Harry Potter characters x Rea...

By demigod_witch777

807 4 3

This book is a collection of one-shots that I have posted on my Tumblr under the URL - sirisuorionblack. The... More

Love potion (S.B)
Forced (S.B)
Professor Lupin (R.L)
Marry Me (R.L)
The best Husband (D.M)
James, the mother hen (J.P)
And they were roommates... (C.D)
Number one priority (S.B)

An unsafe home (S.B)

73 0 0
By demigod_witch777

Sirius Black x Slytherin!Reader

Summary - It's rather stunning for Sirius how the thick rivalling atmosphere Hogwarts held, a sense of unprotected in his very home, and it all reflected when you, the love of his life, was one of the victims.

Warnings - Injuries, blood. 

"Another one," Remus muttered, grimly as his eyes scanned rapidly over the newspaper, ignoring the minimal amount of food he had on his plate.

Sirius sighed, "Who?"

"A muggle-born," James read over Remus' shoulder, discreetly placing two more toasts on his place, "In a muggle town. It's not the worst case, she's been there to meet her parents, and...all of them,"

Sirius winced, "Enough, Remus," he gently pried the newspaper off his best friend's fingers.

"It's growing rapidly," James whispered, "Dunno what's gonna happen next,"

Peter, who sat next to Sirius, shivered. Noticing that Sirius looked at James, subtly shaking his head, asking him to drop the topic.

"Sirius!" A voice called him, happily. He knew the voice way too well for he has heard them rant for hours in the end and he had listened without a hint of annoyance.

Sirius whipped around to look at you, walking towards him with a wide grin, your green robes contrasting amidst the red and yellow on either side. You were different, you were unique and above all you were his. Sirius loved you, loved you more than anything in this world, after all, he had thousands of reasons why.

"Hello," You greeted him with a big smile, almost startling him to think of how lucky he is.

Sirius pulled you into his arms, kissing you softly, as though you would break if a speck of dust fell on you, but both you and Sirius knew that wasn't true but completely opposite. Pulling away, he placed his forehead to yours.

"You guys are so cute," Lily cooed.

Sirius laughed as you buried your head into his shoulder, "I know, Evans,"

"But not as cute as us though," James said, grinning at Lily, who shook her head with a subtle smile on her face.

"I still don't know how I ended up with you, Potter," she said, kissing his cheek.

You glanced at Sirius and then at the two of them and back at him, "I know what you are thinking, darling," He said, and then raised his voice, "You need to stand your point, Evans,"

"Oh, shut it, Black," she rolled her eyes and then laughed.

"Alright, then, ladies and gentlemen," You pulled away from Sirius and held the strap of your bag tightly over your shoulder, "Unlike you seventh years, we have some real studies to do,"

"Well, the sixteen year olds nowadays are real arses, arent they?" Remu commented, smirking at you.

You scoffed, "Trust me, Lupin, you haven't been with a thirteen year old for very long,"

Regulus joined you as you walked to your Potions class, "How are you?"

Remus chuckled, "She's not wrong though," he said to James.

"What the-?" you chuckled at the sudden choice of question.

"Did you complete the potions assignment Slughorn gave?" Regulus asked, skimming through the parchments in his hand.

"Did you?" you asked. Regulus gritted his teeth and shook his head.

You sighed having a vague idea of what might have taken his time. Smiling, you linked your arm with him, "Slughorn loves you, Reg, so, no worries,"

"Woah, look at that, will you?" a group of students blocked your path, the silver and green ties flashing as the malicious smirk on their faces made the two colours look dirty.

"What's wrong with you Black boys, one hanging out with the same mudblood his brother shags," A girl in the front said, twisting a piece of hair between her fingers, a nasty smirk on her artificial pink lips.

Before you could react, Regulus had his wand out. "Regulus, no," You warned, tugging his arm, "Let's leave,"

"Aw, to where?" The girl asked, "To that traitorous disappointing scumbag of a lover you have?"

She struck the nerve and she knew it for she let out a maniacal laughter, pulling out her wand from her robes.

"Stupefy!" "Petrificus totalus!" The two of you yelled simultaneously.

Slytherins behind the girl laughed and giggled watching curses fly off from two ends of two contrasting wands and motives.

A beam of red light flew from yours and the girl - Carie, you heard after one of the Slytherins cheered her - ducked it, hitting the buff boy behind her.

His nostrils flared as he held out his own wand, hurling curses towards you just as Carie did. Regulus raised his wand too, trying to fend them off but another Slytherin kid engaged him in a duel of his own.

