture. Remorse filled every bit of her. How she wished she had just one more chance to begin life afresh with Abhi - to tell him just once, what he meant for her - only if she could just once tell him how much she loved him - no she couldn't. She knew he had no feelings for her. But would it hurt to tell him how she felt right now in this instant when he is blissfully sleeping and completely unaware of his surroundings? It wouldn't harm anyone. Also it would take that enormous regret off her chest. Sitting here next to Abhi, while he was peacefully asleep, Pragya poured out her heart before him.

"Abhi, have you ever felt the force of the positive and the normative collide inside you? I have. I am going through it right now sitting by you. A fierce battle between what I am doing and what I ought to be doing. I know I ought to preparing for my sister's engagement later in the evening, but here I am sitting next to you, owning up to things I would never be able to own up in front of you when you're awake. Abhi, I love you. Don't ask me since when, I don't know. Maybe from the time you held my family close to you. Maybe from the time you saved our marriage hall. Maybe from the time you stood by me and fought against Aaliyah when you found her guilty or maybe from the time I took the holy seven vows in the wedding fire with you. It can even be when I was snapping at you in the shopping mall such a long time back for writing meaningless songs, or maybe the time when while driving you had splashed mud on me and Suresh all those time back. I sometimes feel there was some conspiracy the universe was playing against me when I fell off the bridge on that starry night and landed straight in your arms - was it a hint? How did the priest even consider matching your and my kunadlis' when I was already engaged to someone else? Was that a calling? Were you and I always meant to be? If so then why are we parting ways Abhi? What if I don't want to leave you? How will I ever be at peace without listening to your tuneless gym music from the shower and realizing you have woken up in time, and it's time to get you coffee? How will I ever go to bed without knowing whether someone has placed those two bottles of water in your mini freezer? I know I shouldn't have loved you, its my fault - but how could I not Abhi? Even in your enemity there was care - I felt it Abhi. You and I are quite the same Abhi, we both had taken on dubious fate all in the name of loved ones. I know I have enough reasons to walk away from this marriage, but to want to stay, I have just one reason. That is, I love you Abhi - more dearly than I have ever loved anyone, more dearly than I love my ma - I love you. I want to be with you. I want your love Abhi...please don't push me away." Pragya was sobbing uncontrollably next to a still Abhi. She felt lighter, happier to let it all out. True Abhi wont know all this, but also true that he indeed had heard it.

Aliyah was smiling as she walked out of a dark outhouse near the Panvel highway. The place seemed perfect. The property was sealed by PMC and Neil had access to the backdoor keys from his colleague. This place seemed perfect, who would doubt a hangy down corporation sealed property to be holding a hostage? For once she was thankful that the acid bulb plan didn't work, and even more thankful that Neil had caught them. The deal was simple - Bulbul will be kidnapped, and held hostage here. News will be sent that she was feeling unsure about marrying Purab for some time now, and she couldn't express her feelings to him in time, hence she was choosing to walk out from the wedding. Aaliyah was sure, the news would rip Purab apart, and taking advantage of the situation, she would be his sole support, winning him from there would be a cake walk. Bulbul on the other hand would be traded with Neil. Then Neil could do whatever he liked with her - marry her, rape her, beat her, kill her - Aaliyah didn't care. She had come here to check for herself if the place was apt to keep Bulbul from any attention. She walked back to the car and smiled at Tanu.

"Baby, my problem is done with. Once the engagement is called off, bring you parents' home - then we will deal with Pragya!"


"Bhabi, daadi has -----" she stopped as she walked in to Pragya's bedroom. She was on the phone with Bulbul.

"Yeah Bulbul, if they are taking so long, don't wait there go to Sky Lounge the other salon at the end of the street. I was supposed to go there so I have an appointment. But there is a lot of work here already, so I will miss my appointment - you use that. It will be much faster. Yes Bulbul they are great too! Bye" smiled Pragya. Then she turned to look at Aaliyah waiting at the door.

"Bhabi, daadi has sent this saree for you. She wants you to wear it for Purab and Bulbul's engagement." She smiled.

