Why Don't We imagines

By esthervol6

7.4K 71 4

random imagines about your favorite people: Why Don't We šŸžšŸ„€ā™”šŸ„€šŸž More

1- New Year | Jonah
2- Beanie | Corbyn
3- Drunk | Daniel
4- Surprise | Jack
5- School I | Zach
6- School II | Zach
7- School III | Zach
8- Mistletoe | Jonah
9- Hospital Buddy | Corbyn
10- Christmas | Daniel
11- Interview | Jack
12- Baking | Zach
13- Questions | Jonah
14- Sleepy | Corbyn
15- The Play | Daniel
17- A Visit II | Jack
18- A Visit III | Jack
19- A Visit IV | Jack
20- A Visit V | Jack
21- A Visit VI | Jack
22- Amusement Park | Zach
23- Halloween | Jonah
24- Director | Corbyn
25- Wisdom Tooth | Daniel
26- Baby Daddy | Jack
27- Cuddle | Zach
28- It's Called Love | Jonah
29- Sunflower Fields | Corbyn
30- Eyeliner | Daniel
31- Best Friend | Jack
32- Makeup | Zach

16- A Visit I | Jack

208 1 0
By esthervol6

You stretched as you got out of bed, this whole week had been stressful and you were glad it was finally the weekend.

You were in desperate need of some time to relax and maybe FaceTime your boyfriend, Jack if he wasn't busy.

He was in a band and currently on tour. So it's been a while since you had seen him. And you really missed him.

"Hey Y/N, about time you woke up." My roommate and best friend Y/BFF/N said. "You got something."

She pointed to a bouquet of flowers in a vase that was on your table that definitely wasn't there before. "Lover boy sent you some flowers and I put them in a vase so they wouldn't die."

You smiled, "Thank you."

He was always doing little things like this and you adored him for that.

She shrugged, "No problem, also this card was with the flowers."

She handed me a card and you opened it immediately.

It said:

Hey, Y/N. Hope you like the flowers I got you. I'll see you soon.

I love you.


You smiled and then your eyes widened, what did he mean by see you soon?

You quickly grabbed my phone off your dresser and called him.

"Hello?" His tired voice said as you heard him yawn.

"Hi, sorry did I wake you?"

"Y/N." He said and you could hear the smile in his voice. "How are you?"

"Great." You replied.

"I take you got my flowers and card?"

You nodded frantically then remembered he couldn't see you. "Yes, I got them. Thank you very much I love them. Also what do you mean by see you soon?"

He chuckled, "I thought you kept up with my tour dates. I'm coming to New York with the boys. Well we're already here."

You screamed like full on screeching. "What? Are you serious? You better not be joking around Jack."

"I wouldn't joke with that sort of thing." He replied.

"Oh my God, you're actually here in New York." You repeated just to make sure you weren't hallucinating.

"Yes, I just said that."

"Oh my God, where are you?"

"Hotel, tryna catch some sleep before we go exploring."

"Oh right, I woke you go back to sleep."

"No can do. I'm coming to your dorm after I get ready." He said, you heard shuffling meaning he was already getting ready.

There was no stopping him now. "Alright, you still remember where it is right?"

"Of course."

"Ok then, I'll see you soon." He said.

"See you soon."

"I love you." He said.

Your smile widened. "Love you too."

Then you hung up and started getting ready.


There was a knock on your door and you sprang up to open it.

He was here. He was really here.

You opened it and there he was. He had a giant grin on his face and he looked absolutely adorable. The boys were behind him wiggling their eyebrows but you ignored them.

He was really here.

You jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.

He wrapped his arms around you and pressed his soft lips to yours.

You kissed him back for a millisecond. Then you pulled away smiling. "Hi."

You almost had tears in your eyes.

"Hey, how are you?"

The boys were laughing at the both of you among themselves and imitating you. You rolled your eyes.

"I'm great, absolutely great." You replied. "And all of you shut up."

"Nice to see you too Y/N." Zach rolled his eyes.

"Are you guys gonna come in or are you just gonna keep canoodling at the doorway?" Came Y/BFF/N voice from inside.

You blushed remembering that you were still at the doorway.

"Right. Come in guys." You gave each one of them a hug then dragged Jack to your bed.

"Try not to eat each other whole." Daniel snickered.

"Shut up Daniel, you shouldn't even be talking you and Kate always scar us for life every time." You said.

