Payback (Hiatus)

By Sephtis_Soul

209K 6.6K 1.3K

(Vilgilate Deku) In the aftermath of the hard-fought victory against the formidable League of Villains, the y... More

Chapter 1 (EDITED)
Chapter 2 (EDITED)
Chapter 3 (EDITED)
Chapter 4 (EDITED)
Chapter 5 (EDITED)
Chapter 6 (EDITED)
Chapter 7 (EDITED)
Chapter 8 (EDITED)
Chapter 9 (EDITED)
Chapter 10 (EDITED)
Chapter 12 (EDITED)
Chapter 13 (EDITED)
Chapter 14 (EDITED)
Chapter 15 (EDITED)
Chapter 16 (EDITED)
Chapter 17(EDITED)
Chapter 18 (EDITED)
Chapter 19 (EDITED)
Chapter 20 (EDITED)
Side Story 1 (EDITED)
Chapter 21 (EDITED)
Chapter 22 (EDITED)
Chapter 23 (EDITED)
Chapter 24 (EDITED)
Chapter 25 (EDITED)
Character P2
Chapter 26 (EDITED)
Chapter 27 (EDITED)
Special 2.0
Chapter 28 (EDITED)
Special 3

Chapter 11 (EDITED)

7.5K 213 139
By Sephtis_Soul

Note: This chapter might contain sexually content. Read with with your own risk. Like seriously there is a sex scene so if you are uncomfortable with this you could skip the bottom part.

A year and a half had passed since Inko began her unusual partnership with the mysterious figure known as Hisashi. Their initial meetings had been shrouded in mystery, and it took a few month for Inko to discover his real name, Hisashi, which could be written using different kanji, each carrying a unique meaning:

久: "long time"

永: "eternal"

尚: "still"

準: "standard"

彌: "complete"

長: "long"

寿: "life"

昶: "long day"

Considering the fact that Hisashi seemed to have lived for an extended period, Inko couldn't help but find irony in the name's possible implications of an endlessly extended lifespan.

Japan was now facing a dual threat—both the notorious top vigilante and the infamous top villain were on the loose, plunging the nation into terror. While All For One was actively wreaking havoc, the other villains decided to came out. However, their timing was a grave miscalculation, for they had seemingly forgotten the presence of two formidable forces on the field—Jade Hunter and All Might—who were tirelessly detaining, or in Inko's case, eliminating the villains.

Jade Hunter's true identity remained a well-kept secret from the police and hero association. She appeared suddenly and demonstrated telekinetic abilities that surpassed anyone on record of quirk.

Here's the twist: Inko had cleverly concealed her true powers by listing her quirk as "Attract," a seemingly innocuous ability to draw small objects to herself. This cunning ruse had the police force in puzzled.

As Inko continued working with Hisashi over the course of three months,  Inko's decision to drop out of school to pursue her alliance with Hisashi weighed heavily on her friendship with Mitsuki, her once-close friend from high school. Mitsuki couldn't fathom why Inko would make such a life-altering choice for someone she had only recently met at work.

As Inko and Hisashi began working together as a formidable team, her schedule became increasingly hectic, leaving little time for her previous social commitments, including spending weekends with Mitsuki. Concerned and suspicious, Mitsuki approached Inko to understand the sudden changes in her life. But instead of being honest, Inko outright lied, claiming she had taken up a job to support herself.

Mitsuki, coming from a privileged background, offered to support Inko financially as long as she remained in school, but Inko rejected the generous offer. This rejection didn't sit well with Mitsuki, and her irritation grew when she discovered that Inko had dropped out of school without informing her, learning of it from a professor instead.

Feeling betrayed and hurt, Mitsuki confronted Inko, but to her surprise, their friendship was abruptly broken off. When Mitsuki visited Inko's flat, she was shocked to find that Inko had already moved in with the man she had met through work—Hisashi. This revelation left Mitsuki absolutely livid and further fueled her mistrust of the mysterious man who seemed to have captured Inko's attention.

