Mr.Billionaire Meets Ms.Clumsy

By Just_SparkleBlue

631K 24.4K 921

"Watch where you're going!" A low voice shouted at me, looking at his stain shirt."Now, what I'm going to do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Alternate Ending I
Alternate Ending II

Chapter 54

9.9K 331 18
By Just_SparkleBlue

"Pierce, give it to me." Emilyn jumped up to reach the cookies that Pierce just stole from her unexpectedly. "Come on, please." She begged.

"No, this is mine now." Pierce took a bite from it.

"Pierce Murphy, give it to me. That's mine." Pierce lift the cookies higher.

"If you want jump for it." He said

"I already am. What do you think I've been doing?" Emilyn crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at Pierce.

"Alright, I'll make it easy for you." Pierce lowered the cookies slightly lower. Emilyn is determined to take back what is once hers. With determination, she jump as high as she can; she felt her fingers touch the cookies. Emilyn tried again; this time, she knows she can grab it.

Her hands are almost at the cookies, but Pierce last-minute move the cookies away, causing Emilyn to fall and hit the side of her waist on the side of the kitchen counter. "Oww," She rubbed her sides.

"Sh*t," Pierce said.

"I told you don't play, see what have you done." Jax scolds Pierce. "If there is a bruise on her, you are dead," Jax said. Emilyn lifts her shirt slightly, and a blue-black mark lies on her waist. "Oh, Pierce you are dead meat," Jax said.

"Oh no," Pierce said nervously. "I'm going to die," Pierce rubbed his hand down his face. "Now, I got to change my name and move to a different country." He cried.

"Pierce calms down," Emilyn said. "Is just a bruised."

"You don't know Christopher." Pierce shakes his head. "He specifically told us, to not let you get hurt in any kind of way. Not even a scratch."

"Come on you guys are just being paranoid." Emilyn let out a small laugh. "Is just a small bruise."

"No, Christopher is serious," Jax told her. "Before he left, he told us not a single scratch on you because he informs us on how clumsy you can be and hurt yourself while being clumsy."

"I'm going to die." Pierce repeatedly chant and paces around the kitchen in small circles.

"Pierce calm down, you are not going to die," Emilyn told him. "I'll just not mention the bruise to Christopher. He wouldn't know."

"Really?" Pierce stop pacing. "You would do that for me."

"Of course, anyways is just a small matter," Emilyn said. "Is just a small bruise, I have it all the time."

"Just make sure to stay away from Christopher," Jax said.

"Why?" Emilyn asked.

"I don't know if you realized this, but Christopher loves being touchy with you," Jax said.

"I know that." Emilyn chuckles.

"Good, so make sure to not let him touch you for now or else." Jax turns to look at Pierce and mimic a knife across his throat.

Pierce gulped and look worried."Don't worry Pierce, I promise you that Christopher won't kill you." Emilyn nod

"Alright, I put my life on you," Pierce said. "He is here, everyone acts normal," Pierce said as he heard the front door shut.

"That's what you call acting normal." Emilyn giggle. Pierce leaning on the counter with one arm supporting his head and another hand on his waist.

"What are you guys all doing here?" Christopher places the bag of burger shack on the table.

"Uhm...Emilyn was hungry. So we are trying to find some food for her." Jax said.

"Problem solved, I got lunch," Christopher announced.

"Yay, lunch." Pierce cheered and looked through the bags of food; Emilyn joined him.

"Did you have fun with the guys?" Christopher came closer to Emilyn, wanting to wrap his arm around his waist; Emilyn quickly moved away.

"Uhm...yeah I did. They are both great company." Emilyn smiled at Christopher and sat down next to Pierce, far away from where Christopher was standing. Christopher frowns at her action, but let it go.

After lunch, Emilyn volunteer to clean up. "I'll do it, you guys can go do anything you want." Christopher is hesitant to let Emilyn do it all by herself. Emilyn tilts her head to signal Jax to bring Christopher far away from her.

"Hey, I recently brought a new game over. I want to try it out." Jax said, trying to persuade Christopher to follow him.

