oneshots 》minecraft youtubers

By GhostWithAScythe

85.7K 998 798

featuring the dream smp and various hypixel youtubers. More

- introduction -
- disclaimer -
- contents -
[ 1 ] breath
[ 2 ] welcome to war
[ 3 ] finally
[ 4 ] nightmare
[ 5 ] golden apple
[ 6 ] bully
[ 7 ] catch me
[ 8 ] flags
[ 9 ] rainbow
[ 10 ] trading secrets
[ 11 ] not alone
[ 12 ] scars
[ 13 ] jealousy
[ 14 ] happy like this
[ 15 ] wanna build a snowman?
[ 16 ] latenight
[ 17 ] talking
[ 18 ] not so boring with you
[ 19 ] a winter ride
[ 21 ] pride

[ 20 ] stargazing

319 7 4
By GhostWithAScythe

shipping: gamerboy80 (eighty) x chazm
type: fluff
au: realistic minecraft, bedwars is treated like a sport or game
warnings: none

It's rarepair time! For the three and a half people that care, here you go.

I feel like the style of the dialogue parts and the descriptive parts don't really fit together, but I wanted to write their amazing banter dynamic and Eighty being absolutely smitten (also, sometimes I get those moods where I write like that), so...

If you have an opinion on that I'd really love to hear it, 'cause I'm not sure whether it's as bad as it looks like from the author's perspective.

Appearances are taken from their skins, meaning Eighty has some black and gray clothing, black and white hair, and one red and one yellow eye. Chazm has his yellow-golden suit, blond hair and golden eyes. I like to imagine they have matching dragons on the back of their jackets, although it's not mentioned here. :)

The map they're playing on is Glacier, one of the bedwars maps for solos and doubles. The order of teams and such are correct - as a bedwars player myself it always bugs me if the game isn't represented accurately.

Realistic Minecraft AU stuff if someone cares: Glacier, the map they're playing on here, is a snow biome, but (since Bedwars maps are custom-made worlds that don't have too much effort put into environmental settings and are more optimized for player comfort and pvp) it's a fake one. Meaning, it's not as cold as it should be, snow and ice don't melt, it snows without clouds and fallen snow simply disappears. Usually, daylight and weather cycles are turned off, so it's always noon with a clear sky.


- eighty's pov -

Eighty stepped from wool down onto snow just as Chazm parried a hit from the last player's wooden sword and pushed them over the edge of the island to inevitably find their end in the void. Together they watched the little aqua blob disappear in the emptiness.

"Why did I even walk over here if you're just gonna win the game by yourself?" Eighty complained lightheartedly, nudging his teammate with his elbow.

Chazm laughed. "Because you don't have faith in me, apparently."

"I certainly have more faith in you than in this server."

"Why's that?"

Eighty pointed at the sky. "No fireworks, no victory sign. It's lagging again."

"Huh." Chazm followed his example of staring into the endless blue sky above Glacier, the sunlight making his blonde hair shine. "You're right."

"Well... What do you wanna do until we get kicked or Hypixel fixes its goddamn lag?"

This wasn't the first time they experienced issues with the server, not by a long shot, and not even the first time it took a few minutes for them to be sent back to the lobby. Eighty didn't have it in him to even be upset, he was more just... slightly annoyed.

"Mmmhhh... I don't know. Let's just get back to our base, I guess," Chaz suggested.

"Alright." Eighty turned around and climbed on the bridge he came from. "Just don't fall off or you'll be stuck in the void until this is fixed."

"I know, I know." Chazm chuckled as he followed behind him. "It's not pleasant, I speak from experience."

Eighty hummed in agreement, he also had fallen for minutes on end before and he really wouldn't recommend it.

They got close enough to their home base to see the bright red flag above their igloo in the distance when both of their armbands vibrated simultaneously, the way they did to announce important chat messages, like bed breaks or private messages.

Eighty hopped off the bridge onto yellow island and exchanged a look with Chaz. They both pulled up their holographic chat interfaces. In bold letters and with no player name in front to indicate who sent it, was a message.

Hello, players!

We are currently experiencing issues with our gamemodes. We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience but would ask you kindly to stay calm and hang on. A team of highly qualified developers is working hard right now to resolve the problem as quickly as possible and get everything back to normal.

Apologies, the Hypixel Staff

This message was automatically generated.

Eighty looked up from the chat. "Did you get the same message?"

Chazm met his gaze, still with a smile but with worry in his golden eyes. "The automatic one? Yeah, I think it's global."

Eighty nodded and closed his chat, climbing onto the bridge to the diamond island. "Sounds like they messed up really bad this time."

"Yeah..." Chazm followed him. "We'll probably be here for a while."

Eighty kicked at the ice spike on the edge of the diamond generator. His iron-protected shoe made a sharp ringing sound on impact and tiny ice shards were flung into the void. "Well, this sucks."

"Come on, it's not that bad." Chazm nudged him with his shoulder and slipped his hand into Eighty's. "We can just chill a little."

Eighty leaned his head on his boyfriend's, a smile on his lips, and they stared across mid together. He wasn't really angry, just annoyed, but at least he was stuck with his favorite person.

"Yeah, you're right."

"I have an idea."

Eighty could hear the mischievous grin in Chazm's voice and he narrowed his eyes suspiciously as the blond untangled his hand from his and moved around him.

"What idea?"

Chazm took a step backwards onto the multicolored bridge that connected the diamond island to mid. With a smile almost as bright as his eyes, he jabbed a finger into Eighty's chest.

"You're it."

Confused, Eighty arched one eyebrow at him. "I'm... what?"

Chazm took another step back, just out of reach, a grin spreading on his face. "You're it. Come catch me!"

Eighty also lifted the second eyebrow. "You want to play catch? Here? Right now?"

He tried to make himself sound as disbelieving as possible while he sneakily took a small, casual step towards Chaz. He was totally in on the game and maybe, just maybe, he'd get the moment of surprise on his boyfriend.

Chazm bought none of it. As soon as Eighty moved he jumped backwards and whipped around, running down the bridge.

"Hey!" Eighty lurched forward but his outstretched hand barely missed. He caught himself before he could trip and fall off the bridge and took off into a sprint. "Get back here!"

Chaz glanced back over his shoulder. "Never!"

He jumped off the bridge and booked it straight across middle, making jumps with long-practiced ease. Eighty was hot on his tail, matching every step and jump and shortcut. They both had too much experience running around on bedwars maps.

That didn't save him though when he nearly lost his footing trying to follow Chaz in a tight left around an ice spike. A rush of adrenaline flooded his veins as his foot slipped away from under him in the snow and his momentum almost carried him over the edge of the island. Reflexively he threw his weight in the opposite direction and just so regained his balance.

"You better slow down there!"

His head snapped up at Chazm's mocking words. His boyfriend was waiting a few blocks away on the other side of a gap he jumped across, well out of reach.

Eighty narrowed his eyes. "You keep talking while you can," he threatened playfully. Chaz blew him a kiss, totally unimpressed.

A little more careful, Eighty got to his feet again and jumped over the gap, forcing Chazm to hastily back up to stay a safe distance away before he turned around and the chase was on again.

Despite acting nonchalant, Eighty's near-fall must have scared Chaz quite a bit. Eighty could see it in his more careful jumps, in his wider cut corners and in the ground he was gaining on Chaz.

In the end, though, it was simply luck on Eighty's part that got him caught. Chazm faked a jump to the left to make another lap around mid but then took a sharp right to try and escape to a diamond island instead. Eighty, who hadn't even made the turn to the left yet, simply ran him over.

They went down in an explosion of snowflakes and Eighty wasn't sure which one of them shouted in surprise, but it didn't really matter when he pinned Chaz down with one hand around his wrist and his weight on his thighs and poked a finger in his chest.

"You're it."

Chaz smiled up at him. "Alright, GG." Then he suddenly reached up and pulled Eighty down, just to press a quick kiss to his lips and smirk at him. "Good Fight."

"You are an idiot."

There was no heat behind his words, simply because whenever Chaz kissed him or looked at him or existed he could do nothing else but smile dopily and hope for the moment to never end.

