"You know, I don't want to do this..."

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Six Minutes One Shots! Enjoy!

TW: Unsympathetic Dalphene, Abuse

"Hey, guys!"

"Don't 'Hey, guys' me. You're late."

"It's six minutes-"

"Are you talking back to me?!"

"No! No, I rebooted and that's why I'm late."

"Your stupid computer brain!" Dalphene slapped Camilla across the face, leaving an angry sore. "Go to your room and think about what you've done. At dusk, meet me by the cliff."

"Y-Yes, ma'am."

"Don't even think about telling the others, it'll be a worse punishment."

"Yes, ma'am." It seemed like second-hand nature to say it now. Camilla ran to her room, not daring to look back. She carefully closed the door and let programmed tears run down her face. Camilla grabbed her phone, shaking. She dialed Adam's number and put the phone to her ear. She heard footsteps in the hallway and hid her phone. Her door opened.

"You ready for your punishment?"


"Let's go."

As soon as Dalphene turned to walk out the door, Camilla shoved her phone in her pocket. She felt the vibration of Adam' talking.

"You coming?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am." Camilla quickly got up and followed Dalphene down to their basement. It had no windows and the only door was to the upstairs. She was trapped.

"You know, I don't want to do this, but when you misbehave, I have to."

"Then, why do you do it?", she wanted to say, "Why do you torture me?", but she didn't, out of fear of greater punishment.

"Listen to me, you robotic freak!"

"Sorry, ma'am, I-"

"I don't want to hear your lame excuses!" Dalphene grabbed Camilla's hand, her left hand, her dominant hand, and handcuffed it to the wall above her head.

Now, Camilla was screwed.

"I'll be back at dusk.", or tomorrow, if I feel like it. Dalphene slammed the basement door, an echo filled the dark room.

Camilla shook, as more tears streamed down her face. She grabbed her phone out of her pocket, holding it tight, trying not to drop it. She put it to her ear.

"What was that, Camilla?!"

Camilla cried into the phone, "I-I need help."

"I can tell that; where are you?"

"I-I'm at home, in-in the basement. Adam, don't get hurt, please."

"I won't." Adam hung up, leaving Camilla alone in the basement.

Camilla let tears flow down her cheeks, like there was no tomorrow. It felt like an eternity of her just standing there, arm hanging on the wall. She heard a bang from upstairs. Her stomach sank. No, no, please, I'd rather stay down here forever.

The door opened to the upstairs.

Camilla's eyes were squinted shut.

"Hey, Cam, it's alright."

Camilla opened her eyes, it was Adam. "Thank you for-for saving me."

"Any time." Adam put his hand around Camilla's head, pulling her into a kiss.

Six Minutes One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang