Diesel (Aces MC #1)

a-l-foster द्वारा

443K 18.4K 424

Twenty year old Harlow has spent the last two years avoiding the advances of club members, much to the annoya... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

32.4K 1.4K 14
a-l-foster द्वारा


"The shipment arrives on Sunday and I want you, Rex, Stoney and Bear to see its safe arrival." Duke was sitting at the oak desk in his office, leaning back in the chair with his feet resting on the desk. He could see by my expression that I wasn't happy about being out of town for a while.
"What's up with you? You screwing Harlow yet?" His smile widened showing his beautifully lined teeth, teeth that I'd like to smash.
"Fuck off, it's none of your business." I stated sitting on the arm of the green sofa placed in the corner of his office. I tried to rub the back of my neck to release some of the tension that had built up this evening and reaction obviously sparked his interest further as he placed his feet on the floor and sat up with a huge grin on his face.
"What's the matter, have you lost your charm? Look man she's fit but if you're not interested, can I have ago?" I'd love to smash the fucking smug look off Duke's face. He wasn't interested in Ink, he just liked to fucking annoy me and it was working.

"Anyway what did you wanna talk about?" Duke asked changing the subject as he probably knew he had pissed me off.
"I had an interesting conversation with Ink this evening." I ignored Duke's obvious intrigue on what I had just called her. I knew she had links to an MC but my worst fears were confirmed this evening and I needed to let Duke know before he found out from someone else.
I paused which piqued Duke's interest further, "Her dad was Trigger."
I knew this wasn't good for Ink's future at the club, her loyalties would be tested if she wanted to continue to work for us. I could see the flicker of shock on Duke's face before it was gone as quickly as it came.
"Trigger as in the Sergeant at Arms for the Skulls, who was recently murdered?"
I nodded my head slowly, "The very same, we ran into some Skulls at the cafe this evening and Patch also hinted that she had a connection to Hawke. She denies it and I believe her but something doesn't quite feel right."
"Does she know that you're interested?"
"It's quick Diesel."
I nodded my head understanding what he was getting at.
I could see that Duke was chewing over this information. "Do you trust her?" he asked running his fingers through his hair and resting them at the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I took her to Spirits Point this evening." My words hung in the air as Duke loved Shaun as much as I did.
Spike and Duke were my rocks when I lost him and understood just how much that place in Epping Forest means to me because of the memories it holds.
"I understand." He said with a smile. "You know the protocol though, I'll need to put her under surveillance and do a more extensive background check on her and dig into her past as much as possible." Duke quickly wiped his eye, trying to make it look like he had an itch, rather than let me realise that he was hurting by the sound of my son's name. It had affected us all in many different ways.
"I'll put Tyler on her until we clear up the situation, I'm annoyed we didn't pick up on this before you got involved."
"It wouldn't have made a difference."
"Is she coming Saturday?" Duke's composure was back.
"Yeah, we had words this evening but she'll be there." I said aloud, trying to convince myself but doubting every word.


I felt like shit, I hadn't got much sleep through tossing and turning all night long. I had finally given up at 6.00am and decided to go for a run to clear my head. I hadn't been to the gym in weeks and now my body was aching all over from my morning workout. The scolding hot shower hadn't helped either and now I was in need of coffee before the long list of appointments I had today.

"Good morning Harlow." Spike welcomed me as I entered the shop.
"Is it?" I responded walking to the back room to put my bag and coat into my locker. I took a big gulp of coffee and looked in the mirror at the large bags under my eyes. You don't only feel like shit, you look like shit Harlow, pull yourself together. With a slap on each cheek, I was more awake and psyched for my first appointment.

"You wanna talk?" I turned slowly to find Spike glaring at me with his arms folded across his huge muscular chest. His expression was expectant as he stood waiting for me to respond.
"I'm just tired. I had a shit night's sleep, no dramas." I put a smile on my face and brushed past him, when Spike grabbed my arm.
"Not what I heard. You're a fucking good tattooist and I don't want to lose you but you shouldn't have lied about who you were." His monotone voice wasn't giving anything away neither were his eyes.
"Spike please listen before you jump to conclusions. I haven't lied I just omitted to tell you certain things about my life, can we do this later?" I shrugged his hand from my arm and walked into the main room where Amy was sitting waiting for me, if she heard our conversation she didn't let on which I was thankful for.

