Marry Me (R.L)

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Remus Lupin x Reader

Summary - Remus loves showering you with love and this was just another day where he did it differently and more efficiently.

Warnings - Cursing? I think so.

"Bye, my love," Remus kissed your cheek and rushed to the door. As though he had forgotten something that he remembers halfway he came back running you and cupped your cheeks, kissing you as though he had all the time in the world when in reality he was late to his work in Ministry by half an hour.

"Alright, alright, Remus," You mumbled against his lips, "You're getting really late,"

"Yes, sorry," He kissed your forehead, "I love you," he said and he apparated before receiving a response.

"I love you too," you said looking at the spot from where he apparated and shook your head, chuckling. You were so in love with the man. It was a great realisation for the two of you, you were adults, barely 2 years after graduating from Hogwarts, getting a small cottage at the secluded edge of a village, the dreamhouse of almost everyone at some point.

Taking your mug of earl grey - all thanks to Remus - from the kitchen counter, you walked to the balcony. The sun was rising, it was always a beautiful sight from where you stood leaning against the simple railings. The small lake passing the village surrounded the front of your cosy home, the edge of a forest on the other side where every full moon Remus was joined by James, Sirius and Peter. Remus managed to get a job regardless of his "situation" in the ministry itself. He spent every second of his life loving you with every part of him for being by his side this long.

The two of you were leading such a blissful life it was almost unreal for both of you, scary and beautiful. You pulled your robes tighter around you looking at the gentle waves crashing as the water flowed past your home, the sun rays hitting your face along with the gentle breeze ruffling your hair. You sipped your tea, wiping the single tear that fell from your eyes. You always felt lucky beyond measure for having someone like Remus in your scary and pressure-filled life.

"Remus! Hey!" James said, grinning with his arms wide was the first sight Remus was met with when he entered the ministry.

"What are you doing here?" Remus asked, confused, and awkwardly patting James when he hugged him.

"Remember the sports department in here wanted to interview for joining the quidditch team?" James said, smiling brightly.

Remus sighed, walking to his office with James by his side and mumbled, "Never understood that nonsense,"

"They aren't nonsense, Remus," James said, unconvincingly.

"Whatever you say, prongs, whatever you say," Remus nudged him playfully.

After an exhausting day apparition to Remus was very difficult, there have been so many instances where after a very long shift he would apparate to an unknown place often - and thankfully - in a secluded place (however this one time he apparated right in front of an old lady giving her the scare of her life). And today was one such day, apparating from the ministry to the back of a store.

Remus took a deep breath and groaned. He cursed loudly as he walked to the front of the door. Palma's thrift store.

He squinted his eyes to look at the things inside the shop, they were dresses. Remus frowned, contemplating if he wanted to take a quick - not so quick - look inside the shop. He shrugged and stepped in.

Nonchalantly, Remus was walking around the store, looking at dresses - some catching his eyes and some not. However, when he saw a long white gown, he was sure he was to buy it, there was no other way he would leave this sort of beautiful dress.

Harry Potter characters x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now