Main Attraction

Av EJCornish

30.5K 1K 126

Olive is a single mom to her daughter Melody. She's got a boring job as a secretary, a jerk of an ex, and a p... Mer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 5

1.2K 41 8
Av EJCornish

I dropped Melody off with my mom about an hour before Reid was due to pick me up. I told my mom that some friends invited me out last minute and she was more than happy to take Melody for the night. However, that hour gave me more time to freak out.

"Okay Olive. It's just a date. Nothing to be scared of. Just your first date since Melody was born. Just pick a fucking outfit!" I had about ten minutes until Reid was due to be here. I was flipping through my closet in just some nice lingerie with my hair and makeup done. I pinched my nose before I took a deep breath. "Relax Olive." I told myself, "You can do this. Casual and relaxed. Keep it simple. That's all you have to do."

I finally settled on blue jeans, a blush shirt with a grey knit sweater on top. I was ready to go with one minute to spare. I was putting on a pair of high-heeled ankle booties when a knock sounded at the door.

I hurried to answer it, double-checking my hair in the mirror, before opening the door. I swear my jaw dropped. A black pair of jeans with a blue button up, rolled up to show off his strong forearms. I wanted to climb that man like a bean pole. Yep. He was a total DILF.

"You look... um... wow." He said.

I blushed, looking down and pushing my hair behind my ear. I wasn't used to compliments and never knew how to answer them. "Thanks. You look, uh, really good." I managed to get out.

"So are you ready to go?"

"Yes!" I said a bit too enthusiastically before I reigned myself back in. "Right... um... let's go." I grabbed my purse before I stepped out of the house and locked the door behind me. I had made sure I knew where my keys were an hour ago. Don't want to embarrass myself on the first date. We walked over to Reid's truck, and he opened the door for me. Once I was seated, Reid closed the door before moving around to get in the driver's side.

We sat there and for the first time ever, I didn't know what to say. All I could hear was the pounding of my heart in my chest. I struggled to come with something, anything really, and then... verbal diarrhea... complete verbal diarrhea. "So are you as unbelievably nervous as I am cause I'm kinda freaking out. I haven't been on a date since Melody was born and it's a lot. I don't even know what to do. What do people talk about on dates? I don't even know. Like should-"

Suddenly Reid's lips were on mine, effectively shutting me up. I relaxed as he tangled his fingers in my hair. All the tension left my body, and it was just me and Reid. He came away, resting his forehead on mine. I couldn't help the blissful smile on my lips. "Sorry, I talk when I'm nervous."

"It's okay. It was cute." He pressed a soft kiss to my lips before he sat back in his seat. He started the car and started driving, "Can I just clarify that this is your first date since Melody was born?"

I blushed in embarrassment, "Yes, it is."

"It's my first date since Will too."

How is that possible? The man is literally perfect. "How have you not been on a date since Will was born?"

I watched as he struggled to keep his eyes on the road as he drove. "I could ask the same of you."

"Hmph. Avoiding the question are we?"

His mouth turned up in amusement as he snuck a glance at me. "I didn't ask, and I said no to those who asked."

"So why me?"

"Seriously? I wanted to ask you out from the moment we met. You are the most stunning woman I've ever met as well as the kindest."

I couldn't help the skeptical look on my face. Did he need glasses? I'm nothing special. I'm literally average in every way. I guess I'm pretty but stunning? Obviously not. "Well, you're the first one to think so."

As soon as the words left my lips, he was pulling off to park on the side of the road. He turned to look me in the eyes. He searched mine in confusion before taking my hand in his. "Whoever told you that you are anything less than amazing is a liar. I have never met anyone like you. You're talented, stunning, and sweet. The entire package. You're incredible Olive."

All my life people have told me I was normal, average, not special. I wasn't the smartest or the most talented. Even when I used to sing, I wasn't anyone's main attraction. I was just the background music. The only people to tell me different were my family and they have to tell you you're special. It doesn't mean anything. I was no one special.

Yet, there was something in Reid's eyes. They penetrated my very soul but also showed me his. I could see myself in his eyes, and I shone. He really did see me as something more than anyone else. "Where did you come from Reid Wilson?"

"I could ask the same of you Olive." He gave me a dashing smile before he put the car back in gear and started driving again. His hand reached over and took my hand in his. I felt a tug at my heart at the gesture. If I wasn't careful, I was going to fall hard. Reid was a magnet pulling me closer with every second that passed.

