Payback (Hiatus)

By Sephtis_Soul

209K 6.6K 1.3K

(Vilgilate Deku) In the aftermath of the hard-fought victory against the formidable League of Villains, the y... More

Chapter 1 (EDITED)
Chapter 2 (EDITED)
Chapter 3 (EDITED)
Chapter 4 (EDITED)
Chapter 5 (EDITED)
Chapter 6 (EDITED)
Chapter 7 (EDITED)
Chapter 8 (EDITED)
Chapter 9 (EDITED)
Chapter 11 (EDITED)
Chapter 12 (EDITED)
Chapter 13 (EDITED)
Chapter 14 (EDITED)
Chapter 15 (EDITED)
Chapter 16 (EDITED)
Chapter 17(EDITED)
Chapter 18 (EDITED)
Chapter 19 (EDITED)
Chapter 20 (EDITED)
Side Story 1 (EDITED)
Chapter 21 (EDITED)
Chapter 22 (EDITED)
Chapter 23 (EDITED)
Chapter 24 (EDITED)
Chapter 25 (EDITED)
Character P2
Chapter 26 (EDITED)
Chapter 27 (EDITED)
Special 2.0
Chapter 28 (EDITED)
Special 3

Chapter 10 (EDITED)

7.5K 223 19
By Sephtis_Soul

Edited: 26 July 2023

Note : Still Jade Hunter past

(2 years ago)

As Inko strolled down the bustling streets, her heart was heavy with the weight of the news she had just heard. The city's destruction at the hands of a long-hidden villain sent chills down her spine. A decade of silence shattered in an instant, and the name that echoed through her mind was none other than All for One.

Her thoughts raced as she considered the implications of his return. Why would he emerge from the shadows now? As she weaved through the bustling crowd, Inko's mind raced with thoughts of the infamous All for One. The stories about him were legendary - a dark figure with the ability to steal and stockpile multiple quirks, making him nearly invincible. It was a chilling realization that such a villainous force could now be on the loose again.

As she unlocked her apartment door, an inexplicable heaviness in the air made her hair stand on end. The low hum of the television in the living room was accompanied by an unsettling presence. Inko's instincts kicked in, warning her that she wasn't alone.

Her heart pounded loudly in her chest as she slowly entered the living room, only to find a man sitting calmly on her couch, fixated on the news playing on the screen. His presence exuded a sense of danger that sent chills down Inko's spine.

"Nice house you've got here," the man said nonchalantly, his voice smooth and disarming, belying the danger he posed.

Inko's mind raced, trying to figure out who this man could be and how he had gained entry into her secure apartment. She knew better than to reveal her own quirk immediately; after all, she had learned to be cautious in a world where villains lurked in the shadows.

With a mask of composure, she asked, "Identify yourself. How did you get in here?"

The man turned to her, and as their eyes met, Inko felt an overwhelming surge of malevolence emanating from him. It was as if darkness itself had taken human form.

"Careful now," he replied with an unsettling smile, "You wouldn't want to provoke someone who can be rather... destructive."

Inko couldn't help but feel a shiver down her spine as the man's cold fingers touched her chin, forcing her to meet his intense gaze. His blood-red eyes locked onto hers, and for a moment, she was lost in their intensity. Despite the fear and danger, she couldn't deny that there was an undeniable appeal to this enigmatic person.

His appearance, though intimidating, held a strange allure. The contrast of his untamed white hair against the darkness of his attire seemed to exude power and mystery. As he gazed at her, she couldn't help but feel a strange mix of fear and fascination, as if she were drawn to the very darkness that surrounded him.

"Beautiful," he murmured, his voice smooth and captivating. "A face that holds both innocence and strength."

Inko's cheeks flushed at his words, trying to suppress the unease bubbling within her.

"You have a lovely face," he said, his voice smooth like velvet but laced with an undercurrent of darkness. "Why would you want to cover it using that mask?" He gestured to her vigilante mask, which she had instinctively pulled down to hide her identity.

"I... I don't understand what you're saying," Inko replied, her voice slightly trembling.

He smirked, and Inko couldn't help but feel a chill run down her spine. "I never imagined the top vigilante would reside in such a comfortable house," he mused, glancing around her apartment casually. "Right, Jade Hunter?"

The mention of her vigilante alias sent a chill down Inko's spine. How did he know about her secret identity? Panic welled up inside her, but she fought to maintain her composure. "How did you find that out?" she demanded, her voice tinged with a mix of anger and fear.

"I have sources from several locations," he replied cryptically, his smirk widening. "It wasn't hard to find you, Inko Midoriya."

He knew her name too, and that only deepened the mystery surrounding this man. Inko's mind raced, trying to piece together how he could have obtained such information. She had always been cautious about keeping her identity hidden, but it seemed like he had managed to unearth her secrets effortlessly.

"Really, who are you?" Inko cast a wary eye over him, trying to gauge any weaknesses or vulnerabilities.

"Come on, aren't you able to tell?" he said, raising an eyebrow playfully. Inko remained silent, refusing to give him any satisfaction. "Very well then, since you seem to be in the dark, allow me to introduce myself. I am All for One."

