One direction at my school...

By niiallslaugh

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Amna and her best friend Mackenzie think their lives are going perfectly, until a special boyband come's to t... More

One direction at my school?! (Also chapter 1)
Chapter 3!
Chapter 4!
chapter 5!!
Chapter 6!
chapter 7!
Chapter 8!

Chapter 2!

181 5 4
By niiallslaugh

***CHAPTER 2! YAAY! i hope you like it c: comment if you liked itt! :D***

Amna’s POV

I stuff my music folder into my locker and get out my history textbook. It was last period and throughout the whole day I couldn’t stop thinking about Niall, let alone what was going on in class. The last time I saw him was when he left my first period class, I didn’t even see him in the halls.

As I walk down the hall I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and see that I got a text from Kenzie.


I sigh,


Josh was Kenzie’s ex-boyfriend. They broke up about 2 weeks ago and Mackenzie always says she’s over him, but can’t stop talking about him. It’s funny because SHE broke up with HIM. Every time Kenzie said something like, “I need to talk to you!” or “emergency talk!” it was always about Josh.

My phone vibrates again,


I’m actually surprised and read over the text again to make sure I didn’t read it wrong.


I send it and reach to put my phone in my back pocket, but right when I’m just about to, it gets snatched out of my hand.

“HEY GIVE THAT B-“ I turn around and cut myself off when I see Niall standing there with my phone in hand, smiling. “Oh hi!”

Niall laughs. “You know you’re not supposed to be using these in the halls like that, Amna.” He says in a mock- serious tone.

“Oh shut up” I say smiling and snatching my phone out of his hand and placing it in my back pocket.

“I haven’t got to see you all day!” Niall says

“I know, it seems like were on completely different parts of the school the whole day…” I say not wanting to believe it.

“Yeah… it kinda sucks. You seem pretty cool, and not jumping on me or squealing for an autograph or picture, or a walk to class. You’re the only girl friend I have here.” Niall says. But when he realizes what he said, he turns tomato red and says, “I didn’t mean- I mean girl as a friend not, I j-just,”

“I know what you meant.” I say cutting him off with a reassuring smile.

Niall smiles back looking relieved. “So what class you headed too now?”

“History, with Miss Heart” I reply

“Hey that’s right next to the class me, Liam and Harry are in right now!” Niall says “Want to walk there together?”

“Of course” I say, and just then my phone vibrates and I take it out of my pocket.

               HEY, YOU WANNA COME TODAY? LIKE BEFORE I’M 90? –Kenzie

               I laugh a little but roll my eyes. We still have a good ten minutes before class starts and it’s a two minute walk from where I am. I put my phone in my pocket without replying, considering the fact that I’ll be there in a matter of minutes, and start walking with Niall.

               As we walk I look at Niall. He’s so perfect, in his white polo shirt, and black skinny pants that aren’t too baggy, but aren’t too skinny. I look at his torso and realize how skinny and fit he is. I look up at his face and his striking blue eyes pop out at you like a blackcloud in the middle of a clear sky. And his hair is just, too perfect for words to even describe.

               A second later he looks at me, realizing that I’m staring at him and I immediately look away.

               “Everything okay?” he asks

               “Yeah, just, you know,” I see the classrooms right up ahead and take this to cover myself up. “Here we are!” I say happy that I didn’t have to come up with a lie of why I was staring at him. We stop in front of the doors and smile at each other.

               “How about we meet right here after class and I’ll walk you down to the buses.” He says

               “Oh, I walk home, but I’ll be happy to walk down with you” I reply

               “I walk too” Niall says “If we live near enough to each other we could walk home together, if you want.”

               “I live about fifteen minutes away, walking, on Gatemary Drive, is that too far?” I say back

               “Oh, I live on the street right after that one,” he says “So do you want to walk home together?”

               “Sure” I say with a smile, and realize we’re getting stares and people obviously trying to listen in on our conversation. “See you after class, Niall”

               “Bye” He replies, and at that we both walk into our classes.


               Now it’s Kenzie’s POV

               Right when I see Amna walk through the door I march to the front of the room and pull her to the back. We only have five more minutes until class and I have so many questions to ask her and things to tell her.

               When we both sit down I say, “What took you so long? What on gods earth where you doing with Niall Horan? You know you’re like the most talked about person in the whole school.”

               I noticed people we’re staring and whispering about Amna. Is this all people could do in life? Gossip about a topic they know no details to whatsoever?

               “I am?! GREAT.” Amna says sighing. “You know there’s nothing going on between me and Niall right?” but I can tell by her facial expression that she doesn’t want this statement to be true. “We just walked to class together a couple times.”