He pulled up in front of a warm Irish pub. I smiled as I got out of the car. I loved everything about pubs. The warm atmosphere, the food, and the colourful personalities that frequented them. Reid came around the car to lead me in and my smile widened. It was karaoke night. Some drunk college boys were up performing Eye of the Tiger. I absolutely lit up as I looked at Reid, "I haven't been to karaoke in forever!"

"Come on, I see a table." He led us over to a table that was towards the side. We were still able to see the stage, but it still had a private atmosphere. A waitress came over and placed a menu in front of us.

"So, are you going to get up there?" I asked.

"Maybe after a beer. I did not get the same musical abilities as my siblings."

"It's karaoke. Most people aren't talented. You've just got to have fun and you'll be fine." I said as the waitress came over to get our orders. We both ordered beer and soon we each had a foaming beverage in front of us. "It's so nice to have a kid-free night for once."

"I agree." He smiled, "It also means I don't have to order vegetables to make sure Will eats his."

"We can actually be irresponsible young adults again."

He chuckled as he ran his fingers through his mane of hair. Damn, that hair drove me crazy. I can't wait to run my fingers through it. "It's decided. I'm ordering the poutine."

I turned back to the menu looking for something I hadn't tried yet. As always, I looked for a spicy option. Not that there are many. I ended up settling on a classic. "I'm getting the steak and ale pie. Sounds interesting."

We ordered and sat back watching everyone go up for their songs. Some were terrible, but others were quite good. I sang along to Sweet Caroline with the rest of the bar. Once we'd finished dinner, I decided to go for it and signed up for a song.

"I'm really excited to see this," Reid said once I came back to the table.

"I'm excited too. It's been a while since I've sung for a crowd."

"What are you going to sing?"

"Only my favourite!"

"Tiny Dancer?"

"No, that's my favourite for when I'm playing the piano. I have a lot of favourites depending on my mood." I gave him a quick peck as the announcer called my name. I made my way to the stage. I stood alone at the microphone feeling nerves wash over me. I looked over at Reid and all those nerves just washed away.


Reid's Point of View

I watched Olive on the edge of my seat as the familiar sounds of 4 Non Blondes filled the bar. Olive gave me a nervous smile before she started singing along.

(What's Up? By 4 Non Blondes)

Twenty-five years and my life is still

Trying to get up that big hill of hope
For a destination

She had a beautiful voice. Lower than most women and there was something so sexy and sultry about it. When she began to sway to the beat, I could feel myself getting turned on. I had to adjust myself under the table. God, what was this woman doing to me?

She sang low and smooth through the verses. I was lulled into a daze, just entranced watching her as she gained confidence through the song. I almost forgot the powerful chorus that came until she took the microphone off the stand and belted.

And I say, "Hey-ey-ey-ey"
I said, "Hey, what's going on?"

Holy shit. She could sing. Like really sing. I knew she was good when she sang Tiny Dancer but we were both distracted by the kids. Here and now, she was the centre of attention and thrived. I could almost see her disappear. She wasn't seeing how everyone in the bar was entranced by her. She wasn't that scared woman when she was on stage. She was something different altogether.

As she finished off the song, I could see her come back to reality. Her eyes met mine and she gave me a saucy wink. Fuck. I'm completely hard. I looked around before reaching down to try and hide it. I had to look down at my beer to try and calm myself down before she got back. Everyone loved her. Guys were watching her like a piece of meat and I felt a pang of jealousy wash over me. I realized that I had to make her mine. She will be mine.


Olive's Point of View

I came back to the table to find Reid grinning. He pulled me in for a hug as soon as I got to the table. "That was amazing! You are incredible!"

"Thanks. So does that mean you're getting up there now?"

A sheepish expression came over his face. "Uh, do I have to?"

"Come on, just put on a simple song. It'll be fun!"

"Only if you join me."

I smiled at his darling puppy dog eyes. How could I say no? "Okay, but if I catch you not singing, you'll be in trouble. I'm talking time out trouble."

"Oh no, the mom voice came out. We're in deep now." He laughed and I had to join in. He walked over to the DJ booth to pick out a song. I took the opportunity to watch his cute butt the entire way. I was so focused I almost didn't notice someone sit down at our table.

"You're really good." The man who sat next to me said, "Can I buy you a drink?"

"Thank you but no. I'm here on a date." I said politely. I really hate when guys do this.

"Well, I don't see him around. Come on, one drink. It won't hurt."

"No thank you. He'll be right back."

He was getting pissed and moved closer to me. I shifted in my chair away from him but he grabbed my arm. "Come on. It's one drink. You don't have to be uptight about it."

"Back off now." I twisted out of his grip and stood. He didn't seem to get the message and went to grab me again. I didn't even blink. Just punched him right in the face.