"I'm going to help Emilyn to clean up first, then we can go play your game," Christopher said.

" This can't wait, we need to play this now." Jax persuade.

"Go, I can handle this by myself," Emilyn said, persuading him to go with Pierce and Jax.

"Alright," Christopher said. "I'll see you later, we are going to be at the screening room," Christopher told Emilyn and pulled her in by the waist, placing a kiss on her cheek. She flinches a little when he added a little pressure to the bruised side but quickly replaced it with a small smile.


Emilyn got to find an excuse to stay away from Christopher in the meantime. So, she came out with a plan. "Rist," she called out when she entered the screening room. "I'm going to Ana's house for a while."

Christopher quickly pause the game, "Why?" He asked.

"She needs my help with her wedding planning," Emilyn said, hoping to let her go.

"I thought she completed her wedding preparation?" Christopher asked with his eyebrows scrunched together.

"She called me just now, so I got to go."

"Let the girl go and let's continue the game," Pierce said.

"Alright, go ahead." Christopher finally let her go. Pierce unpause the game but was paused again by Christopher. "Do you want me to call Gabe to pick you up?"

"No, no." Emilyn shakes her head. "Don't bother him during his day off. I can walk there by myself. It takes only 10 min by foot."

"Alright, when you reach Ana's house text me," Christopher told her, holding his eyes on her. He knows something is not right.

"Alright, see ya." She bid them goodbye. Emilyn left the room without giving Christopher a goodbye kiss like they always do every time they left. Emilyn's action makes Christopher ponder what is going on. Did he do something wrong?

Emilyn left for Ana's for 4 hours, and she is not back. Jax and Pierce had already left. Christopher decided to give her a call.

"Emilyn where are you? Is already 10 pm." He said.

"Sorry, I lost track of time. I heading back now." She told him.

"You are not walking back right?" He asked, worrying.

"What if I say I am?" Emilyn said.

"Emilyn Walker!" Christopher shouted into the phone. "I'm coming to get you right now, stay where you are." He instructed, grabbing his jacket and car keys. "No, go find a restaurant or cafe and stay there."

"Rist, Rist," Emilyn called his name multiple times to get his attention. "I'm already in the lobby of your apartment." As soon as Christopher heard that, he let out a sigh.

"You really know how to make me worried," Christopher said, running his hands through his hair.

Emilyn giggles, "Don't fret. I'm heading into the elevator now. See you at home." She ends the call. When Christopher heard the front door open, he rushes out of his room.

"Hi, oof." Emilyn was crush with a strong force against her body. "Hey, what's going on?"

"You should have told me, I could have picked you up," Christopher said, breaking away from the hug, but his arms still around her waist.

"I didn't want to interrupt your bonding time with Jax and Pierce," Emilyn told him.

"You are the most important person in my life, one call from you and I'll rush to get you."

Emilyn smiles, "Alright, I'll keep that in mind next time. Can you let me go so that I can shower?" She asked. He reluctantly let go of her, and they both climb up the stairs.

Once Emilyn is done with her shower, she peaks out to find Christopher, not in the room. This is her chance. She heads to the closet to search for the first aid kit that Christopher told her on the first day she moved in.

She rummaged through the drawers, sliding the door of the closet, checking the bottom of the closet. But she still can't find it. That's weird; she remembered that Christopher told her it is in one of the drawers at her side of the closet but is not there.

"What are you looking for?" The voice startled her, and she turns around quickly.

"Nothing." She shakes her head and smile.

"Doesn't look like nothing." Christopher takes a step forward, his eyes fixated on her.

"Really, is nothing," Emilyn said. Christopher stops in front of her. "I'm going to blow dry my hair." She makes up an excuse, taking a side step and escaping from Christopher. She let out a breath and head into the bathroom to blow dry her hair. It is not even that wet.

Emilyn spots Christopher leaning against the doorway in the mirror with his arms crossing in front while watching Emilyn's every move. Emilyn switch of the hairdryer and turn, "Do you need something?"

"No," Christopher shakes his head. "But you got something that you are hiding from me, remember how we said no secret."

"Secret? Why do you think I'm hiding anything?" Emilyn nervously chuckles. She excuses herself from the bathroom, Christopher followed her.

Christopher grabbed her waist and spun her around, "Tell me." He said sternly. Emilyn winces as Christopher put more pressure on her waist. "Why are you wincing? Did I put too much pressure?" He asked worriedly.

"No, I didn't wince." She brushes it off. "I'm perfectly fine." She smiles.

Christopher eyed her; he knows something is not right. He put some pressure on her waist, and he saw her scrunching her eyebrows but quickly dismiss it. Christopher places his hands to lift the corner of her shirt, but Emilyn places her hand on his, stopping him.

"Emilyn, let go," Christopher said.


"If you have nothing to hide, let me see," Christopher said. Emilyn has no choice but to let go of his hand. Christopher takes his chance to lift her shirt; when he lifted her shirt, he saw the blue-black bruise on the side of her waist. He sighs, "This is why you were acting weird."

"Rist, don't worry about it. Is nothing." Emilyn assured him, pulling down her shirt. Christopher let go of his grip on her waist and left to the closet. He came back with a tube of medicine, "Sit." He told her. Emilyn listen and sat at the edge of the bed.

Christopher lifts her shirt and puts the medicine on the bruise, "When did this happen? Don't you dare lie to me?" He warned her.

"This afternoon." She said, looking on her lap.

"How did it happen?" He asked.

"I accidentally bumped onto the kitchen counter side." She told him.

"Then why didn't you want to tell me?" Christopher asked.

"There's nothing to tell; it is just a bruise. I got it all the time." Emilyn told him. "I know if I told you, then you would get all worried and have that look on your face."

"What look?" Christopher asked.

"The look that you should have watch me, et cetera, " Emilyn explain. "Like I am some little kid, who can't properly take care of herself."

"Well, you are. Getting bruise every time, cut, or slip or fall." Christopher said.

"I can't help it that I'm clumsy, I'm already used to it, is just a small matter," Emilyn told him. "I don't need you to monitor my every movement." She scolds him.

"That's cause I don't want to see you get hurt at all, it breaks me," Christopher told her, grabbing her hands.

"I'll try to be extra careful, but can you stop being so paranoid every single time, I got hurt?"

"Alright." Christopher sigh.

"Now, go put the medicine back and let's go to sleep," Emilyn told him.


"Why are you staring at me?" Christopher asked, staring down at Emilyn, who is sitting on his lap. "You should focus on the movie, you picked it."

"I just can't help to think how much you have helped me." Emilyn starts. "Since from the beginning when my grandma emitted to hospital, staying with me while I was grieving and acting like a brat and letting me into your racing world." Emilyn smiles at him, "I'm really glad that you bump into me at the race track."

"I bump into you, more like you bump into me." Christopher chuckles.

"I don't know how to repay you for everything that you have done for me," Emilyn said.

"Marry me," Christopher said. Emilyn was stunned by what she heard; she has never thought about it before. They have never talked about it.

"Rist, are you being serious right now?" Emilyn asked. "I really don't know how to answer, I-I don't." She stuttered nervously.

"Hey, calm down," Christopher said. "You don't have to say anything; I just want you to know that I have the intention of marrying you, keeping you with me forever." He tugs her hair behind her ear. "I love you so much." He pecks her lips.

"I love you too." She leans in and captures his lips; their lips move gently against each other. Emilyn places one of her hands on his chest and the other playing with the back of his hair. Emilyn couldn't believe how much has changed; if she didn't let Ana persuade her to the race, she would never bump into Christopher Evans. Meeting Christopher Evans was the best thing that ever happened to her. She will never exchange it for anything.

A/N: Hey guys, thank you to everyone who follows Emilyn and Christopher's journey. Thank you for voting, reading or commenting. Seeing comments and votes gives me the energy to continue with my book. Without you guys, I probably would have stop writing.

I made it to 7K reads in a half year; I can never do this without you guys.

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