               I don’t say anything and study her face. “You like him don’t you.” I finally say

               “WHAT? I do not.” She pauses “okay maybe a little”

               I laugh, “Well you in luck, he seems like he likes you back.” I reply

               “Yeah I hope so… what was it you wanted to tell me again?” she says

               “Oh right.” I say. I’ve been anxious to tell Amna about me talking to Liam all day. “Me and Liam sat next to each other in geography and got along pretty well” I say smiling from ear to ear.

               “Liam? As in Liam Payne? As in member of One Direction?” Amna says.

               “Yup” I say, still smiling.

               “Oh my gosh that’s awesome! Wow. Who would’ve known. Us two average girls, at an average school, being friends with members of One Direction.” Amna says smiling almost as wide as me. “Oh yeah Niall’s walking me home today”

               “AWESOME now you won’t have to walk with Amber!” I say

               Amber was this really annoying girl in my art class that was One Direction crazed, and only liked talking about her and her daddy’s money. It was either talking about her, or One Direction. The day she found out that they were coming to this school was the day Amna almost killed herself on the walk back from school.

               Just then the teacher comes waltzing in, “Okay class! Turn to page 158 in your textbooks and get with a partner and READ!” She says going to her desk, sitting down and rummaging through all her papers. “After that, do whatever you want I don’t care.”

               Miss Heart was always a laid back, chill kind of teacher and it wasn’t a surprise that she let us practically have the whole period off.

               “I don’t feel like reading.” Amna says closing her just opened text book. “You know what I want to do Kenzie?”

               “What do you want to do, Amna?” I say trying my best to look sarcastically interested.

               “Hold the sarcasm thank you very much.” Amna says. “I want to meet the rest of the band. I thought they were going to be all stuck up and rude, but they’re pretty nice and funny if you ask me. I’ve only met Niall and he’s definitely like that, and I bet the others are too.”

               “Yeah, me too, I’ve only met Li-“ I start, but then get cut off by the person in front of us.

               “So, Amna, I hear you and Niall have a thing.” Says Lindsay, the most popular girl in eleventh grade, acting like she didn’t know I was talking. “Are the rumours true or what.” She says trying not to look like she cared so much, examining her freshly manicured nails.

               “Um.. Well, ACTUALLY I know for a fact that it’s none of your business.” I say with a sarcastic smile.

               Lindsay gives me a death stare and turns to Amna “well?” she says.

               “I’m going to have to second what Kenzie said. You wouldn’t really have a chance with him anyways considering he hates y- OOPS! I’ve said to much already…” Amna says, both of me and Amna looking at each other like we’ve just ratted out my mother to the police.

               “Wait, what?” Lindsay says looking more hurt and confused then when she found out she actually had to participate in gym class.

               “Stop talking to us you know too much already” I say while making a hand gesture saying for her to shoo off.

               She gets up and walks over to her other popular friend, obviously telling her how absurd and rude we are.

               “We’re so mean, I love us.” Amna says putting her fist out, gesturing me to hit it with mine, which I do.

               “Amen.” I say back, smiling at Amna.

               The rest of the period consists of me and Amna both getting death glares, while we’re trying to ignore them. But what seems like a few minutes later, the bell rings for dismissal, and this is usually the time when Amna and I say our farewells.

               “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow Omnomnom” I say smiling and slinging my bag across my shoulder. Omnomnom was a nickname I made up for her when we were in grade six.

               “Bye!” She says smiling back, still packing up her things.

               I walk out of the room, and right when I step out I bump into someone. “Oh sorry!” I look up and see Liam smiling brightly down at me. “Oh hi Liam!” I say

               “Hey Mackenzie! Fancy seeing you here.” He replies.

               I look at him and say sarcastically with a smile, “It’s school, smart one”

               “Oh, right, well I was just in this class right here,” he says pointing to the door.

               “Awesome our classes are right next to each other last period” I reply.

               “Really? Cool. Now we can walk to the buses together, if you take the bus.” He says looking at me.

               “As a matter of fact, I do.” I say smiling.

               “Great, let’s go then” Liam says.

               And at that we start walking towards the buses and people start coming out of class.

               Oh great. I think. Now I might just be the most talked about girl in the school now.


               Now it’s Amna’s POV

               I put my last notebook into my bag, sling it around my shoulder, and start heading towards the door, but before I could reach the door, I see Niall walking in with a somewhat worried look on him face.

               “What’s wrong?” I say as I reach him.

               He takes what seems like a little sigh of relief. “I thought you already left or something… never mind, want to start walking?”

               “Of course.” I say smiling, and he replies by smiling back at me.

               As we head out, I see Amber waiting in the spot she usually waits, and I sigh, and head towards her, with Niall by my side.

               When I reach her she smiles and already starts rambling on about her day and how she has three classes with Harry, but right when she sees Niall she stops and stares at him.

               “OMG is Niall Horan walking with us today?!” Amber says squealing jumping up and down.

