Six Minutes One Shots

By Baku-broken

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Six Minutes One Shots! Feel free to suggest ideas and ships! Credit to Gen Z Media for characters!! More

"You know, I don't want to do this..."
"Don't make this harder than it has to be."
Chips, Twins, and Swings
"Will you go to the dance with me?"
"Nu-uh, not in my house."
Camilla's Birthday
Clouds and Romance
Lost In Direction

Fire and Electricity, What Could Go Wrong?

425 2 8
By Baku-broken

MAGSEY!!!!! Also, It's really long... I know...

TW: Death, Abuse

Casey POV:


"Huh? Sorry, what'd you say?" I had gotten lost in his hazel brown eyes again, third time today.

"Flashcard, if you don't concentrate, we'll have to send you to the nursery!", Magnus screamed at me.


"Angelica wants you to make relations with that Anders family. Cyrus Anders specifically."


"You will..." His eyes sparkled in the light. So beautiful. "Make sense?"

"Um, yes."

"Well, go."

"Yes, sorry."

Welp, I messed up. I dunno why his eyes are just so beautiful.


Dear Diary,

I screwed up.

I tried to make relations with Cyrus and the rest of the Anders', but I accidentally fell for another guy.

Now, I'm in love with Magnus and Cyrus.

Magnus' hazel eyes and Cyrus'-

"Flashcard, your presence is required."

I hid my diary under my pillow. "What?"

"Angelica needs to see you."


Magnus POV:

Casey hurried away to go see Angelica. I saw her hide something under her pillow. I walked over to her bed and sat down on it. I pulled a small notebook with Diary printed on the front. Being my nosy self, I opened it. I read through the page that the ribbon was on.

Hazel eyes? Do I really distract her like that? Does she really think that way about me?

I blushed, but quickly mentally slapped myself.

Don't think like that.

I shoved the book back under her pillow and hurried off to my room. I closed the door to my room, locking it. I sat down on my bed.

Wow... Just, wow.

I blushed even more at the thought of us together. My hands felt warm. I looked down and in the palms of my hands were growing fireballs.

Why does she do this to me?

I stood up, scared I'd burn something.

What do I do?

A knock pierced my door followed by a voice. "Magnus, Angelica needs you."

"Tell her I'm busy."


"Casey, I'm busy."

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing." The fire in my hands grew. "Go away."




"Wait, Casey!" I only called her back because I think I upset her.

"What do you want?"

"I-... I need help."

"With what?", she sounded almost irritated.

"My powers are out of control."


"Yes, again."

Casey jiggled the door handle. "It's locked."

"I know."

"I'm gonna break the lock by shocking it, is that okay?"

"I guess." I heard the lock blast off. I turned around.

Casey opened the door. "What's up? What can I do?"

"I dunno."

"Do you want me to get someone?"

"Can you get me mom?"

"Yeah, sure." She walked into the hallway.

"Graves! Magnus needs you!"

I sat down on my bed. I couldn't even put my head in my hands or I'd burn myself.

I heard Angelica come in the room "Magnus, this again?"

"Sorry, I'm still learning to control it. It's become stronger."

"I understand that... Take a deep breath in and out."

I did so. The burning in my hands died down a bit.

"Now, keep doing that until it all stops."

After a few times, the fire had disappeared. "Thanks."

"I'm glad you're better. Get some rest, don't overwork yourself today."


Angelica walked out.

"You good, Mag?" Casey sat on my bed next to me.

I was looking down at my hands. "Yeah, I think so."

Casey grabbed my wrist. "Wow. You got burnt. You need help wrapping those burns?"

"I guess." I looked up.

Casey stood. "I'll be back with some bandages... and some Vaseline."



Casey walked back in my room with bandages, Vaseline, and an ice pack. She helped me wrap up by burns and then forced my to ice my hands. "You'll feel better afterward.", she pleaded.


"I need to get back to training, but I'll have my phone on me. Call me if you need anything."

"Thanks, Case."

"Of course." She walked out. I could tell she was slightly blushing.

Tell her how you feel.

Casey POV:

"Wow, he's cute.", I mutter under my breath, walking out of Magnus' room. I headed to the practice room. I closed the door to the practice room for privacy. I stood back from a target at one end of the room and threw a lightning bolt at it. "Dead middle!", I squealed, jumping up and down. I threw another bolt. The target cracked and sent a shock wave through the walls. My eyes widened. "Well... I'm screwed." I snuck out of the practice room and walked back to Magnus' room. "Hey, Mag?"

