Hiraeth |Razor x Reader|

By Yinzy_Banana

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"Y/n's home." The beautitul and astonishing h/c was silent, trying to choose the best words to describe. "I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 [Final]
Special Big Thanks!💕 (Pls read)

Chapter 6

2.5K 122 90
By Yinzy_Banana


"You're sick right now. Eat the soup."


She shook her head, pouring the soup to the bowl, not even minding his disappointed frown. As forementioned, Razor had fallen sick because of the obvious reason一he drowned in the river just for a fish.

She put the bowl of soup in front of him as she repositioned the fabric around him. "Hold on, let me help you," Y/n offered. Her finger tips laid on the silky fabric, brushing off the dust on his shoulder.

Though, as a noble with a prestigious life that's spoiled by her family, she still knew how to take care a fever. Afterall, noble or not一it's part of the basics to survive, right?

Her finger tips brushed off every dust her eyes could see, transferring her warmth in process to the boy unintentonally. "Razor want sleep. Not eat," he muttered一left as a whisper, but still managed to catch her attention.

"Eat first, oka一Razor?"

A weight burdened her down on sudden一it managed to gain her whole attention.

The e/c orbs wandered to her left shoulder, finding his head laid there in exhaustion. His long messy silver hair laid around her shoulder, stinging her nose with the acrid wolfhook berry. The weight on her shoulder weighed her down一but managed to lighten her mood up as how her heart fluttered on its own.

"Razor..." she called softly一gently to his ears, but gained no response from the silver haired boy. She placed her palm on his forehead一retracting it quickly. The heat remained the same since this morning.

"Razor..." she called once again, earning a small raspy hum from the boy. She slowly lifted the head up一only to be stopped by the silver haired boy again. "No, Razor tired." The raspy and dried voice spoke but too soft for her.

"Razor, you need to eat to get healthy," she persuaded, only for him not to reply.

A sigh escaped from her lips as her hand lifted the head一yet a weak grip held her off from doing so. "Later..." the silver haired boy spoke. The weak grip shared its heat, slowly bringing her hand on the floor一still holding it weakly.

Her heart beat rapidly but slowed down as she caught a glimpse of Razor. Oh, what should she do? "The soup is turning cold..."

No response came from him, leaving her to sigh in dismay. She slowly lifted the young boy, positioned him to lay down slowly. The warmth from Razor's touch left cold and tingling to her skin.

"Fine then, sweet dreams."


The sun had settled down, changing the scene with the colour of fresh orange, as the clouds shifted to diffferent shapes, the clouds were the shades of white with the colour of light and pastel pink.

The eyelashes of hers fluttered opened一revealing the world's sight to the h/c haired lady.

The dark cave slowly devoured them from the light of the sun as it set down一soon will be replaced with the beaming moon. Her e/c orbs gazed at the map she found in the woods not too long ago, trying to read the location she was in.

'The Ragvindr manor should be around here somewhere...'

Once again, Y/n shut her eyes closed, trying to find the pieces memory of her visit to the Ragvindr manor一The Dawn Winery.

What had she been doing all day until she found a map?


All day, she went out on a hunt with what she could try to use as a weapon. Maybe a dagger? Or a kitchen knife? Those still worked right?

Yet, all she got were two pieces of raw boar meat which came from only one boar and some fishes: salmon, bass, and so on.

Back to the present.

Even though she was taught in a school only for nobles, reading map was one of her weakness. Afterall, her maid always did it for her. "Where are we right now..." she mumbled under her breath.

"Wolvendom's cave... Dawn Winery..."

Well, at least the Dawn Winery was the closest destination she could go一and also the Springvale. Her e/c orbs let go of the map as she sighed, just where were they located?

'How can travelers and the knights read the map?'

Her e/c eyes wandered to the left, landing on a sleeping figure. Quickly, her focus shifted to the wolf boy.

How long had it been? A week since she last came? Or had it been two weeks? Oh, how difficult it was to recall.

She didn't know how the time changed quickly, when she was saved by him, woke up in the morning just to find him serving raw meat everyday, when they first caught fishes only for him to drown on accident, and now, he had fallen ill.