The revelation hit Inko like a tidal wave. The embodiment of terror and destruction, a figure who had once struck fear into the hearts of heroes and civilians alike. And now, here he was, sitting in her living room, looking as composed as if he belonged there.

"You're an intriguing woman, Inko Midoriya," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "A fierce vigilante, yet there's something more beneath the surface."

Inko narrowed her eyes, unwilling to let his smooth words cloud her judgment. "Save the flattery. What do you want with me?"

The man's lips curled into a smirk, and he released her chin, rising to his full height. "Direct and determined, I like that," he said. "You're not like the others - the blind followers of heroes or the mindless drones of villains. No, you have the spirit of a true warrior."

Her heart pounded in her chest, torn between caution and curiosity. What did he want with her? The air in the room seemed to thicken, suffocating her, yet she refused to break eye contact. She needed to remain strong, for her own sake and for the sake of those she cared about.

"Enough games," Inko said, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "Tell me why you're here, and what you want from me."

He chuckled, seemingly amused by her directness. "I want you to join me, Inko," he said, his tone surprisingly calm. "With your determination and my guidance, we could bring about a new world - one free from the shackles of heroes and villains, where the power truly belongs to those who deserve it."

Inko frowned, suspicion creeping into her mind. "Guidance? Why would I ever accept help from a villain like you?"

His eyes gleamed with something that looked almost like admiration. "Because we share a common goal, Inko. You seek justice, just as I do. The heroes, they claim to uphold justice, but their methods are flawed, their vision limited. Together, we could bring about true change, reshape the world for the better."

Her heart wavered for a moment, torn between her desire for justice and the treacherous path this man was offering her. But she quickly shook off the temptation. "And what exactly would this 'new world' look like? More destruction? More chaos?"

All for One's smile didn't falter. "Ah, but you see, my dear, sometimes chaos is necessary to break the chains of an oppressive system. Sometimes, justice demands a force that can shatter the very foundations of corruption and create a new order."

Inko's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. She had seen the flaws in the hero society, witnessed the abuses of power, and felt the pain of loss firsthand. But to embrace the path of a villain, to become a force of destruction, was something she couldn't fathom.

"I'll never be like you," Inko stated firmly, rising to her feet. "I'll never become a villain."

All for One's expression softened, and for a moment, his facade of arrogance seemed to crack. "You remind me of someone I once knew," he said, his voice tinged with an unexpected hint of melancholy. "A person who believed in the power of quirks to bring about hope and change. But alas, the world has changed, and hope seems to have faded."

Inko's resolve only strengthened as she heard his words. She had lost too much to succumb to the darkness he offered. "Hope isn't something that fades, it's something we create," she replied, her voice unwavering. "And I'll continue to fight for it, no matter the odds."

"I wondered why a woman of your stature, top of her class, would choose the path of a vigilante," All For One began, his voice carrying an air of intrigue. "So, I delved into your past, seeking the roots of your determination."

Inko's eyes widened as he divulged the tragic tale of her parents. 

"The media painted a noble picture of the hero responsible for your parents' deaths," All For One continued, his crimson eyes piercing into her soul. "But the truth is far darker. Your parents got caught in the crossfire of a battle between the hero and a villain, yes, but the villain in question was nothing more than a child."

Inko's eyes widened, the revelation sending shock waves through her. She never really had learned how her parents died. According to the media and the police, they had just got into the crossfire. She had always believed in her parents' heroism and their sacrifice for the greater good. But now, the very foundation of those beliefs was being shattered.

"This child's quirk was deadly, uncontrollable," All For One explained, his voice tinged with sorrow. "It had the power to turn anyone near her into a lifeless corpse. She didn't understand how to control it, for she was a homeless and neglected soul, devoid of guidance."

Inko's mind reeled, her heart heavy with the weight of this newfound knowledge. Her parents had been mere bystanders, trying to protect an innocent child caught in the throes of a terrifying power. They were victims of a cruel twist of fate, blamed for a tragedy they had no part in causing.

"They didn't deserve such a fate," Inko whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

"No, they didn't," All For One acknowledged, his tone softening slightly. "Your parents were just trying to do the right thing, to protect someone in need. But the hero, consumed by fear and the desire to maintain their reputation, chose a ruthless course of action."

Anger and grief surged within Inko, tears welled up in her eyes as she clenched her fists. The injustice of it all was overwhelming, the pain unbearable.

"All For One," she said, her voice wavering but resolute, "why are you telling me this? What is your purpose in revealing these painful truths?"

All For One regarded her thoughtfully, his expression unreadable. "Because, Inko Midoriya," he said, "I see something in you. A fire that burns with the desire for justice, a compassion that seeks to protect the innocent. You have the potential to change the world, to expose the flaws of a society that has lost its way."

Inko looked into those crimson eyes, uncertainty still lingering in her heart. "But your methods, your path, it's tainted with darkness," she said.

