New Feelings (Drake Fanfic) [...

By WillowTreedotPNG

46.2K 1.2K 1.7K

[This story has been discontinued due to loss of motivation for the storyline, I apologize deeply.] Jake has... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10 ~
~Chapter 11 ~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~

~Chapter 27~

1.1K 32 68
By WillowTreedotPNG

Narrator POV

After minutes of just sitting around, talking, and just enjoying each other's company, Jake and Drew finally decide to 'practice'. Drew sat up from laying across Jake's chest, reaching for the brown guitar leaning on the wall. 

 Jake smirked as he sat up as well, prepared to listen to whatever tune Drew was going to play. "Do you think I should..?" Drew asked, looking at Jake with soft eyes. Jake nodded, plastering a bright smile. Drew returned the smile, turning to the guitar in his arms. Drew took a deep breath and caressed each side of the guitar gently, his fingers overlapping the strings as his hand draped over the base. 

 You can do this.. He thought, as he slowly began to strum the cords. He wasn't playing any song in particular, just any random tune that flowed into his head. His eyes slid close as he began to slip into another world. He hadn't done this in so long, he forgot how happy it truly made him.

 Drew felt a small smile tug at his lips as his fingers slid across the strings. Jake watched as Drew played the wooden instrument. Jake scanned over his facial features, taking note of how happy and content he looked. Jake felt his cheeks heat up at his soft smile. 

Before Drew knew what he was doing, a soft hum escaped his lungs filling the air with a touch of a beautiful voice. The sound shot right into Jake's heart, filling his stomach with butterflies. It was like nothing he had ever heard before. Just the small bit of Drew's voice that was dancing through the air made Jake's heart do flips. He longed so much to hear Drew's voice play through his ears. If humming was that beautiful, what did is actual voice sound like? 

 As Jake was trying to imagine how amazing his voice would sound he found himself zoning out, gazing at Drew's face admiring every little aspect of it. 

 But suddenly.. 

 His question was answered. 


 As Hailey trotted home, Zander in close pursuit, she felt.. Content. She had been feeling it all day since kicking Jake out. Her heart stung with the ever-growing guilt in her gut. Her mind kept replaying the scene in her head over and over. The look on Jake's face before he ran out nearly broke her. She had never seen him so hurt before. What had she done..? But it was the right thing to do. He didn't really care for the club. ..Right? 

 Zander noticed the contemplative expression his step sibling wore, and placed a hand on her shoulder. Hailey jumped at the feeling, but eased realizing who it was. "Hey, you alright?" Zander asked softly. Hailey nodded, giving him a reassuring smile. "Okay, but if anything is wrong you know you can talk to me." 

The aura around the two grew silent once more. Normally Luke would be walking alongside the two siblings, but he had to stay back to help tutor some kids in the grade behind, Milly being one of them. 

Hailey's thoughts swirled in her head like a tornado. She didn't know what was right or wrong. Before she knew it they were at their house. She smiled at being free from her thoughts for a while. She could play with her sister or annoy Zander, maybe help her step-mother with baking.

The relief that washed over Hailey as she stepped into the cozy house was the best thing ever. A smile tugged at her lips as she heard a familiar voice call out, "Hailey! Alex!" Before the step siblings knew it, they were both in a tight embrace by their younger sister. "Bethany, what did I say about calling me Alex?" Zander groaned. "Sorry, Alex." 

"Oh, get over here you little gremlin!" Zander called, dropping his bag to the floor and running off to chase his younger sister. Hailey started laughing as she watched the two run around the house. She jumped in front of Bethany quickly, and caught her in her arms. "Gah! Hailey! No fair!" She whined, squirming around in her sisters grasp. 

Hailey let out a soft chuckle before letting her down to the ground. "I have some work I need to do, I'll be back by dinner," She said, grabbing her bag and running up the stairs. Zander tilted his head. He knew she didn't have a thing she needed to work on. He followed her steadily, making sure not to make any noise. 