You were getting exhausted, struggling to keep up with the hexes thrown towards you. Suddenly, there was a different burst of green light from the tip of someone's wand, hurling right at you.

The next few minutes were spent in a blur - the green beam hit you right in the chest. You gasped, feeling as though the air was knocked out of your lungs as your head spun rapidly. Struggling with proper balance, you felt your body curve into a graceful arc and sensed the shirt of your school uniform get wet. The vicious dancing black spots took over.

On the opposite end of the castle, Sirius sat in his transfiguration class, doodling on the piece of parchment before him and often glancing over Remus' shoulder at what he is writing.

Suddenly, a violent shiver ran down his body, a feeling of dread settling on his chest.

"What's wrong?" Remus asked, irritatedly, finally looking up from his parchment.

"I dunno," Sirius mumbled, taking a deep breath and loosening his tie. Remus glanced at him, concerned one last time before returning to his notes.

Sirius glanced around the room for his friends, James was seated before him with Lily, raking a hand through his messy hair and staring at her while she listened intently to Professor McGonagall, Peter was to Sirius' left, twisting the quill in his hand.

Sirius rubbed his neck, the restlessness rising within his figure as he shuffled in his seat.

The moment the bell rang, Sirius dashed out of the room, not even caring to take his bag as he rushed down the corridor in search of his brother and you.

He found Regulus first. Unfortunately, his little brother stood right before the hospital wing that did nothing to stop the dread rising in Sirius.

"Reggie," Sirius gasped, "I mean, uhm, Regulus, have-are you alright?!" He spotted the red blotch on the front of his shirt.

"Yeah," Regulus breathed.

"Then what's this!?" Sirius asked, panic raising to an unwanted amount.

Regulus took a deep breath and shuddered. He looked around the corridor as if expecting someone to be there, once he realised it was after all deserted, he threw himself into his elder brother's arms, holding Sirius tightly.

Sirius drew a sharp breath as he uncertainly wrapped his arms around Regulus. He could feel his brother shaking, "Reggie, hey, it's OK, I am here,"

"She-they-(Y/N)-" Regulus stuttered into Sirius' shoulder.

"What's wrong with her?" Sirius asked hurriedly, pulling away from Regulus, who took a shuddering breath and gulped. He raised his hand, pointing towards the hospital wing.

Sirius looked at the door and then back at little brother, the grip on his arm tightened, "Come with me?"

Regulus' filled with tears as he slowly shook his head, pushing his brother away he ran.

"Reg-" Sirius watched as his brother disappeared into the corner and clenched his shirt tightly, looking down at it, he realised the red liquid - which resembled so much like blood - was now on his white shirt too.

Wiping his tears, Sirius warily walked to push the door of the infirmary open, afraid of what waited inside for him.

The smell of blood and potions filled his nostrils making him flinch. Sirius looked at the bed around except one crowded with nurses, he hoped his (Y/N) wouldn't be there, he hoped.

"Mr Bl- Sirius?" Madam Pomfrey looked at Sirius, her eyes widened. She rushed to him, "What are you doing here?"

"(Y/N)," Sirius said simply, looking behind her shoulder.

"Sirius," she placed her hand on his arm, "She is not here,"

"Oh? But Regulus said-" he pointed behind him.

A young nurse rushed towards Madam Pomfrey and whispered to her. She sighed in relief and nodded, "Sirius, she is alright,"

"So she is here?" Sirius asked, hopelessly looking around, his eyes were drawn to the crowded bed however he distracted himself.

"Sirius," Madam Pomfrey moved to stand before him, her hands on his arms, squeezing with motherly affection. She sighed and looked as though she was contemplating something, "She is here. I will let you see her only if you assure me that you would stay calm, am I clear?"

Sirius nodded rapidly and desperately. Madam Pomfrey took a deep breath and guided him to the farthest bed - the crowded one. He felt the air knocked out of his lungs as he realised that, after all, his hope was squashed into a pulp.

You laid on the bed wrapped in a new robe and the infirmary white sheet pulled up to your chest, nurses by you, checking your pulse and pouring measure potions into goblets. Sirius felt his world crumble as he saw your discarded white blouse, it was drenched with blood, the white colour almost invisible; if he hadn't known better he would have thought you were simply asleep.

Sirius grabbed whatever was next to him, providing support to his shaking figure. His breath came out in struggled pants. The red stain on his shirt is the love of his life's blood.

