Race to my heart

By h311182

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All Might's daughter. A rule breaker, a rebel, a high school drop out. She loved to street racer despite bein... More



295 13 3
By h311182

It had been a week since my mother came.
I still couldn't process it. My mother came back to life after all this time.
It was crazy if you thought about it. No mother would die and come back to life. It just wasn't possible. Even with a crazy quirks like hers.
She said it took a long time for her to 'regenerate' whatever that meant. So her body could heal itself plus her quirk.
Is that why that thing with Bakugo happened? No, it couldn't be. Did I inherent her quirk?
My stomach churned. That groggy memory of that stupid worm came back. After the nights I tried to forget about it.
There was a slight knock on my door. As if someone was debating on knocking or not.
I let them stay there for a while. I didn't want to get up, not talk to anyone. I just wasn't very much in the mood to do so.
I could hear the small footsteps as they regretted knocking.
I sighed.
Whoever could it be?
I dashed to the door. Slightly opening it and peeking out.
I hadn't recognized the footsteps, but from the crack of the door I could see two different colors in the hair.
I slammed the door wide open.
"Todoroki!" I yelled after him.
My voice must of caught him off guard. As if he didn't just come and knock on my door.
"Oh. Hey." He said awkwardly.
He was sober.
I took a step outside of my room.
It had been a while since I last stepped foot out of here. After that one night with my mother, I didn't want to leave my room anymore. And nobody bothered me to I didn't fret.
"Did you need something?" I asked, but he obviously did. So it was just a dumb question.
"Oh, the guys told me to come ask you if you wanted to go out for a smoke. But when I saw you didn't answer your door I just thought you wanted to be left alone." He rubbed his neck nervously. His eyes not making contact with mine.
By now everyone knew about my dead mother. How she came back to life.
So now everyone tried to leave me alone.
"Sure." I sighed. I let both of my feet fall on the floor. I closed the door behind me slowly.
"Who's going to be there?" I asked. I knew who was going to be there, but I didn't want to run into Midoriya.
I had been ignoring his messages for a while now, and I don't think I could face him after so long.
He had given up recently trying to contact me.
But once in a while I receive a message of him asking me how I've been. Of course I didn't answer.
"Denki, Jirou, Momo, Shinsou, Sero, Mina, and Midoriya." I groaned at that last name.
But I had already agreed.
My mind wondered to something else.
"Momo smokes!?" I said all to loudly. I didn't know what time it was. I didn't even know if it was light outside.
I pat down my pants. Did I have my phone on me?
"Yeah, once in a while. Midoriya is what surprises me though. He's been hitting it hard lately." I walked casually towards him.
In my back pocket we're a few toothpicks from earlier. I reached for one.
"Why do you think that is?" I asked him, slowly biting into the toothpick.
"I have no idea. He's been acting weird lately, I don't know if you've heard it but he's been picking constant fights with Bakugo." I finally reached him. I grabbed him in a chokehold. It had been days since I last got to hang out with them.
"Aren't they always fighting though?" I reached to take the toothpick out of my mouth.
"Sure, but Midoriya doesn't fight purposely with him. But now he has." I chuckled.
It was no funny matter sure, one of them could end up killing each other. But Midoriya picking fights with people? It was just an amusing thought.
"Do you have anything to do with it?" He asked out of curiosity. Todoroki was observant even when he was high most of the time.
"I have no idea what you mean. I haven't talked to him in a week." It was true. I hadn't replied to a single text or call from him.
"Have you ever thought that might be the reason why he's acting like this?" I shrugged. I felt comfortable next to him. He was the perfect height for me. I wasn't very short either.
"Why would he? There's nothing I did. Maybe he's just stressed. By the way, where is Bakugo?" I stuck the toothpick back into my mouth. Moving it slowly around my mouth with my tongue.
"He went out with someone. No idea who. But yeah I guess. Midoriya has been working hard." I stopped chewing on the toothpick.
"What do you meant he went out with someone? He has a girlfriend!?" Todoroki turned his head half an inch. Side eyeing me.
"I don't know. I don't really care much for Bakugo, he keeps to himself. But maybe who knows. She was a tall brunette. Curvy in all the right places. He seemed all dressed up." My arm fell limp.
"So that's his type of women. What did I expect?" He laughed softly.
"I doubt he has a type. He just liked strong hardheaded people that like to compete. Goes along with his personality." I thought about it.
