32. A Glimpse of Her

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It's been two days now, Abhi hasn't come to the room to sleep at night. To say the least I am agitated now. The first night, when he wasn't returning, I had smugly walked downstairs to see him sitting on the sofa and discussing something with Purab – they both saw me and ignored me. It hurt me, but I hid the pain, instead I made a snide comment about sleeping on time, because I wouldn't give him extra time to sleep in the morning. He looked at me with his determined child-like face and turned his head back towards Purab and continued talking. I went back to my room, relieved that he is at home. I must have dozed off while scrutinizing the company's balance sheet, because the next time when I woke up, it was due to my alarm ringing in the morning. I quickly turned around to find that his side of the bed was neatly done. Why hadn't he retired for the night? I was anxious, what was he up to now? Had he gone drinking again at night? Did Purab accompany him? How irresponsible of Purab to not drop him back home, I thought annoyed. Maybe he had crashed at Purab's, so that he can sleep longer? I almost laughed to myself, at his childish ways – that's when I heard his voice from the corridor, "Bye Tanu, I gotta go now" then I saw him cross our door in a flash,  not looking inside even for a moment.

What was going on I had wondered, but instead of confronting him, I had decided to wait for the night to see how things unfold. However last night was another no-show. I asked Robin if he had come back home, and he replied in affirmative, I asked him irritated, then where was he at such late hours, but for some reason, Robin seemed to be averting my eyes and avoiding my question. It didn't take me long to get him to speak – he revealed that Abhi was staying with Tanu for the last two nights. My insides scrunched at the news, and a shot of disbelief ran through my veins. Why was he spending his nights with Tanu? I decided to confront him, but thought it was better to wait until morning. After all I was the one to set the rules to go to bed early every night, if I would wake people up, it would give them a chance to raise their heads again.

I didn't sleep much that night, just kept twisting and turning on my bed until morning – somehow, something felt oddly wrong – I had no doubts that even if he was with Tanu, there was nothing going on between them, but I was uncomfortable – why would he move to her room when we didn't have any arguments to stimulate such a reaction? I was debating whether to talk to daadi first, but then decided on confronting him first thing in the morning. In the early hours of dawn, I gave up on trying to sleep and got up and paced around in the room, forming coherent arguments in my head, as to how to approach him. By the time I took a shower and got ready for the day, it was finally morning for the Mehra household, and people were stirring on their beds. I summoned Robin, and asked him to fetch Abhi Sir and Tanu Maám to my room. He nodded and left.


As I approached her bedroom, I glanced at Tanu and winked at her, she looked nervous, this way we'd be caught no sooner we entered her room. I took hold of her wrist and nodded at her in assurance; she smiled weakly, but seemed slightly less anxious. Then I knocked her door.

"Come in" came her crisp voice, and I almost chuckled to see a low shudder escape Tanu.

We entered her room, to see her sitting on the sofa with a newspaper and cup of tea in her hand. She was wearing one of her "not-like-fuggy" sarees that was rich plum in colour, she had matched it with a bronze coloured halter neck blouse. She was looking exquisite. I stared at her for a moment, and forgot the work at hand, I realized how much I missed seeing her in the last two days. I almost sighed when she looked up at us with her sharp hawk-eyes.

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