Mcyt Oneshots (Mostly Dream)...

By Angst_coffee_inhaler

65.8K 1.9K 2.7K

The description is what the title said and it would mostly Dream. More

About this book
Dandelion [Angst w/h Fluff]
Field of Dandelions
I sold my soul to the....
Blackened mark • WIP •
oh shit-
There's another Furry!!!
I'm sorry
Hold on
oh shit- 2
Wrong timing
Help? What's that?
Moral of the Story
Just smile and it'll be alright
It's my child now
ìññòçèñt ²
My brothers now so kindly f*ck off
Request Pls
Dragon Dream and his whelp
I exiled my own brother
Eyes blue
A Smiley Broken Dream
One person with two identities
A Smiley Broken Dream 2
What did I told you!
Goodbye Quackity
Till We Meet Again
"Attachment = Weakness" by :)
Still don't believe me?
Time of the month
Dancing with your ghost
The Complicated Family Tree
She's Here ( Dragon Dream and his Whelp² )
"You Promised"
Why you should never leave the voices unsupervised
Advanced/Belated Christmas to you all!!!
Brother [Angst]
Scary Teen Parents
Wait What?
Tch! Damned Hunters
A Sentient World
Business is business
Never Again
"He asked me" - Dream
Blood for the Blood God
The Bulletin Board
You had one job
The day Dream got kidnapped ( Still on Hiatus )

Be careful what you wish for

1.1K 40 78
By Angst_coffee_inhaler

A/N: New record for me but the price is my mentality and sanity.

2k+ reads special!



[ Word count : 6042 ]


After about half a year when Dream was imprisoned. The SMP wasn't that peaceful but they learned how to keep it all in bay once in a while.

Sapnap, George and Callahan can be seen walking or exploring the woods, since all of the conflicts are a little at bay right now. Getting deeper into the forest the more it became creepier each second.

They all ignored the creepy atmosphere and just ventured a lot further through the forest and found an abandoned structure, some kind like a historical building that has a lot of traps and a treasure inside. An abandoned ruins.

Getting curious over it but decides not to go there and inform the others. Saving the coordinates of the place and go back to their friends.

Running faster, they took this as a challenge as they bicker who is the fastest amongst the three of them and the one way is through racing to the country first wins. Each step they took gives them boost as they got quicker and faster, soon enough they are neck to neck at each other while grinning and filled with determination to take the number 1 spot.

"I'M GONNA WIN THIS ONE!" Sapnap tauntingly says to the two, a fire erupt in his eyes as the country can be seen on the distance.

"HA! YOU WISH! I'M GONNA BE THE FIRST ONE!" Callahan countered Sapnap, giving more strength in his feet and boosting him faster but it's still not enough to get him out the equal speed.

"NONE OF YOU ARE GONNA BE FIRST! NOT IF I'M HERE OF COURSE" George teasingly says, he's not really an athletic guy but put him into a bet or anything challenging for him then he would be a different person. From Sleeping Beauty to Energized Person.

As they race through the field, the structures of the country got closer and closer each seconds. Tall and big buildings inside and a obsidian wall covering the place. Red patches decorating the grass but it's reducing slowly each day as they defeated the Egg that had been controlling and causing one of the havoc in their home. It took them a long time to destroy it but it was worth it in the end.

At the gates of the place there four people standing, chatting to each other until they saw three figure going really fast to their direction.

"Okay I know who those three are, What did  they do and that they pull Callahan with them?" A man in a red and black cloak question, he already know who they are. One of them is his son and bestfriend, ignoring that there's still a little pang of pain when there's one person missing.

"Probably not good" They deadpan at this, looking at the three with a deadpan look in his glowing white eyes underneath a black sunglasses. Wearing a monarch clothing with a golden crown sitting on top of the brown hair.

"True, and look here they come" a man in a beanie informed, not even bothering to open his eyes and after that smokes of dust cover their visions as it was followed by three scream and yell for arguments.




A Duck hybrid man just sigh at this, he walk towards the three and drag his fiance inside the gates of the country.

"HEY, Babe let me goo" Sapnap protest against his fiance but he was just ignored and continuing to drag him.