               “Um… actually I just came over here to tell you I’m going to be walking home with Niall today… Just me and Niall.” I say trying to say it as nicely as possible. Niall gives a reassuring smile to Amber, but that doesn’t seem to help the menacing death glare she’s giving me.

               “Fine then I guess we’re never going to be walking home together again, I have Ashley that asks me to walk home with her every day, and I’ll gladly go with her.” She says crossing her arms as if what she just said would want me to walk with her again.

               “Great!” I say as I turn to Niall “then I guess we can walk home together every day!” He gives me a smile and thumbs up.

               “Well then goodbye!” Amber says strutting away to a group of girls.

               When she’s out of ear shot me and Niall start laughing. “How could you walk home with her every day, she seems really annoying.” Niall says.

               “Hunny, don’t even get me started. She’s obsessed with you guys too.” I reply and Niall laughs as we walk down the hall.

               “Here, let me hold that for you.” Niall says taking my bag off my shoulder.

               “Why thank you.” I say smiling from eye to eye. What a gentleman.

               As we walk down the hallways we obviously get stares and dirty looks, I shrug them off but I wonder what Niall thinks about them… “Hey Niall?” I say

               “Hm?” he says looking at me sideways.

               “Well… I’m sure you’re noticing all the stares we’re getting, right?” I say

               “Of course. I’m Niall Horan I get these kind of looks all the time. Well the nice ones of course not really the death glares.” He says back to me.

               “Yeah well you’re only getting dirty looks because of me.” I say under my breath. Right when it comes out I’m wishing he didn’t hear it.

               “That’s okay” He says, obviously hearing me. He looks at me and smiles and I smile back.

               We get out of the school and start walking towards the neighbourhood, where there aren’t many people which I like. We walk in silence for the next minute, but it’s not an awkward silence, more like a comfortable silence.

               “Hey, do you want to come over to my place? Harry and Liam are coming over too, you could meet them.” Niall says.

               I’m kind of caught off guard because I wasn’t expecting this at all, but I’m happy he did ask, “Sure.” I say. “Oh wait… I can’t my friend Kenzie is coming over in like half an hour… sorry” I say disappointed.

               “She can come too! It’ll be fun.” Niall says.

               “Okay, let me just text her” I say pulling out my phone.


               I wait and about five seconds later my phone vibrates.

               OFC I’M COMING! –Kenzie

               I smile, turn my head to Niall and say, “She’s coming” 

               We walk and talk about the most random things, like how much he loves Nando’s and about their band, and what seems like a minute, we finally reach Niall’s house.

               I look up at it and my jaw drops. “Is this a house or is this a palace?” I ask.

               Niall just laughs and gets out the keys and opens the door. I step in and can’t believe my eyes. This house could fit ten families!

               “You LIVE here?” I ask.

               “Yeah… why?” Niall replies.

               “Well I don’t know, maybe because it’s probably ten of my houses.” I say looking around.

               Niall laughs and puts our bags to the side, and just then Harry, Liam and Kenzie come running down the stairs.

               “Wow kenzie, you’re here early.” I say smiling because I know she’s obviously only here early because I told her Liam was going to be here.

               “Yeah my mom… let me go early?” Kenzie says and I just roll my eyes.

               I look at Harry and Liam. Wow. They’re way better looking in person, and I can’t help but stare.

               “Take a picture so it’ll last longer, Amna.” I hear Kenzie say, and Niall, Harry and Liam laugh.

               I give a little laugh but I can feel my face turn red, and give Kenzie a stare that says, I’m ready to stab you.

               “We were just gonna get something to eat but Niall here doesn’t have anything in his fridge.” Liam says.

               “Yeah he probably ate it all the night before.” Harry says laughing, as Niall smiles clearly not embarrassed by this and says, “We can just order some Nando’s or something” He picks up the phone and dials the number. “Chicken wings and pizza okay with you guys?”

               “Oh actually Kenzie here is a vegetarian so we should probably get cheese pizza” Liam says, and everyone looks at him and is clearly surprised because right after he says, “What?”

               “Aw you remembered” Kenzie says looking at him smiling from ear to ear looking at him.

               “Yeah…” Now Liam was blushing.

               “Do you want us to leave you guys alone or..?” Harry says and we all start laughing, Kenzie and Liam both as red as tomatoes.

               “Anyways, we’ll order chicken wings and cheese pizza. That okay with you all?” Niall says picking up the phone and dialling the number as the rest of us say yes and yeah and head to the couches.

               “So what do you guys want to do?” Harry asks.

               “Um I don’t really know. But don’t you think we should get started on our homework so we don’t have to worry about it later?” Liam says. Of course Liam offers to do homework, he’s the “daddy” of the group.

               “Why not.” Kenzie and I say.

               We head to our bags, and start on our homework.

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