In Mitsuki's heart, there was an unexplainable unease about Hisashi. Inko's frequent mentions of him only deepened Mitsuki's suspicions, and her gut told her that something was off about him. But Inko, seemingly unaware of her own emotions, was gradually falling for Hisashi, and this realization left Mitsuki in disbelief. She struggled to come to terms with the fact that her best friend had seemingly changed so much, willingly disregarding their friendship for someone she had only known for a short time.

Even though Mitsuki was dating Masaru, whom she would eventually marry, she always prioritized Inko's well-being because she understood how challenging life had been for her friend. Feeling deceived, Mitsuki was determined to find Inko and uncover the truth behind her drastic decisions.

However, as Mitsuki set out to seek her estranged friend, she doesn't realized  that Inko's perspective of their friendship was vastly different. For Inko, Mitsuki's role was  just someone to lean on when there was nothing else to do. Thus, moving into Hisashi's house and leaving Mitsuki behind felt like a simple decision, one that she made without a second thought.

In this tale of shifting loyalties, secret alliances, and hidden emotions, the paths of Inko and Mitsuki diverged drastically. As they each navigated their own tumultuous journeys, they could only wonder if their once bond would ever be mended, or if the forces pulling them apart were too powerful to overcome.

As Inko continued her partnership with Hisashi, she had attempted to take down All For One had failed. His powers seemed insurmountable, and any direct confrontation only put her life in danger. The poison resistance and his ability to sense danger left her feeling helpless.

Frustrated and out of options, Inko decided to shift her approach. Instead of trying to kill him, she began to closely observe Hisashi, hoping to identify any weaknesses that could be exploited. Carrying her notebook with her at all times, she meticulously recorded her findings.

However, what started as a strategic analysis turned into something unexpected. As she watched him day in and day out, her focus began to shift from finding weaknesses to merely admiring him. Inko found herself captivated by Hisashi's attractive face and well-built physique, especially when he casually wore a half-buttoned shirt or even nothing at all around the house.

Caught in these moments of silent observation, Inko would lose track of time, lost in her fascination with him. When she heard his voice, a flurry of butterflies would erupt in her stomach, emotions she had never experienced before. Confused and unfamiliar with these feelings, she wondered if this was what others referred to as love.

It was a revelation for Inko as she finally understood how the males she had rejected in the past might have felt about her. Her heart had never been swayed before, but now, Hisashi had managed to stir something within her that she couldn't explain.

As she reflected on her own emotions, Inko realized that her initial quest to find his weakness had evolved into something more complex. Love had become entangled with her desire to bring down All For One, blurring the lines between her personal feelings and her mission.

Inko knew she needed to tread carefully. Her heart's conflict with her rational goals created a new set of challenges. But one thing was certain: she couldn't turn back now. Her connection with Hisashi ran deeper than she ever anticipated, and this unexpected turn of events was about to change everything.


Over the course of a year and a half working alongside Jade Hunter, Hisashi found himself surprisingly enjoying her company. Inko was not the typical young woman he had encountered before. Despite his initial threats, she seemed fearless and even responded with her own playful threats, which amused him. He couldn't help but be intrigued by her tenacity, especially considering that all her attempts to harm him had failed, yet she persisted in searching for alternative solutions.

Inko's behavior was quite unusual, though. She seemed to be constantly observing him, following him everywhere he went. This made him uneasy at times. He noticed her writing in a notebook, meticulously taking down details about him. His curiosity got the better of him, and one day, when she was away, he decided to sneak into her room to read the mysterious notebook.

As he perused the pages, he couldn't help but laugh at the level of detail she had recorded. It included everything from his daily routines to even the types of underwear he wore on different days. It was both amusing and alarming to see how much she had observed about him.

He then stumbled upon a page dedicated to his weaknesses, but it was mostly blank with question marks, indicating that even she hadn't fully figured them out yet. However, what really caught him off guard was when he turned to the next page and found himself reading about her own feelings. The notebook was filled with uncertainty, questions like "What is this feeling?" and "Am I in love?" It seemed that she was trying to understand her emotions, analyzing her attraction to him in a way that resembled a devoted fan with an idol.

