Salvatore Sister

By kellinquinnlover

4.1K 156 52

Where Damn and Stefan have a half-sister, Victoria, born in 1854. She is Giuseppe's daughter born from an ext... More

The Arrival
The Arrival Part 2


231 6 2
By kellinquinnlover

Stefan - 9
Damon - 16
Victoria - 2

They started to notice that something was different about Victoria when she was two, she'd fallen when toddling around the yard and scrapped her knee. It was a small injury, nothing unusual for a child to get. But it took nearly twice as long as it should've to heal - and the doctor had no explanation as to why.

"So you have to be careful with your sister, and make sure she doesn't get hurt." Lillian explained after the doctor visit. "She takes a long time to heal. And the doctor said her bones aren't as strong as they should be."

"Yes mama!" Stefan and Damon both promised.

Their mother smiled, "I knew I could count on you two."  She covered her mouth afterwards to cough.
"Are you okay mama?" Stefan asked.

"Yes baby, it's just a cough. Probably just a cold. Now, your father is away for work, and I'm heading into town for the day - so I'm trusting you boys to watch your little sister until I get back. Can you two handle that?"

"Yes ma'am!" Damon nodded, of course he could handle it - he'd probably end up just watching both Stefan and Victoria.

"Alright, I'm heading out now. Victoria is still in the kitchen eating, when she's done take her to the sitting room and she can play there."

"Okay mama!" Stefan said as both brothers went to the door with Lillian to wave goodbye as she walked towards the carriage she had prepared for herself.
After she left, both boys raced to the sitting room, "let's play chess! I've been practicing!" Stefan said, grabbing the chess board.

"I'm still going to win!" Damon let Stefan set up the board and pick which color he wanted to be - which was always black, he liked how they shined.

They were still playing chess when Gloria brought Victoria into the sitting room, "forget about someone?" The woman asked.

"Oh! Sorry Gloria. Sorry Victoria!" Damon ran and grabbed his baby sister, holding her close to him.
"I just changed her. So she should be good for awhile. But if she starts grabbing herself that means she needs to go, so put her on a pot, your mama is trying to get her to going only in a pot these days."

"Yes ma'am." Damon answered, playing with Victoria's little hand as the toddler babbled incoherently - only a few words understandable at times.

"Daedae." She called Damon suddenly with a giggle. She'd been calling him that lately - not able to say his full name so she just went for saying the first syllable twice.

"You wanna play with your Noah's ark?" He asked her.

"Yuh!" She said the word 'yes' in her own baby language.

He went over to where a wooden box kept some of the child's toys inside and brought out a homemade version of Noah's ark that had an opening where a door could've gone and inside was filled with small wooden animals. He brought it over and put it in front of the little girl, she clapped and made a loud sound of delight before she reached inside the toy to bring out the animals.

"Okay, let's get back to our game." Damon smiled and sat back across from his brother.

After two more chess games, Stefan was finished playing and started to clean up. While he was putting the pieces away he said, "I wanna go to the pond," they had a small pond near the property that Stefan liked to swim in during the summer months.

"We're watching Victoria. We can't take her out to the pond."

"Why not?"

"Because mama said to be careful with her. She is too little to swim and could get hurt."

"She could stay out of the water!"

"You really know nothing baby brother." Damon shook his head before going and picking up Victoria. She had started to get fussy, wanting attention and to be held.

"Then I can go by myself!?"

"No. Mama said we BOTH have to watch her. You have to grow up some Stefan. you're a big brother now too and have to help. You can't go and play when you've been asked to do something."

Stefan pouted as his brother lectured him, he didn't like all this responsibility that apparently came along with being a big brother. "Can we at least go outside and play?"

"Yeah, that'll be okay. Let me try and get Victoria to use the pot first."

"Okay, I'll go outside now!"

"Alright. we shouldn't be too long. Stay in the front yard."

"I will!"

"Alright then, let's get you to go on the pot. Then we Can play with big brother Stefan."

" 'ef?"

"Yeah, Stefan." He carried her to the nursery where the closest Chamber pot was located.
After fifteen minutes of waiting for Victoria to go the bathroom, the two siblings finally came outside. It was a bright and warm summer day - the perfect day to play outside, go for a swim, have a picnic, and relax.
"Now where is your big brother?" Damon asked.

"Where?" She repeated a single word from his question.

"He isn't out here. Maybe he went to the stables."

"Pony! Go go!" She knew that the stables meant horses, and she loved horses just as much as Stefan.
Damon laughed as she made the demand, "alright. Let's go see." He carried her around the back to the stables, and then put her down so she could run and look at the young ponies they currently had. "Don't get to close."


He smiled at her fondly before searching for Stefan. He didn't find his brother, but did find Hector - one of the stable boys just slightly younger than Damon. "Hector!"

