The Beauty of Death | Maxine...

By greysin_

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A traumatized and abused girl runs away from home after doing the worst possible thing ever. As she is runnin... More

1 | Blood Stained
3 | Deadly Roses
4 | The Demon Queen
5 | Monsters Inside
6 | Controlling
7 | Midnight Strikes
8 | The Beauty of Death

2 | Spilled Truths

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By greysin_

September 16th
9:51 p.m.

"I talked, now it's your turn." (M)

"...I read your mind because I have an ability to read the souls of those who have wounds. I can only read thoughts from afar, but when I touch your wounds then I know every thing about you since the day you were born." (CL)

"I don't believe that at all. Humans don't have superpowers." (M)

Clementine walked towards me, looking at me and spotting the scar on my forehead. She put her fingers on my forehead, then her eyes glowing yellow as she looked at me.

"Your two older brothers died in a car crash with you when you were about seven or eight. Your mother used to have dark brown hair before dying it black and your father had blonde hair. Your mother worked in a flower shop while your father was an accountant. Your family abused you for years, blaming you for your brothers deaths and that's why you have scars all of you, also explaining your closed off attitude. You are very smart but your parents took you out of school as soon as they could to make you work and do everything for them. They both became abusers of alcohol and drugs which made them want to hurt you more since they were mentally confused about their actions. When you first saw Alex you thought he was a murderer based on his clothes and also the suspicious rock that had names on it along with a rock that had "rest in peace" carved into it. You've been trying to escape this entire time because you found all of us terrifying. The song you sang earlier to calm your nerves was a song your brothers told you to sing when got scared and they would always come and find you."

Clementine backed away and lifted her fingers off of my forehead, looking at me with a cold glare. My eyes were wide as tears dared to fall from them, hearing her spill out so much of my personal life that no one had known about.. what an invasion of privacy.

"That was a bit much Clem." (A)

"Well now we know enough about her to actually know what's going on and not thinking she's a psychopath." (CL)

"..Maxine..? Are you okay?" (S)

"Yeah.. just hurts to hear all of that said out loud for the first time.. that's all... so, what can the rest of you do. I assume you all can do something if she can." (M)

"I have perfect aim, I just think about my target and I'll hit it no matter what." (CY)

" you purposely aimed at the tree next to me to scare me. You didn't want to kill me." (M)

"...I try not to kill anything... not even animals." (CY)

"I control electricity and lightning." (S)

"...You're like pikachu." (M)

"..what the hell is a pikachu?" (S)

"I have no idea." (A)

"She's a runner, it's something from our world." (CL)

"Our world? And a runner..?" (M)

"Clementine and Cyrus are human like you, you guys came from the same world. Anyways, this forest isn't apart of your world. Your home, wherever you were born? That doesn't exist here. It's a long story so we will explain it later." (A)

"Okay..? But it doesn't make sense how they have superpowers and are apparently human just like me. Are you and Seth not human?"

"We are gods." (S)

"...huh. God is a religious thing-"

"I'll explain it all later. Don't worry about it right now." (CL)

"..what the hell is god and religion?" (A)

"Oh my god you guys are dumb." (CL)

"Ahem. Anyways~ Clem my lovely sister, why don't you get Maxine cleaned up and heal her wounds and we can all go to bed." (CY)

"I was planning on it. By the way Maxine, how old are you?" (CL

"I'm 18. My birthday was back in January." (M)

"January 26th. Right, I saw your old birthdays when you were a kid. You had chubby cheeks." (CL)

"Aww, you sounded cute." (CY)

I death glared Cyrus before I followed Clem to.. wherever we were going. We passed by homes and I was assuming she was going to bring me to hers.. instead she brought me to this huge castle. How the hell did I not see this?! Am I blind?

I am. I wear glasses. Still though how did I miss this?!

I followed Clem while looking around in awe as we walked inside. The inside was so beautiful, gold and red... it felt like those medieval castles you'd see on Pinterest or something. As I looked around, I decided to talk to Clem and hopefully not experience something shocking and slightly mean again.

