Togetherness? - Little Nightm...

By Deadmandrifting935

69K 2.4K 1.4K

Trapped in a vicious cycle, time and time again Mono has only known failure. Bound by an incomprehensible for... More

Over and over again.
The shack
Soothing melody
Cat and mouse
Last resort (part 1)
Last resort (Part 2)
The calm
Journey to the pale city
The bending towers
He calls
The school
Through the halls
Plastic Hooligans
An Ally From Beyond
Found you
Wingless Bird
Once more
True colors
Kindred spirits
Still City
Last Swig
Centuries old
A coat from days past
Can you hear my voice?
Beware of the light
The tower
Garden of eyes
The hospital
The west wing
The doctor
Wonderful darkness
TV man
I am you
Promise broken
Old friend
Round two
Horrible melody
Stay with me
The Alpha And The Omega
A cycle's end


1.1K 54 26
By Deadmandrifting935

WHAAAAA- 3k reads 181 votes!? This is amazing! You're amazing! Everyone's amazing! Here, *tosses another chapter* it's five days late though. 

I try to write every day, Honest! But somehow my motivation just keeps running away from me. Why u do this to me T-T now I have to chase you down with a lasso!



2k+ words


Mono couldn't think straight, his mind was in jumbles. The entire world was spinning around him, Give her back! GIVE HER BACK! His thoughts screamed so loud he felt his head was about to explode. Worse than that, fear had found him again. It tore at him, inside and out, and as soon as the adrenaline left his body, it paralyzed him. He couldn't do this one thing right. He couldn't keep her safe, and now he was alone and scared. 

What do I do now... what am I supposed to do...? She's gone, and it's all my fault! SIX!

He clutched the edges of his paper bag and fell to his knees, no no no this can't be happening this isn't real. Whatever rage he had left was replaced by utter despair. I don't know what to do... Six... Someone. Help.

His body wouldn't move, his hands fell to his lap and stayed there for a while. He stared at the floor while being relentlessly tortured by his thoughts. I don't know what to do... he kept repeating in his head over and over again. Soon his vision blurred as tears formed in his eyes.

You pathetic little thing... Mono gritted his teeth, his hand balled into a fist, and went flying at his jaw, as if one punch wasn't enough to knock some damn sense into him, he clenched his other hand and smacked himself across the cheek. What can you do?! YOU CAN START ACTING LIKE A MAN! he found himself on his feet again, one last smack across the face for good measure, bloody hell that hurts. He finally snapped out of this dark, endless spiral of his own making, ridiculous...  You start crying like a woman the moment something goes wrong! Get up! Fight! Bring her back! He thought he'd never despair like that ever again, he promised himself that at least. His fist met his face again. AND THAT'S SO YOU'D REMEMBER IT! After all that, it would pretty hard to forget.

He waited for the dizziness from the blows to wear off, before thinking of a plan. He took deep breaths and set his mind straight. She was taken to the first floor. So finding a way up would be a good start. Wasting no time he turned in his heels and went back to where the locker had trapped him. He vaulted over it and made for the door at the end of the hall. Mono pushed it open gently and peeked his head to see the other side. More porcelain dolls prowled about, in the middle of the room two of them, seemingly female, were ganging up on another as they took turns in pushing the helpless thing around until it fell to the floor.

Three to one. He disliked these odds, so Mono examined the room closer, and this time he saw it clear as crystal. That loose plank in the floor, and the bucket of tools attached to the ceiling overhead. 

been a while since you've used that brain of yours... He pushed the door all the way, slamming it against the wall purposefully. The students all snapped in his direction, even the one being picked on sprang back to its feet, wanting a piece of the action. They weren't attacking though, so he thought the only way to rile them up was to speak in their language. Mono lifted his paper bag slightly, only revealing his lips. He placed both hands next to his ears, stuck out his tongue, and grimaced. The dolls uttered a gasp, then they started growling at him. 