While Sapnap is being drag, Callahan and George continue to bicker and argue who won. Honestly the three just had enough of this and then break the two up.

"Okay tell me what you three saw or pray to God that I won't toss you to the snow chester" Bad voice deepen, he can't deal with this right now - not when the pain still hadn't left him - he need the answer or he'll do what he said. No mercy even though he is the most nicest and humble person besides Nikki and Ranboo.

The two shudders and slowly turn to Bad, they gulp when they see a happy smile in Bad's face. It look innocent but they know that there's something sinister underneath that innocent smile. A smile that made the great Blood God, Technoblade scared in the first place.

"Oh- hehehe" George starts to chuckle nervously as he look at Callahan to help him out. Bad's smile didn't dispersed or drop not even one bit and it really spook them. "Me, Sapnap and Callahan were exploring and found this ruin building, we figured out to tell you guys, we got back and starts to treat it like a race then here we are" George explaining everything with all his power not to stutter and he did a great job for it.

Bad look for any signs of lying and he got nothing, so he let go of his terrifying smile and give his everyday smile.

"You're not lying and tomorrow we'll tell the others" Bad said softly and that made the two released the breath they didn't know their holding in. "Now go to sleep for now, the moon is on its peek"

They obeyed Bad, not even gonna try to find out if they didn't. Quickly rushing you their perspective houses and beds they left the trio outside the gates.

"Not gonna lie, you are terrifying Bad" Wilbur says in amusement, he had this smile on his face that seems to contradict itself to be a happy one or the insane one. He still have some bandages over his torso because of the sword that his father used to kill him and he was the one begging for it to happen. He was about to die that day fortunately the medic is faster to heal him up to become stable and not in the death door. "You have to teach me that, you even manage to get my brother to fear you" Chuckling at the thought where he saw his brother running away from Bad in about 4-5 hours, afraid of what it might be and Bad who is a kind sweetheart he is just give something to Technoblade that isn't harmless.

Bad just raised his brows up, not getting Wilbur saying. "What do you mean? I only want him to give something and he just run away from me" He answer truthfully. Shaking his head not really knowing why Techno run off like that. "Well the bed is calling for me now, see you guys tomorrow for the trios discovery from the woods" He turn around and go off to the badlands, waving at them as his figure starts to get smaller and smaller until it disappear.

"That dude really is innocent, he didn't even know that Techno feared him that day and just brush it off" Eret shakes his head in disbelief, looking at the direction where Bad's figure disappear. "Well I'll say my goodnight to you Former president Wilbur, see you tomorrow at the meeting" He start to walk to his castle, yawning slightly at his hands leaving Wilbur behind who soon went home and sleep in his comfy bed, minding the bandages and drifted off to a dreamless sleep.


At the early morning, the Whitehouse is filled with sleepy people, complaining about them having a good sleep and be here early. Mostly George though. Then he suddenly remembered he was one of the people that's going to inform the other about their discovery, it gives him some energy through the day.

Wilbur step up and cleared his throat to gather their attention to him, it work. The former president spoke up.

"I know that some of you just woke but these three idiots have something to tell you important things, if it doesn't fit through your interest then you all have a permit to beat them up" He gave a small smile to them, while eyeing the group with mischievous look before going back to his seat.

As he finished announcing that, murmurs erupt as it evolve to speaking loudly to each other. The trio just gave a nervous chuckle about this, they didn't know if he's serious or not about beating them up and they really hope it's the latter instead of the former one.

Sapnap, George and Callahan walk to the front and now straight up to the point not wanting to irritate the others and trying to save their behind from the beating. As they finished it, this seems to get the groups attention. Sighing in relief that they aren't going to be beaten up. One by one ask a question and they answer it with the limited knowledge about the place.

They all agreed to go and find out what type of ruin that is in noon, going back to their perspective works now, preparing for their supplies, armour, weapons and other things that could help them through the exploration.

All they did now is doing their everyday chores or work until it was noon. Gearing up, going to the front gate and following the three musketeers to the coordinates of the said abandoned ruins. Some wanted to be left behind, protecting the country when they are away or guarding the prisoner.