"You ready for this?" I asked getting out the equipment I needed for her tattoo.
Amy placed her hand on mine gently stroking it, stopping me in my tracks. I didn't have any close female friends, girls at the club were either old ladies or club whores. I was just the daughter of the Sergeant at Arms so I was always somewhere in between. Dad didn't want me hooking up with one of his Brothers so I respected his wishes and stayed away where possible. Not that all of the Brothers listened, Hawke had taken a shine to me and had pursued his interest from the day I turned eighteen. After two years of knock backs, you'd have thought he would've got the hint. He wanted me as his old lady and didn't like rejection, that's one of the reasons I had to leave the club after the death of my dad. I would've still been welcome but Hawke's advances were getting harder to turn down without the protection of my dad and I didn't feel safe.

"Are you okay Harlow?" Amy looked at me with confusion.
"I'm fine, just got a lot going on at the moment." I said letting out a loud sigh.

I finally finished the next stage of Amy's tattoo and it was now taking shape and looking good apart from the usual redness. She would need a few more sessions although she had been worked on previously by Spike but because she hated needles and had a low pain threshold, it was going to take longer than expected. The tattoo covered the area where she had a nasty looking scar which looked like it was from an attack rather than an operation but I didn't want to ask.

"You still okay for Saturday?" Amy asked excitedly.
"I don't know to be honest. Diesel and I had a fight last night."
Amy looked at me frowning, "What about?"
I ran my fingers through my hair anxiously, "The evening started off great, he took me to Spirits Point and then we went to a local cafe." I paused, building up the courage to tell her about my past. I didn't know how she would react knowing that I'd been associated with another club?
"We ran into members of the Skulls and to cut a very long story short, I have a history with them." I glanced over to see Amy staring at me. "I know I should've told everyone before I took the job but... Amy what's the matter?" Amy still had a shocked expression on her face but now her eyes were glistening, as if she was about to cry.

"He took you to Spirits Point!" Amy tried not to blink to prevent the tears from falling but the dam broke and they started to stream down her cheeks. Quickly moving over to her, I wiped the tears that had rolled down her face and placed my hands on hers.
"He doesn't talk about Shaun much these days but it doesn't mean he's not hurting though. I knew he was visiting that place often but whenever I've mentioned it to him, he would just brush it off." Amy gave a small smile, "The fact that he took you there Harlow, means he totally trusts you. I'm assuming he found out about the Skulls after your visit to the Point?" I looked directly at Amy nodding my head. "If he did get annoyed can you see where he's coming from?" Amy was looking at me with the same expression her brother did last night, a little disappointment and hurt clearly visible on her face.

"I totally understand and that's why I've decided to stay away from him, he doesn't need me causing shit between the two clubs. I moved away to start a new life outside of the Skulls and I've landed smack in the middle of the Aces." Now it was my turn to cry, tears slowly made their way down my face as I sat not knowing what to say.
Diesel was like a breath of fresh air in what had become a stale existence since the death of my dad. He'd heightened my senses and I'd develop unfamiliar feelings for Diesel over this short amount of time but all the same, these were feelings that I wanted to explore. It was very early days but he had shared some intimate things with me last night and he obviously felt comfortable with me but I was now hoping that he liked me too. I had a nagging feeling at the pit of my stomach that I'd let him down and because of that he wouldn't want to see me again although I was hopeful.

"Just give him time, he'll want to see you again. You know how these men are." I shook my head slowly, "Oh please turn up on Saturday Harlow. I'll introduce you to everyone, our pig roasts are legendary." She was now whining, how could I possibly say no. I wanted to see Diesel again and explain my situation further. If he'd let me explain would be a different issue.
"Okay, I'll be there but you better be right." I added Amy's number to my phone before she left the shop, leaving me to ponder over our conversation.