"So~ did you have a phone when you came here?" (M)

"No. I was to young to have one when I came here. We don't have a lot of technology like phones and computers here." (CL)

"That's surprising. Everything looks so modern yet rustic here." (M)

"We have modern technology when it comes to medical stuff, yet we don't use it often here. Any technology that connects with the human world is extremely rare here and no one tries to create anything similar since no one is interested in it." (CL)

"Really? I'm surprised." (M)

"From what everyone knows, our world is broken and no one wants to go there. That's why our forests exist, to welcome the broken who need a new home, a new hope, a new life." (CL)

"So, there's more people here! And you said forests so I'm assuming there's multiple communities." (M)

"The forests are like kingdoms here. Smaller ones like ours are ruled by kings or queens, usually the heirs in the bloodline. We have two superior kingdoms though; the gods capital and the demons forest. The gods are ruled by a great king while the demons are ruled by an great queen."

"So Alex isn't the highest king. Who is the great king?"

"King Leo. He's the strongest god of our world. The demons used to be run by Queen Veena, but she died many years ago. Her daughter Minerva currently has the throne..."

" don't sound to happy about that.. are demons evil? Like how everyone thinks back in our world?"

"No. Not at all actually. The demons used to be nice and helpful, everyone used to be equal... well almost everyone. I should explain the 'clans' here.

Runners, me and you. Runners are people who ran away from their homes and they Cole into our world by accepted by superior gods, the ones you would read in Greek mythology and all of that stuff. When accepted here, you will be gifted an ability to make life a little bit better and as a peace offering for the broken like me and you.

Then there are demons.
Demons were born here and they have special appearances. They would have black horns and the white of their eyes would be black while they're pupils will be like a cats, they will look like slits. Demons also have pointed ears, kind of like an elf from the fairytale stories we'd read about, also sharp canine teeth. They have their normal forms, then their demon forms. Their demon forms make their eyes completely black and they will have large black wings. Sometimes their skin will show their veins and their skin will be tinted gray. Their fingers will be like black talons or claws. They are born with special abilities.

There are gods like Seth and Alex. Gods look basically like humans but they have some differences. I'm not sure if you noticed but their ears are slightly pointed and curved. Their appearance changes the most when they are in their god forms though. Gods will have white feathered wings and one of their eyes will be fully white and glow with a white streak in their hair. Their scars will have a slight white glow to them as well as any freckles or beauty marks they might have. They are born here like demons and born with their special ability. All gods have a healing ability though, the strength of it depends on how skilled the god is while using it. The King Leo is the strongest god out of everyone, also being the son of the king before him. He can heal deep wounds and partially heal organs, as well as being extremely strong from his personal ability which is "Blindside." He can basically control the sun and heat, it's a lot to go into but he's extremely strong.

Then there are Hiders or The Hidden. You will almost never see them. If you do, you can recognize them as a hider due to them have a beauty mark somewhere from their neck up, as well as an earring that they were born with. The earring will have an H in it to show they are a hider. If they take the earring off than they are in extreme pain so they always need it on. The hiders are called hiders due to them having to hide over the years. Their ability allows them to gain others abilities by killing others. Most hiders don't kill, actually refusing too and instead live their lives like normal humans. When people found out about their ability though, they were targeted and killed. A lot of innocent people died and now their population is the smallest out of all of us. The superior gods gifted them with masks that when worn by a hider, they are not visible to others. This helps hiders get around without being seen since they fear being killed and are extremely rare. Since hiders are rare, when they die their bodies will fade away and leave a flower bed behind to respect the fallen while their bodies fade due to them being rare and being called "the hidden" which means you'll never find them dead or alive.

There is one special person in this world though. A hybrid of a demon and a hider.

He used to be around friend, come around time to time... I haven't seen him in years though. Personally, I think he's dead." (C)

"...that's a lot to take in... why is your friend dead though? At least you think." (M)

"Hybrids are usually killed after birth, the superior gods will give the hybrids peaceful and painless deaths. That kid however, he never died. He was hurt though, abused and scarred just like you. He was a fight though, he never really gave up even though you could see it in him that the just wanted to die and be happy." (C)

"What did he look like?" (M)

"Beautiful long, dark brown hair and curved horns like a ram. He had an orange eye with the blacked out part and a silver eye with more of a red and white eye, like his eye was bloodshot. The left side of his face was burnt and scarred, yet he was so beautiful. Sharp teeth and pointed ears, the beauty mark under his right eye and the chained Hider earring on his right ear. He had light brown skin, super tall and muscular. He always let me braid his hair or put it in a bun when he'd stop by.." (C)

"He sounds pretty.. what was his name?" (M)

"Greysin. He was such a charming and elegant guy. He loved to read and learn, training and working out like a beast.. he reminds me of the beast from beauty and the beast, just without the fur and well... the beast. Still, he was such a nice guy. Helpful and charming, sweetest guy you'll ever meet. Such a softy yet tough guy... he always wore sweaters and gold jewelry, always looked at his best even after training and being tired. He was always so willing to help even when he'd be exhausted. He would come into my room and ask for books or for me to teach him how to heal wounds, asked Seth to teach him how to use a sword... Him and Alex would talk for hours and hours like they knew each other their whole lives..