It took them half an hour to get there. Now they're infront of the ruin, going in a steady pace, cautiously taking their steps and checking their surrounding for any dangers.

About a minute later, they found a large door. Pushing it with all their might, slowly creeping inside the room only to find it closed behind them once their all in. Tensing up and tried to open it but to their dismay it didn't, so they are forced to go into the only to find full of traps everywhere. Dodging, blocking, crawling, fighting their way through each traps, bruises and scraps littered their arms as they finished the trap room. At the end there's another room with a suspiciously gigantic door, drinking some strength pushing the door went well and as they suspected, it was filled with traps again.

They entered 9 rooms now, full of deathtraps everywhere and each room is getting more deadlier than the previous one. Getting through the trap unscathed is impossible since the first one scrap them.

Finishing the 9th room, blood from head to toe covered them, not life threatening life wounds scattered to their body even having netherite armour to protect them. It's useless against a room full to the brim of mobs, attacking them endlessly, a timer ticking from above taunting them as it goes very slowly to move it's hands. They finished the room in four hours, exhaustion hitting them as a brick and decided to take a break at the end of the ninth door.

Phil, Bad and Nikki went to help with the injuries.

Techno is bored out of his mind as his chat just spamming at him with bunch of letters. His armour is still in perfect condition and a simple scrape from his knee is his only injury unlike the others.

Purpled, Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo played catch a sword from the back as they were healed first.

Jack, Callahan, Sam is being healed by now.

Hbomb, Ant and Eret is talking about LGBTQ+ or another whatnot.

Puffy and Allyssa is drinking their regen potion since their wound isn't that deep than the others.

George just went into sleeping beauty mode and snooze into the corner, not caring if he bled out to death because of his wounds.

Sapnap, Karl and Quackity are teasing each other or just being flirty.

Wilbur watched all of them in the shadows, right next to his brother. Head shaking slightly in disappointment. They really forgot the they have their golden apples/carrots or potions on them.

Two hours of replenishing their depleted energy, going to the ninth end door and the tenth door. It was made out of netherite blocks that couldn't be mine. Eating a golden apple and drinking strength pot, pushing the door open as much as their aching body could. It took about half a minute of pushing and they finally opened it. Going in together waiting for a trap filled room and only to find a empty one?

It's empty! No decorations or something just a big room with nothing in it.

This anger them. They had to go through that nine rooms full of traps and when they finished it - they think - the room was empty, no things scattered or something, just one light above lighting the room up.

"Okay! What the fuck is wrong with this!?"

"We have to endure that rooms of traps and we ended up nothing!"

"This is bullshit!"

"What kind of fuckery is this!?"

Colorful words came out of their mouths as they cursed this place, not a single curse words were left behind as they were filled with anger. Bad didn't even bother to language them when he saw the room.

Techno just sigh in disappointment, he was dragged here for this! He could've been with his potatoes but no they just pull him here! His chat just laughing at him at this point, mocking him as they riled him up more.


Hahahaha, Techno just got tricked lame



"Blood for the blood God"  lame

What are you gonna do now? Sit in the middle and pray?

Imagine getting fooled, probably not me



It's taunting him, laughing at him, mocking him and it's getting in his nerves. First he could've been with his farm or visit that teletubby to tease him and now this! Oh how lucky this day was...

Wilbur look at him in amusement glinting in his eyes, watching as his brother tensing up and breathing heavily, trying to control their anger. He got up and slowly going to another corner to watch the fight that's going to happen.

Techno's patience is long, but when he was disturb or dragged into something useless. His anger flare up. Clutching tightly to his sword as he marched towards the trio who discovered this place. Face showing no emotion as it eyes is covered with the shadows that casted on his face.

Philza was the first one to feel that he's going for it, pausing his work and took a glance where Techno was and he's not there anymore. Giving a nervous chuckle, as he found his son marching to the trio with a sword in his hand.

"Oh God, there's gonna be blood splattered here" he muttered softly under his breath before going back to treating his own wounds.

Nikki heard this and as well as Bad. Who look at him with confusion.

