Chapter 11

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"Hello? Anybody here?"

Her voice echoed through the empty and dark woods, the only thing she received was the sound of the howling wind. Her glazed e/c eyes helplessly gazed around the trunk of trees and the bustling bushes. She was lost during her picnic with the La Siginia family.

"Hello?" She called again. And yet, no response. Her heart paced faster than before as her legs slowly turned into noodles. She was trembling.

"Ma Ma¹? Ba ba²?"

Well, she knew her parents didn't attend the picnic, but her mind kept racing with thoughts she could never escape.

What if she was lost? Here? Forever? In this unknown place with no food or water?


Her trembling gaze went down swiftly. 'Oh.. it's just a branch.'

She slapped both of her cheeks harshly, shaking her head. "No! I need to think positively!"

The little h/c haired girl continued walking her path down the woods. There wasn't left a light source in this woods. The trees had shaded the sun hours ago.

She skipped over a giant fallen trunk, just as she was about to give up everything. 'This is it! I'm going to die!'

The second passed, Y/n grew more nervous and petrified. Yet, there was nothing in front of her! Just group of trees, trunks, branches, bushes, and everything else in the woods一and also... a child?

"I can't walk anymore!" She cried out. The sound of bird chirping terrified her more than the darkness. What if there was a hilichurl nearby? A mitachurl? Abyss mage? Ruin guard?!


The weak voice rang to her ears. Though, the voice was more silent, it was crystal clear in this ghost-quiet forest. Her e/c orbs glanced, finding her eyes landing on a silver.

A trembling silver.

"Help.... Razor," Razor, as how she assumed, called out weakly. It was inaudible to her ears一but she managed to catch it.

"A-a boy!"

Her tiny legs ran to the quivering body and shook him awake. "H-hold on!" She slid his arm around her shoulder and pulled him aimlessly.

Albeit, Y/n herself was lost, a life is more important.


"So Sir Aleks agreed to call off the engagement?"

"Yes, Fu Qin. Suprisingly so."

Brids chirped passed the garden as they soared to the sky, a mother of a bird and the rest of the troop flew. The sound of a fountain filled the calming atmosphere一yet, tensed between a daughter and a father.

Huang's gaze was fixated right at the blooming roses by the bushes一all red and blue. Somehow, it reminded her the story of Alice In the Wonderland where the queen of hearts demanded for red roses.

Even though she grew up and stayed in this huge manor, she was still enchanced. "When I attended the meeting, all nobles were asking. You've changed."

She turned her gaze, daring herself to lock gaze with her father. The unusual courage she thought she would never have, arose in her chest. "How much have I changed?"

"You forgot what you've learned in etiquette. Dared to look at me in the eyes, saying something unnecessary," her father remarked.

"Humans don't change, Fu Qin. We grow and slowly show who we really are."

Hiraeth |Razor x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now