"Fuck you bitch!" He actually tried to lunge at me! I grabbed his arm and twisted, using his own momentum to flip him on his back. I stood over him and put my heel on his chest to emphasize my point.

"No means no jackass. Now get out of my fucking face." I stepped off of him but kept my eyes on him in case he tried anything else.

"You're a psycho bitch!" He yelled as he tried to scuttle away. Security showed up and took him out of the pub.

Reid pushed through the crowd that had gathered and pulled me into his arms. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? How's your hand?" He grabbed my hand and I smiled at his concern.

"I'm fine Reid. I've got a black belt in Taekwondo and I've been kickboxing for years." I didn't usually talk about it, but my dad wanted to make sure I could defend myself against creeps. He made me take Taekwondo for self-defence and I really enjoyed it. I started kickboxing after I broke up with Brian. Easy way to blow off steam and it's fantastic exercise.

"Okay, is it wrong if I find that hot?"

I laughed and took his hand, "Come on, let's go somewhere with less drunk idiots." We quickly paid before I pulled him out of the door.

When we got back into his truck, he turned to me. "Okay, so I didn't plan anything past karaoke. I wasn't sure when you had to get Melody. Will's with Daisy for a sleepover so I'm flexible timewise."

"Melody's at my mom's for a sleepover. We can be as irresponsible as we want to."

"Well, we can check bar fight off our list." He grinned. I got an idea of what to do and began directing Reid. He kept asking where we were going, but I didn't tell him. Once we pulled up, I got another questioning glance from him, "So this is the middle of nowhere."

"Come on. Time for an adventure." I slid out of the truck with a grin. I led him over to a path that was almost invisible if you weren't looking for it. I led him down the path through the trees which wasn't far, but it opened up to a gorgeous beach. It was well hidden by a rock shelf, but if you knew your way around there were lots of surprises.

"This place is amazing." He said as he looked over the beach.

"You haven't seen anything yet." I pulled off my boots and socks so I could feel the sand under my feet. Reid quickly followed suit. I took his hand and led him towards the rock face, "How are you with rock climbing?"

"Love it."

"Good. It's a simple climb but well worth it." My fingers found the familiar handholds and moved my way up the rocks. Melody can do this climb, so I'm not worried about Reid. I pulled myself over the top and sat down, hanging my feet off the edge.

"What a view." He whistled once he reached the top. The sun was just setting over the city. The sunset played over the water in the bay. The city was just starting to turn their lights on and twinkled beside it. No matter the time of day, it was the perfect place to come and be alone.

"This is my favourite place. As a kid, I was always exploring. Drove my parents mad. I'd spend entire days wandering around. Eventually, I found that path and this spot. I don't really bring anyone here."

"So why did you bring me?" He asked.

I turned to him as I contemplated my answer. "I'm not sure. Melody is the only person I've ever brought here. I think my dad followed me once, but I lost him at the path."

We sat there in silence. This time it was comfortable. I didn't feel the need to fill it with my verbal diarrhea. We watched as the sun set. I rested my head on Reid's shoulder, completely comfortable.

Once the sun had gone down, I stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"Follow me." I darted around the trees that blocked my spot off from civilization. Reid followed close behind me in the dark until we came to the edge. The rock ledge was much lower and jumped down. I lead Reid through a different beach to a little stand by the water.

"No way. BeaverTails?" He smiled like a kid on Christmas as we walked up to the stand.

"I never joke about dessert!" We each ordered a BeaverTail and went back to my spot to eat. We laughed at the mess the chocolate made all over our fingers as we ate the sweet pastries. It was completely comfortable. We shared our childhood stories and stories of our kids. I was smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. I felt like I was home with him.

We were laid back and watching the stars that illuminated the night when I turned to him. I just watched as he studied the sky. Taking in all the planes of his handsome face. I realized I was happy. Truly happy, not worried about a thing. "I think this is the best date I've ever been on."

Reid turned back to me and I watched as the stars twinkled in his eyes as a content smile crossed his lips. "Me too. I've never felt this comfortable with someone before."

"Me neither." His eyes locked with mine. It was like a magnet drawing us in. I couldn't tell you who initiated the kiss, but soon his lips were gliding over mine. I was getting lost in his kiss when I remembered the rock face we were sitting on. I pulled away and looked up at him. "Wanna move this back to my place?"


Author's note:

Just so you know, BeaverTails are a delicious fried pastry and not actual beavers. They are literally one of my favourite treats to get at fairs or on special occasions. So good.

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