"What do you mean Phil?" Nikki ask him, she just finished her job and now looking at him like a confused puppy. Bad followed the suit.

"You two heard that huh?" Philza raised an eyebrow at them before sighing. "Techno's going for some Interrogation" Finishing his last wound to patch up, looking to where his son is. "Look there you'll know why I said that" pointing to the group. The two look to where he pointed at and see Techno now in front of the trio.

"Oh- well wilbur did gave us permission to beat them when we deemed that this is not in our interest" Bad's now watching with Phil and Nikki as he pull out his baked potato with some soup, watching as a fight is about to go down.

As Techno's about to beat the three up let's see what's going on in the L'manberg right now.


Inside the prison, there's 4 people sitting on the hot obsidian floor as they play uno to pass the time by while engaging a conversation with the prisoner.

"So how's your life been doing here Dream?" Ponk ask him, putting down a yellow 5 down, smirking when he see Punz pick more cards at the pile.

"It's boring here since Sam banned you all from visiting me yet I like the peace and quiet that I got here though" Dream answer truthfully, waiting for his turn to go by but Slimecicle had other idea by putting a yellow reverse card that made Punz grumble in frustration as he pick more cards.

"C'mon!" Punz whine, he lit up when he got a plus four card and then look at Ponk, the latter gave him a look that says no but he just grin at this. "Blue" he said while slamming his plus four card, Punz glare at him and now grabbing four cards then looking at Dream.

"Sorry, Slimecicle but...." Dream apologize at the oblivious one before putting a plus 2 cards. "If you have one just feel free to put it here" He gave a innocent smile at the other who reluctantly pull out a plus two green card then return the innocent smile.

"It's okay! I have more here!"

Ponk gave Punz with a smug look but only to disappear quickly when he saw him put a red plus two card on top of the card. Punz look at him smugly. "Karma bitch!" Then proceeding to flip him off that the card covering it so he's the only one who can see this.

Ponk gave an offended noise at this. He grab 6 cards in total, Dream just wheezing at this, put another red card. "Don't think I didn't see what you did there Punz" Dream says after he recover from his wheezing.  Punz just puff his chest in pride while giving Dream a thumbs up, Slimecicle is in confusion what happened but shrugged it off and continue the game.

Their game continue for about a few minutes before Dream put his second to the last card and announced slyly.


Ponk and Punz look in disbelief when they saw this, a stack of cards are in their hands while the other two have less that 5 cards in their hands and Dream was in his last card now.

Slime put a plus two card. "Sorry Punz but I have to do it" He apologize. Punz forgave him. "Don't worry about it, I have some here too" He smile as he put another plus two card, Ponk saw this as a way to not let Dream win. "Looks like you're not going win Dream" He put another one as he give Dream a smug look. "Six cards in total to add to your set Dream"

Dream just gave him a smile. "Why do I need to grab cards?" Punz and Ponk just gave him a pikachu face. He snicker at this. "I mean why would I need to grab a bunch of cards when I have a card that's exactly the one you put" He explain, realization sinks at the other, looking at the man with 'i don't believe you' look.

"Your joking"

Eyes widen when they saw him put his last card. A plus two card. Looking back at the card then to it's owner.

"Uno out"

"You cheated!" They accused him but the other just shrugged. Still smiling slyly at the two.

"What do you mean? You all can see that I didn't cheat, ask Slimecicle" As soon as he said that, the two look at Slime is only to see him put another plus two card. Now two cards are in his hands. "Sorry but I had to do it Punz" Smiling sheepishly as he look at the man who had a blank stare at the cards.

Dream wheezed in the background when he saw this. Clearly sounding like a true Teakettle at the moment. What am i saying here? That man is a Teakettle! That wheezing he do didn't make any damage to his lungs. Deflating like balloon and wheezing like a Teakettle, what a nice combination..

Ponk is now afraid that maybe Punz will put another one cause he doesn't have anything on him besides the block, reverse and color wheel one. Basically he had a useless card at the moment and maybe twelve more if Punz put one.

Punz look at Ponk with a blank eyes, Ponk don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. No one can know... He held his breath, as he start sweating cold bullets and now waiting what's gonna happen.