"Come and get it! You dorks!" He said and fled the room. Trashing came from behind, they tumbled over each other before they chased him down. It worked almost too easily, after he heard that click followed by the clattering of a mechanism, he turned to see it happen. The bucket swung from the ceiling and crashed into the two female dolls, leaving nothing of their heads behind. But it wasn't enough though, one was left standing, crap! 

Mono went back to where the locker was collapsed and vaulted back to the other side, he quickly hid and waited for the last one to show. He heard its tiny plastic footsteps tapping against the metal of the locker, and as soon as it hopped to the other side Mono leaped and tackled it to the ground. He seized it by its arms and pinned it down. okay... now what?

He had no means to put it down. it kept trashing and screaming under his grip. And a moment later it started shaking violently. But Mono's grip on it was firm until its entire arm popped out of its place, allowing it to break free from his clutches. Mono drew back, distancing himself from the wild doll. He looked at the severed porcelain arm in his hand, then back at the doll. Well, here goes nothing. 

He swung the arm around and twirled it, then beckoned the doll to come at him, "Need a hand, pal?" It screeched and lunged at him, its right arm grabbing for Mono's neck. He sidestepped, and the doll tripped and fell on its face. Mono then quickly turned the arm to its blunt edge and swung it down on the student. The blow caved in the back of its head, but not truly finishing it off. Mono brought it down again and again and again. until it stopped moving. 

Panting, Mono tossed the arm away. "Sorry, you were asking for it. Whew." He allowed himself only a few moments to rest before forging onwards. He passed the two headless dolls as he went through the hallway, carefully examining his surroundings for any more traps lying around. thankfully there was nothing of the sort, only a few more dolls passing through the halls and disappearing behind doorways, Mono just let them pass, picking a fight with them now was just pointless. So he snuck behind the lockers and kept to the shadows as the dolls skipped through the halls, completely oblivious of his presence as they went about their business.

When the path was clear, Mono tiptoed from one side of the hall to the other, always weary with every step he took. Before long he came across an elevator, its rusted doors stood partly open. A way up! Mono almost jumped with delight, but of course, nothing was ever that easy. The doors wouldn't seem to open without a key. If there were any keys back where he came from, he would have spotted it. So the room to the right was perhaps the only option for now.

As he drew closer to the room, the sound of chalk tapping on the board came from inside. Mono crouched and hugged the wall as he stepped inside. A classroom, with rows upon rows of desks occupied by dolls, some with shattered skin and others without... 

The room was dead silent, those rowdy things somehow sat perfectly still and quiet, and soon Mono knew exactly why. As he looked around a towering stack of books, there she was, that horrid long-necked creature. Her head faced the board, drawing and scribbling nonsense with a white piece of chalk. Mono gulped hard as sweat beaded on his forehead, he could take on a dozen dolls, no problem. But that thing just makes his skin crawl...

Mono and a few other dolls bristled as the teacher slammed her chalk against the board, breaking it in half. She growled and scratched her neck, turning back to fumble around with the books on her desk. Moments later she turned back to the board and resumed writing gibberish.

Mono took that chance to sneak from one desk to the other, keeping his tiny form hidden from her deathly gaze behind them. A door leading to a storage room was slightly open, maybe what he needed was inside. Come on, almost there.

Eventually, he slipped past the tiny gap and made it across, he took a moment to catch his breath before looking around. Something glimmered a faint yellow in the dark, up there, atop the bookshelf. a key. 

Problems solved! or were they? the only way out of the room was from the door he came through. There was no way to avoid another encounter with her. Mono didn't waste any more time, he jumped and firmly gripped the edge of the shelf, gradually climbing. 

He Suddenly felt his weight shift, he was falling. OH CRAP, NO NO NO NO! Mono snapped and jumped off before that shelf could crush him. The bookshelf fell to the ground with a deafening crash. 