"Thank-you Aaliyah." She smiled back. Aaliyah was leaving, when Pragya held her hand. She turned to face Pragya.

"Aaliyah, you are the bravest girl I know. Standing here and witnessing the love of your life walk away - it isn't easy. I am proud of you Aaliyah"

"Thank you bhabi. Had you not knocked some sense into me that day in the hospital I still would be making the same mistake - I had got it all wrong bhabi, thank you for fixing my follies" she smiled and hid a vicious smirk.

"Sky Lounge...hmmm" thought Aaliyah


"What are you doing here fuggy? Still not ready for the engagement? It's Bulbul's engagement! Go get decked up! All the other ladies of the house have left for the salon, you want me to drop you somewhere?"

"No thanks Abhi, the priest has asked for a few more items for the prayer, I am arranging for those."

"Don't worry about these extra arrangements fuggy! I will take care of them. But before that go grab your dress, I will drop you to the salon."

"It's really not---"

"Captain Fuggy! It's a commander's call! Hurry up!" Pragya hid a sudden tear that came from the memory of that evening - Bulbul's roka - how they were playing with water - she was so happy then. She quietly collected her dress and left with Abhi.

They reached the salon and Pragya got off. Abhi lowered his window and told Pragya that he was going to buy the additional things the priest had asked for in the meanwhile. Once he was done, he would be back in an hour to pick her up from the salon. She silently nodded in agreement and entered the salon.


Abhi finished his shopping and returned back to the salon in an hour. He parked the car and called Pragya. Her phone was unreachable - there must be network issues inside he thought, as he waited for her outside.

He waited there for half an hour, it was getting late, the engagement was due to start in sometime. He was getting impatient now. He thought of waiting for another ten minutes.


"Purab, where is Bulbul? I got her this earring - I wanted her to wear this for the engagement. It even matches her dress. See, she will like it nah?" smiled Aaliyah innocently.

"Of course, Aaliyah, she will love it. It's exquisite. Go, meet her, she is in the guest's room with Sarla aunty."

"Oh. Okay" smiled Aaliyah. Poor Purab what did he know? Bulbul isn't there in the guest room, thought Aaliyah. So will it be her to break the news to him that Bulbul was missing? She smiled to herself and walked towards the guest room calling her name, "Bulbul!"

As she walked to the guest room, she almost tripped in shock. There sat Bulbul all decked up for her engagement, looking at her in response, with a smile. How could this be? Didn't the man call her and confirm that she was taken? They had even bribed a peon to tell them when the lady on appointment number four left the salon after dressing up, he did, and then they took her and confirmed. Then how was it possible. She gave Bulbul the pair of earrings and excused herself to find Tanu. Together they called up their accomplice and questioned. All said the right things, then how was Bulbul here?

Tanu and Bulbul walked back to the guest room to Bulbul.

"Arre the salon guys have done such a wonderful job on her hain nah Tanu? Bulbul is looking so pretty!"

"Yes, Bulbul indeed is looking very pretty Aaliyah, but which salon did you visit? I must try them once."

"Panache - in Peddar Road"

Aaliyah flinched at the information. "Panache? But bhabi was saying you will go to Sky Lounge, didn't you go there?"

"No Aaliyah. I was supposed to go to Panache, di had an appointment with Sky Lounge, but my stylists were getting late for the appointment, so for once I thought of using di's appointment at Sky Lounge, but when I was about to leave, these guys turned up. So I stayed here. In fact di is at Sky Lounge. Jiju pushed her to go. They are yet to arrive." Aaliyah tried to smile, but her face froze. Pragya at Sky Lounge and that too with bhai?


"That's it" thought Abhi, fuggy was taking too long! He would just have to walk in and tell her if she was going to take any longer, they would join Purab and Bulbul directly for breakfast next morning.


Purab looked at his phone that was ringing. Abhi was calling. He picked up.

"Purab, has Pragya reached home? Just check and confirm."

"No bhai, how will Pragya di reach, she is coming with you right? Is everything okay?"