Punz gave him a small smile, pulling out a card before placing it down. "Sorry not sorry Ponk but you have to grab 12 cards in total" Still giving his chesire grin at the other who looked at him in betrayal. Offended noises and squeaks of anger as he grab 12 cards to his hands. "Karma is a bitch ain't it?" He asked Ponk smugly, putting a card down when it's his turn.

"Bitch" Ponk cursed under his breath, now putting a reverse card down. After putting that down he smile innocently at the other. "Don't worry Punz, you'll experience some karma too" He said eerily to the other who shivered in response, gulping down as he shakily put another card down.

Slime just watch in confusion, putting a color wheel card, choosing blue then proceed to watch as the two glaring at each other. Putting another card now he have only 3 cards in his hands.

Ponk saw this as an opportunity, putting a plus four card, choosing color red, smiling when he saw Punz put another one, so does Slime and he put another one.

"Uno!" Slimecicle cheered, smiling brightly as he hide his card so that no one can know what color his last card is.

Now Punz is looking a little nervous now, searching his cards for another but found nothing.

Ponk saw this nervous expression in Punz, grinning madly as he whistled loudly. "As I said before...." He started, picking a certain card, giving Punz a devilish smile. "You'll experience Karma too, Blue" putting down another plus four card. "+16 cards on your deck Punz" Teasing the light blonde male, who return glaring daggers at him.

"I really fucking hate you Ponk" He growled to the other. "Love you too dude, No homo" Ponk tease more.

Slimecicle look at Dream who is cackling like a madman, rolling onto the floor as he clutch his stomach from laughing too much. Slime just sighed at this and...

"Uno out!" He put his last card down. Now there's no card in his arsenal.

Punz and Ponk look at Slime in disbelief, now there's only the two of them playing.

"I'm gonna win this" they both said in the same time. That's where the intense battle of uno started.

Uno really does break family apart.


Back to where the others are..

You can see that Techno's being restrained by many people and the trio is being treated by the three medic on the sidelines who's watching the fight with no intention of stopping it.

"Whoa, whoa! Techno calm down man" Quackity still restraining the hybrid along with some people.

Techno growled at this. "Calm down? Ohohoho- I'm gonna calm down till I kill those three" Breaking free from the restraints and now walking to the trio, flipping people left and right that's gonna stop him. He arrive and about to lower his axe down to full force but someone strong enough stopped him. Looking to who it was and see a glowing, floating figure, hovering above him with one hand stopping his axe easily.

"As much as I love violence, please don't do it here" A gentle voice said to him, calming the angry hybrid down instantly. Techno put his axe back to it's holder and now backing away from the beaten up trio.

They all look in the sidelines with a bewildered expression. Someone just stopped the fearsome warrior who shed blood of his enemies with no mercy, singlehandedly calming him down with no violence needed just words and even made him obey.

The figure looked down to where the three injured people, crouching down and reach their hands up then muttering some words that no one knows what language it was. A light covered the trio then a split second they were standing there with no sign of pain.

The figure hummed at this then floats towards the center of the room. "Now that's been taken care off, what brings you mortals to my humble abode?" Asking them right away, the light died down from them and shows a person with 3 pairs of gigantic sparkly white wings, golden halo floating above it's head and two pair of hands with a mask that kinda look exactly like Dream but the design is different. :/ .

Still staring to the godly figure at the center, Philza was the first one to broke out of the shock. He blink rapidly before clearing his throat. "W-well we were curious on what this ruin was and we didn't know that this is your home" He explain, cursing himself silently for stuttering at first. "I apologize that we intrude your home with no knowledge" He bow down his head to show his sincerity.

The figure just chuckled at this, it brought them back to reality. "No need to bow your head down Philza Minecraft, also known as Angel of Death" they said shocking them all. Philza just stared agape at the figure in front, no one ever knew who he was, not even his children. Wilbur, Techno and Tommy looked between confused and shocked at the information that they got.