While Hisashi was no expert in matters of love, he couldn't help but feel touched by her sincerity and genuine interest in him. Despite his initial intentions of using her for his advantage, he found himself developing a soft spot for her. The discovery of her notebook and the vulnerability it revealed only deepened his fondness for this unique woman.

With a wry smile, Hisashi closed the notebook. He admired her strength, resilience, and the way she was unafraid to confront her feelings, even if they were new and uncertain to her. He knew that he should be wary of her, considering their original agreement, but somehow, he couldn't bring himself to follow through with his original sinister plans.

As the days passed, Hisashi couldn't ignore the growing realization that Inko's has feelings for him. He found himself looking at her with new eyes, seeing her in a different light. Whenever he caught a glimpse of her face, it seemed as if flowers were blooming around her, and her smile had the power to make his heart skip a beat. Jealousy gnawed at him whenever he saw her interacting with other men, a feeling he had never experienced before.

Then, one night, Hisashi had an unexpected and vivid dream about him and Inko being intimate. It was a jarring experience, and he woke up suddenly, not knowing how to process it. This incident left him feeling confused and even somewhat depressed. For a man who had lived over 200 years and held the reputation of being the most dangerous villain alive, he couldn't believe that he was still a virgin.

The situation became even more complicated as both Hisashi and Inko were unsure of how to handle these newfound emotions. While Hisashi was aware of Inko's feelings for him, she chose to keep them to herself. He couldn't resist teasing her. He would purposely make her blush, enjoying the sight of her face turning bright pink. In those moments, he would do his best to control his own desire to just push her on his bed. He had to keep "Hisashi Jr." from getting hard

Their interactions were filled with unspoken words and lingering glances, each one trying to navigate the uncharted territory of their feelings for the other. It was a delicate dance of emotions, where neither wanted to be the first to fully acknowledge what was developing between them.

Despite the complexity and uncertainty, there was also a sense of excitement and curiosity in both Hisashi and Inko. They were drawn to each other, unable to resist the magnetic pull that seemed to grow stronger with each passing day.

As the number one villain and the enigmatic Jade Hunter continued to work together, they found themselves entangled in a web of emotions they had never imagined. The line between their original plans and their personal feelings blurred, leaving them both questioning the path they had set upon. With time, they would have to confront their emotions and make decisions that could alter the course of their lives forever.


As the months went by, the unspoken bond between Hisashi and Inko grew stronger and more undeniable. Each passing day only served to deepen their feelings for one another. Both of them were well aware of the emotions they harbored, but neither was willing to take the first step in confessing their love.

Hisashi found himself becoming increasingly impatient, expecting Inko to admit her feelings for him at any moment. He had come to a point where he couldn't imagine life without her, and the thought of losing her was more terrifying than anything he had faced before. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to confront her about it, fearing that revealing his own emotions would drive her away.

On the other hand, Inko was determined to keep her feelings hidden. Her heart was torn between her love for Hisashi and her fear of rejection. She cherished their bond, the time they spent together, and the way he made her feel alive. Yet, she couldn't ignore the voice of doubt that whispered in her mind, cautioning her against confessing her feelings to a man who was known as the number one villain.

Hisashi was not the typical club-goer, but one peculiar night, something inside him urged him to step out of his comfort zone and visit the infamous club where only criminal and underworld bosses were known to gather. 

As Hisashi stood at the bar, the other patrons of the club took notice of his presence. Whispers spread like wildfire, and fear seemed to permeate the air. Nobody wanted to mess with the number 1 villain, especially in a place like this.

The bartender, a seasoned individual who had seen his fair share of dangerous characters, recognized Hisashi immediately. Without a moment's hesitation, he quickly prepared the strongest alcoholic beverage the club had to offer. He slid the drink over to Hisashi with a trembling hand, trying his best not to show his nervousness.

Hisashi took the glass in his hand, feeling the intensity of the alcohol's aroma. He knew he didn't handle alcohol well, but tonight, he was determined to drown himself in it. He downed the drink in one gulp, and immediately, he felt the powerful impact.