The boy jumped, he was really skiddish, "Master Damon! Hello sir." He bowed to the boy.

"Have you seen my brother around here?"

"No sir, I hasn't seen young Master Stefan around the stable all day. But..."

"But what?"

"Well I's don't want to get him into no trouble. And make you angry."

"Hector, please tell me where you've seen my brother. I won't be angry with you if he's done something he shouldn't."

"I saw him heading down the road towards the water spot on the property. He saw me and asked me not to tell no one."

Damon let out a frustrated sigh, "thank you Hector. Victoria?" He turned around to see his little sister in the same spot he left her. "At least one of you listens to me," he smiled and picked her up.

"Bye bye pony!" She waved as Damon started to head out the stables "bye bye!" She waved to Hector as well, making the stable boy smile - the little girl had a radiant personality that made everyone smile.

"Time to go get your worrisome big brother and tan his hide."

"Uh oh."

"Big uh oh."

"Walk." She squirmed in Damon's arms as they started to head down the path that lead to the small pond on their property.

"You wanna walk?"


"Okay, but hold my hand." He sat her down, and then took her tiny hand in his as they walked down the road together. Once they reached the pond, Damon spotted Stefan's clothes by the big oak tree and knew he was in the water for sure now. "You sit right here and don't move," he wagged his finger gently at his baby sister before sitting her under the tree. "Got it?"

"Yuh!" She nodded and wiggled down in the spot he sat her in, showing him she would stay put.

"Good girl," he patted her fiery red hair, the one trait she had gotten from Esmeralda, and then turned to March down to the water's shore. "Stefan James Salvatore!"

Stefan's head popped up from under the water, and his face paled at the sight of his brother standing six feet away from him. The only thing keeping Damon from coming and snatching him up was the fact the fact Damon didn't want to get wet or remove his clothing to keep them dry.

"Damon," he said his brother's name nervously, sinking down in the water to try and hide a little longer.

"Get out of the water now!" He ordered, his finger pointing down in front him to indicate where he wanted Stefan to come. The boy swam closer to the edge of the water and then stood, slinking out slowly and revealing he was only wearing his long underpants. "What did I tell you?"

"Ow!" Stefan yelped when a hand connected with his wet thigh.


"But you were taking so long."

"That's not what I asked Stefan." He landed another slap that made Stefan yelp.

"You said I couldn't come to the pond....but you were taking so long! And mama left me in charge too!"

"Mama left you in charge of watching Victoria. Not that you get to run off and do whatever you want!"

Stefan knotted his eyebrows together and pouted, frustrated. "Then what's the point of being in charge?"

"I'll let mama know not to rely on you in the future then. And that is what being older means, you've got responsibilities and it isn't always fun. Like this." He grabbed Stefan's arm and pulled him back towards the oak tree.

"Damon wait!" He already knew what his older brother was planning.

"Get your clothes on and let's go. I won't spank you in front of Victoria, it'll scare her."

"Then I'll stay here."

"I will drag you home in just your underpants. Don't tempt me."

Stefan decided not to take Damon up on his threat, so he hurried to dress himself. "Daedae," Victoria stood up, wobbling a little on her legs before waddling over to the older boy.

"Yes Victoria?"

"S'eepy." She rubbed her eyes before reaching for her brother, her walk tired her out.

"Let's all go back to the house. I'll put you down for a nap. And you," he looked at Stefan, "go to our room when he get home." They'd been sharing a room since Victoria was born, Stefan's old room being set up for when Victoria got older and didn't need the downstairs nursery.

"Yessir," Stefan shoved his hands in his pockets and trudged behind Damon after he set off for home. Maybe if he tried to kiss up to Damon he'd get some leniency. "I can tuck Victoria in when we get home?" He offered.

"No, you'll go to our room like I asked and wait for me. In the corner."

"Yes," he started to pout again.

When they reached their home again, Stefan ran up the stairs as soon as he went inside. Damon carried Victoria into the nursery, "you're getting really big. Soon you'll be upstairs with Stefan and I in your own big girl room."

"Big room!" She squealed at the idea.

Damon laid her down into bed, removing her shoes and placing them at the foot of her small bed. "Big room, very soon I think." He smiled, pulling a light blanket over her and then kissing her forehead gently. "But today, close your eyes and take a nap."

Victoria cuddled against her pillow, closing her eyes with a yawn. Exhausted from her short walk in the heat.

Once she was settled and drifting off to sleep, Damon went to take care of his other younger sibling. Upstairs, just as he'd been instructed, Stefan was standing in the far corner of their shared bedroom, waiting. His clothes were damp from putting them on while still wet, and we're sticking to his skin uncomfortably.

"Turn around." Stefan turned, his head tilted down to the floor - he didn't want to look at his brother. "Look at me."

Stefan lifted his eyes, meeting Damon's and then looked away again. "I'm sorry I didn't listen."

