Chips, Twins, and Swings

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Badger POV:

"Hey, Bird!" I walked over to the swing set Birdie was at and sat on the one next to her.

"Hey, Badger.", she watched the ground.

"Something wrong?"

"No, no, I'm okay."

"Hi, Birdie!"

"Hi, Badger!"

"Hi, Cora, Dora."

"Hey, guys!" Birdie sprung up from the swing, her hair bouncing in the wind. Her emrold green eyes sparkled in the sun.

"Hello? Badger?" Birdie snapped her fingers in my face.

I blinked, snapping out of my daydream.

"You good?"

"Yeah, sorry, I zoned out." I looked at the floor, embarrassed.

"You wanna play four square?"

"No, I'm good." I got up and walked to the other side of the school playground. I walked to the vending machine and searched for the BBQ chips. "Aha!" I dialed in the number and placed my coins in and watched the chips fall. I grabbed them out of the machine and sat down at a picnic table, slowly eating them. Tears welled in my eyes, daring to leave.

"Badger, you okay?" Birdie sat down next to me.

"Yeah, sure, mhm, I'm fine."

"Really, Badger? I know when something's wrong."

"I'm fine, Birdie." A tear rolled down my cheek.

We sat in silence a moment.

"Whatcha thinking."

"Nothing.", I said, even though I was thinking of her.

"Look at me, Badge."

I stared at the table.


I looked up, tears running down my face.

"What happened?"

I put a little smile on my face, seeing her so worried about me.

"What are you thinking about? Did something happened? Did-"


"What?" She blushed a little. "I don't understand."

"You asked what I was thinking about."

"You were thinking about me?"

"Yeah." I pushed her hair out of her face.

Birdie smiled.

I put my fingers through her hair.

We came closer, eyes closing, lips touching.

"Stop that nonsense at once!"

We jerked apart to meet our teacher's glare.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Umm, I-I-I dunno.", Birdie stuttered.

"None of this shenanigans is aloud on school grounds."

"You can't tell us what we can and can't do!", I screamed. I grabbed Birdie's hand and we ran out to the soccer field.

"Hey, get back here!"

We stopped out in the middle of the field.



I ran my fingers through her hair.

We came together once again; the warmth, the joy, the love.

I traced my hands from her shoulder to her waist.

Our teacher yelled at us, but we didn't care. We embraced, without ceasing on anyone's, except for our own, time.

Credits To:

Gen Z Media Producers

Six Minutes One ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt