Main Attraction

EJCornish tarafından

30.9K 1K 126

Olive is a single mom to her daughter Melody. She's got a boring job as a secretary, a jerk of an ex, and a p... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 3

1.4K 42 4
EJCornish tarafından

Olive's Point of View

After tucking Melody in for the night, I decided to curl up on the couch with a glass of wine and my book. I was just getting into it when my phone went off. I picked it up to see a message from an unknown number. I decided to open it and a smile bloomed over my face.

Reid: Hey Olive, it's Reid. Just wanted to see if you were doing okay after today.

That was so sweet of him to check in on me. He was such a nice guy. I sighed, I wanted nothing more than to have him sitting beside me. I would lean against him as we both read our books. Sneaking kisses. No, focus Olive. He just is being nice. Don't get ahead of yourself.

Olive: Hi! I'm doing much better. Melody went to bed early so I'm treating myself to some wine while I read.

Probably more information than I needed to put in, but I didn't know how to stop myself. I didn't even have time to put my phone down when another text came in.

Reid: Sounds like a nice night. What are you reading?

Olive: Good Omens

Reid: Didn't they make that into a tv show?

Olive: Yes but I'm trying to finish the book before I watch it.

Reid: Good idea. So how is the book?

Olive: Really funny. I highly recommend it.

Reid: I'll have to check it out then.

Olive: You should. So what are you up to?

Reid: Just enjoying the quiet while it lasts.

I chuckled slightly. I took a long sip of my wine as I contemplated what to respond with when my phone went off again. I guess someone isn't afraid to double text.

Reid: I really liked meeting you today. I'm sorry the circumstances couldn't be better. I'm having a little housewarming thing next Saturday if you'd like to come?

I let out a little squeal as I sat up. He was inviting me to his housewarming party! So, he wanted to be friends. I know I don't have a shot, but if we were friends, I could still enjoy the eye candy from a distance. Plus, I liked spending time with him.

Olive: Yes I'd love to. Do you want to move the playdate to this Friday night then? Just so you have time to set up.

I'll admit I just wanted to see him again sooner than two weeks from now. Even if I had to spend Saturday with my ex, hanging out with Reid would probably put me in a better mood. I would like to see him tomorrow but with kids, it can be hard to do stuff with short notice.

Reid: That works! I'll see you then.

Suddenly Friday can't come fast enough. I don't think I've ever been so excited for a playdate in my life.


When Friday came, I found myself cleaning the house while I waited for Reid to come over with Will. I'll admit that I wasn't in the best mood. My asshole ex had cancelled his visitation with Melody because 'something came up'. I bet it was just the flavour of the month. He sees his daughter for a few hours every two weeks. If something comes up, fucking reschedule! Is it that hard? I shoved Melody's toys away with a bit more force than needed before just sitting on the floor. I'm tired of this stupid back and forth with him. I just want my daughter to be happy.

"Mama, are you going to wear that?" Melody asked as she came to sit beside me. I smiled so she wouldn't catch on that I was mad.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I asked keeping my tone light and jovial.

"You need something prettier. Come here." She dragged me off to my bedroom and made me sit on the bed. She walked over to the closet and began going through my clothes. I sat back with a smile as my little fashionista picked out my outfit. "Put this on." She said handing me some clothes.

"Melody, I don't need to change. We're just going to be playing."

She put her finger on my lip shushing me. I had a hard time trying not to laugh, "Change Mama. This is my playdate, so I pick."

I decided to give her this victory. I gave her a kiss on her forehead as I took the clothes she picked, "You win this time."

"Yay! You are going to be so pretty!" She skipped out of my room as I laughed. I closed the door and quickly changed. For a five-year-old, she had good taste. A pair of striped high-waisted linen shorts with a white t-shirt. I admired my look in the mirror before I left my room.

I gave Melody my best catwalk strut as I came into the living room, much to her delight. She clapped as I spun and posed. "You look so pretty!"

"Thank you, Melody. Now, come over here. I need to put your hair up."

"Do I have to Mama?" She whined. She hated wearing her hair up, but I wanted her hair out of her eyes just in case.

"Yes. I changed for you so now I get to do your hair."

"Fine." She plopped down between my legs. I quickly pulled her hair up in a high ponytail, making sure not to do it too tight.

