It's Agent not Ninja

By Ninetailedfoxkura

71.2K 1.6K 127

Naruto left the Hidden Leaf Village for reasons unknown to everyone including Team 7 and the rookie 9. The on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Authors Note

Chapter 13

3.5K 76 2
By Ninetailedfoxkura

"Different language"
"Kurama talking"
'Kurama thinking'

⚠️Mentions of death in this Chapter and the next⚠️

(Timeskip to civil war. I know big timeskip)

"Tony, we can't agree to this. It stops me from helping civilians unless I'm ordered to help them." Naruto told Tony.

"I know." Tony said.

"And you're just going to leave it?" Naruto asked, he wouldn't immediately judge his best friend, though he did wonder why Tony signed them if he knew.

"I'm trying to get them changed." Tony told him, he must of understood Naruto's question.

"One more thing." Naruto said before Tony looked at him. "Bucky didn't kill T'Challa's father."

"Are you sure?" Tony asked, he knew he shouldn't doubt Naruto but he has to be sure.

"You know damn well Kurama makes sure I can't be lied too." Naruto sassed.

"Shit, let's go." Tony said getting ready to leave, he needed to get to Steve before anyone else did.

"My way or yours?" Naruto asked.

"Yours, it's faster." Tony said.

Thankfully Naruto got Clint to tell them where Steve was, and that they got there on time.

"Steve!" Tony yelled as they walked into the room that held more super soldiers.

Naruto watched Tony's face as he saw what The Winter Soldier did to his parents, he knew something bad was going to happen. He was proven right when Tony attacked Bucky and Steve, though Naruto was quick to put a stop to it.

"Tony. Tony! Look at me. Remember when I lost control, you stopped me from killing over two hundred people. Now I'm stopping you from doing something you will regret. Calm down. Damn it, Steve I told you to tell him. Now look at what you've done." Naruto tapped Tony's head who slumped against Naruto passed out.

"Take Barnes to Wakanda, T'Challa will help him. And do not leave there, Yuno will go with you. He'll make sure you don't do anything stupid." Naruto said lifting Tony onto his back and walking away, leaving Yuno with Steve, and Bucky.

"Let's go you idiots." Nat said walking up to them and snapping them out of their trances. "Naruto told us where to go and trust me when I say it's best if we just listen to him. Come on, T'Challa's waiting for us." Steve, Bucky, and Yuno followed silently going over what just happened, well Steve and Bucky did, Yuno know what happened.

"Hey, Tones. How are you feeling?" Naruto asked seeing Tony wake up. Naruto had brought them back to the Tower.

"Not great. What happ-oh." Tony started to ask before remembering what had happened. "Is everyone ok?" Tony hadn't meant for that to happen, he was upset Steve hadn't told him about it, and that he had to find out the way he did.

"Everyone's fine, they're in Wakanda. You know that it wasn't Bucky, right?" Naruto said/asked.

"I know. It's like when you and Kurama switch." Tony said. Naruto nodded.

"You're going to stay here for a few days, then we are going to go to Wakanda and help Barnes." Naruto told Tony who sighed but nodded, he didn't want to stay in bed. "But, before then we are going to get everyone out of jail, so let's go." Naruto dragged Tony off the couch.

It didn't take long to convince them to free the Team with others, well that was thanks to Naruto, he could be scary when he wanted to be.

"They're in Wakanda." Naruto told Clint before he could ask. "We're going in a few days, I have something else to do before we go." Clint nodded as he and the others left.

"Nothing is going to be the same after this." Tony said.

"Probably not, but Rhodes need our help." Naruto said.

Getting to the hospital took less time then Tony wanted considering Naruto Shunshined them there. Tony lead Naruto to Rhodes room.

"Rhodey!" Tony said seeing him awake. "How are they treating you?"

"Good. What are you?" Rhodey asked looking at Tony.

"Great, and we're gonna get you fixed up." Tony told him.

"Naruto, I didn't see you there." Rhodey said in surprise.

They had Rhodey transferred to the tower, so both Naruto and Tony would have an easier time helping him.

"Kurama?" Naruto asked.

"What is it, Kit?" Kurama asked.

"You think Chakra would help him heal?" Naruto asked hoping the answer would be yes.

"It's worth a shot." Kurama said. "But, use mine, it should help."

"I might have a way to help Rhodes." Naruto said startling the other two people in the room, Naruto had suddenly gone quiet about 30 minutes ago.

"What is it?" Rhodes asked, he was willing to try just about anything.