"You're going to be really sorry soon, you acted childishly and irresponsibly. Mama trusted you to help and watch Victoria, and instead you run off the first chance you get to play somewhere I specifically told you not to go."

Stefan felt tears starting to fall down his cheeks as Damon scolded him. If it had been their father, Giuseppe would've just drug him to the study and beat him until the man was satisfied. But Damon wasn't their father, and he actually took the time to see that Stefan understood what he'd done wrong and that he was properly punished - not just beaten senselessly. "I'm sorry," he sniffled quietly before rubbing his eyes - he couldn't cry, it was embarrassing.

"If you can't even handle one afternoon. How is mama supposed to trust you with anything?" Stefan shrugged, "you have to grow up a little Stefan. Not everything is about you."

"Can you just hurry up and whoop me?" Stefan whined out, trying to stop more tears from falling down his face.

Damon sighed, "you can still be a kid Stefan, but when you're asked to do something you need to listen. And understand sometimes you can't have all the fun you want." Stefan nodded a little, "come on then."

Stefan looked up and saw Damon sitting down on the elder's bed before motioning for him. "How many?" Stefan liked to know so he could prepare himself.

Damon grabbed his brother's wrist and pulled him directly in front of him when the boy was close enough. "Fifteen. Any kicking will add more. Understood?" He asked as he undid the kid's suspenders and then trousers.

"Yes sir," he used that word again - sir - he only did that when he was in a lot of trouble.

Once his trousers were down, Damon pulled Stefan over his knee and landed a sharp smack immediately. "You're old enough to know better Stefan."

"Ow!" He yelped, his skin was still a bit damp from the pond so the sting was intensified.

"Even if you hadn't disregarded your responsibilities, you disobeyed me. And I won't allow that." He sounded more that the kid's father than his older brother - someone had to be a real father in the house.

"B-brother. Owuch!" Stefan grabbed the blanket under his hands and flinched his face into it. "I'm sorry!" He apologized for what felt like the hundredth time as a third smack landed. "I'll be better!" He squirmed, and had to stiffen his legs at the fourth swat or he would've kicked and earned another spank.

"Well I don't think mama is going to trust you for a long while after I tell her what happened."

"Ah! Please don't! She's gonna be mad - Ow!" He could already imagine it - Lillian would yell at him too and if she was upset enough give him another spanking! Of course her spankings weren't anywhere near as bad as Damon's, but after one spanking already? He would be lucky if he was able to sit for dinner tonight as it was.

"As she should be!" He landed a seventh smack, and this time the pink blush that appeared didn't fade away before he landed the eighth. "And you best have a real good apology least you get a spanking from her too!"

"No!" He whined, unable to stop his crying. "It's not fair!"

"That's an extra!" Damon's hand connected with Stefan's bare bottom again, Stefan had kicked his legs when Damon mentioned the prospect of a second spanking.

"No! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! Ow ow!" Damon landed two quick smacks to his thighs. Damon didn't answer, falling silent now as he landed the last painful slaps to Stefan's behind. Stefan cried into the blanket he held, shifting his legs as he tried not to kick again - wailing loudly each time a smack stung into his skin before quieting to his normal cries again.

When Damon landed fifteen (plus the extra Stefan earned for kicking) he pulled his brother's pants back up, grimacing when Stefan flinched from the painful contact of cotton rubbing against his sore bottom. "Alright, on your feet."

Stefan jumped to his feet, still crying. His face was probably redder than his butt at this point. "Don't tell mama please Damon!"

"I have too. What, You think she won't notice you squirming like a worm at dinner?" He pulled his baby brother into a hug as he cried and rubbed his aching backside.

"I don't want another spanking! It's not fair!"

"Well I suppose you better work on that apology before she comes home." Damon laughed when Stefan loooked up to give him a pitiful look. "Oh come on. Mama's spankings never leave more than a little sting. It's more embarrassing than painful."

"Not after you spank me! Your's are the worst!"

Stefan had stopped his crying to complain. "And I was still wet! So it hurt even worse!"

Damon laughed again, his brother was kinda cute when he complained about how awful his whooping had been. Acting as if Damon had tried to kill him. "I'm sorry baby brother." He covered his mouth to stop from laughing. "Let's go downstairs and find something to do?"

"I need to change first, my pants and shirt still feel damp and sticky on my skin."

After Lillian returned home that evening before supper - Damon filled their mother in on what happened while she was gone. Stefan got a second lecture from his mother, but luckily no spanking. But she did land one smack when he went by her to help set up the dinner table.

He yelped loudly, which let her know that Damon had properly handled his transgression already. "Let that be your warning. If it happens again you'll be over my knee - even if Damon's already spanked you!"

"Yes ma'am!" He ran out of the room, rubbing his bottom again - her one smack reigniting the sting Damon had set into his skin earlier.

Edited *

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