"Now, remember no running around. I don't want you falling down and hurting yourself. We don't want to make any more trips to the hospital."

"I won't. I got out my Legos and colouring stuff."

"Good." I finished securing her hair and kissed the top of her head. The doorbell rang and Melody sprung to her feet and began running towards the door. "Melody! No running!" I called after her, thankfully she stopped and quickly walked to the door with me following behind. I couldn't help stopping at the mirror to make sure I looked okay.

When I opened it up, my breath caught seeing how hot Reid looked. The T-shirt he was wearing barely fit him in the most perfect way possible, showing off his insanely sculpted physique. I bet he could bench press me without breaking a sweat. "Olive. Hi, you look... wonderful."

I blushed, looking down at Will to distract myself from drooling over his dad. He stood there with a smile as I bent down to look him in the eyes, "Hey Will. You ready to have some fun?"

"Yep!" Will answered.

"Come on! I'll show you my room!" Melody reached out with her good hand to grab Will's hand. She pulled him into the house, pausing to let him kick off his shoes, before the two of them ran off to her room.

"Melody! No running!" I called after them. I shook my head laughing as I stood up to face the Norse god just hanging out outside my front door. "Come on in. Can I get you something to drink? I've got wine, beer, apple juice, orange juice, milk and water."

"What are you having?"

"I'm thinking tonight is a beer night."

"Sounds good to me." I led him into the kitchen and grabbed two beers from the fridge. I popped them open and handed one to him. "So do you think the kids are okay by themselves?" He asked.

"For sure. I told Melody no running around or anything that could hurt her arm. She is usually pretty good at following my rules." Besides the swearing that is.

"I told Will the same."

"Perfect. Come on, living room is this way." I led him into the living room and watched as he took it in. He got a smile on his face when he walked over to my piano. It was a well-loved antique upright piano that still played beautifully.

"Do you play?" He asked.

"All the time. I used to play in bars before I had Melody."

"Really? Can you play something for me?"

I blushed. I hadn't played for someone other than Melody in years. Still, I found myself walking over to the piano and lifting its lid. I sat down on the bench and looked up at Reid, "So, what do you want to hear?"

"What's your favourite thing to play?"

"Easy." I started playing Tiny Dancer by Elton John. It was easily recognizable but still gave me the opportunity to show off. It was one of Melody's favourites as well as mine. Many a night had been spent singing this to Melody.

(Tiny Dancer by Elton John)

Blue jean baby, LA Lady, seamstress for the band
Pretty eyes, pirate smile, you'll marry music man
Ballerina, you must have seen her, dancing in the sand.
And now she's in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my hand.

When I started singing, I couldn't help but notice the surprise on Reid's face. I smiled as the sound of tiny footsteps came running into the living room. When I turned my head, I could see Melody and Will dancing together as I played. It was adorable.

I continued with the song, getting to the build-up. That was Melody's favourite part of the song because it's the 'sing-along part'. That's what she calls the chorus. Melody and Will came right over beside me as all four of us belted out the chorus.

Hold me closer, tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
You had a busy day today

I laughed as I watched them all goof around. Reid pretended he had a microphone he was singing out of and gave turns to both Melody and Will. I found myself wishing I could do this every day.

"Holy cow, you might be better than Aunt Red! And she's on the radio!" Will said once I had finished.

"Thanks Will. I'm sure your Aunt Red is much better than me if she's on the radio."

"But Mama is the best singer!" Melody said, "She always sings my favourites." I picked Melody up and gave her a kiss on the cheek for her sweet words. She wiggled off my lap and gave Will a look.

"Come on Melody!" Will said as he took off towards Melody's room. Melody began running off behind her.

"Melody! No Running!" I yelled after her. She immediately slowed to a very quick walk, but I let it go. That girl was going to be the death of me.  I'm going to be grey by the time I'm thirty if she keeps this up.

"Will is right though. You are amazing." Reid said as he sat beside me on the piano bench. "Why did you give up bars?"

"My ex didn't like it." I sighed, "He was very controlling. When I finally left him, Melody was just a baby. I couldn't justify staying out all night playing in bars anymore."

"Your ex sounds like an ass."

I snorted very ungracefully at that, "He is. I try to make sure Melody doesn't hear me bad-mouthing her father, but god he's awful sometimes. He acts like his visitations every other week are a chore. He even cancelled his visitation tomorrow because 'something came up'. Oh, and don't get me started on the child support money he owes me."