"I don't know Purab, I was waiting for her outside the salon for almost forty minutes, then when I entered, they said she had left an hour back! If she hasn't reached home, her phone is unreachable for the last forty minutes. Where is she?" Purab could sense panick in Abhi's voice.

"Calm down bhai, maybe I don't know and she has returned, let me check and call you back. You relax okay."


Neil was waiting inside the outhouse at Panvel when the car drove in. Three men pulled out an unconscious woman and placed her on the chair, they roped her, and stood around her. There was a yellow light shimmering above her head from a tin light shade. From the dim light Neil could make out that her head was falling back from the chair and her face was covered with her hair. "Ah, Bulbul" he cooed softly. Then he walked up to him and gently pulled her head in front and roughly brushed her hair away from her face. The sight that met him, shook him in surprise, and he took two steps backwards.

"This isn't Bulbul you blithering idiots!" he cried in anger, "This is the rock stars wife!"

He immediately called Aaliyah and clarified her doubts. Indeed Pragya was kidnapped in place of Bulbul. How on earth were they going to fix this now? Aaliyah calmed her nerves and first locked the door of her room and then turned to Tanu. She was at a loss.

"We are doomed Tanu, now no one can stop Bulbul and Purab's engagement! That Neil won't hold Pragya hostage, he wanted Bulbul and that's why he helped. Now if Pragya returns she would tell everyone that she was kidnapped, there will be police investigations - what if we are caught?"

"Relax Aaliyah, all is not lost! We need the news to spread that Pragya is untraceable! In such a circumstance, Bulbul will never agree for the engagement. This time Pragya herself will be the cause for stalling the engagement. And once Neil leaves her, we will get our men to cause her a small accident. Then we can make it look like while returning home she had met with an accident. All will be under control"

"Tanu that's pure genius. Sounds great, let me call Neil."

Aaliyah calls Neil and explains to him, the situation. She asks Neil to let go of Pragya and also promises Neil to hatch another plan before the Rabul wedding and get Bulbul to him. But Neil's response left her stunned.

"Aaliyah my love! You really think I will let go of the rock stars wife this easily? Ah hah..not after how your brother treated me in public, not after he got away without me avenging my ego. Now Pragya is my prisoner. I will do whatever I want with her. You both can forget me from your game from now. And in case you act smart and try to get me caught, remember, I have the moment videotaped where you and your supermodel friend tried throwing an acid bulb on Bulbul! Goodbye"

As Aaliyah slumped and sat on the couch, Tanu smirked. Even though this wasn't their plan, the behenji being taken away from Abhi meant only one thing - she had a free pass for Abhi. As for Bulbul's engagement, with Pragya missing that wouldn't happen anyway!


It was ten at night, the entire Arora and Mehra family were waiting in the Mehra hall. They were restless to know where Pragya had disappeared that evening. Sarla ma's tears had dried half way through her cheeks now, she was being held closely by a teary eyed Bulbul. Rodaadi was sitting with Abhi's daadi and the daasi's all praying for Pragya's return. Then they heard a noise near the main entrance, all eyes looked towards the door to see Aakask, Abhi and Purab walk in looking disgruntled. They were followed inside by a police officer.

While Aakash was still on the phone, Purab informed everyone that there was no trace of Pragya anywhere. There have been no cases of accidents around that area either, there were absolutely no disturbances. Hence by the process of elimination, it was clear - Pragya was kidnapped.

All eyes turned to Abhi, who firmly kept staring at his phone, he deliberately didn't want to meet anyones eyes, he wasn't in a state to confront anyone, he was beyond angry - he had never felt so helpless before. The police officer in the mean time had come up to him.

"Don't worry Mr. Mehra, we are trying our best to locate your wife. She will hopefully be fine."

Something about the officers unsureness about Pragya's well being had blown a fuse, and all the pent up anger and frustration lashed out of Abhi at that moment.

"Hopefully? Is that the best you can do officer? My wife is missing for the past four hours and now you realize she is kidnapped? And what if your hope is wrong and something does happen to her, how the f**king hell will you compensate? And trying your best? If you were trying your best my wife would be right here next to me right now officer! Don't come here to do small talks now! Just go and get your job done, I want Pragya, uninjured and unscathed right here in front of me by morning! Go NOW" screamed Abhi.