"I assume that you didn't tell them what you are, is that correct?" They question in amusement. Getting the suprised, confused and bewilderment they got, it means they're correct.  "Hmmm... I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself" They start, clearing some of their throat to gather their attention to them and when they did gather them, they start. "I am Illusion, A god of wishes and dreamscape, my pronounce are they/them or he/him" Smiling at them underneath the mask.

Waiting for them to process what he said, preparing early to cover their ears as they heard a loud


From them. He couldn't help but chuckle at this. It reminded him when someone accidentally got here without even going through the trapped rooms. They thought his mask was cool that they accidentally wished for something similar but with a smiley design instead. Shaking his head out from the memories, they focused to the new comer.

"Your telling me that you can grant our wish since you're a god of Wishes" Sam summarize, eyes squinting a little for some suspicion. They nod at this. "I can only grant one wish each group and no, not one wish for each one of you" Emphasizing the one and each group for them to understand.

"How can we get ourselves out of here?" Ant ask Illusion. "Once you've stated your wish then you'll can go home after it's finish" He answer calmly, wings flapping gently behind them.

"That's fair" someone muttered, before all of them now forming a group. A couple of minutes later, 3 group were formed with different number of people in it.

Group 1


Group 2


Group 3


Group 2 goes first, Illusion casted a sound barrier around him and the first group so no one could hear what they wished. This amaze some of them while the other looked irritated cause they can't hear shit from inside.

"State your wish and remember only one"

They look at each other before Eret stepped forward.

"We wish.." 

As they stated out their wish cause the author is too lazy to think of a wish.

Illusion lifted their hand out, a sparkling lights came out. "Wish granted"

The one's outside the barrier can only watch but couldn't hear anything what their wished is. A light consumed the ones inside and once it died out, there's no sign of them at all, thinking that their okay.

The barrier opened a gap for them to go through and Group 3 stepped forward to be next one to state their wish. The gap closed and Group 1 is now watching all of this again.

"State your wish and remember only one"

Philza stepped forward to face the God.

"We wish to never let any wishes affected us, even when they wish for someone to forget us or never met them." Philza state with full confidence since Techno blurted out that someone might wish for something that can cause them to lose someone or something.

Illusion smile at this.

"Wish granted"

Now sending them back home and waiting for the last group to come in. His instincts going off from this last group, keeping their eyes close to them as they stepped closer to him. Seeing their smug look, maybe on some of them. It gives him bad vibes yet he still let them have their wish.

"State your wish" Coldly announcing to them, he doesn't know why he did that but other than that he don't care at all.

With no meeting to who's gonna state their wish, Quackity stepped forward with much confidence looming around him. Smirking confidently no signs of fear even when the God stare at his soul.

"We wish.."


As they played more Uno, Dream felt some discomfort everywhere. His body just burn up painfully out of nowhere. Groaning in pain a he flopped down to the floor, completely forgetting about his cards scattering on the floor and focusing on the pain.

Ponk and Punz noticed this, eyes in concern for their friend who's whimpering in pain as Dream lay in a fetal position. They quickly abandoned their game and now in Dream side.

"Dream, what's wrong!?" They try to go and touch the male but quickly regretted it as they pull their hands when they felt his skin burning like a lava.


"I-it h-hurts" Dream let out more whimpers and whine as he hug himself tighter, tears starts to fall from his eyes. Ears ringing from the pain that it block all the sound when the three call him. Then he feel something weird from his hand and when he weakly lift his hand and see it disappearing?

"Wh-wha?" He can't take his eyes off from his hands, well where it was supposed to be. His body toned down his senses that he can't feel any pain as shock hit him hard.

"What's happening!?" Punz yell, he sees Dream in pain now this! Panicking, he felt some self hate coming in now as he can't help his friend in need.

Ponk and Slimecicle just stare, not knowing what to do.

Soon Dream's bottom half body disappeared, leaving him just above the torso. He look at them with a knowing glance and sad smile

"Don't forget me"

Then he disappear. No signs of him everywhere and leaving only the three there standing. A wave of drowsiness got to them and the next thing they knew, their world goes black.


"We wish that we never met Dream, just Dream. Not the SMP. It will still the same as before"

Illusion narrowed his eyes, holding back a growl to escape his lips as an protest arise from behind Quackity.