"Hmm?" He looked up. "What's up?"

"I may have accidentally cracked the wall in the practice room."

"Wh- How?!"

"I don't know!"

"Okay. Umm. Don't worry about it, I'll talk it over with Angelica."

"Thanks." I felt my cheeks warm. "I'll-I'll be in my room."

"See ya."

I left for my room, but was stopped by Magnus' hand on my shoulder. I spun around. "What's up?"

"Umm. I- Uhh." He let go of my shoulder and looked down at the floor.

"Something wrong?"

"No. I-" He looked back up, his cheeks were flushed pink. "I'm not sure how to say this." He bit his lip.

"Just say it."

"I- Umm. I-... I can't."

"Why not?"

"My mo- Angelica would NOT be okay with it."

"I would still accept you, no matter what."

"What if I stabbed you?"

"Hm! Uhh. I guess not... Are you going to-"

"No! I'd never!"

I laughed a little. "Just checking... What is it then?"

"I-..." Just kiss her. "I really-..." Hopeless romantic. "I-I think you're pretty cool."

I laughed a little.

"Wh-What? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you're good, but if that's your attempt at flirting, it wasn't very good."

A wave of embarrassment covered his face. "Sorry, I didn't-"

I quickly pressed my lips to his.

He gave a slightly shocked look, but then kissed me back, closing his eyes.

I closed my eyes, too, but as soon as I did, water was splashed on my head.

We jerked apart. Our eyes ripped open.

I spun around, Remy and her brother Kyle(Fanon characters I made in my main Fan Fiction, The Mythical Mystery) were standing there with empty buckets, giggling. I rolled my eyes. "I hate you!" I flinched, about to attack, but Magnus grabbed my hand.

"Case, calm down."

Remy and Kyle ran down the hall to Angelica's office.

"Mag, they're going to rat us out."

"Then, when my m- Angelica comes, she'll see us in the act."


Magnus closed his eyes and kissed me again.

I closed my eyes and kissed him back.

In-between kissing, we spoke.

"I read your... your journal." He put his finger through my hair.


"...Just the one page."


"Today, when I walked in on... on you writing."

"Oh... What about..."

"Cyrus doesn't matter."

"Magnus! Casey!"

We ignored Angelica's screaming and kept making-out.

Angelica pulled us apart, throwing both of us to the ground. "Both of you, to your rooms!"

We obeyed, but I longed to kiss him again.

Casey POV:

"What were you thinking?! What is wrong with you?!", I hear Angelica scream at Magnus. "You are psychotic! My own son betrays me!"

"Shut up.", I hear Magnus mutter, I can tell he's crying.

"Oh? What was that?"

"SHUT UP!! I can do what I want to! Do whatever you want to me! But don't you DARE lay a finger on Casey!!"

"IT'S 147-CD, MISTER!"

"Sorry.", I hear him mutter.

"So worried about 147-CD? Aww, how cute?"

"No. Mom. PLEASE!"

What is she doing?

Magnus screamed.

"M-Magnus?", I whisper.


I felt tear pricking my eyes.

"MOM! PLEASE!" Magnus screamed again. I heard him collapse to the ground.

"M-Mag?", I whisper in a breathy voice. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

Angelica storms out of Magnus' room. I listen to her footsteps fade down the hallway.

I snuck out of my room and into Magnus'.

"Case?", he whispered, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Mag, are-are you okay?"

Magnus tried to push himself up on his elbows, but fell back to the ground.

"Need help?"

He nodded.

I helped Magnus sit down on this bed.

"Tha-Thank you."

"Yeah, of course." I sat down next to him.

"Hey, Magnus? Casey?" Remy awkwardly stood in the doorway, looking down at the floor.

I hissed, but Magnus silenced me. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want, Remy?", I spoke through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know Mom would hurt you."

"It's okay, Rem... Can you please check on Kyle? She normally takes her anger out on him."

"Oh! Yes! I- um- I need to find him!!" Remy ran out of the room calling for Kyle.

Magnus rubbed his wrist in pain.

"What's wrong?"


I looked down at his wrist. "What is that?!" I grabbed his hand.

Magnus jerked away. "It's nothing..."

"NOTHING?! Because to me, it looks like Angelica has put a shock bracelet on you!!"

"Case, it's nothing to woRRY ABOUT!", the last bit came out as a squeal of pain.

"Are you okay?!"

Magnus rubbed his neck in pain.

