~Chapter 24~

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Narrator POV

As the ivory haired boy walked with the blonde boy in his arms, he grew more and more worried for the smaller boy. Sean examined him, noticing how cold he was. He felt like ice against Sean's chest. Every few moments he would shiver, and his lips looked more cracked then a broken vase. Worry washed over Sean like a wave. 

Drew, you better be able to help him. He thought before finally arriving at the nurse's office. Sean poked his head in to see the nurse sitting at her desk. When she noticed him she smiled. 

"Why hello Mr. Everette! Is there something you need?"

"Actually, I was wondering if my friend could stay here for a bit? He fell asleep in our clubroom."

"Oh, of course! Just lay him down over on one of those beds."

Mrs. Heart pointed to the 4 hospital-like beds on the left side of the room. Sean walked over to them, slowly laying Jake down on one, careful not to wake him. Once Jake was laying down, Sean exited the room and continued back down the hall to the music room. 

Just a few feet away stood a familiar face, who watched the scene unfold. An evil smile crept up on the blonde girl's face, as a scheme trickled it's way into her mind. She then entered the nurse's office after the boy left. 

"Oh, hello there Ms. Garcia!" The nurse smiled.

"Why hello, Mrs. Heart," The girl replied, plastering a fake smile. "I just saw my friend, Sean drop off my.. boyfriend, Jake. I was wondering if I could check on him?"

She nearly choked at calling Jake her boyfriend, but if she wanted this plan to work, she needed to lie.

"Why of course! He's right over there."

The blonde girl walked over to the sleeping boy, closing the curtain behind her. 

"Now, let's see here," She smirked, searching Jake's pockets for his phone. Upon finding it, she pondered on the password. 

After a word came to her, she quickly entered "Simp" with a smirk. As she expected, the phone turned on, bringing her to the home screen. Another evil smile found it's way onto her face as she opened Instagram.

After opening his story, she started typing.. 

"HA!! i pretended to fall asleep before rehearsals and those music freaks ACTUALLY FELL FOR IT LMAO!! now i can finally be able to be with drew instead of them!! not like i even needed them in the first place now that i think abt it. but they wouldnt stand a chance at that competition without me so ill stick with them for that. better get going now dont want to keep my dear drew waiting!"

She smirked as she posted the story, turning the phone off and placed it next to Jake. She opened the curtain and exited, waiting and ready for Jake to wake up.


The blonde boy's eyes fluttered open to see unfamiliar white walls around him. Jake jumped up as fear quickly shot up through him, but he calmed down after seeing a familiar face at the desk a few feet ahead of him.

"Oh, you're awake!" She smiled standing up and walking over to him. "Your friend Sean dropped you off here. You were sound asleep. But no worries, I alerted your teachers, so you won't be marked as absent, since it's not your fault."

Jake was glad how kind the nurse was. Knowing he wouldn't be absent was like a brick off of his shoulders.

But all those bricks crashed back down on him when he saw his phone next to him. I thought it was in my pocket.. Had it dropped and Sean picked it up? 

Jake turned back to Mrs. Heart asking, "Was anyone else in here?" 

"Oh, yes, your girlfriend came over to check on you."

"Girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend."

"You don't? That's odd. She seemed quite sure of it."

"Wait.. Did she have pink hair?"

"It was more blonde then anything.. Her name was Zoey Garcia. Maybe she likes you? I've seen plenty of boys getting-"


Mrs. Heart was taken aback by Jake raising his voice. He quickly took his phone out to check if she had done anything. The moment he turned on his phone he was brought to Instagram. His profile had an orange ring around it, signifying that he had a story up. Jake hesitantly clicked on it and saw the dreadful message written down.

"I- I have to go!" He called, and with that, Jake was running down the hallway as fast as he could. He needed to reach the music club before they saw it, but it seemed as if he was too late.

Jake turned the doorknob, opening the door. In front of him was his friends, each of them wearing a face that said they were beyond mad. 

"You have real guts showing up here again," Hailey growled.


Word Count: 837

A/N: This may or may not be inspired by the Yandere Luke comic- 👁

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