Chapter 1

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"Silence, Y/n! You're still too young. Stay out of this!"

The demand from the older man sushed her, in result, she took a step backwards. "Am I too young to speak with my voice? Am I old enough to be harassed?" She whispered under her breath, pouting while looking back to her books.

"No, it's fine, Young Lady. But please, don't talk back to your father," the maid beside her tried her best to comfort the annoyed h/c. The e/c that were filled with tears looked to the other side whilst crossing her arms.

That was when she was just thirteen years old.


"Hey, don't you think this dress is too short for me?"

"It's just inside your head. You look fine."

"Well, I don't feel fine."

The h/c twirled around with the dress that was a bit too tight and short. She covered both of her arms in, struggling to get into her comfort zone again.  "Fine, have it your way!" The older woman, her sister walked away from the room while muttering a few words under her breath, leaving the h/c drowned in the abyss of guilt.

'I just don't feel comfortable...'

That was when she was fifteen.


"Boys and girls have the right to do anything they want, Papa!"

She yelled on top of her lungs, yet一the whole family just laughed her off, acting like she had never said any of those words. They were busy having an idle chat in the dinning room. No one listened to her, they heard it but they didn't listen.

That's when she was sixteen.


Now, she's seventeen.

No progress of her dying voice.

She's just a doll where people control her and threw her away if she did something wrong.

"Father, please understand. It's not good to compare your children."

The older man refused to listen to her, still scolding the younger boy一Y/n's younger brother. "Father, Zuang is still growing. He has his own一"

"My friend's child is smarter than you. Look at you, still going outside and play games."


Her hand was hold in a threatening and cold way. The soft hand felt harsh as the time passed by, she looked up to see the woman whose eyes were looking down at her. "Y/n, stay out of this."

Those words managed to silent her own thoughts and her voice. "Y-yes, Mother." Now, she had given up to voice her own thoughts and opinions.


"She's coming! Lady L/n is coming."

Whispers from the other side of the school was heard loud and clear on the quiet day. The school where nobles attended, the most prestigious school in the Tevyat. If one expected to be treated with respect一she was treated with fear and discrimantion.

She was one of the nobles too. Yet, why did they treat her like some trash?

A lot of reasons as to why she was treated like one. Though, that annoyed the girl as how she couldn't talk with someone, still一she was glad at least there's a person.

"Y/n, where have you been?"

Ah, Lady Selene.

"Lady Selene, greetings." The h/c bowed her head down to the noble lady with utter respect. "I apologize as I have skipped school. There is an exciting news from my family..." The last few words were hard for her to say it, as if someone was going to stab her from the back. But the glimmering ocean eyes were waiting patiently for her to finish the sentence.

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