Purab came to console Abhi, but he had had enough. He just shoved his hands off his own shoulder and walked away in brisk pace to his room. He was going to wait right there for further information. He reached his room and locked the door behind him. He reached near his bed and stared at the bed uncertainly. It was difficult to believe that only a few hours back he was lying here and resting silently when she had walked in - in fact she was standing exactly where he was standing. He now slowly sat on the edge of the bed, exactly where she was sitting, blissfully unaware that Abhi was wide awake. He had closely followed Pragya in the restaurant, he could tell she was upset and she needed to vent out. But he also knew she wouldn't do that with him conscious around him - he found the opportunity prefect - he pretended to sleep so as to allow her to vent. But when she opened her mouth, shock had numbed him. For all the time she spoke, he couldn't decide whether to wake up and console her or lie and pretend for life that he was sleeping. He was indecisive. He didn't know how to respond. Fuggy loved him? After all the possible ways he wronged her? True fuggy understood him better than anyone else and took great care of him, but she really loved him? She wanted to stay with him for life? And what amazed Abhi the most was, he wasn't repelled by the idea of spending a lifetime with fuggy at all! How was he not repelled by the idea. As he lay there in shock he heard the sweetest confession of love in his lifetime. After hearing out her inner most thoughts he whole heartedly agreed with fuggy - his love songs did seem very shallow.

But now before he got a chance to tell her he had heard, she was gone. Abhi had decided to talk about it with Pragya at night after Bulbul's engagement - but now? Where was she? Was she safe? Would the kidnappers harm her, he shuddered. Why was he not getting extortion calls he wondered. All he wanted to do was get fuggy back, safe and sound in his arms. While he sat there fully exhausted, there was a knock at the door. Abhi opened the door and Tanu entered his room.

"Baby I know it must be exhausting for you - I mean spending time in searching for that behenji - what a waste. You forget all that and relax. And instead of all that shit, think of how you will convince your family about your and mine wedding proposal that my parent's are bringing to your house tomorrow! It's more important."

"Please Tanu not now. Please leave me alone"

"What the hell Abhi! Right now the behenji being missing is more important than our wedding? What is wrong with you Abhi? You ----"

"Just shut up Tanu! Pragya is my WIFE! And she is MISSING! Do you get that? And you want me to forget that and plan our wedding? How can you be so shallow Tanu? Go tell your parents' to turn up after a few days! I CANNOT think of anything else, till fuggy is located."

"That's it Abhi! You cannot just get away by screaming at me every now and then. My parents' will VERY MUCH come here tomorrow to propose out marriage! You have the whole night! Think of how you want to tell this to your family." Then she stormed out of the room.

It was barely fifteen minutes that Tanu had left, when Purab came running up to Abhi's room.

"Bhai, there is an extortion call on the landline downstairs! Come fast!"

"Hello rockstar? How are you doing? Remember me? Neil? No? okay, the corporator who put you in jail? That's right, now you remember me. Well rockstar! Your wife is with me. I have abducted her! The other time I had just said a few harmless words against her and you had beaten me to pulp. Your heart bleeds for her isn't it? Now imagine, what all I can do to her, for avenging your abuse on me that night. I can touch her anywhere I like, I can k----"

"Just shut up Neil! You will do no such thing! You will not harm Pragya! What do you want? You want the KKB hall? I will give you that myself! I will give you all the money you want, just don't touch Pragya."

"Ah. True love. Such a pity mine was getting engaged today, but thanks to me they haven't got engaged yet. So rockstar, here's the deal - You get me Bulbul, I will give you back your wife! Fair and square! Deal?" Abhi stared at the phone. How could he agree to push Bulbul in the hands of such a rogue for any cause. Bulbul was like a sister, when he couldn't do that to Aaliyah, how would he do that to Bulbul? But Pragya? After all this she loved him hopelessly, and Abhi was sure she was hell bent in thinking he would come and get her no matter what - how was he to betray her trust. But before he could respond, Purab lost his nerve.