I was finished by 5.00pm and decided to pick up some shopping before I went home, I didn't need much, just a few essentials to last me over the weekend. On leaving the supermarket, I instantly got an uncomfortable feeling as I walked down the deserted street as if someone was watching me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and I immediately got goosebumps.
I briefly glanced around the street trying to portray calmness but I was unable to see anyone. Although relieved that I wasn't in any immediate danger I still had an uneasy feeling and quickened my steps, clutching my keys in my hand ready to get into my apartment. As I reached the door, I fumbled with my keys and franticly looked behind to make sure that no one was around. I quickly opened the door and shut it behind me, placing my back against the door. My heart rate had increased and I was breathing hard.
I shook my head from side to side realising how stupid I'd been. Why would someone be following me anyway?
I quickly composed myself and walked through my living room into the kitchen, gently placing the shopping bags on the worktop. I poured myself a large glass of water from the jug I stored in the fridge and sat down at the kitchen table, slowly slipping my aching feet out of my boots. Closing my eyes, I gently rested my head against the back on the kitchen chair to try to relax but vibration from my pocket startled me.

What time should I expect you tomorrow? D

My heart rate started to increase at a rapid speed at the excitement of his text. I didn't think he would want me there after everything that happened last night and I quickly typed a response.

Do U want me there? Harlow x

Please say yes, please say yes. I was chanting over and over waiting for his next response.

I told U last night, this isn't over until I say it's over. D

What no hugs and kisses at the end of his message? I'll have to work on that! My heart rate was still increased and I could feel my lady bits tighten, Diesel was one hot son of a bitch and I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anyone before.

OK, C U tomorrow around 1.00pm. Harlow x

I needed a shower to try to unwind after scaring myself earlier, I knew I was being stupid but something just didn't feel right. I placed the phone into my pocket and walked into my bedroom carrying my glass of water. My phone vibrated again, which surprised me as I didn't think Diesel would be a serial texter. Taking my phone from my pocket I eagerly read the text as I was excited by what he may have written in response.

Hello Princess. R U missing me yet? Can't wait 2 C U again soon x

"Shit!" I dropped the glass on the floor and ran to the front door to secure it by putting on the deadbolt. I eagerly pulled the curtains tight and ran towards the back door making sure that it was also secure. My heart rate had increased further and I could feel the tightening of my chest, I was starting to wheeze and had a shortening of breath because of my fear. I rummaged around in my handbag looking for my asthma pump, I hadn't needed it for months but was now using it for the second time in under a week. I found it and took two puffs which steadied my breathing a little but I was still struggling because I was anxious.

I knew what that text meant, the only people to call me Princess were members of the Skulls and I suspected that it was either Patch or Hawke trying to frighten me.
My phone vibrated again, I dropped my pump and slumped to the floor not wanting to look at the message through fear of what it may say.
Here I was a twenty year old lady, scrambling around on my kitchen floor scared of a fucking text message, I needed to get my shit together but my chest hurt and my breathing was still a little erratic. I needed to calm down or I'd need more than just my asthma pump. I hesitantly looked at the phone to find a second message.

Do U really think your curtains will keep me out? Sweet dreams x

I fumbled around trying to open the kitchen cupboard under the sink as the adrenaline pumped around my body. I finally managed to remove the metal tin where I kept my gun and checked that it was loaded which reassured me as I held it firmly whilst trying to assess the situation.

I don't know how long I sat on the floor whilst I thought of different scenarios but I was starting to get a numb arse. I crawled to my bedroom not turning on the light and closed the door behind me, securing it further by pushing my chest of drawers up against it. It wouldn't keep anyone out for long but it would give me enough time to make an escape out of the window.
I sat on the bed resting my back against the wooden headboard, bringing my knees up against my chest, rocking back and forth.
Why did my dad have to die? After his death, everything went to shit. He would've known what to do in a situation like this, there were plenty of times when the club went on lock down and all family members were brought to the club for protection. As a child it was great because all the children there gave me plenty of friends to play with. We were one big happy family but now I was all alone and didn't have anyone to turn to.

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