Aphmau My Inner Demons Season...

By JiqSan

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Disclaimer Warning❗ Disclaimer Warning❗ This is totally just for fun! I love Aphmau My Inner Demons so much t... More

Disclaimer Warning!!!


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By JiqSan

Ava's POV

Why does fainting issues kept happening on me?

Like every single time I fainted , something would always happen. And this was even worst than everything! I almost destroyed the throne room! Thanks Irene!

I grunted as I slammed my face into the book , forgetting Rhys was actually teaching me by the time now. "Ava , are you alright?" "Oh you know just some issues in my head , I don't think I could continue the rest." He put the book on the desk and looked at me full of concerned.

"You know , you could tell me all those issues , maybe there's a solution." "Thanks but...I don't think the issues could be settle. If I may excuse for now?" Rhys petted me by the head and dismissed me.

While walking to the stable , I met Emo who had a tray of plates in her grip. "Oh , Lady Ava. You already finish the lessons today?" "Not... really...." I said while scratching my head. "You sneak out?" "No! No! I would never do that! Just....The faint issues of mine was quite messing my head up now."

"Maybe you could ask Lady Grandma? Like she's the wisest among all Daemos , she might have a solution of this." She adviced and continued walking. Yeah....Why don't I have a thought of asking Lady Grandma?

I walked down the spiral stairs to the altar where Lady Grandma would usually be and overheard some news....

"Grandmother , this was very serious. Someone's after Ava and they had a big bad plan to her. They wanted Petalyze's necklace and her at the other hand." Asch? I peeked behind the wall and found Asch with his grandmother.

"Yes , I have seen how many evil spirits from Ream came to attack her. I will have a talk with her about this. Now , how's the preparation of the ceremony going?" "Well....she didn't want to since it's just a spread rumour. Thanks Grandmother." "How dare you speak to your grandmother in such tone? I was helping you!"

How Lady Grandma? Tell me , how in the world are you helping him? You mean like , spreading rumours about us to his father's ears?

"Just....help me. Alright? I don't want any Reams came to attack her. I don't feel fine for her." "Yeah Yeah , I would , stop urging me young lassy." Asch then thanked his grandmother and walked towards the other entrance of the altar.

"You heard everything, Ava?" I flinched when Lady Grandma suddenly called out my name. I walked out the wall and looked at Lady Grandma. "You saw me?" "No , your aura. It's just so strong that my grandson couldn't realise it." Lady Grandma mocked.

"What did Asch told you after all?" "Oh...you see , Ava ," She said while moved herself to a chair and sat on , "I believe you probably should think about the marriage with Asch." "No. No. No. No. No. I'm so not into the work." I said while looked away from Lady Grandma.

"Oh you stubborn girl..." "Why does everyone think we're meant to be? I don't have any feelings with him , he's just a friend to me." "Ava , listen to me." , I looked at the sudden serious Lady Grandma, "You have been a target to the Reams , Asch was very wrong about it. He hoped you could take a step back , letting them to win the war."

"But , does that mean-" , I looked at Lady Grandma who only looked down and shook her head , "....Do I really had to marry him?" "That's the king's choice. I had no offense with it. Look , Asch had a quite nice bond with you , I can see it." She said while walked to me , pet on my shoulder.

"Better admit it , before he's gone."

My eyes widened when I heard this....

"Ugh , what am I doing? I can't believe I gave them a kiss. Like it's not on the cheek....," I mumbled after tossing all the clothes in the washing machine and sat on the ground , waiting for it , "What they think I meant more for it?" I immediately furrowed my eyebrows ,  shook my head , shaking away the thought crazy thoughts in my head.

"I mean at least I got the most to shut up about the marriage stuff." I got annoyed and grunted about the stupid thoughts in my head until...

"Marriage already?"

I quickly got up and found Mrs. Oats standing right a few blocks next to me. I walked to her and tries to lend a helping hand but she insisted the offer. "Please sweetheart , just because I'm hundred years old , doesn't mean I feel like a hundred years old."

She's....hundred years old already? I quickly heard a giggle from Mrs. Oats as I soon realise that I talked that too loud.

"Don't you have a laundry room in your apartment?" "Well , yeah I do but..." "To avoid your boy toys?" I sighed but them realised Mrs. Oats called them- instead of-

"Relax , darling. I'm just teasing you. And I'm just going to assume that those boys lived with you." I sighed and agreed with her statement. "I figured it as much as I heard they scream a lot of the time." Well....They did scream a lot....

"I see they cared about you a lot." "Well yeah , for their own benefits it seems." I said. Well , they called me sorceress in the first place , then prisoner,  lastly princess....

"Most people are kind for different reasons. The entire human race is only nice in hopes that we don't kill each other. We mutually benefit from that.." Why is she telling me this?....

"I would assume you wouldn't be kind to those boys unless you're getting something out of yourself." What? What does she mean? "Hehe....You know ever since you moved to this apartment building, I haven't seen you this happy." I immediately turned around , avoiding eye contact with her.

"At some point, we had to stop being so....stubborn and be honest to our own. If you're happy, you should be enjoy them while you have them....."

"Before they leave..."

Suddenly, I found myself in a vision where the Daemos were facing their back to me , fading away slowly. I tried to get up to them , but as soon as I catch up to them , they faded as fast as possible......

"Ava? Ava. Daemos to Ava? AVA!" As I snapped out , a knock by the head had officially woke me up. I grunted as she just sighed for relief.

"Thank goodness you're alright. I can't stand another evil spirits to be possess on you. You know me , I'm just a old lady , I can't actually defeat them with single handed." Right when Lady Grandma was talking , I still had a thought in mind.....

Why does she look so much more like this...Mrs. Oats...? And why every single vision......Those Daemos will be included?..... Do they meant something to me?....

"Ava , have a thought in mind?" "Yeah I guess I do....Thanks Lady Grandma." I said as I walked away from the altar with a mystery in my mind.....

Lady Grandma's POV

I looked at my granddaughter in law walking out the altar , sighed for her unknown thoughts....

"You heard everything , right? Wench?" "Oh I didn't mean to Lady Grandma , I just passed by and overheard everything." I turned and found that double faced woman and her spirit.

"Better get your hands off from my granddaughter in law. Or else you know what you'll know what you're going to face." I warned her with my staff hitting the ground. "Oh I definitely wouldn't do that , Lady Grandma. She's my most loyal servant of all. I will make sure that she's fine before the ceremony begun." She said and left me alone.

She thinks her grandmother was so naive.....

"What's the next step of action , Lady Grandma?" "Keep an eye on her and at the other hand , unlock the chains in her mind. The truth had to be spill out anytime soon." "Of course , at your service , Lady Grandma."

You can't hide the truth to her too long , Asch.....

She's going to find out soon enough....

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