"Ooh burn." Corbyn said.

You rolled your eyes at their immature behavior.

You then turned towards your boyfriend who was already looking at you while smiling.

"Hi, hi, hi. OMG I can't believe you're actually here right now." You hugged him.

"Yeah, me neither I missed you so much." He replied resting his chin on your head. "And guess what?"


"I'm here all weekend all the way till Monday."

You gasped and if you thought your smile couldn't get any wider then you were wrong.


He nodded. "Yeah, we have a show tomorrow and a day off on Monday."

"Yes!" You pumped your fist in the air. "Wait, I have class on Monday but in the afternoon."

"Don't worry we'll make it work. For now let's just enjoy today."

You nodded and then pressed your lips to his. He responded immediately, kissing you back urgently.

Your hands found his hair and you ran your hands slowly tugging at his soft hair.

He groaned into your mouth using his arms to pull you closer to him.

He suddenly started nibbling on your lower lip and you gasped giving him an opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth.

You wanted to keep going but then the lack of air made you pull away suddenly you quickly took in gulps of air.

"Missed you so much, Y/N" He murmured into your hair and tucked a stray piece behind your ear.

"Ugh me too. I hate being away from you for so long."

He chuckled then stood up. "You got any food?"

You glared at him, "Way to ruin the moment Jack."

"But you love me." He smirked confidently.

"Shut up." You muttered blushing.

"Anyway, can I get some food. I didn't get to eat anything yet the boys dragged me out before I could touch any of the delicious food."

"Yeah, of course. You know where the food is and I just got a new jar of Nutella."

"Yesss." He whooped as if he just won the lottery. You chuckled understanding why. You both shared a love for Nutella.

He took a piece of bread and toasted it then spread some Nutella on it. He then handed it to you.


"Hm, weren't you hungry?" You asked, confused.

"Yeah, but I'm not gonna be that boyfriend that doesn't take care of his girl." He shrugged.

You blushed, "Thanks. Now go make some food for your self."

"Aww. So cute." You heard Y/BFF/N say and turned to see all of them staring at you.

You blushed even more, "Shut up, pay attention to your games."

Jack chuckled while humming to himself and dancing.

"Hey Jack, make us some too." Jonah yelled as if the room was that big.

"Nope, don't waste my Nutella on those uncultured swines." You said.

This earned you a few grumbles from the boys.

"Aw, c'mon babe. Be nice." Jack said and you groaned.

"Ughhh. Fine but don't give them a lot."

"Ok, that's fair."

Suddenly your phone started ringing and you looked to see that your brother was calling.

"Hey Y/B/N." I said.


"Hello, little sister." You rolled your eyes. "Is your boyfriend there?"

"Uh, yes? Wait, how do you know he's here?" You asked, confused.

"I have my ways. Anyway, can I speak to him?"


"Jack, Y/B/N wants to speak to you." You said.

He suddenly looked nervous.

"Ooh. You're in trouble." Daniel said and you glared.

"What does he want?" You shrugged and handed your phone to him.

"Hey man..." Jack started sitting down next to you.

You rested your head on his shoulder. But also trying to listen to their conversation.

He gulped. Then you faintly started hearing what Y/B/N was saying.

"You better not do anything that I wouldn't approve of or else."

Ugh, of course he was threatening him.

"Y/B/N, shut up and stop being mean." You said.

"You're not supposed to be listening to this conversation." He said.

"So? I just got my boyfriend back so stop trying to scare him away. You already did enough of that last time." You argued furiously.

"Babe, it's ok. You know I need someone to keep me in check sometimes." Jack said, trying to make you feel better.

"Yeah, and you have me. Y/B/N, stop stalking my boyfriend and leave me to spend some time with him."

You were honestly sick and tired of his over protectiveness.

"Alright, alright I'll leave you alone just don't do anything inappropriate."

"I can take care of myself Y/B/N."

He chuckled, "I know, I was talking to Mr. Pop star over there."

"Yes sir."

"Good." Then he hung up.

"Can't make any promises." Jack said.

"You're so bad." You joked.

"As bad as they get, baby." He winked. 


this sis gonna have six parts? so get comfy lol

i wrote this in like 2019 so excuse the terrible writing D:

i crocheted another bag and im thinking of making an etsy shop but idkk how i would get paid??

lol n e waysss

recommended song iss

one shot by prettymuch :)

June 21, 2021

- esther

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