All For One nodded, acknowledging her concern. "True," he replied, "my methods are extreme, and I have embraced the shadows to fight against a society that rejected me. But in your hands, that power could be wielded differently. You could be the guiding light in a world veiled in darkness."

Inko pondered his words, her mind grappling with the weight of the decision before her. The allure of the power he offered was undeniable, but she knew she couldn't forsake her principles.

"I appreciate the offer," she said firmly, "but I won't become a vessel of darkness. I'll find my own way to bring about change, to fight for justice without compromising my beliefs."

All For One regarded her with a mix of intrigue and respect. "You are a remarkable woman, Inko Midoriya," he said, his tone once again laced with authority. "The offer still stands, should you ever change your mind. Until then, I'll be watching your journey with great interest."

With that, he straightened up, leaving her standing there, her heart racing and her mind clouded with conflicting thoughts. As he turned to leave, he paused at the doorway, glancing back at her with those piercing eyes.

"You have the potential to be so much more," he said softly, his words lingering in the air like a haunting melody. "Choose wisely, Inko Midoriya."

And with that, he vanished, leaving Inko alone with her thoughts and the weight of a life-changing decision on her shoulders. The allure of power and the promise of a new world clashed with her sense of morality and the knowledge that taking such a path could lead to irreversible consequences.

In the days that followed, Inko found herself torn between her duty as a student, a protector, and the temptations of a path that offered power beyond imagination. The battle for her soul had only just begun, and the choices she made would not only shape her destiny but also the fate of those she held dear.

In the end, Inko Midoriya would have to confront her deepest fears, her darkest desires, and make a decision that would echo through the annals of history. Whether she chose the path of darkness or clung to the light of hope within her, her story would be one of epic proportions, a tale of love, sacrifice, and the eternal struggle between good and evil.



Inko stood before the imposing entrance of All For One's hideout, her heart pounding with trepidation and uncertainty. The decision to accept his proposal weighed heavily on her mind, but she couldn't deny the temptations to work with him. She believes with him, she can bring justice. She needed his strength.

Taking a deep breath, Inko stepped inside the dark and foreboding hideout. The air was heavy with a palpable sense of danger, yet she pressed forward, her resolve unwavering. AFO appeared before her, his crimson eyes studying her every move.

"I see you've made your decision, Inko Midoriya," he said, his voice echoing in the dimly lit room.

"Yes," she replied, her voice steady. "I'm willing to work with you, but on my terms. I won't compromise my principles, and I won't become a puppet of darkness."

AFO smirked, seemingly amused by her declaration. "Very well," he said, "I wouldn't have it any other way. Together, we shall change the world."

As days turned into weeks, Inko trained under AFO's guidance, honing her abilities and learning to control her quirk with newfound precision. She was exposed to a world of secrets, plots, and manipulations - the dark underbelly of society she had never seen before. It was a far cry from the life of a vigilante, but she persevered, her vision of a just world guiding her every step.

As Inko delved deeper into AFO's world, she kept her distance from the more sinister aspects of his operations. Instead, she focused on using her influence and abilities to dismantle corrupt organizations and expose villains who preyed on the innocent. She worked tirelessly to bring about positive change, all the while mindful of the delicate balance between the darkness she walked in and the light she sought to protect.

Through her efforts, Inko garnered a reputation as a mysterious figure, a vigilante who struck fear into the hearts of wrongdoers but also inspired hope in the hearts of the oppressed. Her dual identity as both an ally of AFO and a protector of the innocent kept the world guessing, but she remained steadfast in her convictions.

As she balanced on this tightrope between heroism and villainy, Inko faced many challenges and temptations. There were moments when AFO's plans tested her principles, and the line between right and wrong blurred before her eyes. However, she refused to let herself be consumed by darkness, always mindful of the hope and love that fueled her actions.

In the midst of her journey, Inko also faced encounters with familiar faces - heroes and villains alike - who questioned her alliance with AFO. All Might, in particular, was deeply troubled by the path she had chosen, as he couldn't bear to see someone dangerous like her entangled with such darkness.

Their encounters were fraught with emotion, with All Might desperately trying to convince Inko to leave AFO's side. But she stood her ground, insisting that she could make a difference from within the shadows, that she could be the guiding light in a world fraught with darkness.

The clash of ideals between All Might and Inko mirrored the larger conflict within society, reflecting the complexity of the world they lived in. It was a battle of beliefs and values, one that would define the future of heroism and the fate of those they sought to protect.

As time passed, Inko's influence continued to grow, and she became a symbol of hope and resilience for those who had lost faith in heroes. Her actions inspired others to stand up against injustice, to question the status quo, and to strive for a better world.

In the end, Inko Midoriya's journey was not just a tale of a woman who danced between the light and the dark, but a testament to the power of hope and the strength to change the world. She proved that even in the face of adversity and darkness, one could still uphold their principles, protect the innocent, and inspire others to do the same.

Her story was a testament to the complexities of heroism and the shades of gray that colored the world. And as she walked her path, Inko Midoriya left an indelible mark on history - a symbol of hope and justice, and a beacon of light in the darkest of times for those who were shunned by society. 

To be Continue 

Word: 3008

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