It did, however, end when Chazm suddenly stared up at the sky, his eyes wide in wonder. "Eighty, look! It's snowing!"

Eighty followed his gaze upwards. It was snowing, actually snowing, in big, fluffy flakes that tumbled through the sky and joined the snow on the ground. He let go of Chazm's wrist to lean back and so now they were both staring upwards dumbfounded.

A snowflake landed on Eighty's cheek, a weird feeling of cold but not as cold as it should be, before it melted into nothing. Fake snow biomes like this map were a strange place.

"Since when does it snow in bedwars?" he asked, bewildered.

He noticed Chazm shrug faintly from the corner of his eye and finally tore his gaze away from the sky. His boyfriend was still sprawled out across the ground, propped up on his elbows and watching the snowflakes with eyes wide and sparkling in awe. Eighty smiled and regretted he couldn't take a picture.

"Something must've gone wrong with the server," Chaz answered his more or less rhetorical question, his eyes following a snowflake trail down between them and finally meeting Eighty's, "It bugged, so now the weather cycle is switched on."

Eighty provided a non-committal hum, eyes on the sky, watching the sun. It was definitely lower than it should be on this map.

"The daylight cycle is on, too."

It was also definitely moving faster than it should.

"I don't know what the staff did, but this sun is sinking a little too fast, isn't it?" Chazm asked, apparently he had come to the same conclusion.

"Yeah..." Eighty stretched the word and trailed off. Together they watched the sky darken and the sun sink lower in a concerning speed.

"Hey, we should go stargazing."

Eighty finally tore his eyes away from the sun. Chaz was looking at him with a soft smile that made Eighty wanna kiss him so bad. And, well, there was no reason not to, so he leant down just for a peck and smiled against Chazm's lips. "Oh? Are you asking me on a date?"

"Maybe, but mostly I just wanna get you off me before my legs fall asleep." Chaz grinned at him. "Are you gonna say yes?"

"Always." Eighty got up and pulled Chaz with him. "Come on, let's get back to base."

They traveled across the map in silence.

Not that he'd ever admit it, but Eighty would've loved to go hand in hand like highschoolers on a date with their first crush, but Bedwars bridges were rarely made for two people walking next to each other. Not that he minded trailing behind Chaz when the setting sun lit up his golden hair and clothes like a bonfire, bright and shining and beautiful, and everytime he glanced back at Eighty with a smirk and a spark in his eyes Eighty's heart ached in the best way.

Their island awaited them peacefully and undisturbed. No enemy team had made it this far for the entire game, so there was only the igloo, their own bridge, and the traditional layer of wool around their bed. The red fabric of the flag on top was ablaze with the fading sunlight and seemed to melt the last snowflakes right in the air.

They settled above the entrance to the igloo. The curve of the roof gave a nice backrest and the snow wasn't uncomfortably cold either, through their clothes it was chilly at most. Fake snow biome and all, it had its perks.

Eighty had just kicked off his uncomfortable iron armor when his wristband vibrated. He threw the last armor piece onto the heap and flicked open his chat.

"Oh." He sat down next to Chaz. "I got a message from a mod."

"What does it say?"

"Mh." Eighty scanned over the message. "There's no details, but something went really wrong. We'll be stuck here for at least a few hours, according to them, and they'll tell us when something changes."

Chazm considered his words. "Well... At least we can watch the stars and won't be suddenly kicked."

Eighty closed his chat. "True." He shuffled closer until he could feel Chaz' body heat all along his side and their shoulders bumped together. Chaz wriggled a little to cuddle closer to him and snatched his hand. Eighty let him have it; Chazm had a thing with his hands, always holding onto them, playing with his fingers, looking for contact. Eighty found it cute, so he didn't protest when Chaz weaved their fingers together over his stomach and curled his other hand around Eighty's wrist protectively, as if he'd try and pull it back. Eighty would rather cut his arm off than deny Chaz the chance to cuddle.

Above them, the sun dropped below the horizon with a last flash of red and orange light and left a purple sky behind. Violet turned to deep, dim blue turned to midnight-colored black-blue and the moon rose above the quiet islands.