Hailey dropped her bag to the ground, and herself with it. As she laid on the fluffy carpet underneath her trembling body, she felt more guilt growing inside her heart. The scene from earlier crawled it's way back into her mind once more. She started trying to look at it from Jake's perspective. He had been working really hard to get everyone to trust him, and he had helped everyone in the club. Heck, he even helped to get Zander and Luke together. Albeit he didn't do much, but just suggesting that song started the whole ordeal leading to them becoming a couple. 

A smile grew on Hailey's face thinking of all the things he had done for the club. But then, her smile faded. He was gone. She told him to stay out of, not just the clubroom.. But also her life. What was she thinking? What was.. he thinking..? How much pain and grief did Hailey just put him in..? 

Hailey sat up sighing, and pulled out her phone to text him. But, he had blocked her. A pit grew in her stomach. She tried Instagram, Twitter, anything with open DMs that she knew he had. Nothing. He had blocked her everywhere. A tear grew in her eye at the realization. 

"What have I done..?" Hailey spoke quietly, fighting back tears. It was a loosing battle. Suddenly a few tears dripped down her face, beginning with just a few, but soon enough her eyes where waterfalls. She grabbed her phone and pulled up a picture. A smile grew on her face at looking at it, but it made more tears fall knowing the situation. 

The picture was of the club. The whole club. Hailey was leaning on Sean's shoulder while he gave his usual soft smile, and Hailey tried mimicking it. Luke and Zander were on the other side, holding hands and giving bright smiles as well. And in the middle was Milly hugging Jake's arm. She looked happier then ever. And Jake was giving a truthful smile. There wasn't a stitch of fake happiness on it. He was genuinely happy. 

Hailey felt more tears streaming down her face as she dropped her phone back to the ground. She sat up, pulling her knees closer and burying her face in them. "I need to get him back.." She muttered quietly. 

Zander, who was just outside her bedroom door, had been watching and listening to the whole thing. His eyes widened as she spoke those words. No no NO! She can't let him back in! He thought. He has hurt us too much! She can't! She-.. won't. 

An evil smirk grew on Zander's face as a plan formed in his head. I'll make him never want to come back. No matter how much Hailey begs him.

He chuckled before heading to his own room.


As Jake watched Drew play the guitar, and admired him. Every aspect of his face, from his fluffy hair to his chocolate eyes, every bit of him was beautiful. Jake was trying to imagine what his voice would sound like, when suddenly..

His question was answered.

Out of the blue, Jake had heard the most beautiful sound ring through his ears. His heart fluttered, pacing up as his face heated and grew redder and redder. It was so amazing, Jake couldn't comprehend it. It was Drew. He had started singing. He was in an entirely different world, with no idea of what was happening nor what he was doing. All he knew was that it made him happier then he had been in a long while. 

Jake just stared in awe at his lover. As he sung, his words stabbed Jake right in his heart. He couldn't look away. He felt himself falling in love with Drew all over again. A smile tugged at his lips just looking at him. As he listened to Drew's amazing voice, his mind felt at ease. The hell-show from today had been completely wiped from his memory. 

Soon Drew opened his eyes, pulling himself back into reality. When he realized where he was and what he was doing, he stopped almost immediately. A small side of Jake grew sad, as he loved Drew's voice so much, and he knew that he most likely wasn't going to sing ever again. Unless..

"Y-you.. I-I.. Wh- What was I-.. W-was I.." Drew stuttered, unable to comprehend what had happened. Jake moved closer and gave him his usual bright smile. "You sung," He said, "And you were absolutely amazing." Drew blushed a bit at the complement. "Th-Thank you.." He said, looking away from Jake. But Jake just gently moved his face to look at him. 

"I mean it," He smiled before planting a small kiss on Drew's lips. Drew blushed more before hugging Jake tightly. "I love you.." He muttered happily. Jake's smile widened as he said, "I love you too," planting another kiss on Drew's forehead.


Word Count: 1577

A/N: HAHA two plots in one chapterrrr

woah this chapter is waay longer then I intended it to be but HEY content :DD 

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