The Black Panther and his DC...

By SheluvDashian

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CeeDee Rose is the Black Panther himself. Not only is he a hero but he is a famous music artist too. Thanks t... More

Bio: CeeDee Rose
Chapter 1: Scrambled Beginning!
Chapter 2: The Pyramid Pack!!
Chapter 3: CeeDee's Love Day!!
CeeDee's House and Accessories
Chapter 4: Round 2 with Amarok!
Chapter 5: Freak Man! Freak Man! Yeah, that's CeeDee!
Chapter 6: Burrito Bucket!!
Chapter 7: CeeDee's Wonder Woman!!
Chapter 8: Dropping some Gems in the Studio!
Chapter 9: Truth or Dare with Chloe, Marinette, Alya, Doris, and Kara (short)
Chapter 10: SuperWho?
Chapter 11: Let Summer Begin!
Chapter 12: CeeDee's Heat Problem (short)
Chapter 13: Final Round vs Amarok Part 1!
Chapter 14: Final Round vs Amarok Part 2: The War Ends!
Chapter 15: Summer Heat in the Studio!
Chapter 16: RB1!
Chapter 17: A Harsh Beginning of a New Enemy
Chapter 18: An Attitude Change and Bullets Full Of Heat Pack!
Chapter 19: Senior Year Begins!
Chapter 20: King Pack!
Chapter 21: CeeDee's Chaos Princess!
Harem 2
Harem 3
Chapter 22: World Tournament Invite!
Chapter 23: Beach Time! (LEMON WARNING!!)
Chapter 24: Let The Tournament Begin! Black Panther vs Olympia!
Chapter 25: Hey There Sugar~!
Chapter 26: Second Rounder! Black Panther vs Captain Marvel!
Chapter 27: Naughty Rose!
Chapter 28: There Is A Difference Between A Hero and An Anti-Hero!
Chapter 29: Blood Spilling Massacre!
CeeDee's Friends
Chapter 31: Her Father!
What to Do With This Story

Chapter 30: Final Round! Thanos is Coming!

864 11 1
By SheluvDashian

Monday at 11:00 AM...

The crowd in the arena was roaring loud as the second round of the tournament was about to begin as the announcer who name was Henry Davis came out in a suit.

Henry: Ladies and Gentlemen!! Are you ready for the second round?!!!

The people in the arena cheered as loud as they could.

Henry: Then let's begin! For the first match, it will be the wrestling beauty of Japan, Rainbow Mika vs the hero of Metropolis, CeeDee Rose!!!!!

The crowd roared as Mika and CeeDee walked out of their respective tunnels and met in the middle of the ring.

Mika was a blond hair woman like Kara but her features were very different

Rainbow Mika

Mika: CeeDee? *tears of pain began to dwell in her eyes*

CeeDee: *sighs* It's been a while hasn't it Mika?

Mika: Why?

CeeDee: Why what?

Mika: Why did you leave Japan without saying goodbye to me?

CeeDee: It was to keep you safe from...him.

Meanwhile, the girls were in the skybox wondering what the hell was going on.

Kara: Anyone else feeling some tension here or is it just me?

Zee: Well she said that CeeDee left was Japan and left without saying goodbye to him.

Jessica: Was she his first girlfriend or something?

Selina: We don't know all we can do is watch this fight and figure it out as we go.

The girls nodded and turned their attention back to the fight.

Back to fight...

Mika: Lies!! You left because you didn't love me!!

CeeDee: Mika, it's not like that!

Before Mika could say anything else Henry Davis started the match.

Henry: Let the final match begin!!!!

Mika: You will pay for hurting me, CeeDee!!!

She quickly rushed the boy and kneed him in the stomach making him cough a little blood and made him fall on his back as Mika's face was filled with anger and sadness. CeeDee grunted in pain but he soon got up and snapped his finger making him morph into the new suit that he made...The King Suit.

CeeDee: Mika, if you aren't gonna listen then I'll make you listen!!

The hero rushed the wrestling star and dropkicked her in the stomach making her stumble and grunt but she grabbed his leg and began to spin him around as she flung him in the air just for CeeDee to come back down with a fist making contact with her face as she fell on her back as CeeDee slowly walked up to her.

CeeDee: Mik-


With CeeDee's girlfriends...

The girls were wondering what did CeeDee do to make her feel this way towards him.

Babs: What did he do?

???: He kept her safe from Thanos...

The girls turned around to see two mysterious women.

Cammy White


Babs: Who are you two?

Cammy: I'm Cammy White.

Chun-Li: I'm Chun-Li. We are both international partners for your boyfriend.

Zee: CeeDee?

They both nodded.

Diana: Nice to meet you both but if I may ask...who is this Thanos you speak of?

Cammy: Thanos is the most powerful of all the Eternals of Titan. He is a superhuman Titan mutant born with the ability to synthesize cosmic energy for his own use and has increased his power by bionic amplification and mystical enhancement by Death herself after she resurrected him. Thanos was born on Saturn's moon Titan as the son of Eternals A'lars and Sui-San; his brother is Eros of Titan. Thanos carries the Deviants gene, and as such, shares the physical appearance of the Eternals' cousin race. Shocked by his appearance and the belief that he would destroy all life in the universe, Sui-San attempted to kill him, but she was stopped by A'lars. During his school years, Thanos was a pacifist and would only play with his brother Eros and pets. By adolescence, Thanos had become fascinated with nihilism and entropy, worshipping and eventually falling in love with the physical embodiment of Mistress Death. As an adult, Thanos augmented his physical strength and powers through his superior scientific knowledge using a combination of mysticism and cybernetic enhancements. He also attempted to create a new life for himself by siring many children as well as becoming a pirate. He finds no fulfillment in either until he is visited again by Mistress Death, for whom he murders his offspring and his pirate captain.

Chun-Li: He has clashed with many heroes including the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men. While usually portrayed as an evil-bent villain, many stories have alternatively depicted Thanos as having a twisted moral compass and thinking of his actions as justified.

Babs: Avengers?

Jessica: Fantastic Four?

Kara: Guardians of Galaxy?

Zee: X-Men?

Cammy: Yes. We have come here to warn CeeDee that Thanos will arrive on Earth in 6 months.

Harleen: 6 months?

Chun-Li: We have to warn him immediately. The reason CeeDee left Japan was that he was on a mission for the Avengers but he didn't know that our friend Mika had feelings for him and she held that burden with her forever.

The girls nodded as they paid their attention back to the fight as they saw CeeDee landed a punch on Mika's face that made her fall back out of bounds which meant that CeeDee won the tournament.

Back to the fight...

Henry: Ladies and Gentlemen! Your winner of the tournament, CeeDee Rose!

CeeDee demorphed and walked to a disappointed Mika who had her head down.

CeeDee: Mika, listen. I know you hate me but believe what I did was the right thing to keep you safe and make sure your career wasn't interfered with. I knew you loved me...and the truth is...I loved you too.

Mika then looked up with a shocked face.

Mika: You...did?

CeeDee: Of course. *smiles* wanna be a part of my harem?

Mika: Yes. YES!!!!

The wrestler quickly jumped into CeeDee's arms as they kissed as everyone clapped and cheered.

to be continued...

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