I was a strong hardheaded person. Would he like me?
I shook my head. I wanted to get rod of those thoughts exactly.
Why would I care if I was his type?
"Who's room?" I stuffed my free hand in the front of my pant pocket.
"Mine." He said in a tone that suggested he was forced to have it in his room.
"How did they convince you to have it in your room?"
"God knows how. They just all barged in as if I didn't exist." I pulled on his ear. Accidentally stabbing him with my nail.
He grunted.
"Come on Roki, you have to be better than that! You could've told them to have it somewhere else. Or someone either offered something in return." I said slowly, looking for a reaction.
His eyes averted from mine. I was right.
I grinned smugly.
"Oh shit. What was it!? Come on. Tell me." I locked my arm around his neck. Digging my knuckles into his forehead. Not hard enough to kill him. Even though with a simple squeeze I can.
What the fuck. Why would I want to kill him?
"Let." I couldn't hear the other part. It was just gibberish.
"Oh." I let go.
"Geeze y/n. You could kill someone like that." I shrugged. I hadn't squeezed that hard.
"Oh please, it didn't even hurt. So what did they offer?" I changed back the subject.
"Nothing." He was lying. Of course he was.
"Lies. You know what I'll just ask them myself." I grabbed the doorknob to his door.
I opened it only to find something horrendous.
Everyone was kissing.
"What is this!?" I pointed at all of them, my face had gone read.
My eyes caught with Midoriya.
He grabbed the face of someone. His eyes open. He had huge bags under his eyes. His eyes were red from the weed. He side eyed me. Almost bored.
His mouth connected with someone else's.
My eyes slowly shifted to the girl he was holding.
Ochako sat down in front of him with her eyes closed and her hands in fists. As she knew what she was doing was wrong.
Midoriya pulled away first.
He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. A swift move.
Ochako must of still been in shock.
Her mouth was curled into a small smile. Her eyes still closed.
"Is this what you brought me for?" I asked Todoroki. He shrugged, as shocked as I was.
That suggested he didn't even know what was happening.
Todoroki had mentioned Mina being here. I looked around for her pink hair.
She sat on the floor, next to the corner of Todoroki's bed.
She was on her phone with a cigarette in the other hand.
I glanced at Midoriya. Who looked furious at me.
Maybe he was mad that I didn't answer his messages.
I smirked at him.
I wasn't one bit mad he was kissing Ochako. I could care less.
If he could do that I could too.
I made my way to Mina and pulled her phone out of her hand. She looked up at me. A confused and angry expression on her face.
Once she saw my face her expression softened.
I held out my index and middle finger out. She slid the cigarette in between.
I spit out my toothpick and replaced it with the cigarette.
I ignored Midoriya.
He thought I was going to get mad, but that's just him.
I took out my hand for her.
She grabbed it and I lifted her up. I put a hand on her waist and pulled her in. I couldn't tell if she was high or not. Her eyes were always black.
I leaned in to kiss her.
Two could play this game Midoriya.
"Midoriya sit." I smiled while kissing her.
Ochako was begging him to sit.
I had my back faced to him, so I couldn't see his reaction, but I would pay millions to see it.
I felt myself being pulled back.
He spun me around as gripped my wrist. I used my other hand to wipe my mouth. Exactly like he did.
"Oh! But weren't you enjoying Ochako!?" I looked up at him. Not breaking eye contact.
"What the hell do you think your doing!" He mumbled. I leaned my ear to him sarcastically.
"What was that?"
"I'm sorry." He said out loud this time.
My eyebrows lift in surprise. My mouth in a flat line.
"For?" I glared into his eyes.
"Let's talk somewhere else." His hand shifted to my hand. No longer gripping my wrist.
"I haven't had my smoke yet. Sero are you in here?" I couldn't see over Midoriya's body.
"Here!" He said as if he were in class.
I pushed passed Midoriya.
I looked down at the floor. Momo, Jirou, and Denki were all sitting together.
Jirou held both of their hands at the same time.
Denki was too high to even notice.
I scoot passed them. It was none of my business. I spot Sero and Shinsou sitting together.
"Why is Mina all by herself?" I asked Sero. I didn't bother asking about Ochako. She wasn't alone just a second ago.
"I don't know." Sero shrugged. His attention on something in his phone.
A second passed and Todoroki joined them.
"Here." He passed me a blunt.
I took it happily.