"I'll never understand guys like that." Reid said before taking a long drink of his beer, "I would do anything for Will."

"I know you would. You're an amazing dad." I smiled as I remembered my car ride last weekend. "Melody told me she wishes you were her dad."

"Funny, Will said the same thing about you."

I smirked, "He wishes I was his dad?" Reid let out a full-bellied laugh. I couldn't help myself as I rested my head on his shoulder as we sat side by side on the piano bench. It was slightly too small for both of us. I was suddenly very aware of the heat of his bare leg pressed up against mine. Goosebumps travelled over my skin from where our bare skin touched causing me to shiver.

"Are you cold? I'll grab you a blanket." Reid said as he started to get up. I reached out, grabbing his firm arm to stop him. God, there go the goosebumps again. I need to get my shit together.

"No, I'm not cold," I said softly as I looked up at him. He was silent, not moving an inch. I let my fingers reach up to his shoulder, massaging lightly with my thumb as I watched him. I could tell he carried a lot of stress there and let my hand move to the opposite side.

"That feels really nice." He said. I gently began massaging the knots out. Suddenly a deep chuckle came out of his lips. I immediately dropped my hand, worried I had totally fucked things up. "I think our children are trying to get us together."

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"I'm guessing Melody told you she wanted me as her dad as soon as you drove away from the park?" He asked and I just nodded, "Will did the same to me. Kept bringing you up all week actually."

"So did Melody. She also made me change before you got here."

"I bet the two of them came up with their plan when we left them alone when we went to get ice cream."

I paused and noticed the lack of noise from the kids. I turned to Reid with a smile, "Also, they are being suspiciously quiet. It's almost as if they are... listening!" I jumped up and ran to where Melody and Will were sitting in the hallway eavesdropping. They both burst out in laughter as Reid and I chased them through the hall. I got to Will first, picking him up as he flailed around.

"Run Melody!" Will yelled dramatically, "Save yourself!" I began tickling Will and he laughed as he thrashed.

Reid picked Melody up and tossed her over his shoulder as she laughed. "What should we do with these little troublemakers?" Reid asked me with a huge smile on his face.

"Feed us dinner!" Melody answered.

I laughed and let Will go. He scrambled up as Reid put Melody down. I sat on my knees so I was looking both of them in the eye. "Okay you two, I need you to listen to me. It's not nice to mess around in other people's lives, okay?"

"Hmph. I think you're just mad cause you actually like him." Melody sassed back.

"Melody! If you do not behave, I'm sending Will and Reid home and you will go on time out." I scolded her.

"But that's not fair!" Will whined.

"Same goes for you Will," Reid added in his serious father voice. Why was that so attractive? Don't get distracted Olive, you're disciplining your kids. "Now, both of you go play quietly in Melody's room. We'll come get you when dinner is ready."

"Yes Mama, yes Reid," Melody said.

"We'll be good," Will promised.

"Okay, go," I shooed them. They went off to Melody's room while I sighed, leaning back on my heels. Reid offered me a hand. He pulled me up but didn't let go right away. I could feel his body heat radiating off of him as he searched my eyes. I can't seem to find the will to step away. I was frozen in place.

"Are you really mad at the kids?" He asked keeping his voice low and quiet so the kids couldn't hear.

"No." My voice came out in barely a whisper. He was so close to me. I could feel my heart racing. His free hand came to my cheek running his thumb across my cheekbone. "Reid..."

"Just please let me enjoy the moment?" He begged softly. I couldn't help but scrunch my face up in confusion. He stepped away with a sigh but I was still frozen. Why did he say that? Why did he do that? Was he messing with me or something? "Come on, let's feed the kids." He walked off to the kitchen without another word.

I stood there for a moment a little stunned. I snapped out of it and hurried to the kitchen. He stood there, leaning over the counter with his beer sitting right in front of him. He was staring at it as if the answers to the mysteries of the universe were in the bottle. "What did you mean when you asked me to let you enjoy the moment?"

He sighed as he turned. His eyes studied my face as if it were the last time he'd ever look at me. "I just... I really just... like you Olive."

"What?" Did I just hear him right? He likes me? Don't get your hopes up. You can still like a friend. But that moment in the hallway felt like more than that, but that's impossible. There was no way he was interested in me.


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