Camilla's Birthday

391 4 2

TW: Crying, Being Forgotten, Sad Songs, Self Deprecation

Camilla POV:

May 12, my birthday. They forgot. Not that it matters! It's number 257, anyway. Not like it's a milestone like 300. I just, thought they would remember. Maybe they- No, who am I kidding? They forgot.

I closed my bedroom door, lied down on my bed, and rolled over onto my stomach.

They completely forgot.

I picked up my phone and looked at the time, 15:00.

My marching practice is at 18:00.

I should be good to have a mental breakdown.

I grabbed my headphones and put them on, plugging them into my phone. I played my sad songs playlist, letting tears run down my face. I closed my eyes, hoping I would fall asleep, or reboot, or anything, really.

I lie there, just crying, for what felt like forever. I looked at my phone, only 15:17.

[All Time Low; By: Jon Bellion]

I don't want the others to know That I'm at an all time low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low.

My broken, teary voice quietly muttered the words whilst crying.

"Lie, l-lie, I try to hide but now you know it, that I'm at an all time-"

I broke to tears, sobbing, hoping I could just reboot already.

Reboot, idiot! Go out! Just... die.

The next song came on: [Dead and Cold; By: SadBoyProlific]

I wish I was dead and cold-

I wish I was dead and-

I wish I was dead and cold-

I wish I was dead and-

Wake up every day and it just feels repetitive-

I was no longer able to get mouth the words, my sobs were too great. I cried and cried as long as I could remember. Different sad songs playing from my phone. I eventually looked at the time again, 16:48.

I should get ready.

I got up, turned my music off, and unplugged my head phones. I looked in the mirror.

Wow, you're a mess. An ugly mess.

I dried my tears with my sweatshirt sleeve, my mascara smeared all over my face.

Today keeps getting worse!

I went into my bathroom and washed off my messed up, smeared makeup.

"Cam!" Holiday ran into my room.

"What's up, Holls?"

"You told me to remind you at 4:50 about your marching practice."


"No prob'!" Holiday ran back out to whatever she was doing, closing my room door.

I redid all of my makeup.

I looked at my phone; 17:36.

I quickly, yet carefully put my uniform on. I laced up my boots. I grabbed my phone and walked out to the living room.

"Hey, Camilla, you look nice." Adam, you say that all the time.

"Thanks. I have practice at 18:00."

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