Madam Pomfrey watched as the boy shivered and his knees wobbled as though he would collapse any second. She watched as he blankly stared at the ground, his mind, perhaps, occupied beyond necessary that allowed tears to well in his eyes but not drop.

Sirius drew a deep breath as he stumbled towards you, alerting the nurse who glanced behind him at Madam Pomfrey who shook her head.

He crouched before you, one hand cupping your cheek the other resting on top of your hands that laid on your stomach. With Sirius' wobbling lip he leaned up to press a gentle kiss to your forehead.

"What happened?" He asked to no one in particular, his eyes still scanning your face.

"We don't know," Madam Pomfrey answered, honestly, "Regulus had barged in with her, she was unconscious," and she hurriedly added, "She is alright now,"

"When will she wake up?" he asked.

"Within an hour or so," Madam Pomfrey muttered.

So, Sirius waited, often heaving deep breaths to calm himself. This was supposed to be his home, where he could be safe and protected, where his loved ones could be safe yet here you were.

Every since "Voldemort" was rising, ever since he ran away from Grimmauld Place, ever since the tension between him and his little brother rose, Sirius just wanted to take you away, away to a place where he knew you would be safe and secure, not a thing can harm you. Just you and him, like a family that he always wanted - protected, protective, safe and loved beyond measure.

"Sirius," You mumbled, squeezing his hand.

"Puppy," Sirius whipped his head to look at you, "You alright? What happened?"

Gulping, you pulled Sirius closer, resting your forehead against his. Sirius moved so that he was sat on the edge of the bed, leaning towards you.

"I love you," You gently whispered. Finally, the tears that were collected in Sirius' eyes broke free and rolled down his cheeks rapidly.

Before you could react, Sirius smashed his lips to yours in a wet kiss. It was salty from the tears that still leaked from his eyes.

You pulled away first, hurriedly wiping away his tears although it was of no use, "Sirius-"

"I love you," he took a ragged deep breath, "So much,"

"I love you too, Sirius," you leaned to kiss his forehead. Wiping the tears from your eyes, you chuckled wetly, "It's OK, I am alright. Nothing is wrong. I am alright, Sirius, look at me"

"You couldn't have been," a dry sob racked his body, drawing a gasp to tumble from your lips. You pulled him even closer, holding his hands that cupped your cheeks tightly and allowing him to rest his head on the crook of your neck.

"Please, please, it's OK," you tried to console him.

Sirius pulled away and wiped his tears as you watched him intently. You tried to sit up and to help you, a young nurse was immediately at your side and that's when you realised there were people watching the interaction.

The nurses understanding the situation shuffled away from your bed to others'.

"What happened?" Sirius asked, shifting closer to you after nodding slightly as though asking for permission.

"Just-it was nothing, Sirius," you mumbled, lying through your teeth and you knew Sirius found out.

"What happened, darling? Please, please, tell me," Sirius said on the verge of begging.

You looked around using the time to contemplate your options - You could either tell him and refrain him from marching to the Slytherin common room (which would be definitely hard) or you could not tell him which is absolutely not possible.

You took a deep breath, taking Sirius' hand in yours, holding it tightly, "I just -I-the Slytherins," you sighed, "A duel, Sirius, and I missed it,"

"A duel!?" Sirius yelled, his forehead scrunched in confusion, "Who!?"

You were silent making Sirius repeat his question this time even insisting that before, "Carie, Carie Travers,"

The rage that painted on Sirius' face was unlike anything you've seen before. His grey orbs were ablaze with fire and hatred as his body shook.

"Sirius," you said, worriedly. He gritted his teeth, nose flaring as he stared at the goblet on the bedside table.

He let out a deep breath, composing himself and he nodded, "Travers, isn't it?"


"No, no, don't worry, I won't do anything," he said, frightening calm.

"Sirius, please," You said but he ignored it.

"How? How did the duel start?" He asked, looking into your eyes, intently.

"Not now, Sirius, please," you pleaded, not wanting to deal with it now.

Sirius sighed and leaned in to kiss your forehead, "I'm sorry,"

"It's OK," you uncomfortably wrapped your arms around his torso and Sirius held you for a few minutes before shifting so that he leaned against the headboard and you protectively within his arms.

It wouldn't be alright. Perhaps, worse but not alright, Sirius knew that, of course, he did but he vowed to himself that he would protect you at any cost even if that means he would have to give his life, "I love you, mon amour,

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