"Chakra, more specifically Kurama's Chakra." Naruto told them.

"Would it work?" Tony asked.

"It's worth a shot to see if it will." Naruto said. "If you're ok with it?"

"I'll try anything, the braces from Tones work well, but I'd rather something more permanent." Rhodes said.

Naruto's hands slowly started to glow purple, a mix of both his and Kurama's Chakras, and put his hands over Rhodey's legs, Naruto could feel them slowly started to heal. Naruto backed away about ten minutes later grinning as his hands stopped glowing.

"Try to get up." Naruto said, luckily they had taken off the braces before starting. Rhodes slowly moved his leg to the edge of the bed with his arms before attempting to stand. He almost fell but Naruto steadied him, then let go. Rhodes slowly took a step and didn't fall so he took a few more and soon he was walking around grinning.

"I can't thank you two enough." Rhodes said as he once again hugged Tony and Naruto.

"I'm glad we could help." Naruto told him.

(Three days later in Wakanda)

"I'm Naruto. Nice to meet you James, or do you prefer Bucky?" Naruto asked looking at the male across from him.

"B-Bucky." Bucky told him.

"Well, I'm here to help you." Naruto said.

"And what could you do?" Bucky asked bitterly.

"I had a similar problem a long time ago, but we worked it out." Naruto said letting his right eye flash red. Bucky gasped slightly. "If you'll let me I'd like to help."

"Alright." Bucky said. Naruto grinned holding his hand out to Bucky who took it with a confused look before he was brought into a blank white space. "What.... The hell?" He looked around before his eyes landed on a giant Nine Tailed Fox.

"That would be my problem, his name is Kurama." Naruto told him.

"Where are we?" Bucky asked getting over his shock.

"We're in what's called a mindscape. This is where you will meet someone." Naruto told him pointing to something behind Bucky. Bucky looked and saw an exact copy of himself. "That's the Winter Soldier, you two need to work together or this won't work."

"How are we supposed to do that? He's a murder." Bucky said.

"You were both controlled by Hydra." Naruto told him. "The only ones to blame are them, not you and not him."

Bucky finally gave in and went to talk to the Soldier they unsurprisingly had a lot in common and made up for what had happened to them, the Soldier apologized and Bucky forgave him. Once they had made up they walked over to Naruto.

"You two done?" Naruto asked stopping his conversation with Kurama. They nodded. "Good, one more thing before we leave. You need to learn to share control, in case something happens."

"How are we going to share control?" The soldier asked.

"Kurama, you mind?" Naruto asked, his response was when he was covered in golden Chakra. "Both me and Kurama are now in control, we've learned to trust each other." The cloak disappeared.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Bucky asked.

"You won't be able to make a cloak, but you have more control than Kurama and I do." Naruto told them. "So hopefully it won't take too long for you to master it." Naruto gave them a run down on what to do, so they could start.

It took a few days (in the mindscape) for them to be able to share control, Naruto was happy with their progress, they had learned to trust each other and would be there for one another when they needed to be.

"I think it's time we go back." Naruto said looking at them. They nodded and Naruto brought them out of the mindscape.

"How long were we gone?" Bucky asked getting up from where he was sitting.

"In the mindscape it was a few days, here however it was only a few minutes." Naruto told him. "Time moves differently there."

"Thank you for taking the time to help me and Winter." Bucky told him.

"I'm always happy to help." Naruto said as they walked out of the room and to the room that held everyone.

Naruto grinned entering the room.

"Bucky has a clean bill of health." Naruto said.

"You got rid of the Soldier?" Steve asked shocked, everyone but Scott, Wanda, and Vision looked at Steve with wide eyes, most thinking things along the lines of 'What the hell are you thinking'.

"You don't get rid of them!" Naruto yelled shocking everyone, Naruto never yelled. "You help them share control so neither fight it. Winter was controlled by Hydra just like Bucky. He's got a right to live. It's like me and Kurama."

"What?" Steve asked.

"Kurama isn't just a Fox that follows me, I protect him and he does the same, that goes for Yuno too. You don't just take part of someone and get rid of it." Naruto said.

"I'm sorry." Steve apologized.

"The Soldier and I, thanks to Naruto, are now able to work together and share control instead of fighting for it." Bucky told them.

"That's great. Congratulations." T'Challa told him.

"Thank you." Bucky said.

"So, Bucky's all fixed?" Steve tried to ask carefully.

"As much as one can with the amount he has gone through." Naruto said not looking at him.

Everything was fine for a while until something happened and there was now a  purple giant on earth.

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