Desire ▸ l.h.

By Invisible___

110K 4.6K 2K

he's dangerous and feared by the whole town. i've been warned to stay clear from him, i should've listened.. More

s t a r t
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[ch. 4]

4.1K 153 59
By Invisible___

"Lana you're joking right?!" Calum freaked after I had just told him what happened last night, the only one who doesn't know is Michael and he won't he happy.

"I wish I was Calum, trust me." I mumbled not happy about this either.

"Michael is going to be furious." Calum mumbled and I groaned knowing that what Calum said was true.

"I know, I mean he's already having a bad day, I don't want to make it worse.." I said, Michael hardly talked today and always had his earphones in and laid his head down, it's just not like him.

There running down the hallway was Michael himself with a big smile on his face as he ran towards Calum and I. Engulfing us intro a big hug I smiled back at him, happy to see him not upset anymore.

"What's got you all happy mate?" Calum asked Michael who just couldn't stop grinning.

"Guys I've got great news!" He said excitingly.

"Which is?" Calum questioned kinda waiting for him to tell us.

"I got my own car!" Michael said and he was so happy after announcing it he picked me up and spun me around.

"Wow, beats what Lana's news was." Calum said with a laugh as Michael set me down and gave Calum a look.

"What news?" Michael asked curiously.

"Thanks a lot Calum." I groaned running my fingers through my hair and looking nervously up at Michael.

"Lana.." Michael pushed angrily with gritted teeth. I swallowed hard and looked into his green eyes that were full of worry and anger.

"Well um..." I started off and Calum groaned knowing I wouldn't be able to tell him.

"Luke is taking Lana out tonight." Calum said quickly and Michael's eyes widened as his fists clenched at his sides.

"What?" He growled now walking towards the front doors trying to leave.

"Michael where are you going!?" Calum asked as Michael turned around and glared.

"To go run over that prick with my brand new car!" Michael snapped opening the school door and slamming it shut as he walked out furious.

"Wow," Calum sighed, "He took that better than I imagined." He laughed lightly and I hit him in his chest.

"Shut up, he's still mad."

"Um, try furious." Calum corrected me and I glared at him as he put his hands up in defense.

"I don't need your sarcastic input, Hood." I groaned at him and he stuck out his tongue at me.

"Well hey, he deserved to know," Calum said with a shrug, "Even though someone may end up dead.." He mumbled scratching the back of his head.

"I have to go, he's probably sitting in his car pissed." I said leaving Calum and running outside to get to Michael, but I got stopped by a familiar figure towering over me. "Shit.." I swore under my breath as I revived a chuckle.

"Miss me?" He asked with a smirk as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Not really." I groaned already annoyed with his presence. "I'm kind of in a hurry so if you could just get to your point which I honestly don't care about, that would be stupendous." I said to him rather rudely hoping that would show him that I'm not interested in him.

"Just reminding you of our date later on." He said with a grin.

"Cool, now bye." I said quickly trying to run away from him but he pulled me back by my wrist so that my nose was now shoved into his chest. "Um."

"Can't wait for tonight." He whispered into my ear while letting my wrist go. I walked away as I felt a smack on my back end, turning around to see a smirking and very pleased Luke, he winked at me before walking away.

Saying nothing about it since he was already gone I saw Michael's car only because his red hair stands out. I ran over to the car and opened the passenger side as I slid into his car and sat down while he stared out the window. His hands were placed on the wheel tightly as his jaw clenched every once and awhile and we just sat there, silently.

"Michael.." I trailed off not knowing what to say to him at this point, he was mad that I understood but I can't help that the Hemmings are my neighbors now.

"I always thought, that when someone made a promise. They'd keep it. Not break it." Michael said now sounding more upset than angry. "You promised me Lana," Michael said looking over at me with glossy eyes, "You fucking promised!" He snapped raising his voice at me now.

"I know I did Michael but I can't help that they are my neighbors and-" I started to explain but Michael began to laugh.

"You think I'm upset with you because they are your new neighbors?" He asked me and I slightly nodded, "That's not why I'm upset with you." He said and I slumped my shoulder.

"Why are you upset?" I asked knowing right away that I shouldn't have.

"Because you're going on a date with that, that prick!" Michael said throwing his hands up angrily.

"I didn't agree to it!" I yelled back at him, raising my voice now.

"Obviously you did if you're going!" He yelled back at me now turning in his seat to face me.

"I didn't have a choice Michael!" I shouted back getting as frustrated as he was about this.

"Everyone has a fucking choice Lana, you're just choosing wrong!" He snapped slamming his fist down on the dashboard.

I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder as I opened his car door to get out, "I wouldn't expect you to understand." I mumbled slamming his car door shut and began to walk home.

"Excuse me?!" Michael shouted after me as he got out of his car.

"You're excused!" I yelled back at him not caring what he said at this point, I just wanted to go home.

"Lana Elizabeth Roberts, you get your ass back here right now and talk to me damnit!" Michael swore becoming upset that I wouldn't stop walking. I stuck up my middle finger and waved it at Michael, "Real fucking mature!" He shouted at me.

"It's saluting you and your bullshit!" I said back to him and I knew he was pissed after I said that because I didn't hear another word leave him mouth as I left the school ground and made my way home.

Once I finally got home I grabbed a small snack and headed up to my room where I could be left alone. I plugged my phone in and began to blast my music throughout the house knowing I'd be the only one home, for now at least. I got onto my computer and began scrolling through Tumblr, until I was interrupted by a video message sent to me on my laptop. I opened it and saw Calum's face pop up on my screen. I closed out of the message and ignored it.

I just sat in my room all day until my mom got home and when she got a call from the school saying a skipped my last period classes, she wasn't too happy.

"Lana I am so disappointed in you." My mother said as she barged into my room, without knocking too.

"Well it wouldn't be the first time." I mumbled.

"Do you even want to go to college?" My mom asked me, if she thought I was paying attention to her she's dead wrong. "Lana it's like you don't even care about the amount of work I've put in for you to have an education and to go to college and to do something with your life. Not hang around with Michael's kind." My mother said and that's when I began to pay attention after she had just insulted my best friend. I don't care if we are fighting but nobody insults him, ever.

"His kind? What the hell is that suppose to mean mom?!" I asked becoming very upset with her.

"People who just don't care about their education and your friend looks like he does drugs and other bad things and I don't want my daughter exposed to that." My mom argued, I had absolutely nothing more to say to her.

"Get out, I have a date to get ready for." I groaned now looking for something to wear as my mom gave me a weird look before leaving my room.


idek what's happening rn guys!

nicole xx

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