"You bas***d, you son of a b***h, you think we will trade Bulbul for Pragya di? We will find you no matter what. You wait and watch" there was an eerie silence on the other side of the phone. Abhi held his breath. Then when Neil responded, his voice was silky and what he said made Abhi's blood curl.

"Oh, okay keep Bulbul then. Pragya isn't a bad deal either. Eh rockstar? Now I see why you married her - her skin is as smooth as Egyptian cotton - aah...and so far I have only removed her dupatta"

"Neil! Do NOT touch her I said! Leave Pragya alone! I will give you whatever you want" screamed Abhi.

"Abhi what the hell are you saying" screamed Purab.

"Purab, jiju is right, I don't care how, I want my di unharmed!" shrieked Bulbul.

"Confusion confusion!" Sighed Neil silkily. "Okay I give you two hours' time, decide and tell me which Arora sister I get to keep okay? I will call you back to know" and he hung up.

The moment the call got disconnected, Purab hurled himself before Abhi.

"Abhi what the hell is wrong with you? How did you agree to trade Bulbul for Pragya di?" screamed Purab

"Didn't you see it Purab, he was abusing her physically! Pragya is my WIFE! I cant just let him do that! I HAD NO FU**ING CHOICE PURAB" cried Abhi.

"Bhai, I am not letting you take Bulbul anywhere!" shouted Purab.

"Jiju, don't listen to him, I will go wherever you take me. I just want my di back at any cost. The corporators target was always me, di shouldn't be caught in all this!" pleaded Bulbul.

"Bulbul what the hell are you saying? Do you have any----" began Purab.

"Please Purab, please try and understand, there is no Bulbul without di. You will lose me anyhow if we lose di. This is our best chance."

"Purab, I will just take Bulbul there, I wont let anything happen to her either. Its calculated risk" tried Abhi reasonably.

"NO ABHI. I won't let you! This is not calculated risk, it is a HUGE risk! How can you be so selfish Abhi? Even I want Pragya di back, but not at the cost of Bulbul! Would you have taken Tanu or Aaliyah, if he had asked for them? ANSWER ME ABHI" cried Purab.

Abhi stood there quietly for a long time, and then to his own surprise, he replied, "Yes Purab, I would have taken Aaliyah or Tanu too, if it has come to Pragya's well being" he finished softly.

Purab, Tanu, Aaliyah were stunned. Only Bulbul smiled seeing her jiju's undeterred love for her di. She turned to Purab.

"Purab you know how much di has suffered for us, its time I return her due. We owe her this Purab. Purab you're my strength, please don't weaken me today, please let me go?" Purab knew he had lost. Feeling heavily wronged he just sighed. Abhi came and patted his shoulder. It was decided, Bulbul was going to be Abhi's bait for rescuing Pragya.


"Neil, here you go, I got Bulbul, bring Pragya now" a sudden light fell on Abhi and Bulbul and a voice came from the other side.

"Aah Bulbul, thanks Abhi. Yes, of course Pragya shall be yours now. First send Bulbul across the room"

"No Neil. I kept my promise. Show me Pragya first. I want to see if she is fine."

"My game, my rules."

Abhi nods towards Bulbul and she starts walking towards the other side of the room. Soon she feels a pair of hand grabbing her.

"My Bulbul, finally by my side" sneered Neil, "What a pity Bulbul, your rock star jiju you so adore, sold you for his wife? Such a let down! But rockstar you have such a bad taste! You let the pretty sister go for the ugly sister?"

"Neil, I delivered on my promise, give Pragya back to me. "

"Okay okay, we will leave it fair and square." Then he commanded someone to get Pragya. Then Abhi saw a man approaching him with Pragya lying unconscious on his arm. Her body was limp and her head was tilted and dangling. The man came and dropped Pragya before Abhi's feet. He immediately bent down to support her.

