
By lumiban

8.3K 192 1

Alessia Hernandez, daughter of the second largest mafia empire is ordered by her own father to marry the only... More



174 6 0
By lumiban

I open my eyes, looking around seeing nothing but an empty house. I see one child, walking around with a frown plastered across her face. I walk up to her, but she doesn't notice me. It's as if I'm invisible, completely see through. "Elisa? Do you have all of your boxes packed and in the car?" I turn around, to see an older me, with a baby boy attached to my hip. "Yes mommy." The little girl named Elisa looks like a pure carbon copy of no other then Adrian himself, but she has the fearful, timid and kind behaviors that I had when I was about Elisa's age. I see somebody emerge from the darkened hallway. Expecting to see Adrian, I see Mario. He walks closer to the older me and give her a delicate kiss on the lips. I shudder at the scene. Elisa and the older me along with the baby on her hip exit the empty house. I presume they're moving. I begin to follow them, until I'm noticed by Mario. "You know, our life isn't awful together. We have a son, the daughter, Elisa, is Adrian's. But he was brutally murdered." Mario explains, with a heavy sigh following his explanation. "What happened?" I ask, seriously intrigued. Mario sighs once more, "Jealousy. It's simple really. Jealousy gets the best of us sometimes." Mario finishes, exiting the house, leaving me alone in a dark building. I feel a delicate touch on my shoulder, "Don't believe him for a second Alessia." I recognize that deep and thick voice anywhere. I turn around and immediately fall into an embrace with Adrian. I pull away, intertwining our fingers and making a deep eye contact, "What is that all about?" I ask, worryingly. Adrian rests his hand along my cheek, assuring me, "It's Mario, he has feelings for you and always will, but in the mafia." he sighs, "In the mafia, it's a dangerous game, and when these feelings take over your mind, you will do anything to get them. Including killing their husband." Adrian finishes, with another sigh. "But how did I end up with him? Don't I know he killed you?" I ask, my eyes filling with tears. Adrian wipes them away before they fully escape, "No." Adrian sighs. Adrian backs away suddenly, I reach out to him, but it's too late, he fades away into the sudden breeze that flew through the house. Adrian was gone.

I wake up in a heavy sweat, I look around the room, seeing no sight of Mario, or anybody else. Then I look to Adrian. His eyes begin to open, revealing that he lived. "Oh, Adrian!" I exclaim, with tears beginning to form, and for the first time, I saw Adrian with a pure and genuine smile.

I get fully onto the bed, letting Adrian wrap his arms around me. "I missed you Adrian." I mumble into his neck. Adrian leaves a delicate kiss on my forehead, "I missed you too my Alessia." Adrian smiles. "Now don't do that again!" I scold, in a jokingly manner. Adrian laughs, "Well, that's kind of my job." He shrugs. We both let out a light chuckle. Adrian sighs, "Alessia, I'm sorry I kicked you out like that, will you please come back?" Adrian pleads.

I smile, "Of course, I need somewhere else to stay rather than my old home because there are too many reminders of Miguel there. It's heart wrenching when I just walk by his room and not seeing him in there playing video games like he always used to." I sigh. Adrian pulls me in tight again, making me laugh, "Oh, I'm sorry Alessia. I know it's hard, granted I've never lost anybody close. I just went to kill my own father to take over the mafia and protect you. So it's safe to say nobody's death has affected me like the way Miguel's is affecting you." Adrian explains, while he seems unforgiving and ruthless, he isn't wrong. I know for a fact Adrian has had nobody.

"Casanova?" The doctor walks in, a smile forms on her face, "Well you seem to be responding very well since you've awoken, so we can let you go home as early as tomorrow morning. As long as know complications arise." She explains. "Okay, thanks for letting us know. Do you have my stuff that I came in with?" Adrian asks seriously. "Oh, yes. I'll get a nurse to bring it." She answers. Adrian gives a slight smirk, "Thanks girly." Adrian says in some odd voice. The doctor blushes and frantically exits the room, trying to hide her face.

"What was that about?" I ask, giving Adrian a slight smack on the shoulder. He winces slightly, but then I realize he fakes it, "She's is a really young doctor and she's fun to mess with. When I woke up last night she kept talking my ear off and would nearly blush at every word that I spit out of my mouth. So I've gotten a thing for messing with her and making her blush weirdly." Adrian laughs, and I follow suit. I guess laughing is super contagious.

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