~Chapter 19~

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Jake POV

As we got closer and closer, more and more worry started to pile up in my stomach. 

What if he doesn't want to get back with me..? What if he hates me for what I said? What if he doesn't even want to be my friend? What if-

My thoughts were interrupted by Stacy's comforting voice. She noticed how disturbed I was, so she placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "Hey, it's going to be okay. I know it!"

I smiled at her, and nodded. "You're right, I shouldn't be worried," I piped up.

Once we finally approached them, I felt my heart knot up at how broken Drew was. My face darkened as I watch tears drip from his eyes. 

"Drew.. I.. I'm sorry.." I sighed. "It was wrong of me to not let you explain. I should've just heard what you had to say. We don't have to get back together if you don't wa-" I was cut off by Drew throwing himself on me, wrapping his arms around my body. "Of course I want to get back with you, Jake! I love you! And.. I forgive you," He cried.

I felt my eyes tear up a bit, and I soon wrapped my arms around him as well. "I love you too.." I muttered happily, a tear escaping my eye. 

I pulled away from the hug and I took this moment to admire Drew's beautiful face. I loved him so much. From his fluffy purple-ish pink hair to his beautiful chocolate eyes. I felt myself getting lost in them during just this split second. 

Drew noticed this and decided to quickly press his lips against mine. He didn't care that Stacy, Henry, Liam, and anyone who walked down the hall were watching. And frankly, neither did I. I returned the kiss and melted into it. Once again his soft lips on mine felt like heaven, and I never wanted this moment to end. 

I felt the butterflies fill up my stomach once more. 

As much as I didn't want to, I soon pulled away from the kiss. I ruffled Drew's hair playfully, and he let out a soft laugh.

"Aww," We heard. 

We turned our heads to see Henry, Liam and Stacy gushing at us. I almost forgot they were here. Drew had practically turned into a tomato. 

The bell soon rang, alerting us that, probably lunch, was over. I turned to head home, but Drew grabbed my hand. "Mind if I come with you..? I need a break from Zoey's bullcrap," He said. 

My mom must've left for work soon after I left, so that meant we'd be entirely home alone. I blushed violently at the thought of it. 

"Uh.. Y-Yeah, you can, but won't you get in trouble?" 

"We'll tell the teachers you weren't feeling well." Henry piped up.

"Yeah, you two just go run off and have fun." Liam smirked. 

We both turned bright red. 

"L-LIAM!" Drew shouted.

Narrator POV

The three students started laughing whilst Drew crossed his arms over his chest. 

"C'mon, we don't want to get in trouble." Stacy then said, leading Henry and Liam away. "Bye guys!" The three called.

Drew and Jake left right after, walking to his house. On the way, Jake slowly tried to grasp Drew's hand. He kept his gaze to the sky so Drew wouldn't have a clue, but Drew noticed and knew what he was doing. Drew took Jake's hand, surprising him as Jake felt their fingers intertwine. 

"You're bad at hiding things." Drew giggled, blushing at the feeling of Jake's hand on his. Jake blushed at the comment. "How bad-?"

"Really bad."

Jake laughed, "Okay, well was I bad enough for you to know my feelings for you?"

"No, but your feelings for Daisy, yeah."

"Well duh because I told you.."

Jake's voice seemed to dim at the mention of her name. 

"What's the story with that, anyway..?" Drew coughed up. "Did you just randomly stop liking Daisy?"

"Well, actually.. I've liked both of you.. But my feelings for Daisy were stronger since I didn't think you liked guys.."

"Ah.. Another question.. Do you remember what exactly happened with Daisy..?"

Jake didn't respond. 


"I.. I really.. really.. don't want to talk about that.."

"Oh.. I'm sorry for bringing it up-"

"No no, you're fine, it's just.. it.. hurts.."

Drew felt a pit grow in his stomach. 

Dammit! Why am I such an idiot?! Why would I ever say that?! Drew thought.

Meanwhile, Jake was getting flashbacks. His heart started to tremble and his eyes began to water. Drew quickly noticed this and asked, "You okay..?"

Jake wanted to answer honestly, but instead of worrying his partner, he said, "No, no, I'm fine.. I'm fine." His voice cracking at every word.

Drew knew Jake, and he knew he was lying. "Jake, like I said, you're not good at hiding things."

Jake again didn't respond. Drew placed a kiss on Jake's hand. "Sorry.." He whispered. Jake smiled at the boy's action. "It's okay, I forgive you," Jake said, repeating what Drew had done. "Sweetie." Jake winked at the shorter boy and hot blush quickly covered his face. 

"B-Be quiet.." Drew stuttered. Jake laughed at how cute he was, ruffling his hair again. 

"Hey! You're messing up my hair!" Drew called, flailing his arms at Jake. 

"Okay, okay!" Jake laughed. "Hey, we're here." 

The two boys stood in front of Jake's house, walking up to the entrance. As they did, Drew remembered all the times he had come here before. Since him, Jake, Henry and Liam would all go to Drew's house for most of their hangouts, it was rare for them to be at Jake's. But Drew assumed that he should get used to it.

As Jake opened the door he smiled and said, "Age before beauty?" 

"I'm the same age as you, dummy!" Drew laughed. "Besides. We both know I'm the better looking one." Drew closed his eyes, placing his hand on his chest.

"You? Nah. The cuter one, yeah." 

Drew blushed at the taller boy's comment. "Sh-Shut up! Let's just go inside.."

As the two entered Drew searched around for Jake's mother. "Where's your mom?" He asked. 

"At work, probably." The latter answered. 

Drew realized that they were both home alone together, and blushed violently. 

"S-So.. it's just the two of us..?" 

"Uhm.. Y-Yeah.." 

The two sat in silence processing this moment. 


Word count: 1052
A/N: A h  h a  h a

Don't get excited, im keepin it PG >:/

I wanna wake up with you in the morningg~ 🎶

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