"We never agree to this you fucker!!"

"What the hell is this Quackity!?"

"Is this really necessary?"

And so on...

The duck hybrid never falter from all of this. His scarred mouth twisted into a sick grin, as his eyes glinting with madness.

"So..." Quackity tilted his head to the side as he look the god, waiting for it to happen.

Illusion with hesitance, lifting his hands up. "Wish granted" He force the words out of his gritted teeth.

But before he send them back home, he gave them a warning that they shouldn't brush off.

"Clearly you all didn't read any rules for wishes right?" Coldly reminding them. He move his mask to his side to only show one of green eyes glinting dangerously.

"Have you ever heard the saying

Becareful what you wish for ’

Hope you've made a good decision by wishing that Quackity"

Before they could ask what it was, they were transported back to their land. Taking note of how the place look more lively, building everywhere. Checking who's in the world and find there's no name of the tyrant.

"The tyrant is gone and now we can live peacefully" Quackity smiled. Going to the L'manberg with his group, today is the day where the present gone right.

Oh so they thought...


Time skipping the whole thing to two years later as Author is getting lazier any minute.

The SMP is in shambles, ever since Dream disappeared, they all put blame in each other. Splitting it all apart.

The kinoko kingdom

Las nevada's


The syndicate


And many more.

War erupted as soon as they realize that Dream is gone.

Punz, Ponk, Purpled and Slime joined the syndicate as they never really held grudge from the former Admin. They stayed out of the crossfire and never help any sides.

A few more weeks later, they all settled for a little while and a message popped out.

Dream joined the Server

No one waste a time as they all raced to the spawn and stopping in their tracks when they see a man in a familiar green hoodie and a smiley mask.

Some let out a gasp, some cried and some slice their arms with a dagger to see that this isn't a dream at all.

The syndicate stepped forward and call the man over.

"DREAM!!" Techno deep voice rang out. The green hooded man perked up and let out a gasp when he saw the five people he only remember.

"Thank God you didn't troll me" Dream walk forward to the group, chuckling as the two teens ran and tackle him to the ground. Giving a thud sound when he fall down from the impact but nonetheless he laugh. "Purpled, Ranboo nice to you guys again, I see that you two grown" Ruffling their hair and nuzzling them a bit and decide to stay on ground when he know that the two teens won't let him go.

"So why do you need me here Tech? Another collab with the Amigops or PvP?" Carefully moving his mask up, only for his mouth is visible.

"Nope, just wanted to get you to introduce our new members in syndicate" Techno replies, gesturing the people from his group and ignoring the hurtful look from the others behind them. "This is Nikki" pointing to the petite woman who is smiling softly and waving gracefully to Dream who return the gesture. "Ponk" the oranged masked man with his eyes uncovered. Saluting to the man who nod at him. "Punz" Punz just gave a nod and Dream obviously return it. "And lastly Slimecicle" the slime like hair man, smile at him and of course he smiled back.

"Nice to meet you, my name's Dream" Energized introduction from him and his eyes slowly look back to the mob of people behind Techno's group. "If you don't mind me asking but who are they?" He ask Techno, clearly in confusion when he see them flinch or even sadden.

"Them? Someone you shouldn't know but I can introduce some of them" Techno dryly replied. His red eyes harden when he gave them a small glance, especially from the last group who wish for something.

"The one in crown and strawberry dress is Eret, he use every pronounce" they stepped forward for Dream to know who he was. "Allyssa and Jack" they also stepped forward. "Callahan, Hbomb and Ant" two normal or atleast that's what he thought human being stepped forward with a furry beside them.

He wave at them, struggling slightly since the two teens are still in his hold. Whistling slowly as look around. "Damn, that's a lot of people" the two teens finally got up. Giving him the chance to go to the unamed mob of people.

"I'm Dream, what's your name?"


Well they didn't acknowledge the God's warning..


A/N: Finally!

I finished this godforsaken one shot. It took my sanity piece by piece that I nearly gone mad halfway this.

I gotten really lazy at the ending so 😃.

I going to lay low for a while, maybe a whole month break because of this long one shot.

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