They had watched the sunset and moonrise in silence. Eighty liked when there was this type of warm, safe, comfortable silence between them, only filled with their breathing. He liked talking to Chazm too, had ever since they first met. It was easy, with Chaz, conversation came as easily to them as loving each other, first platonically, then something else, but Eighty had always appreciated that their silence was just as easy.

His thoughts were quiet, far away, and he felt like the only things that mattered were Chazm and his warmth next to him and the twinkling stars above him. He squeezed Chazm's hand in silent affection and watched a star be swallowed by the moon's light as it moved across the sky.

"You know, for a map that's played in bright daylight, Glacier has some beautiful stars."

Chazm's voice was quiet, light, and didn't quite manage to catch Eighty's full attention. He answered without thinking, "Not as beautiful as you," and cringed immediately at his own words. "God that was awful, why did I say that?"

Chazm laughed softly and Eighty would gladly say exclusively awful things for the rest of his life if it made Chaz laugh like that.

"That was pretty cheesy, yeah. But also cute."

Eighty smiled up at the sky and the stars. "The only thing cute here is you." It only made Chaz laugh harder and Eighty's smile grow wider.

"Alright, I'm gonna stop, sorry," he apologized, barely holding back his own laugh.

Chaz snorted, Eighty could feel his stomach jump under his fingertips. "There are worse things than being flattered by such a handsome man."

"No you."

Chaz' laugh turned into a yawn, long and loud, that infected Eighty immediately.

"Hey," Eighty said after he blinked the tears out of his eyes, "You wanna go and take a nap?"

"You do realize that it's barely noon in reality, it's just this server's time that's messed up?" Chaz argued, but he sounded not really averse to the idea.

"Yeah, so? You can take naps at noon."

Chaz yawned again and sat up. "True. It's not like we have a healthy sleep schedule to begin with."

"No, we definitely don't." Eighty tugged his arm out of Chazm's hold and got to his feet, pulling his boyfriend up after him. "Come on, it's nap time."

Eighty slid down the side of the igloo, careful to not lose his footing on the steep, snowy slope and fall down headfirst. Chazm had none of these concerns. He jumped right off the edge of the roof, pulling a piece of TNT from his inventory and dropping it on their bed defense with a shouted warning.

"Watch out!"

Eighty could hear the bright grin in his voice and bit back a sarcastic comment in favor of getting away. He scrambled back on top of the igloo just in time to get out of the blast radius. After his ears had stopped ringing and the smoke had lifted, he peeked over the edge of the entrance, where his crazy boyfriend had taken shelter.

"You are a maniac," he told Chaz who was completely unapologetic.

"Your maniac," Chaz answered and Eighty stopped fighting the grin on his face, even when he faked a disappointed head shake and jumped down to join Chaz.

Together they tried to make a bed comfortable that wasn't really made for sleeping. Eighty brushed some gunpowder and burnt wool scraps off the blanket with a pointed look to Chaz, who simply smirked and shrugged, and yanked the edges of the blanket out from where they had been stuffed between the mattress and frame.

Eighty kicked off his shoes and sat down on the edge of the bed. It was surprisingly soft and squishy, the mattress gave way under his weight without a sound. A glance at the sky while Chazm followed suit showed him that the moon was just about to reach his highest point.

"I'll give us twenty minutes at most before the sun wakes us up."

Chazm pulled him down on the mattress. "Better get to bed, then."

Eighty let himself be dragged down and went pliant as Chaz curled up against him. The bed really wasn't big, and together it was kind of a tight fit, but they made it work. Chazm tucked himself under Eighty's chin, chest to chest and with his arm slung around Eighty. Eighty could feel every breath Chaz took, and he tugged the blanket up around them before he wrapped his boyfriend in his arms and held him tight.

"Love you," he whispered into Chaz' soft, golden hair. It didn't feel big enough to encompass all the warmth and light and love he felt with every breath warm against his sternum and with every brush of fingertips against his back and with every tingle of hair in his nose, but it was all he had, and he was pretty sure Chaz knew.

"Love you, too," Chaz mumbled into his shirt, soft and quiet and sleepy, and Eighty smiled into the dark, held his boyfriend tight and fell asleep.

2,885 words

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