He ordered another drink because he could already feel the alcohol starting to take effect, making him feel a bit lightheaded. The pub was buzzing with energy, and the noise from the crowd was becoming louder as he tried to enjoy his time at the bar.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the raucous atmosphere, Hisashi turned to the bartender, trying to make sense of the excitement. "What's all the commotion about? Is there something special happening tonight?"

The bartender smiled knowingly and said, "Everyone's pumped up because they're eager to see the new performer."

Hisashi shrugged indifferently but couldn't help glancing at the stage as he sipped his drink. Seeing another female entertainer outfit, he thought of his partner, Inko, and wondered how she would look in such outfits. A slight smile formed on his face as he imagined her rocking the same style.

(This is what he was referring to)

As the cheers grew louder, the bartender exclaimed, "There she is, about to perform!"

Hisashi turned his head to see the new performer, and to his surprise, it was none other than his partner, Inko, going by the name Kate for her stage persona. A mix of emotions crossed his face as he felt both anger and concerned for her. He hadn't expected to see her in this setting.

As Kate started engaging with the crowd, asking them how they were doing, the villains and other patrons responded with enthusiasm. But when she noticed Hisashi's upset and drunken expression, she stopped speaking abruptly, sensing that something was amiss.

What the fuck do you think you are doing? The entire audience fell silent as a result of Hisashi's yell. His face was red, and he wasn't concentrating rationally.

"What are you doing here?" Inko asked, obviously unsure of the cause of his outrage. She had complete freedom to pursue her wants.

"That should be my question to you! "Another," he shouted while guzzling his beverage.

"I believe you've had enough, sir" When he noticed Hisashi's menacing gaze, the bartender abruptly stopped speaking.

Hisashi demanded in a low voice, "I said another"

"R-right away" He quickly filled his glass, but Hisashi snatched the bottle from him, drank directly from it, and smashed the bottle to the ground.

"Hisashi, you're wasted!" He couldn't even stand up straight, so Inko floated to his side to try and assist him.

"You!" When Inko attempted to approach him, Hisashi tried to push her away and said, "You are returning home!"

Inko stares at him in disbelief. When she agreed to join hands, she believed she had made it apparent to him that he couldn't control her. She frowned and crossed her arms.

Inko stated obstinately, "I'm not leaving," and this appeared to set him off.

Hisashi was on the verge of erupting with fury because Inko had the guts to go out in such revealing clothing when she has a feeling for him attention while exposing her body to other men. He was the only person who could look directly at her.

She was then taken by the arm by him. He was very rough, which caused Inko to scream in pain. He then uses one of his quirks to snap his finger. Anybody would be made to forget what happened tonight by this oddity.

"What did you to them?" Inko asked

"You should worry about yourself" Hisashi said

"Let me go" Inko said as she tried to remove his hand but be wont budge .

Hisashi growled with disdain, "You'll listen to me tonight. Inko had never before witnessed Hisashi acting in such a furious manner upon getting to know him. A portal appears after another finger snap.


As Hisashi kept thrusting his dick inside of Inko, she was heavily gasping for breath. As he reached that place, she cries in pleasure. As they moved, the bed began to make a creek noise.

Inko was uncertain of how long had passed since they had done it. As soon as they entered Hisashi's chamber, he drew Inko in for a passionate kiss. She could still taste the bitter alcohol from earlier. Inko was having a great time as Hisashi's tongue danced inside of her mouth.

After forcing her to the bed, Hisashi ripped her clothing. With one hand, he started to unbutton his shirt as the other touched Inko's smooth, flawless skin. He started licking her nipple after that. The abrupt motion causes Inko to moan a little, which enthuses Hisashi even more.

Inko realized how erect he had got when he sat up and opened his belt. Inko's eyes became wide when she first realised how enormous his penis was. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation.

'You like that?' Hisashi asked while softly breathing, seeming to let his rage go. So let's enjoy our time together tonight," he said slowly, and Inko nodded.

To be honest I never plan this to happen and I have no idea how I ended up writing this. I don't know how to write smut in detail so I'll be ending it here.

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