Mono's eyes widened as he heard a brief shriek coming from the other room, HIDE! NOW! He looked around and started to panic as he heard her high heels tapping violently against the floor. He bolted off into the darkness and hid behind the books. He crouched and pulled a few books over him, and hoped for the best. 

The door swung open and her shadow shot across the room. Mono saw it, her neck twisting out of her body, and prowled the room. He held his breath, trying his best to remain still. Her head hovered over him for a while. He chewed his lower lip keeping himself from screaming. Get out, just leave already! 

the woman made a grunting sound before twisting her neck back into place. She turned around and slammed the door shut behind her. 

Mono pushed the book off and dusted his clothes. Apparently, she just locked him inside the room without know it. That was his only way out... wait a minute, there's another. A vent, at the far left of the room. How did he miss that on the way in? 

First, he grabbed the key off the floor and kept it under his arm, he would have hung it on the belt of his coat if he still had it. But he gave it to Six... hang in there... this won't take long. He made for the vent, he grabbed onto the hatch and started pulling. It came off rather easily. Mono gently placed the metal hatch aside, sure not to make a sound. Then snuck through the cramped path. 

He peeked his head to the other side, and almost gasped as the woman towered over him, luckily her back was turned to him. In her hand, she held a twenty-inch-long ruler, lightly tapping it against her palm. She soon prowled the classroom, only stopping a few seconds to lean over one of the dolls. Mono, snuck behind her and made it towards her desk while keeping a close eye on her. 

She soon stopped beside a student, just in front of Mono, blocking his way to the exit. She hovered over the doll and started growling. the student started quivering as the teacher's gaze bore into it, as if it knew what was about to happen next, it squeaked. The teacher slammed the wooden ruler against its head, smashing it smithereens with just one blow. The doll fell out of its seat and lifelessly onto the floor. The pieces from its head falling all around it. 

Mono could only watch with gritted teeth as she went to torment the next student, crazy hag... He waited patiently for a chance to escape, and as soon as the woman drew away from the exit the chance presented itself to him, Mono held the key close to his chest and tiptoed across the room, moving quickly and quietly drawing no attention at all.

That's until the floorboard creaked under him. Oh hell... he turned his head slowly to see that every single eye in the room was staring right at him. The teacher slammed her hands against the desk and screeched. And at that moment, the dolls sprang out of their seats and charged at Mono. 

Without thinking, he broke into a sprint not slipping a single glance behind him. He passed that stack of books beside the exit, and as he did, Mono swung his free arm and knocked a book over. the entire stack came falling down, catching a few students as crashed onto the floor. 

Mono kept running and running, his breath becoming ragged and erratic. He skipped through the hallway and made it directly for the elevator, He saw a few dolls in the distance at the end of the hall, doing what they do best. When they saw Mono escaping, they jumped with excitement and sprang at him.

Mono tripped and fell, the key slipping out of his arms as he met the floor, it landed only a few steps away from the keyhole. Mono rushed back to his feet, swiping the key off the floor, jamming it in the keyhole, and turning.

The doors of the elevator slid open, Mono heard their footsteps getting louder and louder, so he wasted no time and rushed inside the elevator. He looked around a bit, the console indicated You are here. Next to the ground floor, Six is just one story up. He hopped and slammed his fist against the ascend to the first-floor button. 

The doors began to shut, but not quickly enough, Come on, come on, come on! CLOSE! the dolls came rushing from around the corner, and one of them lunged at Mono, but the doors closed around its body, trapping it in place. Mono drew back in shock hugging the wall behind him, the doll screamed and wiggled its entire form, struggling to break free. Before long the elevator began its ascent. The doll looked around in terror, realizing what was about to happen.

"You brought this on yourself..." Mono said. First came the sound cracking, then there were its screams, then nothing. Just a lifeless thing lying there with half its body missing.


And that's that... 

hope this chapter was alright, tell me of any mistakes, I may have missed a few (Of, the, he, she, him, etc) along the way.

See you soon! I'm off to space!

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