It hurts to think that he might be dead... hybrids are seen as monsters basically, they aren't really accepted here. For him to live past the age of two weeks is amazing as it is.. he should be around twenty-two by now...

He always liked the color red. He liked red roses or red clothing, he found some sort of ease within it. I asked him why and made a joke about beauty and the beast, granted he was confused but he laughed along with it.

'I think I've read that story. There was a red rose in it..'

I remember seeing him smile for the first time when he said that. I always told him 'well, maybe your flower bed will be full of bright red roses', then he said 'I wish I'd get to see it someday.'

I always thought he meant as he wouldn't see it cause he would be dead... but something about his eyes was off. He was sad, maybe even irritated. I never questioned it. After that day, I never saw him again. No one has..." (C)

As Clem finished up talking I walked to the shower with the new clothes she gave me. She told me to come back out when I was done and I nodded my head. She left the room and I walked to the bathroom, seeing the luxurious and big bathroom. They don't have phones but they have stuff from mansions... this place is weird yet cool.

I thought about Clementine's words while I was in the shower. The way her face lit up talking about this Greysin guy, then the sadness as she told me that she thinks he's dead and hasn't come back. It does sadden me a little bit, thinking about a nice guy and he's gone. Clementine said that there was something off about him when he said that he wished he would get to see his rose filled flower bed...

Like he was sad and irritated, it didn't seem like he was sad about dying. During my shower I thought about how Clem can read minds and his past. I finished up my shower, washing my hair for the first time in forever, shaving for the first time (scary but I felt amazing afterwards), my skin looked clean for the first time in.. ten years. I finished up my shower and got dressed, seeing Clem leaning up against the wall outside the room. She smiled at me, walking into the room and having me sit down in front of a vanity while she towel dried my hair and brushed it.

"Hey Clementine-" (m)

"Call me Clem." (C)

"Then call me Max. Anyways, did you ever read Greysin's mind or see into his past?" (M)

"I did sometimes, only when he was asleep though. Otherwise I couldn't. I remember seeing his parents, his mother a demon and his father a hider.. his father had these blue flames and he burned Greysin as a punishment for not stealing anything from a market since they were low on food. His father would burn him while his mother would poison him but cutting his skin... fire and poison.. two abilities used on an innocent child. They forced him to steal for survival.

He killed his parents at the age of sixteen. Stabbing his father several times in his sleep, gaining fathers ability since he was so close to death. Then, Greysin burned his fathers face, melting it completely. Then as his mother watched in horror, Greysin set the whole house in flames, burning his mother alive. He was in his demon form, his eyes all black and large black wings with black tears falling from his eyes.

I remember him saying something like 'are you proud of me momma! Dad is! Im not useless anymore! He enjoyed seeing my flames, seeing me become something! Do you like them too!' As his hands are around his mothers throat, burning her through and through.

When he died, he saw the bloody and fire covered massacre in front of him. He was shocked and scared.. he cried. He ran outside to see the entire forest in flames. Blue flames filling the world around him.

I didn't seen anything else. I was already crying and shaking when I saw it.. such a sweet and lovey boy brutally killed his parents, laughing and smiling with pure joy. He woke up from my crying, wondering what happened. He realized what I had done and quickly got up and left. That was the day he left.

My braid in his hair as he woke up and quickly left, never turning back.

Maybe that's why I haven't seen him... he doesn't want me to think he's a monster..." (C)

I turned around to see Clem crying, shaking as she is doing my hair. I noticed a braid she had made, her hands shaking as she tries to hold in her tears.

She made the braid while thinking of Greysin... she wanted to do my hair because she misses him...

"Sorry.. I've been rambling and talking a lot." (C)

I got up and hugged Clementine, letting her cry into my shoulder as I rubbed my hand on her back. The cracks in her voice immediately told me that she had been holding this in for a long time.

Maybe this is why she is closed off and defensive like me...

She has secrets that she didn't want anyone to know either...

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