"Magnus! ANOTHER?!"


"You're just letting Angelica abuse you! It's seriously hurting you! That's child abuse!"


"It's not okay!"

"I understand that, but... you try to stand up to her."

"I guess that's true..."

"Magnus!!" Remy ran into the room. "She- Mom- She- She has Kyle!!"

"We need to get him. Where is she?"

"Out- Out on the practice field."

"What is she gonna do this time?!" Magnus jumped up.

I stood up. "Mag, you need to rest."

"No, we need to get save Kyle."

"Fine, but I'm coming."

Remy, Magnus, and I ran out to the practice field.

Kyle was on the ground, screaming in pain.

Remy screamed, "Angelica! Stop!"

Angelica let up on a remote control. "Oh? Not calling me 'Mom' anymore?"

"Mom, please don't hurt him. He's your own son!"

"Disobedient children get what they deserve." Angelica pressed a button on the remote control, sending shocks through all of us.

Magnus fell to the ground in pain.

Remy screamed.

I growled in anger. Then, kneeled down next to Magnus.

Remy stomped on the ground, causing everything to shake for a moment.

"Aww, out little air bender throwing a tantrum?"

"I'm tired of you hurting everyone!", Remy screamed.

"Aww, how cute? Standing up for others?"

Fire balls formed in Remy's hands. "That's IT!!"

—Slow Motion—

I watched as Remy stomped on the ground.

Magnus screamed, "No!" He threw a fire ball at the crack Remy formed, trying to stop it. However, this only made it worse.

The ground split open, swallowing Kyle. He fell down the hole in the ground, screaming.

—Back to Normal Time—

Remy, Magnus, and I ran up the the crack in the ground, looking down into it.

Remy screamed, "I'm so sorry!"

"Remy!!", Kyle cried, "I love you!!"

"I love you, too!!", Remy screamed back. Tears streamed down her face. Remy almost jumped down after him, but Magnus gabbed her shoulder, causing Remy to shriek in pain.

Magnus let go. "Sorry.", he muttered. "I just can't loose both of my siblings in one day."

I watched as Kyle crashed to the ground. His body smashing to the floor.

Remy pivoted, pulling Magnus into a hug. She sobbed into his shoulder.

Angelica stalked away, back inside, unfazed.

My mouth slightly gaped open. I turned toward Remy and Magnus.

The wraps on Magnus' hands burned off, falling to the ground. His hands flamed.

As if planned, Remy's hands flamed as well, causing burns to sear on her hands.

They held a long embrace. Then, pulled apart.

Remy sniffled, drying her cheeks with the backs of her hands.

"You guys gonna be okay?", I said, glancing down at their flaming hands.

Magnus nodded. The flames slowly faded away. He wrapped his right arm around Remy.

Remy took a deep breath and in letting it out, the flames calmed, too. She turned and hugged Magnus again.

Magnus reached his hand out to me.

I walked over to them and joined in their embrace. We held there for a while, wanting Kyle to come back, but knowing it was illogical to even think about.

I opened my eyes and looked around in confusion. I quickly blinked a few times. "Where am I?" I was lying down, so I sat up. I blinked my eyes a few times. "Oh... another flashback."



"I can't sleep."

"Yeah, me either."

"We're at the hospital, remember? And what do you mean by 'another flashback'?"

"Oh, yeah, hospital. I just had a weird dream. A flashback dream."

"What was it about?"

"You don't to know.", I said, remembering the terrible death.

"I do want to know.", she urged.

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." With no response from Sarah, I continued, "It was a flashback of an old friend of mine..."



"Oh... What happened?"

"It was the day of his death."

Sarah gasped slightly. "Oh, that's horrible."

"Yeah, now o to sleep and don't ask about this again."

"Okay." Sarah rolled over facing the wall.

I lied back down.

There were a few moments of silence.

Then, I spoke, "Sare, I know you had flashbacks of the S.U.C. the other night. Don't act like it didn't happen."

Sarah muttered under her breath, barely able to be understood, "I miss them, Case, so much. Emma. Cecelia. Emily. Darci. Marissa. Elsa."

"I miss them, too, but Kyle didn't deserve to go the way he did."

"I miss him, too."

"We all do, Sare. We all do. Even if A.G. doesn't."


"Of course."

I don't know if this broke anyone else's hearts, but it did mine. But I also know much more context than any of you. So, if you have questions, let me know. Oh! Fun fact, Remy and Kyle are twins. Boom.

Please make requests!!

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