"Smoking is bad you know." I joked to him.
"Ha ha. Very funny." He said sarcastically.
"I've been sober for so fucking long. Pass it here." Todoroki seemed a little too anxious for it. Could he even eat normally anymore?
"I'm hungry!" I heard Denki groan.
I turned to them.
Jirou had let go of her hand.
"Here." I heard Momo say.
The rustling of a bag of chips. I hadn't seen any junk food around. Did she make it?
"Lemon!? Can I get ranch instead?" Denki complained.
"Eat what you get." Jirou snapped.
I didn't even have to look at him to know he was pouting. Depressingly eating his lemon chips.
My eyes made their way to Midoriya.
I sighed.
"I'll be back guys. Don't smoke all of it without me." Shinsou yawned.
I forget this is what he's like.
I swung my body to face Midoriya.
Our eyes met and we thought the same thing.
Midoriya turned to the door and waited for me outside of it.
"Bye Mina." I smirked.
She winked at me.
What an amazing girl she was.
I grabbed the door from Midoriya and took a quick glance.
Ochako was staring at us leave.
"Oh Midoriya! Your going to have the night of your life." I moaned loudly.
I watched as her face changed.
I felt bad for her, yet didn't. She knew he had a girlfriend. Why was she kissing him?
"Y/n what are you doing!?" Midoriya pulled my harshly.
I laughed.
I heard familiar footsteps.
My smile disappeared.
"Don't say any stupid shit. You look high as fuck. My dad is coming." I stood on my toes to ruffle his hair into his face.
That way my dad won't suspect anything.
"What do you mean he's here!?" He seemed like he was panicking.
"So that's how this thing works. Our phones weren't as advanced as these." He was with mom.
"My mom is here too. If she asks anything. Just shut up." I whispered. I took a step back to look at him.
His hair was long enough to cover his face. But not the fact that his face was tomato red.
"Mom!" I turned swiftly on my feet with a smile on my face. Hopefully taking away all the attention from Midoriya.
"Midoriya?" All Might asked.
Mom elbowed him.
"Oh. Y/n what are you doing out of bed so late at night?" I laughed in surprise.
"I don't know how it works here but I'm California I'm technically an adult. No need to scold me for being awake passed my bedtime." I chuckled nervously.
Midoriya was the first thing he noticed.
"Where you going out somewhere hun?" Mom tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
I had to look up at her. She was so tall.
"Uh. Yeah! Midoriya and I decided to go out to eat. I haven't eaten and he offered to invite me out to eat." I smiled up at her.
"Oh! That great. Midoriya was it? I don't think we've met." She started towards him, I jumped in front of him.
"Maybe next time mom. We're kind of in a hurry before his favorite place closes up." I reached for his hand. But I wasn't looking at him.
He took my hand.
"It was nice meeting you ma'am." I wanted to kill him.
"Oh! So you can talk." She giggled.
"Yes ma'am I can. I was going to take out y/n for a meal. I'm sorry if it's too late." I glance over to him.
He had a smile on his face. A sophisticated smile. He stood up straight and his eyes didn't look as red. He looked normal.
"Oh no worries. Have fun you too. We were just coming up to check up on you." She turned away from Midoriya and put her attention back on me.
"I'm fine. Thank you though. Midoriya and I have to go now. See you tomorrow." I pulled him along. Knowing him he's probably waving them goodbye.
"What a wonderful boy!" I heard my mother say in a forced tone. She already knew who Midoriya was.
The boy who stole my father.
I pulled him along.
Trying to get the hell out of here.
The elevator was going to take too long.
  I hadn't really realized what was going on.
  One minute Midoriya and I were talking in the stairway.
  A second later I was fighting with Bakugo.
  Not even a second after that, I was fighting the girl he had brought home.
  Then, I was held in custody by my father for almost killing the girl.
  In my defense, in which this case, I had a lot to fight for. She had started it.
  "I'm sorry." I said without any feeling.
  My father and mother were sitting on either side of me. The girl I had beaten up was sitting on the couch in front of me with Bakugo beside her.
  Midoriya was standing behind me.
  "Why should I apologize?" I mumbled.
  "Oh my god y/n, maybe because you almost killed her!?" Bakugo yelled at me.