"Pragya, Pragya are you okay?" there was no response. She was cold and there were minor scratches in her arms. Her cheeks had fingerprints on them - it infuriated Abhi, but he controlled himself. He knew every move of his was pre calculated. He couldn't risk anything now - Bulbul would be in trouble. He silently picked up Pragya and left the outhouse. In the first rays of the morning sunlight, Pragya looked minorly man handled, but there were no serious injuries. He was half thankful that she was unconscious, at least she will have no memory of the horrific night. And also he felt thankful because she didn't see him in this state - he realized he had tears if relief in his eyes as he hugged fuggy most gently. He then took her in the car and started driving home. He called Aakash to call the doctor at home. After another fifteen minutes of driving, Purab called to inform Neil was arrested and Bulbul was taken unharmed. Abhi smiled, all was well.

They had fitted a tracking device in Bulbul's shoes and ever since Bulbul's started his journey with Abhi, they were being tracked. The moment after letting Pragya go, Neil started off with Bulbul towards some other way, a little down the line they were caught by the police.


The doctor had recommended a week's rest to Pragya. She was not harmed, but she was shocked and exhausted. She was put to sleep by the doctor for a straight twelve hours. Abhi had carefully taken care of all her medicines and other needs. Finally he came out of the room letting her sleep and walked down to the hall to sit with daadi and the Arora family. After an insanely long night, he was finally relaxing, when Tanu walked in with his parents. Abhi let out a low sigh. True he wasn't thinking about this at all, but it seemed like he was forever prepared for this moment. As the three walked into their hall - and daadi looked questioningly towards Abhi, he got up and approached Tanu's father, before they reached the family.

"Sir, it's true I liked your daughter Tanu at one point of time in life. I wanted to marry her - but she was not ready. Now I am a married man with a loving wife. I cannot marry again. And I am not planning to leave my wife for your daughter. I apologize for not telling you this the very first time we met. But my decision wont change." Then he turned to Tanu, he held her hand, "Tanu you wanted me to take a final call right, this is it then. Goodbye."

Tanu was going to have angry fit, but her parents pulled her out in good time. Abhi returned back to his daadi. Seeing her questioning look he replied, "Nothing daadi, Tanu had got a client to meet me, I said its not the right time."

He turned to see a giggling Bulbul and smiled at her. Then he excused himself and went up to his room. While he was entering he found Purab standing behind him with a mischievous smile. He winked at Abhi and went away singing, "Love, Love Happy Love. Do it now "bhai" do it like a rockstar!". He entered the room and saw Pragya sleeping peacefully. Thank God she was drugged and she was REALLY sleeping.

"Oi fuggy. You know I am not good at this. I am not a literature student, so I can't use positive or normative metaphors. I don't know what love is, whether it is what I felt for Tanu, or what I feel for you. But the way I care for you is how I care for daadi and Aaliyah - and I never cared for Tanu that way. Since I connect with you in way I connect with family, I believe I love you - I don't know though - you know, its logic. I love my family - you are family - I love you..makes sense? I don't know, it seems right to me. And yes, assuming I already love you, you may want to know from when, yet again I have no answer - maybe from the time I saw you teaching those children to share the ice cream so they don't fight - a long time ago? Or maybe from the time when you stood up against me for wronging Rachana. Or maybe I really meant that jingle I had recited before you when you had fallen off that bridge that starry night. I don't know. I don't want to know even. I just know I am very comfortable around you. Let's make a fresh start from here and see where it goes? Trust daadi to actually make me fall in love with a girl of her choice. But fuggy Aaliyah is going to be mad at us for this" he finished laughing and landed a soft peck oh her forehead.

Life felt complete, and every piece of that crazy jigsaw that was his life, for once seemed to be in the right place. Love really is over rated isn't it? Its just about finding the right pieces and putting them in the right place to get a stable clear picture. There aren't any butterflies in the stomach situation in love thought Abhi. Then the realization dawned, he could confess because she was asleep. Tomorrow when fuggy woke up, in her mind, it would still be like life was for her today morning - she will be unaware of his feelings and will think he doesn't know hers either - the butterfly phase and the other fluttery things of love will begin henceforth - the journey that will end in both of them confessing their love to each other in each other's wakeful consciousness!


A/N : Guys, don't forget to vote, share and leave me a message :)

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