She sighed, slowly standing up to walk to the figure, as she was calling his name, "Razor... wake up. It's already evening." There was no response other than a deep inhale, slowly turning his body to face her.

The strands of his hair covered some parts of his face一blocking the sight of his face from her. Behind the strands, he was flushed red from the fever一but wasn't that red as before.

"Y/n..." he mumbled under his breath一catching her whole attention. Her eyelids widened, revealing her stone e/c orbs clearly. Her heart beat in a rapid pace, slowly heat crept up to her face. She felt the butterflies slowly woke up to fly around her stomach.

Did he just call her name for the first time?

"Y-yes?" Why was she stuttering?

Fool Y/n!

Yet, there was no answer came from him. He continued his heavy breathing as he fell asleep once again.


What she hoping for anyway?

Her delicate finger tips lifted some long silver hair strands from his face, tucking it behind his ear gently. Her e/c orbs scanned around his face feature, slowly mesmerized just by the details.

The soft fluffy silver haired danced under her finger tips as the wind blew in the cave. The tips of her finger slowly interwined with his hair, slowly brushing it behind.

He was warm, but not too hot to her touch. She moved her hand to his forehead, checking for the temperature and finally sighed in relief. "Your fever finally goes down, Razor."

Again, no response but the heavy breathing came from him. Her hand left him, away from the heat一in result, it felt cold and left the tingling senses.

Her heart still couldn't stop beating rapidly, and so as the heat that couldn't stop creeping up to her face just by her recall of the unintentional affection. What did she think she was doing? Recklessly touching someone without their consent?

What happened to the 'Perfect Ethic Y/n'?

Looking on the positive side,

Maybe being abadoned in the Wolvendom wood wasn't that bad. Well, if it meant being together with him for the second time.


Her eyelashes closed, strands tucked behind her ears, she shivered as there was nothing to cover herself.

Razor's eyelashes fluttered opened slowly, revealing his clear cherry stewed eyes. His arms were no longer like noodles, nothing stirred up in his stomach, and felt the energy flowed till the tips of his body surface.

"Cat sleep." He whispered under his breath.

She laid right beside him for the first time, sleeping with nothing to cover her shivering body. "Cat," he called softly, but no answer came from her.

He slowly took off the blanket, covering it around her as they shared the not-so-big fabric. His wide curious ruby eyes gazed at her face as they revealed a small black eyes under.

She was awake for a long time just to take care of him.

He lifted his arm slowly, patting her head gently and softly as he tried not to wake her up. Her silky h/c hair interwined together with his fingers, slowly brushing them to the other side, revealing her face better.

His heart slowly beat faster, even the sound of his heart beat could be heard by his ears in the ghost quiet night.

The scent of the wild flew across his nose, the sweet and comforting scent, maybe he could smell it all day.

Yet, she spoke of 'home' countless of times.

What and where was her home?

A more beautiful place than being with him? Or a place where she could be her?

He reluctantly lifted his arm, slowly wrapping it around her shoulder as he scoothed closer to the sleeping figure.

He could feel the breath brushed against his skin, he could see clearly the faint freckless that spreaded across her cheeks, the colour of her eyelids and how her hair laid in a messy way.

He was astonished.

"Cat can wait with Razor for home," he whispered under his breath as he slowly placed his forehead against hers, slowly falling into the warmth together with her.

Razor's heartbeat still couldn't slow down, beating even louder, sending the butterflies awake as he tried to sleep during the fallen night.

He pulled her closer to him before she could move farther from him. "Be lupical."

The sound of the crickets played in the night, the dark woods with no clear signs of life, and the howls of wolves一howling by the cliff with the new members to their packs.

There, he heard the sound of his brother and sisters' howls.

He slowly recalled how the silver haired boy was at the brink of his death一only to be saved by a mysterious h/c haired.

"Sweet... dreams."


Sorry for the long wait!

Thanks for reading this chapter. I'm planning to write three deifferent books everyday. So after one chapter is done in Book A, I'll go on to the chapter in Book B and so on.

That way, maybe I can try to publish frequently!

Thank you so much for reading this chapyer I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you soon.

See you and have a nice day!

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