  Just like Todoroki had explained, the girl was at least five inches taller than me. She looked pretty buff, buffer than me at least. And her long brow hair was tied in a ponytail. Her face was mean looking. A natural dirty look face. Her eyes were dull and mean. Her lips were full but always held in a scowl. Her eyebrows had lines in between them from always frowning. She wore a dress that showed off the muscles in her arms. And heels that were meant for my dads feet.
  "She started it!" I screamed back.
  "Calm down." Midoriya put a hand on my shoulder. I just happened to calm down.
  "She was sticking up for me." Bakugo said gruffly.
  I scoffed.
  "By calling me a piece of shit and a whore? She doesn't even know me." I glared at her.
  Her hands were balled into fists as she held them on her legs. Her head low.
  "I didn't know she was All Mights daughter." I stood up.
  "Y/n. Calm down." Midoriya pushed me back down.
  "I told you she has your temper." All Might sighed.
  "Quiet a temper. But still, little girl what's your name?" The girls head shot up, her face in a scowl.
  She stood up about to launch at my mother.
  "Who do you think your calling a little girl!?" She screamed at her.
  I got to her first.
  My fist satisfyingly landing inside her stomach.
  "Don't yell at her you dumb bitch." I pushed her back to her seat next to Bakugo.
  "Elen I think it's better if you go home. Here." Bakugo helped her up and took some cash out of his pocket.
  "All she had to do was tell me her name." Mom says with her legs crossed. She stared at her nails. Just like I was, she was tired of this nonsense.
  My dad stood up.
  "Sorry about everything Bakugo. Elen. Just give me a contact info and I'll be sure to help whenever I can." Dad walked up to the two and snatched Bakugo's money.
  Of course, giving it back to him.
  "Please control your temper. You just charged at my wife and called my daughter." He paused. He glanced at me.
  "What was it she called you?" He looked tired of me.
  "A whore." He nodded and turned back to her.
  "What she said. Find a way to get home yourself. You deserve no sympathy for trying to hurt my wife. Go." That last word was a warning.
  She shook her head and left in a hurry.
  "Again. Sorry Bakugo for that. But you need to find yourselves better girlfriends. Not ones that charge at my wife please." He sighed.
  "You should've at least let me give her this money so she could go home." Bakugo stuffed the cash in his pocket.
  He didn't look a bit mad.
  "You didn't like her did you?" Midoriya said behind us.
  "No. I didn't. She growls at people who do nothing to her. It's too much for me." He wiped his face from nothing.
  "I could've killed her." Mom said with a bored voice. Still checking out her nails.
  "I wouldn't want to hide another body." Dad sighed. We all turned to him.
  "Hun, you said that out loud." He jumped up.
  "Of course I was joking. I have never hidden a body in my life I swear!" He put his hands up as if we believed him in the first place.
  "You guys should go. I promise I won't kill anyone. We're fine now." I assured.
  "We will. Your father has been working all day. He's getting old. Come on." Dad and mom grabbed each other's hands and waited for the elevator.
  Midoriya, Bakugo, and I all watched them until they were gone.
  "Get better taste in girls." I cringed at Bakugo.
  "She had a nice ass. What can I say?" Midoriya laughed.
  "This isn't funny. I could've killed her." Bakugo fell onto the couch and lay there with his eyes closed. An arm over his forehead.
  "We got to the restaurant and she started bitching about the food and yelling at the waitress. Then I told her we should get take out instead." I sat on the couch and waited for Midoriya to follow along.
  "She then said the food tasted like shit and demanded we go back and give them a piece of her mind. I just wanted to get laid. Which is why I told her to go to a hotel but she insisted she wanted to come to my place." I laughed at him.
  I never thought Bakugo to be the type to just get a random girl for a one night stand.
  "So she's just a bitch? Did you find her on the street or something?" He shook his head.
  "She goes to another school near by. I don't remember the name of it." He yawned, clearly tired.
  "Your mom's great. And good looking. Sad you didn't get her looks." I shot up.
  "Y/n he's just joking. Sit." Midoriya pulled me into his arms.
  "No I'm not. I like your mom. She seems cool. She knows how to drive too." Midoriya looked at me.
  He wasn't there the day we went out to race with her.
  "Oh right. You weren't there. Too bad. She beat me. It was amazing really." It felt weird knowing that Bakugo liked my mom.
  "I'm going to sleep. Next time when I bring a girl over, try to not kill her." He really did seem tired. As if he hadn't gotten sleep for days.
  He wasn't even mad at me exactly.
  He just seemed tired.
  I wondered if he was okay.

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