A Different Kind

By CaritaCrafford

233K 4.6K 452

Alexandra or Alex for short leaves Mystic Falls to live with her Uncle Charlie Swan, the half brother of her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 34

3.1K 55 0
By CaritaCrafford

" Blimey , you did go through​ a lot ", Ron Weasley said as Alexandra told the Golden Trio her story of becoming a Hybrid Vampire.

They were in an empty classroom , speaking in private as promised.
" Yeah, but at least I got Grayson out of it . I would never give him away even if someone promised me the world ."

" What about Carlisle then?", Hermione Granger asked ," Have you forgiven him?. "

Alexandra shrugged." Sometimes I think I do . But then he does something like apologize for Edward's behaviour and he calls Edward his family while Grayson is his own flesh and blood . Don't get me wrong . I know it's my fault for denying him of having Grayson know that he is his Dad . It's just that these past days it sort of hurts​ when he calls that ...that...man ...boy, whatever , his family and not Grayson . I don't care about being his family . I just care that he acknowledge my child as such . A little hypocritical of me , I know".

The trio looked at her sympathetically . Harry more so because he'd have given anything to truly be someone's family . He was grateful for Alexandra ,but she was so far away that it doesn't help much.

" Maybe you should tell him . Let him know how you feel and tell Grayson that Carlisle is his Dad. You'll feel better then", Hermione offered her advice .

Alexandra smiled and nodded at the girl .

" So tell us about the rest of the problem ," Harry urged ,eager to hear everything now that he knew how his cousin became a Vampire.

So Alexandra told them about the Volturi's awaited arrival and Edward's accusation towards​ Grayson of having " influenced"
Renesmee .

" So , the Volturi are coming with the purpose to kill the Cullens and you and Grayson ?", Harry asked in alarm.

She nodded ." We're gathering witnesses so they would witness that Renesmee and Grayson aren't those Vampire children that they so obviously fear . If we could stop them from killing us , we can explain. Not that I have hope that it'd work ,Harry . The Volturi are evil and arrogant and so set in their ways that we might end up fighting them . I don't want to die . I don't want my son to either . But if it comes to that , there's nothing I or anyone can do . "

Harry's eyes filled with tears at those words. He didn't want to lose his cousin . She was far more decent than Dudley would ever be .

He looked up when she touched his arm .

" Don't worry ,Harry . There's always hope even if it doesn't look like it . You will hear from me again , though I can't promise it , okay ?. I'm sorry if I can't make a promise . I don't like breaking those . "

He nodded , lifting a hand to wipe away a tear that had found it's way down his cheek .

" I love you , Alex. You're my favourite cousin . "

She " Awed" softly giving him a gentle hug , afraid that she'd crush him .

" And you are like my brother . So call me Sissy . Elena does and so does Bonnie Bennett , a very good friend of mine . I only let people call me Sissy if I consider them my brothers and sisters . You are welcome to that too ,you two . I may not know you as well as Harry knows you , but I really like you to be my brother and sister ."

Hermione smiled and Ron blushed , turning almost as red as his hair.
Carlisle listened quietly to the soft conversation between the trio and Alexandra .

He had hidden himself with the purpose to eavesdrop.

He knew that it was wrong , but she gave him no choice . It was a miracle she didn't smell him or even sensed him .

It helped ,though , to keep himself​ hidden.

His heart constricted at her words about Grayson and family .

He felt guilty for being so blatant about Edward being family while Grayson was his own flesh and blood.

Oh, he did see Grayson as family and whether she liked it or not , he did see Alexandra as such also .

He hoped that she would take Hermione's advice and talk to him about this .

He could put her qualms to rest then and maybe then she'd be willing to try to have a romantic relationship that him again .

It would make things so much easier than they were now .
Alexandra smiled and kissed her sleeping child's forehead .

They would​ be staying for two days in Hogwarts before moving on and had been provided with the same room in Gryffindor tower as they had the last time they'd been there .

She straightened as Carlisle walked into the room .

" Is he asleep ?", he asked unnecessarily ,his eyes meeting hers , something nameless and unknown swirling in their depths .

" Yeah . He'd been entertained by the Weasley twins . For once he'd acted like the child he is . "

Her words reminded him that Grayson , even if he had the mind of an adult , was still a child .

He moved closer to her and without warning he pulled her into a hug .

For a moment she considered pulling away , but then she relaxed against him and she heard him let out a breath of relief .

" Are you alright ?", he asked softly.

" I guess ,"she answered ," I mean , not thinking too much about what might be in store for us , helps ."

He tightened his grip on her and pressed his cheek against her hair ,her scent wafting up into his nostrils .

She let him hold her and didn't move away when she felt his cheek against her hair .

" I suppose thinking about it won't do us any good . All we have to do is to do everything we can to survive this even if Alice and Jasper had fled , leaving us with the thought of that maybe we're already doomed ".

Alexandra stiffened in his arms . She hadn't known about Alice and Jasper's​ flight .

If she did , would she have come with Carlisle ?. She didn't know the answer to that and she don't think he omitted that particular information on purpose ,so....

She felt his hands trace soothing circles on her back and knew that he was trying to calm her , but not just her ,but also himself.

She pulled away slightly to look up at him . " We shouldn't lose hope ,"she said with determination ,"We can still try to save ourselves . "
He nodded , he knew that she's right ,but it's hard to believe .

He pulled her closer again and she didn't stop him . Yet he knew that if he tried to do more than just holding her she would stop him .

It was a pity , but he was willing to behave .....For now.
Harry waited for Alexandra to come with him to breakfast in the morning and she didn't make him wait for too long.

She came down a set of stairs opposite those of the dormitories , carrying Grayson who seemed a little lazy to walk on his own this morning .

Harry wasn't surprised to see that the boy had grown again , looking about seven now .

"I need to speak with the other Hogwarts Champion first ,"the boy who lived informed her as she reached him , holding out his hands to take Grayson from her .

" Okay ,no problem ," she said before giving Grayson a warning look ," No biting ,yeah?".

The little boy nodded ,knowing the drill by now .

" What'll happen if he bites ?", Neville , who'd heard it, asked .

" He'll become a Vampire ", Alexandra said bluntly ,but softly enough so only Neville and Harry could hear," Grayson's half , but his venom isn't ."

Neville paled ,but didn't move away . He didn't want to offend Alexandra because the child's hers.

They left the common room , walking to the stairs that'd take them to the hallway that housed the Great Hall .

They didn't go to the Great Hall yet , waiting at a set of stairs that went down to the dungeons .

They didn't wait long for the other Hogwarts Champion to come walking up that stairs and at seeing him Alexandra's body tensed .

By looking at him she saw a mirror image of her least favourite Cullen. By looking at him anger rose irrationally inside of her .

She had to steel herself not to attack the innocent boy with his bronze coloured hair and green eyes .

" Could it be ?", she thought as she looked at the boy when he quickly spoke to Harry ," Is it even possible ?."

Her body didn't relax as she watched the boy and listened to his voice that sounded a bit different than her least favourite Cullen's .

There was no hint of the musical tones that the Cullen's voice held . His was human ,though still beautiful .

The boy walked away and she followed him with her eyes , the anger slowly disappearing from her heart .

" Alex, are you coming ?", she heard Harry ask and looked at him distractedly .

" Um ....yeah," she said .

Harry grabbed her hand and started pulling her towards the Great Hall.

She let herself be pulled , her thoughts a whole mess .
Sorry if it's short . 💎

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